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What Exactly is an African American?

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posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 04:41 PM
African-American, Mexican-American, Asian-American, Native-American, Irish-American, Italian-American...and so on...there is a ONE word that reoccurs...and that word is AMERICAN...either they were born here or thru some legality became a citizen..

Once a citizen of this would think that the ethnic distinction would be for historical purposes, like tracing family lines and such...but instead it's sad that it is used to catagorize "What KIND of American" one is, instead of AMERICAN, no matter what their just American.

It's this fragmentation that brings down society...and makes it easier to control...we have all heard that a house divided will not stand?...Pitting one against he other does not have a productive result...

Again this post ties in with one from earlir today on "racisim"...and nothing will be accomplished with the attitude that is present in todays society...and until something happens to change that attitude...well, it's all too clear which way this country and world are headed...


posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by JamesLimelight
here's my view:

Either A: get rid of it all thus making everyone equal, or...

B: Blacks keep the Miss Black America and BET, etc, and we get all the same sh*t but only for whites.

Yes, that's my opinion. I wasn't around back in the day, so I don't give a good god dam about past transgressions when thinking of the modern america. Yeah, it sucked that the whites of then were morons and ignorant and the blacks were made to feel inhuman, but that was then, this is NOW. Blacks want black-only things? Then I want the exact same things made for Whites-Only.

Don't like it? Kiss my lilly white a$$. I'm sick of being labeled a racist just because im white and want this bass-ackwards stupidity to stop. Either gimme what I want or get rid of it ALL!

- just starts cursing uncontrolably -

(Sorry, but work was hell and I'm in a foul mood.)

[Edited on 29-1-2004 by JamesLimelight]


posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by dunkleskates
i smell the harsh odor of a double standard wafing over from the colonel's geneeral direction

I think its your upper lip.

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 08:08 PM
I noticed you still have not answered my question.

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 08:25 PM
# all this racial #. If we keep dividing ourselves up with special "awards" then we will never truly get over racism. If you are born in America, your American. I dont call myself european-american. And maybe instead of having scholarships to certain RACES we should have them to families with lower income. Its just like that # that says colleges have to let a certain amount of every race attending. # skin color and let the people with the highest grades in!!!!!

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

Originally posted by dunkleskates
i smell the harsh odor of a double standard wafing over from the colonel's geneeral direction

I think its your upper lip.

first off, name calling proves nothing. second of all, you just agreed with JamesLimelight's post. does this mean you would have no problem with a "Miss White America" pageant, or a White entertainment television? how can you preach against racism, and make racist statements at the same time?

posted on Jan, 29 2004 @ 08:54 PM
Its all politics, all these programs where not set up for equality but for some old fat white man to get a few more votes, If they really cared why are there not AA programs for every other minority group who immigrated to this country, they all suffered, not as bad as slavery but they suffered discrimination as well, not to metion the near complete genocide of the native american, and I dont hear any of them whining. All these groups ancestors suffered but there suffering molded this country to what it is today. So why should we go backwards driving a wedge between races and creating seperate everything? Did we not learn from our mistakes?

posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 11:58 AM
"" blacks have alot to celebrate, thisis why we have a tv station ""

Not the exact qoute, but this is where your missing out on the point.

the (only) good thing on BET is its preaching programs in the morning. But all this channel is, is a huge
pile of the degadng of women. About 80% of this chanel is nothin but music videos where wmen are being degrated (black women) on nation wide tv
selling their bodies.

he channel makes me sick most of the time, and I have a brother who watces it all the time because his girl friend is african american. m sorry but I see no celebrating on this channel, only sin and a degrating society.

But to sum this whole thing up, you do not combat doing the wrong thing with doing thing with doing the wrong thing. Our society is all about ( well if he or theydid it we can do it ) and this is where we fall apart as humans.


posted on Jan, 30 2004 @ 12:03 PM
sorry for the spelling and missed words, slow internet.


posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Illmatic67

Originally posted by MacMerdin
As far as the all black things like awards, tv, newspapers, etc, that all stems from how whites back then had all white bathrooms, toilets, water fountains, and restaurants.

And this makes it right?

.....What does this matter to white people?

Decades ago, blacks couldn't get a education because they couldn't go to school, so they were brought up thinking they were stupid because of the white brainwashing.....

The problem is it is not "Decades ago" anymore. Racism is no longer instituionalized.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:56 AM
You Americans are racists. You call your african-oriented citizens 'african-american', but 99% have no relation to africa whatsoever!

I haven't heard anyone being called 'euro-american'. After all, all whites in America are from Europe.

But when it is time to exploit black people, you do it with pleasure. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Karl Lewis and many other Americans honoured the American colours for lots of years now.

Rap/r-n-b is black music, yet every white boy wanna be like blacks.

Rock music has a black origin.

Finally, I would like to say that calling someone with dark skin and flat nose 'black' is just as offendive (in my opinion). They are not black, they are brown, with curly hair and flat nose, because of the environment they were born in.

(and 80% of the world has brown color!)...

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by masterp
You Americans are racists. You call your african-oriented citizens 'african-american', but 99% have no relation to africa whatsoever!

Oh man, as soon as I stop laughing at what you wrote, I'll reply.
Nice generalization there. All Americans are racists? By making such a stupid and unverifiable statement, you show yourself to be open to and influenced by the same mindset that racists have.

I haven't heard anyone being called 'euro-american'. After all, all whites in America are from Europe.

I'm not a European American. I'm an American. I acknowledge no other difference than that. My ancestors have been in this country for generations and I don't even know which country they originally came from, nor do I care. Some may have been slaves in the past, some may have been slave owners. Like I say I don't really know, nor is it important.

But when it is time to exploit black people, you do it with pleasure. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Karl Lewis and many other Americans honoured the American colours for lots of years now.

Hahahahaha. I had to stop for a second to stop laughing again.
Michael Jordan is one of the most successful and most recognized figures in sports history. He is also enormously wealthy and loved by almost everyone. Please tell me how wicked America has exploited this man. Have you asked him if he feels exploited?

Rap/r-n-b is black music, yet every white boy wanna be like blacks.

How many American white boys do you actually know? And if true, why is that a problem? Are saying there is something wrong with darkskinned people that others shouldn't try to emulate them?

Rock music has a black origin.

So what? Are you implying that because my skin is not so dark that I'm not allowed to enjoy music created by people who have darker skin? The strength of the USA is that we take the best from each culture that comes here and all cultures contribute to that.

Finally, I would like to say that calling someone with dark skin and flat nose 'black' is just as offendive (in my opinion). They are not black, they are brown, with curly hair and flat nose, because of the environment they were born in.

I agree with your last statement and like I said, I don't acknowledge percieved differences in skin tone. The ones who do are the problem. There are those who wish not just for equality but for vengance for things done decades and centuries ago by people long dead. As long as that attitude prevails in some of the different cultural groups in the US, things will never get better for those who cling to this hate.

(and 80% of the world has brown color!)...

Again, so what? It is only a difference if you acknowledge it as such.

Before you start calling people racist, you should check your own attitudes and preconceptions. Your glass house is shattering under the weight of your own hypocracy.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 02:38 PM
Even though he's white, the temr "African American" refers to black people. What are you going to call them if not African American? Black, or the other word?

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 02:44 PM
I call Americans, American.

If you are an American, then you are my brother, my people, and my fellow citizen. I don't care what color your skin happens to be or where your ancestors came from. If you are an American that is all that needs to be said.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 03:53 PM

You Americans are racists. You call your african-oriented citizens 'african-american', but 99% have no relation to africa whatsoever!

People get over that!! What do you want me to call you ni**er????
Damn this thread should be's way off topic.

[edit on 11-7-2004 by AD5673]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 04:10 PM
I disagree. It is right on topic. We are really discussing labels, those we pick for ourselves and those others apply to us.

The term "African-American" is a label. I've been trying to explain why I find such labels offensive and very counterproductive.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 04:34 PM
Blacks never had a chance to identify themselves. Others called them negro, colored, black, or worse. If they want to call themselves a name they choose, why should you care? To paraphrase a famous saying, blacks didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on them. Let's not try to whitewash the past. If you want to call yourself an Irish-American, or just an American, who cares. Have fun, and let others have a say in thier lives for once.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 06:16 AM
the truth being what it is is simply just that the truth.

and what is wrong with black or people for that matter celebrating when they come together? if one is internally guided to do what they do how is a law or external system going to assist in balancing "race relations".

i for one think that white people and people in general have different destinies.

the destiny of myself is to rise regardless of the external conditions; due to my own choices and self manifested will; as for those who walk within the path of destruction and are amused at peace; i am sure that what is asked for will be recieved.

as far as this imposing white boy creating an uproar about the race issue within america's public school system.

why are you people who condone such actions not in an uproar about the segregated schools still in existence in most of america? it is very easy for a group of people to overlook to treatment of another group as long as one group is recieving preferred treatment. yet, the "key" to it all lies within; and thoughts of external power over manifestation will fail in the end, with those who choose to "experiment" with black people forced to suffer the reprocussions of their actions. the negative actions commited by ancestors also does not just become non-existant due to your lack of coherency abound such "karma"; in fact the negation of such actions in the present without out confrontation will ultimately recreate such an issue. yet, as the orobourus eats his tail to infinity i am sure the balancing act of humankind will exist till its existence is no longer necessary.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by curme
Blacks never had a chance to identify themselves. Others called them negro, colored, black, or worse. If they want to call themselves a name they choose, why should you care?

I care because such attitudes are at the very root of the problem. Cultural diversity is fine and to be desired. Cultural Warfare is not, and that is what we get when we let these type of attitudes divide us in areas were we should be unified as a nation.

Have fun, and let others have a say in thier lives for once.

I don't think I'm trying to tell people how to live. Maybe I am. I'm giving my opinion on what I see as an attitude problem that effects those that have it in ways they may not even be aware of. I feel like this is part of the same mindset that gives rise to the (insert racial group)-American labeling. I'm giving you the reaction I have as an American with no divided loyalties, when I hear people refer to themselves in themselves in this way.

As far as I'm concerned, using Africa as an example, unless you are actually from an African country or your direct parents are, there is very little of Africa about you. Where is your loyalty given? Is it to America, your home, or to whatever country in Africa your ancestors were from, if you even know which one it was? Don't get offended if this describes you. I don't know where my people came from either, but I know that I am in The United States of America now. I'm an American. I do not want or need any other label nor will I accept one.

In any forms that I have to fill out that ask what race I am, I always check the box for Other and write in "human" because I refuse to aid a process that seeks to divide us in this way. I don't believe in race, I believe in people.

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