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Canada's Big Box pot factory!

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posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
Imagine burning tons of pot and getting a whole town high in the down wind from the fires!

I just love it!

Like Ben Harper said, "before you knock it, try it first!"
It would probably cause alot of conservative anti-drug townspeople to reconsider their stance.

"Hey, dude, what's going on? I can't focus on my National Post, too, tired, to..."

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by baked

Originally posted by Taxman
They should be sent to prison for life, remanded bail. No drugs, even pot should be allowed. They all kill just like smoking or drinking. Which if you cannot stop beer, its been tryed. You can ban smoking though by taxing the hell out of it.

Tell that to all the cancer and aids patients that have to go to these people because brainwashed people like you stay ignorant and mis-informed by choice.

Beer can be stopped! Easier than Pot.
Pop a seed in the ground and grow a plant!
You know how to grow beer?
Hint: Ya got to brew it.

Explain exactly how, you can stop smoking by taxing it?
this makes no sence what so ever.
You will never be able to stop pot so ya might as well stop trying!
Believe what you want tho, everything kills you man, Pot just makes it hurt less.

Ok this is how...

Over tax it (tobacco) so it becomes unaffordable.

Your theory to end beer was tryed in the 20's if you havent heard. More people were drunk then anytime else in the US ever.

Saying that pot makes it hurt less is stupid. ITS KILLING YOURSELF by the same way pot does. It isnt the problem of it kills you, its the problem of people getting high, with judgement impared, hurting someone or worse.

I never said anything against medical, sanctioned pot (and sorry that I wasnt clear on that), I'd rather it as a last choice, however its ok by me as long as its controled. And In most states in the US, medical pot is allowed and I think in most countries too.

Becides, drug money supports crime (ie murder, narcotics, vandelism, terrorism, ect). And those who say it doesnt support terror, AL Queda's biggest money maker is heorin and pot.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:42 PM
If you prohibit substances and activities that people want (called vices), then they go underground and become the property of criminals and prices go up.

If you tax the crap out of something to discourage use and it is also a vice, then people find a way to buy it for less. For example Canada is a haven for cigarette smugglers due to the high price of smokes here.

It is not really working.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Taxman
I never said anything against medical, sanctioned pot (and sorry that I wasnt clear on that), I'd rather it as a last choice, however its ok by me as long as its controled. And In most states in the US, medical pot is allowed and I think in most countries too.

Becides, drug money supports crime (ie murder, narcotics, vandelism, terrorism, ect). And those who say it doesnt support terror, AL Queda's biggest money maker is heorin and pot.

Firstly, only a handful of states endorse medical marijuana: Hawaii, Maine, Alaska, California, Colorado, Nevada, Washington and Oregon. Even less countries support its medical benefits and the United States Federal government is extremely anti-pot.

Secondly, like you just said, prohibition does not work. More people were drunk during prohibition than any other time. So if we legalized weed wouldn't that mean that less people would be getting high? you just said it yourself. I'm pointing out the correlation you refuse to admit to.

Thirdly, like I just said, the United States has the highest level of domestic cannabis production in the world. To say that a simple 1/8th purchase funds terrorism is an outrage seeing as though it probably came from some guy across town who wants nothing more than to be left alone and has no intention whatsoever of hurting others. Lumping Marijuana in with hard drugs is a big mistake on your part. Just because the DEA classifies it as Schedule I doesn't mean jack s**t, search the internet for studies on its beneficial uses and you will be inundated. You are living in the past Taxman, time to open your eyes.

By the way, the US "controlled" Afghanistan has seen opium poppy production increase to astronomical levels. Explain that.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
If you prohibit substances and activities that people want (called vices), then they go underground and become the property of criminals and prices go up.

If you tax the crap out of something to discourage use and it is also a vice, then people find a way to buy it for less. For example Canada is a haven for cigarette smugglers due to the high price of smokes here.

It is not really working.

Absolutely. I guess it was about 10 years ago when cigarette prices were sky high, and the American smugglers were having a field day. That's going to be starting again soon, no doubt. Or you can just get someone you know, who is native, to buy cheap cigarettes from the reserves. Putters light is quite appealing when a pack of Player Light costs about 9 bucks!

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:55 PM
Originaly in the united states weed was first outlawed by simply requiring tax stamps and not giving them can still by federal drug tax stamps can also be charged with tax evasion if you do not have a drug stamp if you are caught with the specific drugs...i will look for a link for these drug stamps because they are still available...

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 04:55 PM
Yeah the reserves! They are hot spots in this country for lots of illegal activities. Gun running, liquor, cigarettes, drugs and anything else that you want without paying taxes or duties.

Wonder if grow operations will soon start on the reserves?

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:02 PM
Well I was wrong on where medical pot is allowed. Which it should be availible in all states by the government.

However pot is illegal for the reason which I mentioned and most of those site you mentioned is inclined to push thier political point. Indeed pot can hurt and help you, it needs to be controled.

However legalization of beer and legalization of pot are different. Allowing pot to be sold legaly will cause a immedate, extreme, increase of accidents caused by getting high and will open up the flood gates. People once they get board of pot as often many adects do quickly it will lead to experimentation of the more lethal ones. Which then the'll find some bull# (not saying all the study on pot is) study that will end up to the legalization of the next drug and so on and so fourth. I am not saying that medical pot is lethal, its about as lethal as tobacco, which should be outlawed in public because of health risks to other people (privatly would be ok).

Theres more points you made but I cannot rember them at the time.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:19 PM
Taxman, it sounds like you haven't ever done pot. It really doesn't inspire the rage in people that drinking does. It inspires more of a peaceful, lethargic, joyus, laughing, paranoid state.

As for causing more accidents, I highly doubt that. Right now, many of my friends drink ONLY when they can't get their hands on pot. And when they drink, they tend to drive. When they smoke pot, they just order a pizza and watch a movie or something.

As for pot being the gateway drug, my theory is this. Pot is a gateway drug because health classes deamonize it. "If you smoke pot, your nuts will fall off..." etc. At least this was the case about 7 years ago when I was getting the anti-drug rhetoric. And I bought into it hook line and sinker...Until a friend tricked me into trying pot. It was a great time, I didn't see spiders all over my skin, causing me to rip it off. I didn't go into this psychotic frenzy. And it got me thinking...What else was the health class lying about?

Personally, now, I don't smoke pot, but I do drink and smoke (that one is a PAIN to quit, no matter how expensive it gets!). However, many of my friends have gone down a path to oblivion because of the mentality of what I just stated. Well, if pot was ok, what about coke? Well, coke seems alright, let's try acid. And usually, in my experience, after people take that step, there's very little that they won't try. I have one friend who drinks a bottle of robitussin and goes preaching to trees.

The solution? If pot is legalized, no longer would it be the gateway drug. It would no longer be the first illegal drug someone takes and thinks the government is just trying to keep them from being happy. If they never cross that legality line, they will be less inclined to do so in the future...

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Taxman
However legalization of beer and legalization of pot are different. Allowing pot to be sold legaly will cause a immedate, extreme, increase of accidents caused by getting high and will open up the flood gates. People once they get board of pot as often many adects do quickly it will lead to experimentation of the more lethal ones. Which then the'll find some bull# (not saying all the study on pot is) study that will end up to the legalization of the next drug and so on and so fourth. I am not saying that medical pot is lethal, its about as lethal as tobacco, which should be outlawed in public because of health risks to other people (privatly would be ok).

It has been proven time and time again that pot is not a gateway drug. I have many friends who will testify to this. The reason it seems like it does lead to hard drugs is because people who are willing to experiment with an illegal drug like pot are also willing to experiment with others. I myself am a walking testimony to the fact that pot is not addictive having quit cold turkey and to this day I feel fine.

To say that pot is just as lethal as tobacco? Well I would like to see you back this up. Im not hiding behind the fact that many smokers of pot also smoke cigarettes and get cancer. Answer this question for me: Why, if people who smoke both cigarettes and weed get caner, do doctors blame it on the cigarettes? Because pot has been proven to shrink tumors, there's proof right here on ATS. Also, THC is a cannabinoid for which your brain was born with receptors for, thus you can never OD.

Driving under the influence of marijuana is far safer than under any other form of intoxication, ask any smoker. Hightened sense of alertness and paranoia of getting caught are reasons for a better driving experience with someone under the influence of weed. Road rage is non existent. Because marijuana is a drug, there is also the ability for the user to develop a tolerance. And within a matter of days of smoking constantly a smoker reaches 1000% Fat cell THC concentration. The commercial on TV here says that 1/3 of all reckless drivers tested positive for marijuana. What about the other 2/3? Marijuana cannot be linked to traffic problems unless you have a watered down chinese whisper story to tell.

Man, I could go on forever, the truth is that the government does not care about health issues. Thats not why weed is illegal. Its because law enforcement makes a huge amount of money on it (Over 650,000 people arrested last year for possession = lawyers and fines to pay), the DEA is even part of the Treasury department under the executive branch (what the hell?). Pharamceutical companies would lose a huge chunk of their revenue to something you could grow in your closet and I'm sure Bayer would go out of business.

Don't believe everything you read/see. Do some research and form your OWN opinions, not the ones spoon-fed to you by professional propaganda artists, who, might I add, wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for the drug war.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:29 PM
I have an idea, lets talk less. I cant read all this typing all the time urrrrrgggggg.

However the other 2/3s Arnt pot is because pot is harder (hopefully) to get than drinking. I may be wrong about symptoms and ect but still, the fact that you can get high is the problem, it causes unnatural symptoms, ect. I got to go now, I would ramble on but # happens.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:30 PM
For anyone under 21, pot is usually easier to get then booze. I know it was for me, back in the day...

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:33 PM
Don't be so ignorant of the facts and I won't have to take your azz to school.

Pot is harder to get than alchohol? don't make me laugh. I can buy weed any time day or night and so can my little brother. Want to see me try to buy beer at the store? I'm 19 in a country of 21 year old drinkers so I don't know how well I would do. Maybe you could get me some, it would prove your point..

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Taxman

Saying that pot makes it hurt less is stupid. ITS KILLING YOURSELF by the same way pot does. It isnt the problem of it kills you, its the problem of people getting high, with judgement impared, hurting someone or worse.

Pot has never killed anyone. No one has died from a pot overdose.. The commercials you see are bullsh!t. Pot doesn't impair your driving the way alcohol, or any other drug, including some prescription medication does.
The only impairment that pot does is to make you paranoid, hungry and lazy. When people are paranoid, they are more careful! When they are lazy and hungry, they veg out at home and have the munchies.

Pot is not addictive. I have smoked pot on and off for several years. I quit pot without any problems. Pot does not lead you to do other drugs. I have never had the urge, want or need to try any other drug other than pot. If I want to get higher, I smoke more weed..I don't go do crack or shoot up heroine in my that is a big misconception.

Taxman, your propaganda against pot will not work on anyone who has ever tried it.

The only reason pot is "bad" is because it is not profitable for "big business". If the major corporations and the govt can't make money off of it, they make it illegal.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:39 PM
Ooooh, I would love to be able to go to the gas station and ask for a pack of Mary Jane non-filters

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Ooooh, I would love to be able to go to the gas station and ask for a pack of Mary Jane non-filters

There's a Texaco in my area of South Carolina where you can do that. All you need to do is pick up a pack of bubbalicious grape gum and pay for it with a 20 dollar bill..

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 05:46 PM
LOL A Taco Bell by me got busted for doing something like that. I think you had to order hot sauce or something, with nothing else.

And right across the street a BK got busted for doing the same thing, but with crack.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 06:27 PM
What is really interesting in this story is that this property where the grow operation was found is owned by a wealthy and well known individual that also happens to own other properties where smaller grow operations were found.

Seems like the wealthy are looking to pot to help improve the bottom line here.

Check out this link for more details; 2154

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 08:59 PM
What a terrible waste of those beer vats... Beer vs. pot.. I'll take the brewski.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 09:05 PM
man........canada is smart.

they stop military funding (whos gonna f**k with canada when u got the us next door.)

and start exporting pot like crazy to the US.

Jean Cartien (spelling?) is the next Pablo Escobar
Canada is the next Columbia!


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