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9/11 Whistleblowers!!!

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posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:20 AM
You guys keep to the topic and please stop discussing each other.

Thank you.

Also a reminder as some may no longer notice this banner.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:23 AM
I gave you a flag for your hard work and for putting some interesting information together. However, right off the top, these people listed can be taken off your 'whistleblowers' list. They don't know anything special about the events of 9/11 and in fact some have agendas of their own (especially Brolin and Chavez).

James Brolin - Actor (husband of Barbara Streisand)
Charlie Sheen - Actor
Rosie O'Donnell - Actor, TV Host
David Ray Griffin, PhD – Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of
Mary Maxwell - GOP candidate
William Woodward - Professor of Psychology
Hugo Chavez - Venezuelan President
Aaron Russo - Director (Freedom to Fascism)
Steven E. Jones - BYU Physics Professor
James H.Fetzer - PhD University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor

Editing to try to fix quote

[edit on 6/27/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
They don't know anything about the events of 9/11 and in fact some have agendas of their own (especially Brolin and Chavez).

James Brolin - Actor (husband of Barbara Streisand)
Charlie Sheen - Actor
Rosie O'Donnell - Actor, TV Host
David Ray Griffin, PhD – Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of
Mary Maxwell - GOP candidate
William Woodward - Professor of Psychology
Hugo Chavez - Venezuelan President
Aaron Russo - Director (Freedom to Fascism)
Steven E. Jones - BYU Physics Professor
James H.Fetzer - PhD University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor

I can see where you are going with this, but could you back up what you are claiming? Thanks.

[edit on 6/27/2007 by Griff]

[edit on 6/27/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:31 AM
You know, it cracks me up about posters who complain about grammar, but can't punctuate a post properly.

Back on topic, thanks to the OP for putting this together. I have a lot of reading to go over now. Also, I would be wary about putting Hugo Chavez on that list.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:33 AM
FF, everyone has an agenda.

I have one today- to clean my house.

I mean, you're not making a point here.

Nobody is. Why is everyone picking on the lay out, points they have on threads, and other stuff that has NOTHING to do with this thread?

So far, i'm not satisfied with any debate here. There is nothing to debate?

Just an "agenda"? If you dont have one you are dead for all intents and purposes.

*I agree with others that HUGO CHAVEZ should be kept off the list. *

[edit on 27-6-2007 by dgtempe]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by BeZerk

140+ Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report

Many engineers and architects have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Engineers & Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report

I'll start some debate. I belong to this site. So far, after about 3 or 4 days of the new forum being up, there really isn't much disscussion going on. I was hoping that these engineers could help me with the areas I'm not familiar with. So far, I'm a little dissappointed. Hopefully, soon there will be more posters on there.

But, on-topic. It's nice to see some of my collegues are finally voicing their concerns that NIST is re-writting physics.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Griff
I can see where you are going with this, but could you back up what you are claiming? Thanks.

Sure Griff .. I just thought it was obvious. No problem.

How can an actor on TV who regurgitates what he/she hears be a 'whistleblower'?? They aren't one. Barbara Striesands husband? Comeon folks .. "Mr. Striesand" is just an actor who is married to someone who is a radical left winger who sends misspelled faxes to Capitol Hill. College profs who teach philosophy are interesting .. but they have no useful information as to the events of 9/11. Chavez?? Do I really need to explain why he is not a 'whistleblower'??

As I said, I gave the OP a flag because he did some hard work and put together a good list of potential 'whistleblowers'. However, he padded the list by adding people who are involved in the 'truth movement' ... or those who are just pushing their own agenda (like Chavez and Brolin).

I appreciate those names and the info on the list that COULD shed some light on this subject .. like the WTC Janitor and the pilots ... but those that I listed dont' belong on any 'whistleblower' list.

Can ya' see what I'm saying?

[edit on 6/27/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:48 AM
I will simply copy and paste my response to this thread from your other
thread as it seems to be a differently worded thread with the exact same info in it .. Re;

Please don't do what the guy who just got kicked out did and that's started
8-10 threads with different titles but exact content .. It's lame and kills any
credibility you may have .
Now , my last response -

Everything ,and i mean EVERYTHING that is " claimed " to be heard , can
be contributed to falling debris , stored chemicals or one of a number of
other logical explanations and easily explained . It's no mystery how
unreliable some eye witnesses can be and in a group as large as the 911
witnesses , the very few that come out on the conspiracy side is not
unusual . Not at all . Not withstanding those who just want some attention
and money . That brings the number of " credible " theory's to ZERO .
But , that's just m2c .

EDIT - Your list's of " witnesses and whistleblowers " have some very Questionable character's at best ..

1. Rosie O'Donnel - Media whore and attention seeker.
2. Jose Sanchez - " said " a massive explosion erupted in the lower levels of the north tower at approximately the same time the jetliner struck the tower’s top floors.
Not sure what's so groungbreaking about that .
3. James Brolin - Whistleblower ?
4. Charlie Sheen - Whistleblower ?
And 5th , and personal favorite , Hugo Chavez
You lost all credibilty on that one and appear desperate for names .
There's so many more on your lists that i would runout of time and space and frankly there's just no talking to someone who won't listen . People
see and hear what they want to believe . I used to think that it was an
inside job untill i realized that that would be giving the goverment way too much credit . That , and looking at video and clearly being able to see both buildings collaspe at the impact site . So basically , the " Truth " is
what the government says it is ... Basically 85% to 90% of what they tell
us about 911 is true .

[edit on 27-6-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Can ya' see what I'm saying?

Perfectly. Thanks for clarifying.

Although, I wouldn't add a physics professor to the list of undesirables. I'd bet a physics professor knows more about physics and dynamics in particular than most structural engineers out there. Just my opinion though and you are entitled to yours.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:00 AM
William Rodriguez - WTC janitor

This man changed his story and has been caught in several embelished stories. I started a thread about him and the facts that surround his fame.
TRUE..he is a hero for all that he accomplished in saving lives in the North Tower. I question this man's honesty as I have pointed out several "fibs" that he has made.

On this thread I pointed out vital facts and testimony that contradicts what Willie NOW states. I was not trying to slam the guy, I just want to know why he is straying from the truth.

Kevin Ryan - Underwriters Laboratories

First of all Kevin Ryan did in fact work for UL. What most of you do NOT know is that he was not a specialist in metals or the testing of any types of building structures. He was involved in environmental issues with water. Yes he was a water tester.

Here is a letter Ryan posted to his fans after UL terminated him:

By all accounts, the unprecedented events of September 11th, 2001 “changed everything”...To help ensure this accountability, I've filed a lawsuit against UL for wrongful termination. My attorneys and I hope to gain more information about UL’s role in the testing of the WTC steel assemblies, and any other involvement UL has had with the WTC towers or the NIST investigation. Since this lawsuit represents a critical need for information about public safety, we invite the public to contribute to our legal defense fund.
Thanks for your help. Kevin Ryan

This law suit has been all but dismissed. I can post affidavidts and other court documents if necessary.

I might add that Kevin Ryan has refused to debate anyone from the scientific communityin regards to his 911 claims.

USAF Col. George Nelson (ret.) - 30 year veteran, aircraft accident investigator and expert in aircraft maintenance and aircraft identification

Now, I am not an aircraft accident investigator and I have not had the time to check his credentials. But for some one that appears to have an abundance of knowledge says this:

“There appeared to be something attached to the belly and there definitely appeared to be a flash. What caused that flash? Who knows? I can’t explain it and it’s just a number of these anomalies like that, that just makes the entire picture more suspect.” aviation expert could not figure out what static electricity is??

Time for lunch for me, I will try to get more information on these whistleblowers later on.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:11 AM
It is the same old story: There are plenty of major politicians and military leaders, etc. who KNOW that the Neocons staged a take over of the USA on 9-11 and thereafter. But just like with Kennedy(s) death(s), coverup artists like the ones still in Congress that ' handled ' the Kennedy affairs think that if the people knew the truth, it would lead to open rebellion and a loss of respect, total loss, for the politico's. And they will never ruin their chances at reelection. They wouild rather see the perpetrators get away wit it than expose the crimes.

It is IMPOSSIBLE that the powers that be do not know that 9-11 was engineered by the Cheney cabal ( Little Georgie is just a prop) , but they are convinced that the nation would be ruined and their system, and graft and riches, would be interrupted, and that is not possible for them to accept. They would rather we all end up in a Halliburton camp or dead rather than admit the plain truth.

Massive amounts of evidence? Sure there is, but there was in Kennedys day too; it just gets lied about, covered up, denied and ignored long enough to get out of the average Americans 15 minute memory ability and then they win! Bob Graham, the former Senator, has just about said that we are being traitorously deceived but he will not risk anything. None of these so called representatives of the people care more about the Constitution, continuance of democracy or the public than they do about not rocking the boat.

I wrote a long and detailed letter to my Rep., a Democrat named Heath Shuler, a former football player who made a lot of promises and beat a crooked and rich Repug named Charles Taylor, who was so guilty of entrenched Repug moneygrubbing and special interests that he lost the faith of the people after many years. But Shuler never even replied. I asked him to hold Henry Waxmans feet to the fire over : Sibel Edmonds...and the 9-11 matter. For a new congressman this is a task that he probably sees as a sure way to alienate every new friend he is making up there in old Foggy Bottom, but what really matters? Whether or not a politician gets popular with the other crooks in DC or represent the people of his district. If he does not answer me now, he will in a public forum when he shows up for a photo op someday in my town while looking for more votes next time.

So the politicians know the truth, and are afraid of it. Maybe Georgie tapped the phones and mail of every politician on the hill when he was ( and is ) doing his illegal NSA thing. He probably has more dirt on them than they can imagine and so they stay silent and let the Repugs destroy the nation and ignore the inside job of 9-11.

The intelligent mind REELS at the thought of someone actually believing the govt. line, but remember that 20-30 some percent of the people are morons and fools ; Bush never drops below 20% so a fifth of the nation is made up of die hard deniers of reality and fact. Sheep who care not who the master is, as long as the lies feel good to them. Pathetic.One fifth of the people scare 100% of the politcians 100% of the time. This is not a good sign for us as a nation. We look like fools to the rest of the world for this one fact alone: 1/5th are idiots and they are allowed to run the show.

The inmates are running the asylum and we are paying the bills but denied the ability to present the truth by the political process due to massive financial payoffs by the global corporate monsters; the system is broken and the fix is almost impossible without wholesale change in the entire apparatus, and they control the winds of change as sure as they do the money they rob from us. I am not optimistic, and sadly so.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:48 AM
I thought this topic was about the whistleblowers of 911??

Eyewitness, your entire post although quite passionate was argumentative and pure specualtion. ie:

There are plenty of major politicians and military leaders, etc. who KNOW that the Neocons staged a take over of the USA on 9-11 and thereafter.

BeZerk put quite a bit of effort into this thread,can we at least give him the courtesy of staying on topic?

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

“There appeared to be something attached to the belly and there definitely appeared to be a flash. What caused that flash? Who knows? I can’t explain it and it’s just a number of these anomalies like that, that just makes the entire picture more suspect.” aviation expert could not figure out what static electricity is??

So, all aviation experts need to know that static can do that? Does this refute everything the man says about 9/11? I have said some stupid things before. That does not invalidate my knowledge. Hell, G W says stupid things all the time. Does that invalidate him as POTUS?

Just an observation.

[edit on 6/27/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:00 PM
You are absolutely right and I apologize. I tend to get passionate about this subject but as far as the whistleblowers go, I thank God for them and believe what they say. But, if they can be ignored, by the 9-11 Commission and the public in general, and the political leadership, them that spells trouble for getting anything done.

When Sibel is denied the ability to speak by the Secets Act and it is patently obvious that it is to protect people from criminal investigation, and we cannot convince even the most rabid Dem's to even take a stand in some affirmative way, it means we are stymied for now....what good are truth tellers when no one will listen or act? They are heroes and should be quoted on every front page of every paper and news headline until the Bush gang is dragged in chains to the Haugue for trial.

I thank the original poster for a great job collating these critical pieces of evidence and I will study all of this more closely and reply again later.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Griff

So, all aviation experts need to know that static can do that? Does this refute everything the man says about 9/11? I have said some stupid things before. That does not invalidate my knowledge. Hell, G W says stupid things all the time. Does that invalidate him as POTUS?

Just an observation.

Griff...i hear what your saying. Obviously we ALL make mistakes...often over look things.etc. My point I am attempting to make here about the "expert" is that to make a statement like his, you would have hoped he explored all possible reasons for the flash. To dimiss it as an anomile without at least investigating it, in my opinion is kind of reckless.

Does it invalidate him with his knowledge? No...but it will force me to look a lot deeper into his alledged bachground.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
You are the one, who speaks poorly, writes awful grammar, has no content and brings absolutely no issues to the table...
Your the Troll Blue_Gay33, and in need of some education...

I don't think anyone cares about the quality of grammar here except you, yet you claim you are not trying to derail the thread?

The fact that you don't seem to know the distinction between your and you're just makes you look foolish when you bring the subject of grammar up.

AnywayBeZerk, thanks for this excellent thread.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
To dimiss it as an anomile without at least investigating it, in my opinion is kind of reckless.

Do you hold NIST in the same light? Or FEMA? They both have "anomilies" listed that say "needs further investigation" but never happens. And yes, I agree, it's kinda reckless.

No...but it will force me to look a lot deeper into his alledged bachground.

Does NIST's view force you to also look into their background? Because they do the same thing.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:49 PM
Quick look into NIST's background and you see that, for one thing, it's a federal agency (anything, guys?), and, for another, it took over the burden of investigation while drawing from FEMA and followed in its foot-steps.

At the start of this thread you have this posted:

Bill Manning - Editor of the 125-year-old monthly that frequently publishes technical studies of major fires
"Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure" - Fire Engineering 1/4/2002

NIST has come along since without any more legitimate evidence, and presented basically the same conclusion as the "half-baked farce". Thousands of photos and video clips are also still being withheld, and so are structural documents and the original architectural drawings. By the "feds". And WTC7's report still isn't out!

Does all that count too? I have what I feel are reasonable doubts about these guys because of an obvious conflict of interest. And I've even looked through the FEMA and NIST reports for whatever real testing they did to support their hypotheses.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Do you hold NIST in the same light? Or FEMA? They both have "anomilies" listed that say "needs further investigation" but never happens. And yes, I agree, it's kinda reckless.

No...but it will force me to look a lot deeper into his alledged

Does NIST's view force you to also look into their background? Because they do the same thing.

Actually I did some research on the backgrounds of MANY of the top researchers at NIST. Pretty impressive IMO. To go over all of them would be a pretty tough job though.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Quick look into NIST's background and you see that, for one thing, it's a federal agency (anything, guys?), and, for another, it took over the burden of investigation while drawing from FEMA and followed in its foot-steps.

At the start of this thread you have this posted:

Bill Manning - Editor of the 125-year-old monthly that frequently publishes technical studies of major fires
"Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure" - Fire Engineering 1/4/2002

1/04/2002 was the date of that issue. Not even 4 months after 911. I am curious as to how Mr. Manning feels now about the investigation.

The rest of your post was based on your opinion, which I respect.

[edit on 27-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

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