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Will Anti-War Activists Force President Bush into War with Iran?

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posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:59 PM
President Bush has said on several occasions that he will not leave a nuclear armed Iran to the next US President. Working through the UN, negotiations and sanctions have already dragged on for years and are having little effect on an increasing defiant Iran. It appears that the next US President (more likely a Democrat than a Republican) will not be inclined to take military action against Iran to stop them from developing nuclear weapons.

This leaves President Bush in a dilemma. He believes (right or wrong) that Iran must be stopped. If the next US President, the Congress, the UN, the EU, Russia, the IAEA, or anyone else is not willing to stop Iran, then he has to do it. He doesn’t have enough time left in office for prolonged diplomacy; his only option left is a military attack. If he starts a war, it won’t matter who is elected to be the next US President – that President will have no choice but to deal with events that have already been set in motion.

The waves of unending vitriol heaped on President Bush every day can have no affect other than to convince him more and more that he is right and that he represents the “last chance” to stop Iran. Just as there is nothing President Bush can say to his detractors that will change their minds, there is nothing they can say to him that will change his mind.

Those who want to stop a war with Iran need to make sure they don’t cause exactly what they are trying to stop. The more they press President Bush into a corner and attack him the more likely he is to take drastic action. Is there nobody from the anti-war side smart enough to see that they need to leave President Bush some credible alternative to military action such as harsh sanctions that really hurt Iran? Is there nobody with the strategic vision to see that President Bush has to be convinced that he is NOT the last patriot willing to take serious action to stop Iran?

I am sure that people who oppose military action against Iran truly believe they are doing what is right and I mean no disrespect. It just seems to me that their tactics are flawed and their current course of action will inevitably lead to the exact result they are trying to prevent.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:05 PM
The Demoicrats have the houses now mate, the only way (unless my American Law is wrong - which it likely is) is to somehow expand his current mandate, and I don't see that as likely as Iran were initially neutral.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:10 PM
link not asking to end acts of agression we are actually KILLING PEOPLE. oh, You know I never thought of it that way. I had this preconception that activists that ask for the end to war are actually preserving our men and women in arms from being missused for political and economic gain, instead of defense. Take vietnam for example, this whole time I was thinking "wow" how much worse could it have gotten if we didnt pull out and save a couple american lives from death, torture, and mental illness. When in reality, we actually killed them by not letting them go to war. "wow" , you know what maybe we should just pass a law that states that we must always be in a state of war so that we preserve life by the taking of it. Genius! Lets just kill people untill all the bad guys are dead, regardless that by the process of perpetual war we actually create more enemies than we KILL. cool, at least the american people can have a purpose, all be it one that eventually will leave them and future generations in more danger than before by the countless lives our wars have directly ruined. when in doubt, KILL PEOPLE!!! Trying to preserve life is for fools. you should run for president, you'd fit in with that mentality.

[edit on 17-8-2007 by newyorkee]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Thank God for President Bush. If he decides to bomb Iran and make it into a huge parking lot for another Walmart then more porwer to him. Because if Hillarious or Osama Baracka get in the White house Iran will be the next superpower and you'all will be growing your beards long and wearing frickin turbins and praying to Allah... Believe me I don't want to be forced to wear a veil.
Godspeed President Bush! the last American Patriot President in this generation. We need him more now then ever.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:19 PM
ra ra sis boom ba , hail to the cheerleaders of death! the last americans, or humans after the evil AXIS of evil takes over the world putting veils on our women and sandals on our feet. Give me break, he's a puppet, and one to a sinister plot that kills people every day it is allowed to happen. What would you say of Nazi youth, misdirected but faithful?

yeah, ra ra sis boom ba, bush is inhuman and has no god!

[edit on 17-8-2007 by newyorkee]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by redled
The Demoicrats have the houses now mate, the only way (unless my American Law is wrong - which it likely is) is to somehow expand his current mandate, and I don't see that as likely as Iran were initially neutral.

It is true that Congress is now controlled by Democrats. Congress has the power to declare war and to control the funding. The problem is that the last declared war was WWII. As Commander-in-Chief, the President can order a military attack pretty much any time he wants to. There may be hell to pay with Congress later, but that won't stop the initial action.

This is why the current situation is so dangerous. If President Bush orders an attack on Iran today what is going to happen to him - nothing. Those who hate him will keep hating him and those who love him will keep loving him.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Thanks, that is pretty disturbing, bomb Iran just before polling day........

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:27 PM
No the now inevitable 'terrorist attack' by the newly offical created terrorist group Iranian Revolutionary Guards will give CHeney and co the excuse to bomb Iran. Unbelievable that they get away with this, absolutley unbeleivable. To call an Army a terrorist group when you are next door killing and maiming innocents.

Demonstrate, write, do anything you can to stop it. Cause your gonna be on your own on this one, Brown will not take your only ally Britain with you.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
To call an Army a terrorist group when you are next door killing and maiming innocents.

Demonstrate, write, do anything you can to stop it. Cause your gonna be on your own on this one, Brown will not take your only ally Britain with you.

so you're saying only the American miltary is killing and maiming next door and that they are all inncocents? that is a totally irresponsible statement and i would like for you to show proof of this.

and about Brown....he knows where his bread is buttered and you brits will stand shoulder to shoulder with U.S. and "kill and maim" "innocent" Iranians..

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 05:14 PM
Finally logged back in. Brown will not go into Iran. I am a member of the British Conservative Party (for a but I cannot attack Brown on this, he will not and he should not.

[EDIT replace q with n....]

[edit on 17-8-2007 by redled]

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:19 AM
Although he has said he will not leave a nuclear armed Iran to the next president, he has also said Iran is 5 years away from a he has left himself a way out of an attack on Iran..I don't think we will be seeing it; it's simply to risky even for a lameduck president with a few months left.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 09:05 AM
but ... what if a goober republican asks for cheney to be their V.P.? what if he steps in and takes the incumbent Pres role just before primaries and they all bow out.

I can't wait until the primaries are over and we have the ticket. I want to know what to expect, this waiting is a bit worrisome.

There is still a long time in office as well. since when is more than a year a drop in the bucket? he still has more than a 1/4 of his remaining term, more than 1/8 of his total presidency left.

There is plenty of time for a mistake, a problem, or whatever to arise.

I hope nothing happens, I will not listen to the propaganda either.

DarkHeart says this, but I am rather sure she admired Osama as well in a post before she was banned. I don't know if she liked ruffling feathers or just had eccentric beliefs.

I hope we can diplomatically solve all the problems, bring the troops home, and, if you are worried ... if we brought all our troops home, both borders could be rather secure .... over 1.5 million troops in other countries worldwide according the the VFW.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by darkheartrising
Thank God for President Bush. If he decides to bomb Iran and make it into a huge parking lot for another Walmart then more porwer to him.

yes, never mind all the millions of innocent civilians, the same ones that took to the streets of tehran in a candlelight vigil on 9/11 in honor of the victims and brave rescue workers

Because if Hillarious or Osama Baracka

wow, idiotic and outright misleading parodies of names, very mature.

get in the White house Iran will be the next superpower

really? could you show me how the causation would work there?

iran doesn't have the resources to become a superpower, regardless of their standing in the middle east

and you'all will be growing your beards long and wearing frickin turbins and praying to Allah... Believe me I don't want to be forced to wear a veil.

now you're stereotyping..
were you aware of the happy jewish population of iran?

Godspeed President Bush! the last American Patriot President in this generation. We need him more now then ever.

i honestly didn't know people like you existed. i sure hope this is some sort of satire

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