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Demon outside my window?

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posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:11 AM
Hey Ranbo, I've been given reason to believe what you've said on the thread is true. (please be careful giving out too much detailed personal information like name, where you live, etc). If you could U2U me, I can explain in more detail why this is the case. I can see you're getting hit with a lot of questions, but there's a few more I'd like to ask...

Do you believe you or anyone in your household has done anything to bring his presence? If so, what specifically?

Do you have any objects in your house you think are questionable or don't understand what they are? Again, specifics would help.

This may or may not be related, but perhaps you can help me solve a puzzle on my end:

Do you know a blond-haired boy who comes to you when he's scared?

Do you know David and how he would be related to this situation?

All the best, hope to hear from you by U2U if you could. It seems our situation has become shared. Thanks again.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by saint4God]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:17 AM
So, Jodie returns eh? Sorry Mr Lutz.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:39 AM

my aunt is a ghost hunter too.. Just for kicks
and grins, I called her up yesterday and threw
a hypothetical at her.. (keeping in mind she lives
250 miles away). She was ready to hop in her car
pick up her partner and head up to my house to
investigate.. I had to break it to her and tell her
i was reading your thread..

Now.. does this mean she is extremely ambitious
or is it your uncle is a little on the lazy side.. IMHO
any self respecting ghost hunter would knock over
an old lady to get to your house in time before
"Vassago" get bored with LA..

Im still engulfed in this thread and cant wait for your
next post of details.. but that was just something that
struck me as funny..

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 08:27 AM
Ranbo defied my expectations once...let's see if he does it again. But since he asked for the thread to close...not likely.

Ranbo, you don't have to get the police report, scan it, etc. All I need is the exact date of the window incident and whether it was the Sheriff's Department or the local PD who responded and did the investigation. Plus, if you can U2U me your real last name, I will keep it confidential -- including blocking out on the PD report -- but this will help me track the report down. I will go through the effort and expense to get a copy of it for ATS.

This is the 3rd time I've asked for this basic information.

If you are telling the truth, then this should be the best way to at least verify part of your story -- and it will go a very long way to tamper down us skeptics.

The ball's in your court, dude.

[edit on 9/21/2007 by behindthescenes]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 08:32 AM
Isn't there a policy against giving out last names? If not, there should be.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Symbol research:

"This sign appeared in the Euphrates-Tigris river valley cultures as early a around 2000 B.C., and is an Egyptian hieroglyph for, among other meanings, the number one hundred. The very similar was a sign protruding from the hats of gods depicted by hieroglyphs."

"The sign was an ideogram for a homecoming or return in the oldest Chinese ideographic writing system."

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:15 PM
I find this story extremely interesting. I won't say I doubt the truthfulness of Ranbo because of my own personal experiences. My mother was once heavily involved in witchcraft when she was younger and because of it wicked spirit forces every so often attack us. They aren't pleasant and provide you no knowledge. These are former angels bent on either ruining you mentally, physically, or killing you altogether. They are pure evil and aren't "mischevious" or "playful imps". I hate to use an overused phrase but if you keep knocking on the devil's door someone is gonna answer you. That Ouija board started this (if any of it is true) and I'd strongly advise you to never even TOUCH the board ever again. My family originated from New Orleans so I have seen and heard many strange things regarding members of family and myself personally. You can tell if you are in the presence of demons because the air gets very heavy and still. It doesn't always get cold but you can sense something shifted drastically in your vicinity. I'll post more later.


posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:28 PM
I would make a small request of the mods please.....Being in the business ..and seeing what can happen to a child....I would request that any more personal questions be removed for the safety of the OP. Even though most people on here are honest...Those who are not,can gleam enough from the questions asked to find this child. It is just a suggestion. Thank you for your consideration.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:38 PM
BTW stumbled upon this site reading about Dallas International Airport. I unfortunately never saw those murals. I was just there this spring returning from Cancun on a connecting flight. I did get violently ill after but that was most likely from all the partying we did down there. It really was ridiculously large and we got lost and nearly missed our flight. But back to Ranbo, I hope you never run into Vassago again. Hopefully it will leave you alone, then consider yourself blessed. But I would almost guarantee whoever owns that Ouija board is getting plenty of unwanted visits.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 06:08 PM
Either you are screwing with us, or wicked cool! I know it sounds weird, but there is nothing I would like more than for that to happen to me.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:58 PM
I've been following this thread since earlier this evening and it's held me mesmerised. I can clearly understand the people who are skeptical about this, but I've also found it deeply fascinating and inspiring to read how tolerable and understanding some members on here are! I just think, after all that's been said and help that's been offered, it will be a shame if the OP fails to make any more effort on his behalf, as I understand his motives for starting this thread were to receive help and advice.
On the other hand, if it is a hoax [and there are many, by what I've learned so far in this thread] then it is a damned shame as, I'm sure, it will just give rise to more, understandibly skeptical people, and possibly make some of those who are tirelessly concerned and willing to give the benefit of the doubt, less so in the future.

Originally posted by behindthescenes
This is the 3rd time I've asked for this basic information.

If you are telling the truth, then this should be the best way to at least verify part of your story -- and it will go a very long way to tamper down us skeptics.

The ball's in your court, dude.

I think you cannot say fairer than that.

Also, to Heavnr462

You can tell if you are in the presence of demons because the air gets very heavy and still. It doesn't always get cold but you can sense something shifted drastically in your vicinity. I'll post more later.

I would love to hear some elaboration on this! If you're going to talk about this in another thread then is there a way of keeping me posted about this? It'd be greatly appreciated, and thank you.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by laurelin
Also, to Heavnr462

You can tell if you are in the presence of demons because the air gets very heavy and still. It doesn't always get cold but you can sense something shifted drastically in your vicinity. I'll post more later.

I would love to hear some elaboration on this! If you're going to talk about this in another thread then is there a way of keeping me posted about this? It'd be greatly appreciated, and thank you.

Hi laurelin, Welcome to ATS!

As a member, you can track the activity of other members by clicking on their name adjacent to their post on the left.

You also get to enjoy the really most wicked, awesome, and biggest avatars of any forum online, by virtue of your membership as well.

You can also click on the "search members" tab at the top of the page to find other members. I'm sure there's several other ways to go about this, but I'm kind of new here too and haven't read all the handbooks either.

And I'd like to point out, and this also relates to this thread and my investigation, you can also determine whether a member is online, system-wide, by the notation below their avatar.

It'll simply state, "Member is on ATS now."

It even tells you how long it's been since they logged out...up to about an hour.

Remember, that's system-wide.

Very helpful if you wish to keep tabs on your fellow forum members...

Now, I'm not saying I sense a demon's presence here, but has anyone else noticed it's gone a bit still and heavy on this thread today?

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 04:54 AM
I've seen the name Vassago in an RPG game before. If anyone has ever played"Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, its all about demons. You can recruit them and evolve them to become other demons. It also gives you a brief description of the demons. Just a thought as to where the name/idea may have came from if the story is indeed a fake.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 05:39 AM

If you see Vassago again, tell him Desmondo says Hi !

Okay? Can you do this for me?

Thanks champ

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 11:02 AM
This is my first post to this thread. I must say whether this story is fictional or not, this person whether 15 or not, posted a story.

It seems as though multiple people who don't believe his story have replied several times stating that the story is false... SO LEAVE THE THREAD. If you are so Hell bent that the kid is lying, then don't come back to the post... its that simple...

Also I think it is so inappropriate for all these questions people are having you answer thinking it is going to bring them proof... DONT give personal information and all those bogus questions don't need answered. Its just thier way of finding a flaw (or a blank in your memory) and claiming your lying.

Im not saying your story is true... but i think all the "your a attention starved kid" is uncalled for. And the questioning about his age: so what, he can freaking spell. As for the questioning about his location: you shouldn't know anyway; it doesn't really matter where he lives. Oh and as for the lottery business: government takes out taxes you know. or MAYBE his mother went halvsies with a friend from work...
*its sickening

As for Rombo, F.Y.I if you do post the report or anything else, make sure address is blanked out.

Has there been anything else that has happened? Any more sightings or wierd experiences?

Either way i think you are getting alot of drama because your story just kind of ended. I think the funeral business is a little fishy (sorry for your loss) but I would like too a little more... whats happend so far, whats going on now?

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by SimplyMaryJane
*its sickening

As for Rombo, F.Y.I if you do post the report or anything else, make sure address is blanked out.

Thank you for your input. It will be taken to heart. Now go back, read the thread and try to get close to the original poster's name. mkay?

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 12:30 PM
I've already sent a U2U to Behindthescenes so he may aquire the report and such.


posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:32 PM

That last post from Ranbo was a breath of fresh air in a stagnant thread. Thanls Ranbo, that's great news.

Btw If you see vassago again just stop, approach him and ask him, what is he doing here.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:39 PM
that symbol on his head looks like some game i just saw on t.v. i think it was naruto(?) it's not exactly the same but looks close

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Originally posted by SimplyMaryJane

As for Rombo, F.Y.I if you do post the report or anything else, make sure address is blanked out.

Thank you for your input. It will be taken to heart. Now go back, read the thread and try to get close to the original poster's name. mkay?

yeah i couldn't remember for the life of me what it was while i was typing it.
I figured i would get it wrong lol

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