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The End Days?

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posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Second, its not doom and gloom, infact, its quite the opposite. It is a time of change, the dawning of a new era, the golden age. Civilization moves in cycles, just like everything else

shrunkensimon are about as opposite sides of the spectrum on the subject of 9/11 as possible, yet here we can agree. Last Days are not about an end but a change to a new begining. Think of it as the time to get your house in order before going on a long trip. Some will not make the journey because many fear the change on the other side. Yeah, there will be bad things that happen as those in power fight to retain it, but in the end change will come. As for me, I am ready and can hardly wait until we are on the other side.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 04:55 PM
I see it as people not being in touch with the world at large,

We are by far very far off from being " Do gooders " on this planet, or else we wouldnt have so much turmoil on this rock, I mean we can grow plants in water, without good soil, in lil machines in your kitchen but we cant feed the people of this world, WHY becuz we want these poor folks ( literaly ) to Pay for it, also we make plastic wood, and tire building materials, yet we still have shanty towns littering the landscape in other countries, and dont say " its their problem " becuz so is Iraq. be we broke loose with a willy nilly agenda and claimed it " our responsibility "

Us as humans have made incredible breakthrus but at the same time we have gotten increasingly determined to make a fat profit off of these breakthrus, When a country such as america and the UK for a matter of fact, start bringing in extreme profits yet the distribution of wealth is at a far low, I would say we aren't doing well, we are just living in roman caltholic times where we give all our money to the church ( being state, corps. ) and have them tell us its for our own good.

Much of how we live today isnt a big change from times past, just the tech has changed and prolly the abilities of people that shouldnt have these abilities due to poor judgment or self motivated goals.

You say we are doing well, I would say we are doing fair, if not poor, and we are in need of some serious moral teachings in whatever ways can be found whether it be earth changes, spiritual changes or humankind changes.

" we Live in a world of possibilities, and a mindset of selfish means" - Shane

Dont get me wrong theyre alot of people trying to help, but honestly there isnt enuff, we need a mass effort by the folks with the most money ( to create less a burden on the folks with few coins ) to take action, they say they are but I say they are just posing a image campain.

Many of people of this planet want more to be done for our fellow beings, yet the people who can actually have a say in things dont say anything, We need more awarness to be spread in the means of understanding the world as a whole, I mean I dont get it, if we would help fellow mankind with their basic needs they would then be able to focus on matters of human evolution on a grand scale. We need humankinds needs to be met before we can start spending our money on Ifones ( 500.oo USD ) or 64 foot long hummers with freezer like ac and flatscreen in every seatback. Entertainment and the items to help us be comfortable are too far ahead of our "to do " lists then helping the folks without clean water, food, clothes, and knowledge. We could be letting the kid die in one of the various countries that would of developed the cure for cancer, AIDS, and ( enter X problem here ). Just seems to me that not focusing on our less fortunate that we are loosing some our the worlds greatest resources, ( Humankind )

[edit on 21-6-2007 by Tranceopticalinclined]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by markjaxson
Are we in "The End Days" as The Bible described?

No. There are no "End Days," even in the Bible. There's only a mention of a symbolic conflict between the Roman Empire and the Jews, which never happened. All talk about the end of the world brought about by supernatural forces is a ruse by clever evangelicals to get more of your money by creating a kind of galactic drama to draw you in.

There will be wars, as there have always been wars. And there will be all the other things, because calamities happen all the time. But you will not live to see the Warrior Jesus storm out of Heaven on a golden hoofed horse to do battle with Satan. You will watch CNN, and get old and die. After you die, you will know nothing more.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus
But you will not live to see the Warrior Jesus storm out of Heaven on a golden hoofed horse to do battle with Satan. You will watch CNN, and get old and die. After you die, you will know nothing more.

I don't think Revelation describes the actual event of Jesus/Yeshua coming out of heaven to take the righteous up to heaven, but more of internal conflicts that spill over into the outer world.

We are in the process of ascension, evolving, call it what you want.

Many are afraid of their true potential. Some wish humanity to continue to live in the darkness and ignorance.

This time around, we were given a choice whether to succeed or fail and the hearts of men decided this time we will succeed.

That does not mean the road will not be rocky. It will be a tough road, but a path towards the light nonetheless.

"Out of the deepest darkness comes the greatest light."

God is with us always, be not afraid.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
God is with us always, be not afraid.

Of course. Allah is the one God, and Mohammad is his prophet. Those who foolishly worship a Man and a Spirit also as God will ultimately be shown the error of their ways.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus

Originally posted by biggie smalls
God is with us always, be not afraid.

Of course. Allah is the one God, and Mohammad is his prophet. Those who foolishly worship a Man and a Spirit also as God will ultimately be shown the error of their ways.

I can't tell if you agree with me or not, but there is one God regardless.

His/Her/Its name is irrelevant. It is the idea behind it and the gratitude for this life that really matters.

God only judges ones actions, not the creed.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
God only judges ones actions, not the creed.

Yes, but is following a creed not an action? Or can one simply espouse a creed and do nothing toward it?

Well, I suppose judgment will be harsher for some than others.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:14 PM
First let me say hello to all of you on ATS. I recently come to "light" about ATS from a coast 2 coast interview with John Lear.
I have to say I personally agree that we are in the "end times". At the same time many inteligent individuals before us thought the same thing about their time and place . One could have easily percieved WWI and WWII at the time as "the end of the world". Not to mention the Crusades, the Black Plague, and many other events to numerous to mention, throughout history. Yet time and society goes on. Regarding this topic(thread)? I trully do find it hard to take a particular side. Every one in my opinion has a valid arguement. However as I stated for some reason I tend to believe that we are indeed in the "last days". I know I am not alone in this feeling. Hence all the replies to this thread as well as the countless web sites dedicated to the sole purpose of the "end times" armagedon, and the such.
I have been interested in the mayan astrological calendar date of 2012. It does indeed feel like we are destined for change on that date.Whether one believes anything "supernatural"will happen or not for some reason many people from different religions, backgrounds, and such seem to always keep this date in the back of their mind ..Like, WHAT IF? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the exact date is December 20, 2012 ?

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:52 PM
dec, 21 2012,

but yeah events will build up to that date, they are right now, I mean we are at the brink of WW3, My buddy in camp taji said after I asked bout WW3 comming ( which he WASNT a believer in this ) now says if Iran plays hardball then most likely thats the way the cookie will crumble. Luckly for him he only has to deal with mortar strikes instead of IEDs, but in a couple months he has orders to travel and work abroad he also stated that they are turning COOKS and MECHANICS into Infantry, Being that hard pressed brings me to the idea that if WW3 happens it will surely be followed by a draft.

But yeah, I think we are at a critical point in human evolution, whether it be De-evolution or Spiritual evolutions, something is a brewing.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 08:37 PM
the End-of-Days
is only another truism,
like the idea the 'The Poor Will Always Be With Us'
or that 'Men Are Always At War'

its all on a sliding scale of being 'true'
the 'end days' are both personal and (maybe) collective
[ the terms are macro vs micro ]

but i have noticed the end times catastrophies all come from 'Nature'
the heat, droughts, pestilences, meteors, earthquakes, dark skies, etc

all aggrevated by mankinds predisposition for war-&-combat

now, i don't think that aspect should be lost on those of us trying to fathom
the end-time layout of seems both nature and the geopolitical
world we have surrounded ourselves with....are in entropy... in a state of inherent decay/destruction......and the process is a self consuming event.
~ technology...& men's science are at odds with creation & nature...
That is the final conflict....not so much a conflict for souls .

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 09:51 PM
We wanted to find the hard 'truth'(once the realism of the corrupt church sunk in), so we became scientists and proclaimed facts from experimenting and concluding with our nature. Then, we became obsessed with the hard facts of science, and dismissed their relationship with a higher power. We used the facts to make money, to imprison, to build, to learn, and in doing so forgot that this world, and its intricacies came from some cleverly crafted artisian.
What do we have now? We have a world with the means to acquire anything you could possibly dream in life. And instead of making these dreams come true, we have become so self-involved and so disillusioned aND lazy, that we are rotting from the inside out.
My point being that although you can look at history and see that our present world could be deemed tame or kind compared to past times. But, let me ask this...
History is time, and time moving forward is evolution, so arent we suppossed to be more aware, and educated on ethical nature? Human history has been marked by times of those who had fought for universal education, the right to vote, ect.., because they believed that once achieved the world could decided for itself and mankind can elope with democracy. These 'battles' have lead us here, to the materialistic, fake, sinfull days that keep passing by. We have learned no leason, but we have lost our spiritual connection in search of what, facts?
The End of Days are here, just look around you next time your at a mall, in a public place- The only thing we are aware of is ourselves and our petty problems.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 10:40 PM
I am in service to the Father and Christ as the Chosen One to bring forth the Truth to light. Together with my sisters of the Light of Life Ministry we have a very important message to deliver to all of mankind.

The hourglass is nearly empty. The Great Tribulation has begun and Armageddon looms in the very near future. There are a total of TWO things that you need in order to obtain Eternal Life and Man-Made Religion is not one of them. (1) An Acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior. (2) A Good Heart Condition.

We urge those who wish to obtain Eternal Life in Christ's Kingdom to read the following very important message because the Great Tribulation is already here and Armageddon is right around the corner.

We don’t aim to twist arms or convince anyone of anything they aren’t ready or willing to believe as their hearts will ultimately dictate what they perceive to be truth. However, it is also our responsibility to warn those who do not accept this Truth, will face Judgment at Armageddon. For this reason we pray that the eyes and hearts of all who read our message are opened to the Truth whether that is now, or in the near future when our words come to pass.

For more FREE information you can visit the following links:

Our Ministry website: Light of Life Ministry

The End Times Truths website: End Times Truths Website

And for Free End Times e-Book Newsletters visit: End Times Truths Newsletters

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:14 PM
One of the things I love about ATS is the varying opinions, beliefs, and ideas of the community. In just this thread alone, I have seen several different religious beliefs and opinions on this subject. So I will interject my own.

In my 53 years on this planet, I have noticed a disturbing trend. Yes, people really are more selfish and self-serving today than they were in the past. While it is true that there are many people in society who truly care about others, society itself is more selfish than it was twenty years ago.

Some may say that this is a sign that we are in the “End Times” while others may say that it is just the result of society’s advances. I only know that I can no longer feel safe while walking the streets alone at night. I can no longer leave my front door or vehicle unlocked. Even behind my locked doors, I have to be aware of criminals coming in through my computer.

I am not very old, but I am tired. I feel like the Biblical prophet, Jeremiah, who cried “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.” I am tired of style over substance. I am tired of the lack of common sense. I am just tired of the way we have let our world go spinning out of control while we focus on the celebrity du jour.

I look forward to the end. Maybe the apes can do a better job than we did.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:29 PM
Yeah, I am in the group that thinks that the end of days are going to be in 2012.

I have no notion that the end of days is happening right now. For example, one verse in Revelation states that we will be branded by the mark of 666 on our right handed wrists (which your right hand represents holiness. If you were right handed back in the Bible times you were considered evil) or your forehead.

People consider interpret this to be a barcode, and the government plans on finishing the development in this technology in 2012.

Also, during the end times, there were supposed to be stars falling to the earth.

Nuclear explosions are said to be brighter than stars.

What would you think if you were John (who wrote Revelations) and you saw a huge nuclear explosion? You would call it a star maybe, and we can interpret these stars as nuclear bombs.

So, untill all the countries are angry enough to start dropping bombs, we are still not in the end times.

But other than that, I will tell you something that you may not know.

In Revelations, it tells that the Rapture happens after the Devil's short season, and the only way to be in that Rapture is death. There will be no "Left Behind" crap, only your death will decide if you were in the Rapture or not.

The fables Second Rapture happens 1000 years after the end of times. In those 1000 years the Devil is bound in Hell again.

If you don't believe me, look it up. I have been reading the book of Revelation for over 3 months. I know what I am talking about.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:04 AM
Can't you see most of the hatred and violence is just because of religions, Islam vs Christianity/Judaism. So please, try to see beyond your books and think for yourself, how to help people in need, how to let them believe whatever they want to believe and how to learn to cooperate. We are on same planet after all.

It's damn easy to led you into next war and any Wannabe Order elite wants, because you are too blinded by religion and prejudice. So holy wars and racism is easy to stir.

I support One World Government for reasons i mentioned above -- not based on any kind of theocracy, because that only leads to violence and brainwashing.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by sb2012]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:39 PM
A one world government would be nice, as long as you can get a one world understanding. But that right now for the mentioned above reasons of religion and culture have devided much of the world to think women arent able to do the jobs of men, that the handicaped arent able to help us learn and live, and that many of factors that most havent an ability to change will prevent them from doing things that will better our ways of living.

Our one world understanding wont come untill we have a one world event, that will in turn show all people of this earth that we are all of the same blood that we all breath the same air and yet are equal in all ways you can comprehend. wether you have one arm, 2 testicles, brown skin, white skin, we can move past these physical indentification tactics and learn who we are from the inside, it is there where our true treasures are held.

it will happen soon or else we shall relinquish the world to the rabbits an birds to evolve into a technological society who would prolly have more of a understanding then ourselves.

Gooo rabbitbeings! lol

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
I am not very old, but I am tired. I feel like the Biblical prophet, Jeremiah, who cried “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.” I am tired of style over substance. I am tired of the lack of common sense. I am just tired of the way we have let our world go spinning out of control while we focus on the celebrity du jour.

I look forward to the end. Maybe the apes can do a better job than we did.

I, too, am tired of life, which equals pain to me. The day my pain ends will be the day I die. I can accept this, and the fact that I cannot hasten my own end, as it would destroy my Father, very soon after losing my Mother. So, what is the difference between the death that we all face individually and a collective death in the fires of Armageddon?

Terrence McKenna called it the Eschaton, the transcendental object at the end of time, that creates echoes, an awareness of itself, further forward in time. As a child I was always aware of this.... acceleration. Its like winding up the handle on those Evel Kinneval (sp?) motorcycle riding toys. It would make this whining noise, higher and higher in pitch until you didn't think you could go any faster and the BANG! he flies off on his little bike and dents the furniture (those were proper toys!). Ok, the analogy might be crap, but that's honestly the first mental connection I made with this acceleration.

I have also always been convinced that I would not see my fortieth birthday. I could imagine being 25, 30, 35, but not forty. It was just a blank. When I developed Chronic Pain 3 years ago I wasn't too surprised. I actually appreciate it showing up. I'd much rather be praying for death than praying for life, wouldn't you? At least its one prayer that will eventually be answered.

Oh, and by the way, I will be 39 in 2012.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 01:41 PM

(2) A Good Heart Condition

I guess that cuts me heart is failing. I have had a heart attack and a stroke.

The Bible used today is probably only a part of the information we should have. Popular Religion has made sure to cement their agendas into any information we can now read.

I don't say throw it all out, but take it with a grain of salt.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:02 PM
those who worship a man or a spirit as a god will be seen the error of there ways. i think that may be true but if it is due to fear the lesson will not have to be a painful one, especially if they can maintain the strenght of there beleif systems as they shift there meaning of "god"

either way has anyone ever pondered that the supressed and otherwise comparitively un FUNDED concept of REmote Viewing may provide a clue to how ancient cultures and the bible may have seen how the times we are entering may have been that of a building calamity and we may be moving into high gear in anticipation of some shift in our way of life which will be accompanied by much violent change for many.

If you have no religous dogma and a open and critically thinking mind (small but growing group) u may give this idea the time of day. because the elite know they couldn't sustain there power base if the knowledge of remote viewing (real remote viewing) became common knowlege and acknowledged mainstream because of the subjectivity and the correlating disorder (at least to there power base) that would ensue from a lack of being able to control and define this subjective possible intuitive ability.

funded sciences can be measured and defined and there is less disorder, more conformity = acceptable to maintain a society's hierarchy things such as remote viewing represent uncontrollable information and thus pose a great threat to the elite in a social order thanks to the uncontrollability of the information that could be wide spread and this disorder is a threat that will be surpressed and unfunded and ridiculed at every turn. ok back to main point

maybe we are headed for a awful time where society breaks down followed by a more service to others society and maybe this was forseen by intuitive remote viewing thousands of years ago, and any knowledge of this was either lost, surpressed, dismissed, or believed to be maybe just a mere option for the future which was believed could be changed, or maybe a little bit of all of the above.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:09 PM
You are a bunch of sad little people. Why is it always doom-n-gloom? I have my bad days and no one is promised tomorrow, but I am thankful for today and appreciate living another day. Quit being pussies and do something constructive and creative instead of whining. When it ends it ends, its all about the journey and not the destination. Also Karilla, don't think about taking the easy way out, as that would not only be hurtful to your father but also to those whose life was cut short and wanted to live, suicide is most selfish. Maybe we do need a New World Order to put you pansies to good use.

"People need somebody to watch over them... Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger

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