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How to take pictures of UFOs

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posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 01:09 AM
Well, getting people to take crystal clear photos of something totally unexpected is asking a bit much.

Years ago I puzzled at why people took such rotten pics of UFOs except for Billey Meier.

Then, having worked at a newspaper for years I realized why. I was looking at a friend's wedding photos taken by himself and his family and the pics had their thumbs in the way, cigar and cigarette smoke in the way, out of focus even when they had auto focus and every other type of photo errory you can imagine.

People take rotten photos! The majority aren't professionals and can't take pics of common scenes they're familiar with so don't expect them to suddenly turn into photog master when a UFO appears. Mostly they just stare with their mouths agape.

One thing I've learned to do is make sure my camera is at the ready. Clean, batteries charged, extra battery and I purposely put a piece of crunchy celophane around the camera strap to remind me to triple check myself before taking a pic. I've gotten some beauty pics since doing that.

So from my experience it ain't the machine it's the hand behind it.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Hi all
I just found your site and I joined to ask for some photography advice, I have been seeing a lot of UFOs this past five years or so and the last few years I have been trying to take some good clear images, Any way in April 07 I bought a Nikon D40 slr.

I was going to go for a video camera but I noticed in a lot of the videos the ufo's were blurry and the focus was constantly changing and I wanted good clear images of what I was seeing on account of their (ufo's) highly strange appearance .

So my situation is this I am seeing these objects facing north mostly during the day .In all weather conditions I am standing in shade with the sun behind me. The objects themselves are usually changing shape and colour and when I review my images it difficult to tell whether I have good clear images of a fuzzy object or vice versa . My technique so far is to have everything on auto except the focus and no flash. What setting's would you guys recommend ? I think there is some sort of plasma field around the objects which is distorting light .What type of filters should I be using ? at certain angles I can see light refraction happening I do have a polarizing filter but it seems to cut the colours vividness down any advice you guys have would be much appreciated.
thanks comharc

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:01 PM
I've tried.... but the darn things just won't stand still and pose for me. What egotists!!

But... have been shooting some less than perfect images as of late... over Brighton, Michigan, USA

sorry, your excellentcy.... -- feel so unskilled compared to you.

By the way... where are your UFO pics??

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Johnbro

hi Johnbro

Are you talking to me? I will assume that you are, if you go to youtube and type in "Belfast ufo" you will find some of my images under two accounts marelyboro and righthandlaw those are some of the more unusal objects I am seeing.

I really would like some tips on how to take the best images of these things as I can. So what about it guys?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Johnbro
I've tried.... but the darn things just won't stand still and pose for me. What egotists!!

But... have been shooting some less than perfect images as of late... over Brighton, Michigan, USA

I took a quick look. There is absolutely no supporting data or even any embedded EXIF data. Without that, it's impossible to rule any any of several possibilities, so they are useless as any sort of evidence.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Johnbro

The best way to get a pic is to sit it on something for stability. if you have looked at an odd star through binoculars its really hard to focus on it and keep it steady. If you are watching for UFO's always make sure your prepared to lean on something: fence post, railing, car roof. Remember the more you zoom in the shakier the footage will be.

Pull out the view finder and watch it from about 20 centimeters away sit or rest it on a surface and shoot away. My cam has a zoom switch on the rear of the camera so even If i need to zoom it doesn't shake the cam and you get a perfect video. Don't film it handheld or you'll do "the handycam" and your video will be ruined. Some people get too excited and start shaking and that means more ruined footage so stay calm.

They can see you so be aware of that, if they are trying to avoid you filming by fast maneuvering that turn the camera off. Their craft work on energy which means they can cut power to anything and wreck you cam. It sounds odd but give them respect and you will get your shot.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 11:18 AM
Here a good tip for anyone and would imagine this should help both with videos and stills.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:27 AM
I have spotted a twin pair of UFOs over my house. I will get some good clear shots if they come over again and you guys can take a look at them. The pictures will be in intervals of 2 second and I will "frame" the picture to include specific points of reference.

The hunt is on!!

Could some one let me know how to attach pictures from my cam onto a reply since its not from a url

[edit on 2-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:59 AM
WOW. That was quite an introduction to basic action photography. Now the question is how exactly do I throw this hubcap high enough to get a decent shot?

Kidding, that really is some good advice on basic photography.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:24 PM
I wonder how much of the blurry picture syndrome is due to the camera being taken from a warm house or car to a cool air environment. With binoculars or a telescope, you must give it 30 minutes at least for the lens to acclimate. Otherwise you wind up seeing fuzz, such as from heat waves on blacktop in summer. Possible?

I imagine standing on blacktop or concrete when shooting the pic is a factor as well. You would never set up a telescope on these mediums for example.

A state MUFON director recently told me that digital cameras seem to pick up saucers even when the person did not see the object in the sky. I wonder if this is due to something in digital technology...any guesses?

[edit on 2-2-2008 by truthseeker1000]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1000
A state MUFON director recently told me that digital cameras seem to pick up saucers even when the person did not see the object in the sky. I wonder if this is due to something in digital technology...any guesses?

[edit on 2-2-2008 by truthseeker1000]

Dust on the CCD? Common problem, and it can look odd. My Canon has a dust removal feature, but some dust is still possible.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by watch_the_rocks
No one seems able to snap even an okay photograph of a UFO. I don’t why.
It’s like there’s this field surrounding the thing that causes people to misfocus

Hang on, isn't it true that those who have taken cameras to Dr Steven Greer's CSETI encounters have had their equipment malfunction on them, due to the ETs preference to remain somewhat camera-shy?

I'm just wondering, is this a factor, is this why we don't seem to get very good clear shots of these things.. also taking the distance and circumstances into account of course.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:10 AM
A great post I must say.

I recently wrote an article on my own blog with close to the same subject matter, focusing more on video, without the specialist expertise that you demonstrate so well. Here is the article- you can find the complete version (with graphic) by googling "Houtchblog."

Ok, folks, this one started rolling around in my mind yesterday afternoon, and I decided to write an article about it. Be prepared, this article is a little off the beaten path of conventional thinking, but it also accurately reflects my thoughts on this subject. The central idea of the project is: how to take a picture or movie of a UFO.

This undertaking appears to be rather daunting to me, and expensive. However, given the repeated instances of events occurring during UFO sightings and close encounters, the following ideas should be taken under consideration:

1. The equipment should include dual night vision video cameras and dual infrared cameras, both zoom capable and both mounted on a tripod with a stabilizing bar so that should the observers luck out and actually *capture* a UFO on film, depth perception, speed, and object size can be determined by using mathematics. This also prevents shakiness that so often occurs with hand held cameras, which causes skeptics to sneer. Additionally, the cameras mounted on the horizontal bar should be calibrated for a slight angle inwards, much like the guns were on a WW II combat plane.

2. Because those who observe UFO phenomena are sometimes subject to kidnapping against their will, hidden cameras should be placed around the site directed at, directed away from, and unknown to the observers.

3. It has been recounted that UFO sightings sometimes occur in "waves," where multiple sightings occur over a period of days or weeks. Mobilization and deployment are paramount for the serious investigator.

4. Here's the tricky part. UFO occupants have demonstrated amazing mental powers, such as being able to freeze muscle control, causing lapses in consciousness, and being able to effectively "erase" human memory of any encounter taking place. Our own scientific understanding of such capabilities are in comparison, abysmal, limited only to simple hypnosis.

I recall an event reported in one of Budd Hopkins' books- I think it was called "Missing Time." An abductee was being repeatedly kidnapped and sought a therapist for help. The therapist suggested hypnosis in order to recall the events that were taking place. As an experiment, the therapist placed a post hypnotic suggestion into the mind of his patient, that the next time she was being kidnapped, she would become fully aware and awake, and be able to make the following statement: "I am this woman's therapist and I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP TO!" According to the account, the woman was able to break free of their mental grip and confront her abductors. They, in turn, were startled and astounded by this woman's resolve, but quickly subdued her again, and she was able to relate this to her therapist afterwards.

Therefore, because these beings are mentally powerful, it can be surmised that they would quickly become aware should they be observed. If you are skeptical, just stare at someone's back for a while and see what they do. In order to increase the chance of success in this study then, the observers should be hypnotized into believing they would only be recording anomalous, non-living, uncommon atmospheric phenomena; in particular, those which do not display the lights known to identify earthbound aerial traffic.

5. The US government in particular is notorious for suppressing evidence of alien visitation. One of the soldiers at the Rendlesham Forest incident was told during his "debriefing" that "bullets are cheap." Therefore, such a study should not be made public with announcements and fanfare ahead of time, such as with the show UFO Hunters. Should that program ever manage to break a story that is not dependent simply on eyewitness testimony, I

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Houtchens

How big a separation distance would you need to calculate distance using a good video camera? My back-of-the envelope is that unless the object is quite close, you probably need a meter or better, assuming a VERY stable mount and that stars are visible that you can use to calibrate the misalignment. You'll need a honkin' tripod for that. More practically, youre talking about more than a meter.

on a starry night, the easiest thing to do is have 2 video cameras separated by a wide distance that is pretty well known. Then you have background tars and don't need to worry about misalignments. Three non-collinear cameras are even better.Then you could reliably calculate speed, size and altitude and rule out all kinds of alternative hypotheses.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 03:05 AM
Bumping this thread,as sI found this little video,telling you how to make your digital camera,take infrared pictures,for pennies.

Now,I know nothing about cameras and all that stuff,so i wondered if i could get an opinion from someone who knows a little more.

Will that work? Or is it tosh. Cos it if works,it's got to beat paying 74 squillion pound for infrared equipment.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 04:06 AM
Yeah that's one way to do it. It wont see through peoples clothes though

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

ok,what will?

Naah,joking,I have x-ray vision anyway,or at least,a very vivid imagination.

I miight try this infrared thingy,and see if i can get it to work

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 03:53 AM
it's really tough, i find using tripods work pretty well, but the darn things really won't stay still for you! most of the time they are really fast, although a few times i caught one that just sat there before zooming off...

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by watch_the_rocks

Shouldn't there be some discussion on manual metering?

Since most UFOs are bright to dim dots in a dark sky, I don't think even an SLR with spot metering will meter this correctly, even if you could keep a moving light over the spot meter long enough to get a good exposure measurement. Most likely the camera will see a black sky and pick a long exposure time turning your picture of a UFO into a picture of an overexposed streak. There should at least be a paragraph on exposure bracketing.

This is one case where I'll take a digital SLR over film. Nothing is more reassuring when using manual exposure than to see a histogram right after you take the picture.

I blew my chance to take a shot of something interesting when riding home late at night after shooting a football game. By the time I realized I was looking at something that was unlike any plane I had ever seen, it had already passed over the car and behind a hill. The whole time I had a Canon 1D Mark III with a 300mm IS lens sitting right behind me!

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:09 PM


If you can't get it done with 21 megs, just give it up.

Every time I see pictures of journalists taking pictures they all seem to have one of these things.

They are the most righteous camera in the world

I want one of these cameras!!!!

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