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Dissolving Clouds With The Power Of Mind

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posted on Jul, 9 2007 @ 11:42 PM
There are no clouds in the sky at all where i am atm but knowing my luck i wont beable to dissolve jack.I really wanna see if it workz tho xD.Ill post wether or not it workz for me thnx for a really cool thing to try if it works.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 12:12 AM
okay now that this movement has some legs maybe we could do an experiment to try to make it rain in some drought striken areas

like first visualizing the area and then the rain inundating and releving the drought

and then focusing on asking/ praying to ourselves to help create this. like everyone agreeing to think about it at a certain time say noon next sunday, pick an area and try to gather as much heart felt emotion as they can and seeing if it could work , if it doesn't BIG DEAL if it does we could be part of something special.

here is a map of where the biggest droughts are in the united states as of july 3'rd

maybe we could visualize / focus on rain gathering in North central alabama over the drought bullseye. this is a radar map of the southern states Note birmingham is in Alabama and this is the area that needs the rain the most. you may notice some showers over southern mississippi the green and yellow radar returns if we prayed for rain and visualized this radar screen with the green and yellow radar returns also developing over the birmingham and entire alabama area we could have a game plan.

so 1. find a group willing to set aside some time (10 mins or so) on a sunday around noon

2. focus /pray for rain falling in the area attatched in the radar and drought links/ combined w/ a visualization of the rain "lighting up the radar in the areas" we wished for maybe combined with visualizing the date also in the corner of the radar screen corresponding with the day we wish it to rain.

any intrest in an idea like this?

[edit on 10-7-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 10-7-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 02:08 AM
I will never dispute any possible powers or energies that one may posses. If this can be done to any degree, then it may lead to another theory that has been around for a very long time. I do believe that people do have the power to manipulate their perception of their own reality.

If someone focuses or believes enough in something it can come true sooner or later as long as they keep projecting that idea. I think that is where they came up with that new "the secret" idea. But it has been around for a lot longer to various degrees and in various cultures.

I'm living proof that that idea truly does work. I have focused on things and achievements, etc... for various periods of time and they have all come true. Again, it doesn't happen over night.. My one perceived achievement took nearly 12 years to actually come to fruition.

Only my 2 cents about this subject, nothing more..

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 03:01 AM
Alright, this morning I woke up to a sky full of clouds and I gave it a try...

The first cloud seemed to have faded a little, but the second cloud seemed to be exactly the same...

Note: the first cloud I tried was very thin and the second was rather fluffy. I'm going to try it some more this afternoon

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 03:34 AM
Great thread guys

This is something I will try when the clouds are better and isn't just grey everywhere.

For those who say it happens all the time on it's own, can you at least give us the explanation and science behind it? Why does it happen to one cloud at a time when in a group? Is there anyone who can video it "just happening"? Thanks in advance

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 06:51 AM
Okay, I said I would give it a try --- and I did. Bear in mind, this is the first time I've ever done this (actually the first I'd ever heard of it!) so I wasn't sure what, if anything, to expect. First I would like to say that I am a Christian, and to me, this actually isn't so different at all from the principle of faith.

We are expecting rain at some point today, but when I started, all the clouds where white, no storm clouds were visible at all. They were large, solid white, but there were a few of the fluffier kind. I was inside... I sat in my comfy rocker and picked one of the fluffier ones out. I couldn't remember exactly what I was supposed to do, so I just sat there with my morning coffee and concentrated on dissolving it. As I did I noticed it began to change shape - the other clouds stayed the same. I started to get a little excited! I began to picture my fingers in the clouds, thinning through them, swirling, kind of like you might do with fingerpaints, etc... and I saw it happen before my eyes. Again I want to say, this was the only cloud that was doing that. I decided to stop and go to another section of the cloud that split apart and "play" with it - it did the same. About this time though the storm clouds decided to roll in, it seemed like it happened all at once, because all the surrounding clouds were suddenly a very dark stormy-looking gray. It isn't raining yet but definitely looks like it could, so I decided to stop for now and come post this.

But the funny thing is, "my" cloud was still sitting there, even though all the other fluffier ones had disappeared. So what I saw was a sky full of dark grey clouds... and my one little pulled apart and misshapen cloud there in the midst of them. Coincidence? I guess it could be. I did find it odd, though, that the whole sky was covered in gray, except for my one little white cloud sitting there. This was just a little while ago, it's about 6:30 am my time (central US). I thought this was a rather interesting experience!
I'll definitely try it again soon.

P.S. I just went back and looked at the sky, the clouds are not a dark grey anymore, just a light cloudy gray, still hasn't rained yet.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 07:15 AM
Stop wasting your time! This does not work-period. Clouds disappear all the time..Next thing you know you guys will think chemtrails really are real.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 07:47 AM
Seriously though, if you kids like the cloud trick, it also works with birds. Next time you see a bird sitting somewhere outside look at it and think "fly". It will take off and start flying. It doesnt work quite as well with birds that are resting on water, but for the average yard bird it works pretty good. Give it a try!

Then go tell your parents and friends that this week you have learned to dissolve clouds and make birds fly on command. It'll be awesome!

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Um... prince. That would be telepathic communication with birds. It's one thing that I'm good at. I don't generally tell them what to do, though. Just that sometimes I'll ask them to come closer so I can see what they look like, and they do. Especially hawks.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Then go tell your parents and friends that this week you have learned to dissolve clouds and make birds fly on command. It'll be awesome!

You are wasting your time here. Your childish outbursts are so boring and predictable.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by NoSuchAgency
Alright, this morning I woke up to a sky full of clouds and I gave it a try...

The first cloud seemed to have faded a little, but the second cloud seemed to be exactly the same...

Note: the first cloud I tried was very thin and the second was rather fluffy. I'm going to try it some more this afternoon

How much time did you spend on the second cloud, if I may ask? Sometimes, it can take 2-3 minutes or more to dissolve a properly fat and fluffy cloud. Don't give up and don't get discouraged, either, that's negative thinking and will prevent you from accomplishing anything, not just cloud busting.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Sunalei
But the funny thing is, "my" cloud was still sitting there, even though all the other fluffier ones had disappeared. So what I saw was a sky full of dark grey clouds... and my one little pulled apart and misshapen cloud there in the midst of them. Coincidence? I guess it could be. I did find it odd, though, that the whole sky was covered in gray, except for my one little white cloud sitting there. This was just a little while ago, it's about 6:30 am my time (central US). I thought this was a rather interesting experience!
I'll definitely try it again soon.

Thank you very much for your awsome post, Sunalei; it just goes to show what faith can accomplish. Just think, if it can do what you saw this morning, what even more wonderful things can it accomplish?

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Seriously though, if you kids like the cloud trick, it also works with birds. Next time you see a bird sitting somewhere outside look at it and think "fly". It will take off and start flying. It doesnt work quite as well with birds that are resting on water, but for the average yard bird it works pretty good. Give it a try!

Then go tell your parents and friends that this week you have learned to dissolve clouds and make birds fly on command. It'll be awesome!

princeofpeace -

You are not really living up to your user id, now are you? Just a little ray of sunshine and purveyor of joy! I've asked you once, politely, to not post your ridiculous remarks and you have ignored my request. So be it. Just be aware that the mods are no more tolerant of trollish behavior than I am.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 08:35 AM
lightseeker, may I ask your opinion of my view of this subject as posted on the previous page?

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Hi lightseeker, Thanks for making such a thread! I have never heard of this but, I have no opinion until i try this. It seems that a few people in this thread had doubts and then when they tried it, it worked.

Most of the people saying this is impossible are being rude and are making stupid comments. This is an interesting thread and people should keep an open mind and if you have tried and and have an explanation then, id be glad to hear why this could or could not happen.

I do kindof have a feeling this is just a way to 'trick' yourself into thinking your doing something amazing but, that is just a thought. I cant wait to try this!

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Here is another strange thing, I tried it again on a white cloud but instead of concentrating on the whole cloud I targeted 2 little "appendages" that were part of the cloud and they disappeared, leaving the rest of the cloud intact.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:01 PM
OK I actually just did it. Twice. I did one larger cloud then a few smaller ones. I got so excited I actually left my office to try it outside. I'm amazed.

I had no idea this was possible.

Nice thread and thanks for the experiment.
This thread deserves a flag.

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:33 PM
good job staying focused through this thread guys, keep it going

still would like to try to organize some kind of experiment with the drought ridden parts of alablama.

we are all born creators, IMO this knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands

keep your intentions pure or simply playful , i also believe if people don't that karma comes back to look for them

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:33 PM
Ok, I was finally able to try this, but I did not have much success. I tried different sizes of clouds and different kinds, but I didn't really notice anything. Maybe I am just not focused enough, but any suggestions on what I need to do?

posted on Jul, 10 2007 @ 01:35 PM
ya try a little puffy cumulus cloud

like this

and if your a beginner stay away from these (the thicker one's)

[edit on 10-7-2007 by cpdaman]

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