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Dissolving Clouds With The Power Of Mind

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posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
still would like to try to organize some kind of experiment with the drought ridden parts of alablama.

Great, let's do it. Which part of Alabama? Give some details.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Vector J
It's simply a matter of labelling. Seeing something coolis great, doing it yourself is even better. But when you're not actually responsiblefor anything at all and end up attributing a natural occurence as an incredible phenomina to someone or yourself, then you're going to believe it wholeheartedly, and it is unlikely that you will be convinced otherwise.

I am not familiar with Kenton Knepper or his work and I will not dispute the fact that clouds disipate on the own, given enough time. I surely am not trying to state that I have any super psychic power and if you look at my OP and my posts since you will see that I have never assigned any cause to my or other people's cloud busting, other than directed concentration and force of will; also, since I firmly believe that anyone can do this, given an open and inquisitive mind, I can not label it as a magic trick or other similar label.

I want to make it clear that I can not make anyone believe anything that they don't want to believe. You are welcome to continue in your scepticism and I will not try to convince you otherwise. This is what I do know, from practicing this "exercise" on and off for more than 20 years: If you choose a random cloud, or have someone else do it for you, making sure that this particular cloud is in a group of similarly sized clouds of equal or approximately equal size and concentrate on making that cloud dissolve or fade away, it dissolves or fades away, while all of the other clouds in the same group are unchanged. I have also done my own experiments by choosing a cloud and then turning away and thinking about something else for a 2 minutes or more; when I turn back around the cloud is unchanged, yet when I stare at that same cloud with the intention of "busting" it, It will be gone within 90-120 seconds. Coincidence? Maybe, but I have conducted this same test on several occasions and got the same results each time.

I guess my point is that if this topic has taken on some "psychic" or "arcane" meaning or assignment, it was not by me. I have never tried to make this out as anything more than a great and fun way to practice your mental focus, accuity and concentration. I hope that people will approach it from that perspective. Those who claim to be able to stop thunderstorms or cause it to rain in substantial amounts are on thier own, in these claims; I have not and will not lend any credance to these claims without some hard and substantial evidence.

I hope that this clears up where I am coming from with this thread; Cloud busting yes, stopping thunderstorms dead in their tracks and "rainmaking", no.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 03:26 PM
I remember when I was a boy I, about 15 I guess I saw a perfectly round although very small cloud in the middle of the sky that was completely devoid of any covering what-so-ever. I watched it intently fascinated because it was the only cloud in the sky and it began to change shape. I can still remember now how it elongated dramatically before sort of growing out one side. It moved along the sky like this then abruptly two symmetrical wisps grew out the sides and joined at the top making it look like it had ears. Then it became a sort of tick shape before winking out of exsistence.
Ok ok now I sound slightly mad but when I saw it I was convinced I had witnessed something alien but now I realise it was probably someone cloud-busting, or even me.
Just thought I'd share that!

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 03:56 PM
I tried it recently for the first time, I focused on a large cloud, and after a matter of seconds the cloud split apart right there, i preceded to split apart and break apart the rest of the cloud. simply remarkable.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by lightseeker
I guess my point is that if this topic has taken on some "psychic" or "arcane" meaning or assignment, it was not by me. I have never tried to make this out as anything more than a great and fun way to practice your mental focus, accuity and concentration. I hope that people will approach it from that perspective. Those who claim to be able to stop thunderstorms or cause it to rain in substantial amounts are on thier own, in these claims; I have not and will not lend any credance to these claims without some hard and substantial evidence.

Thank you for your responce lightseeker.

I would like to ask how you differentiate 'mental focus' from 'pyschic power'? How can the focusing of your mind to create a physical change (the disapation of the cloud) be reffered to as anything else?

To my understanding by the very fact that you created this thread and said that you, and indeed anyone else. can focus their mind to 'bust' a cloud, is from it's very begginning labelling clouds disapating as something that you personally have acheieved. By saying it is something that is down to you and not nature, to my mind you have labelled that event (which again, to my mind is a natural occurence) as something you personally did, when I believe you had nothing whatsoever to do with it. In doing this you have cemented the belief that this is possible and that it can be done, by telling yourself and everone else that this is possible.

I'm sorry if that's a bit convoluted there, I tend to wrap myself around my own points occasionally.

I would like to understand why you feel that the disappation of clouds in linked to you mentally commanding them to do so? Frequent occurences of this over the last 20 years is certainly fascinating, but is certainly not proof that this is anything more that what I have previously explained that I~ believe it to be. Nor is it proof that many people from this thread are claiming that your process has worked for them.

Scientific evidence that meets the standards as described by several fellow members throughout this topic must be found for their to be any ring of truth to this.

I am an open minded individual and look forward to and hope that we can continue to discuss this to the further knowledge of us both, and the members of the board as a whole.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 05:30 PM
OKay kids try this. Next time just look at the cloud...dont try to use your mind powers to break it up or anything, just observe it. See if it goes away.

Now check out this video link on clouds dissipating.

[edit on 10-7-2007 by princeofpeace]

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Once whilst I was out camping with my mom and the friend she had at that time, I did this sun dance for fun =p.
The results were amazing, the sky was littered with clouds at first. But the circle around which I performed the ''ritual'' (You can guess this) had no clouds above it.

Me being a bit younger at that time was "Look! I made the clouds go away!".

Let us see if I can achieve the same without a dance but with this method instead.

I'll laserbeam them with my cosmic eyes.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 05:55 PM
Cloud busting with the mind works, period. I don't care what anyone here says, it works, and ANYONE can do it. It is quite possibly the most simple thing any human being can do to prove to themselves that there is an interconnectedness between ALL life and systems.

If you want evidence of a divive creation/interconnection, cloud busting is it.

I recently showed my best friend this, and it has strengthened our friendship even more.. It was the perfect way for me to show him the true interconnectedness, and the power of the mind. He knew this already to some extent, but when you see something in the physical, it reinforces, if not solidifies, the belief system/the truth about reality.

Everyone is skeptical of this, and fair enough. It is something science can not entertain at present, because it does not like to deal with consciousness, and nonlocal physics. But once you try it for yourself with an open mind, you will see that there is more to reality than meets the eye.

My thoughts on cloud busting;

At first it was amusing to me, but now i see it as a chance to train my mind and concentration. I also find that doing it with my friend increases the effectiveness of it, with the clouds going away faster than if i did it on my own.

We had some luck when i showed it too him... a perfectly clear sky, with only 5-6 small clouds floating around. They were not growing, nor shrinking, and we sucessfully picked them off one by one, and not in the order that they were in (they were in a straight line). I also made one half disappear, because i lost my concentration, due to talking to my friend. That cloud then decided to make itself reappear lol, but when we noticed this, we made it disappear for good

I have also noticed that when i do it, a small circle/void appears in the centre of the cloud im busting, then the cloud begins to spread out into nothingness..

What do i think about when busting?


I clear my mind, and simply stare at the cloud. I do not strain, but simply try to feel relaxed and at ease, whilst holding the intention of making the cloud disappear (i do not "say" it in my head, but simply state the intention, and leave it at that, then focus on the cloud). I also like to summon the state of bliss i feel when listening to my favourite music, like Hendrix, which helps alot personally i feel.. being/feeling positive works in this case.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
I don't care what anyone here says, it works, and ANYONE can do it.

Welcome to the discussion. Might I suggest that your above statement is not the best way to begin talking about this subject. It is not denying ignorance to say that you don;t care about peoples opinions.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Vector J
Welcome to the discussion. Might I suggest that your above statement is not the best way to begin talking about this subject. It is not denying ignorance to say that you don;t care about peoples opinions.

Sorry, but i don't care. I have no time for naysayers when its something that anyone can prove to themselves if they set aside no more than 10 minutes (providing the sky has some clouds).

Also, i don't subscribe to "denying ignorance", or any cult enthusiasm for that matter.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

Sorry, but i don't care. I have no time for naysayers when its something that anyone can prove to themselves if they set aside no more than 10 minutes (providing the sky has some clouds).

Also, i don't subscribe to "denying ignorance", or any cult enthusiasm for that matter.

Denying Ignorance should be a fact of posting upon this board. The idea being that you help people to understand the truth, and contribute to peoples understanding of it. By simply throwing the ethos of this site to the wayside is simply rude. At best.

I am trying to educate people about the contray possabilities to that which the OP spoke of. I also hope to have a civil discourse with him throughout this thread so that we may better learn each others view and to help aid the understanding of the members of this board about this concept.

Nobody can claim a true opinion of a subject without a full understanding of the opposing points. Otherwise a belief is tantatmount to arogance.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Vector J

I am trying to educate people about the contray possabilities to that which the OP spoke of. I also hope to have a civil discourse with him throughout this thread so that we may better learn each others view and to help aid the understanding of the members of this board about this concept.

Vector J -
When I hear anybody say to me, "I am trying to educate you", my eyes glaze over and my hackles raise up. I didn't begin this thread so that someone else could come along and flaunt their supposed superior understanding or knowledge. In other words, I am not interested in being your foil or straight man.

In addition, I have already expressed my view in many posts on this thread, to you and others, and therefor feel that there is no reason for any further "discourse". You either believe or you don't; makes no difference to me either way. Please, don't try and make the subject of this thread out to be any more than what it is. I am not trying to instruct anyone here in the
arcane art of cloud busting; first of all it's not an arcane art and second of all it's not meant to be anything more than informational.

Instead of tying the thread up in a back-and-forth "discourse' on whether this actually works or not or what the agency behind it is, why don't you just take a stroll outside and try it yourself, again and again, and then decide for yourself what it all means.

Nobody can claim a true opinion of a subject without a full understanding of the opposing points. Otherwise a belief is tantatmount to arogance.

If you can not form your own opinion on a subject without first coming to a full and perfect understandng of every differing or opposing viewpoint, that is a sad thing indeed.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 11:28 PM
I have been thinking about clouds now, non-stop for several days and this evening an old song came into my head and has been on a continuous loop. Since the lyrics talk about clouds, I thought maybe you all would enjoy it, so here it is:

Both Side Now By Joni Mitchell

Rows and floes of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons ev'rywhere
I've looked at clouds that way

But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on ev'ryone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

Of course those are only part of the full lyrics - the rest are available at the website above. Just though I'd share.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 11:46 PM
Cloudbusting with the mind works. Cloudbusting with help of an orgone generator works even more. I've experienced/done it myself and others have as well.

Look, scientists at the University of Vienna have shown that matter is affected by and is dependent on the mind. There was a thread about that a few months ago.

[edit on 10-7-2007 by TheBandit795]

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 01:47 AM
So many people here keep saying they can bust clouds but I have yet to see anyone agree to take a scientific approach to this and conduct a controlled experiment, such as evaporating water vapor in a tank. If you claim to be able to do this with clouds high up in the sky (which you are conditioning yourself to be able to do with certain types of clouds only, which is more or less an admission of a conditional belief system) then you should be able to do this with a controlled experiment 10 feet away from you. If you want to continue to rationalize your beliefs, at least do it in a manner which can lend credence to your claims and supply evidence to support them. Simply stating "I can do it and I don't care what anyone else thinks" is hardly logical rationale and only makes you sound ignorant.

[edit on 7/11/2007 by pjslug]

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 05:14 AM
I know cloud-busting with the mind definitely works because I've done it. I know UFOs (things that look like flying machines that were not man made) are definitely real because I've seen a few. I've never bent a fork nor sprouted a seed in my hand though. And I don't think I can stop a tornado or bust holes in thunderclouds. I think we all have small amounts of the energy or whatever it is that can bust a cloud. Some folk have more than others. I believe "things" have their own energy too and perhaps clouds, i.e. the kind that are easily busted with the mind, have energy weaker than ours. That's my explanation for it.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 05:37 AM
If this does work [i'm not saying it does or doesnt - i'll try it when i see some decent clouds!] we should try doing it collectivley, for more results!

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by pjslug
So many people here keep saying they can bust clouds but I have yet to see anyone agree to take a scientific approach to this and conduct a controlled experiment, such as evaporating water vapor in a tank. If you claim to be able to do this with clouds high up in the sky (which you are conditioning yourself to be able to do with certain types of clouds only, which is more or less an admission of a conditional belief system) then you should be able to do this with a controlled experiment 10 feet away from you. If you want to continue to rationalize your beliefs, at least do it in a manner which can lend credence to your claims and supply evidence to support them. Simply stating "I can do it and I don't care what anyone else thinks" is hardly logical rationale and only makes you sound ignorant.

[edit on 7/11/2007 by pjslug]

Most of us don't have "tanks." If I had something like that, and the time, then I'd be willing.

Also, in my post, I stated it along the lines if "If this is really me doing this," or something like that. I left it open to the possibility that I might not be doing it, because I'm no expert on the topic. It could just be that the clouds almost always evaporate quickly like that. I don't know.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 08:07 AM
lightseeker, prehaps I used the wrong choice of words. But I had no intention of you being my foil or straight man in any way whatsoever. I'll admit 'to educate' was probably a terrible choice of words and I understand your response to that.

Either way I believe we've gotten off on entirely the wrong foot and I am sorry for that. I am only here to learn and to prehaps help others find out about things that they don't already know. I don't think I'll be doing either of those particularly well in this thread now.

I simply wanted to offer an explanation other than this occuring through some mental power, so that people were not simply presented as this being the entire truth of the matter. It seems i've overstepped myself and have come off as somewhat of a fool. That was never my intention.

And I have always been very much a person who weighs both sides before fully throwing myself into an opinion, though obviously I had an opinion to begin with. I see no fault with treading softly before potentially coming off badly.

I wish you the very best.

posted on Jul, 11 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Vector J

Either way I believe we've gotten off on entirely the wrong foot and I am sorry for that. I am only here to learn and to prehaps help others find out about things that they don't already know. I don't think I'll be doing either of those particularly well in this thread now.

Vector J -
I think maybe I am the one who owes you an apology. It seems I came off a bit arrogant and superior. Please accept my sincere apology. You have every right to express your thoughts and opinions about this subject and I hope you will continue to do so. When I read your post I was a little stressed out by something else entirely that was going on and I am afraid I took it out on you. I hope you will excuse my little tantrum and that you won't hold it against me in the future.

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