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Thoughts of a Non-Mason ... an invite to Masons

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posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 10:10 PM
I've been reading the topics of many Masons on this forum and one topic posted by TheFetch opened my mind a little. I welcome the input of all deep thinkers on this topic.

For many years I thought about our creation and the why's of life. I never was a traveling man due to there are not too many Masons in my town and I don't understand the seperation between the White Masons and the Black Masons (Prince Hall), so I decided to not persue the craft until all Masons are united in one lodge. Well, anyway I invited deep thinkers to this thread because I had some thoughts about the only symbol that is a word, a number, and a mathematical equation. This symbol is PI. The circle is the only symbol that once it is created there is no beginning and no end. But what if the circle was more than just a circle. What I mean is what if the circle has a hidden meaning that could only be decipher if one thinks in 3D. I was looking at the Tree of Life and what I saw was roads leading to multiple worlds but not in our existence. For an example, the world we live are locked in at a certain frequency. All matter that exist in our world are locked at this frequency but once the frequency is changed, a new world begins to reveal itself. Look at it as if you were listening to your favorite radio station, you know there are other stations out there but you are locked in to your favorite station. When you change the channel, your station is still there but you are tuned into a new frequency. Could our universe work like this? If so, could the many crafts from Freemasonry, Paganism, etc, be on the quest to find out how to travel within these worlds? I know it sounds a little SCIFI but I started thinking about the Holy Grail, The Tree of Life, and PI. Could the Grail be a map of frequencies to the worlds which exist within our world? My reasons are simple, IMO the Creator is a Mathematician and if matter can exist in more than one place at a time, that tells me that there is some sort of frequency the atomic particle tuned into in order to exist in two places at one time. If this is possible, could we then become GODS or better yet exist in the same realm of the Creator?
The Grail could be a map to these worlds. Back to the circle, could the circle tell us that all life once created is infinite and the worlds as well.

Just a thought.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by blaqmyst]

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 10:01 AM
Interesting theory, but when you think of it anything could be anything, it is all a matter of perception and opinion, and evidence.This should be an interesting thread.

Please use spaces between your paragraphs though, you might find a lot of people unwilling to contribute to an interesting thread because of the lack of breaks in paragraphs/wall of text.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Thank you for your advice. This is something that I am researching. Many people are getting into crafts because it is the "In thing". I am very curious about how the universe is structured and I believe it is layered in a sphere.

There could possibly be trillions of worlds layered on top of each other. I believe our Creator is a Mathematician and a Scientist. The realm which our Creator rest can't be accessed but all the other worlds can. If this could be possibly true, we as man need to change our egos and understand that if we can achieve this type of power, there will be other creations in these worlds we need to be peaceful with.

We also may meet other creations that are far advanced then we are. With this type of power, we can't allow evil to corrupt our essence. I posted another thread in the UFO section explaining my theory a little more in detail.

[edit on 8-6-2007 by blaqmyst]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 11:51 PM
I know prince hall started sometime ago but black males can join a non prince hall lodge not sure if it works the other way around. Last I checked since the riff raff in Alabama with the gov being a Freemason. Alabama being one state that doesn't recognize Prince hall lodges well I found out that there is a total of 12 states that do this and why you may ask well that is because it goes for vote. The majority reason of the reoccuring vote in those 12 states is unknown to me. I know Alabama to be of some hard core racial tension through out history. I am unaware of the other states.

Now to address the other mentions. More so what can you unearth here which is possible in this world. However would it disturb balance? I think the belief we are like God or have the spark of him in us is addressed most by gnostics. As far as becoming like God, there is mention in the bible about this. Is this what we truly want? I mean here we are drunk on life but to become one like God would be know all and very sober per say.

As far as being in two places at once well in Jewish mysticism there is talk of Golemns which in hebrew means Cocoon. I have read that when you make one present it is as good or as bad as you and is like a mirror. I further took this to the mentions of people lifted up to the heavens by a firey chariot or other. I read into this like returning to your cocoon.

Just some other aspects.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 01:29 PM
I have often thought about travel through the "fifth dimension" of reality, similar to your post.

If time is the fourth dimension, imagine it as a line. There are points of the universe to the left (past) and to the right (future). Is there a point above? If so, then it would be only marginally different than this one because dimensions are continuous (can't make abrupt changes), and would exist at the same time. A similar thought to yours, and simply my musings.

But, remember, it was pride and the prospect of ascent to Godhood that caused the creation of evil (Satan's fall) and the fall of humanity (at least according to some Bible lore).


(In case you were wondering, I'm an atheist that absolutely loves the bible story: greatest epic ever written IMO.)

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 01:38 PM
A few more things:

i is also a number, symbol, and word (two different words, really).

Have you ever heard of the three dimensional object with one side? I forget its name, but take a strip of paper and make a circle. Now flip one end over and trace your finger along it. It now has one side. Neat concept also if you're looking for infinite continuity in 3-dimensional objects.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 09:29 PM

I have been studying the principle of the golden ratio and thought this may also apply to my theory. For thousands of years, many civilizations from the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans have used this number 1.618 in many of its architectual designs. Could we also establish this number could be applied to my earlier posting?

I continue to think about the Tree of Life, and other symbols within the craft and feel confident that our Creator is a brilliant Architect. Let me explain. Let's imagine we have multiple worlds existing at the same time and occupying the same space. How can we travel between these worlds? Atomic frequencies can be manipulated causing atoms to vanish from existence and reappear in another location.

If we take this knowledge and apply it to IMO the two devine numbers PI and PHI, it could be possible to travel virtually anywhere except the realm of the Creator. How is this possible?

In the drawing above we have PI (The universal design of all creation) and PHI (The law of creation, where there is light there is dark), Neither one of these devine equations can exist without each other. The shortest point from A to B is not a straight line, if A was set at a frequency of 500 and B was at 1000, we lock A to B and let nature do the rest. Nature will balance the imbalance, so generally what will happen is instantly A will disappear and reappear with B.

If we look at this on a universal scale, space, time and dimmensional travel is possible using this theory. Could it be possible that a collection of relics show how to create the energy possible to lock into these worlds. I thought about the Holy Grail and other relics being exactly that, a map of safe zones and safe worlds. The problem which needs to be addressed is how to create enough energy to maintain a frequency lock.

I believe the knowledge is embedded in Egyptology and other civilizations. If lead can be turned in to gold by alchemy and changing the molecular structure, can we use this knowledge to open the gates of the heavens?


posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:55 AM
very interresting theory blaqmyst. I know exactly what your talking about with the alternate realities and such. If I maybe bring the fictional author stephen king into this, he also mentions these alternate realities and hidden paths in life in his books 'Salem's Lot, he calls these "hidden paths" highways in hiding in which the main character (Pere Callahan) travels these highways in hiding, as for the alternate realties he mentions this in his epic novel The Dark Tower (which is a great novel spanned across 7 books). Roland of Gilead (one of the main characters, sort of a clint eastwood type character) is searching for this "Dark Tower" which is essentially the culmination of all these alternate realities, each sitting on a different level of the tower. While our world is on one level of the tower and his is on another, his world is falling apart and he must get to our world and do various things to save his world. i highly recommend these books (i havent read salems lot yet but the dark tower series integrates a lot of his works , thats how i leaned of these highways in hiding since pere callahan is one of the characters in this series)

this is also kind of like the matrix (dont kill me for introducing this
), what if our world as we know it,infact isnt real at all?

maybe in fiction there does lye a certain element of truth

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by blaqmyst
If lead can be turned in to gold by alchemy and changing the molecular structure, can we use this knowledge to open the gates of the heavens?

You must remember that "turning lead into gold," alchemically speaking, is an allegory for turning the base and wicked nature of Man into the Enlightened state of communion with God... more or less. It is not meant to be taken literally, in any case.

Perhaps to "open the gates of the heavens" IS to turn your metaphysical lead into gold?

Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by The Axeman

Originally posted by blaqmyst
If lead can be turned in to gold by alchemy and changing the molecular structure, can we use this knowledge to open the gates of the heavens?

You must remember that "turning lead into gold," alchemically speaking, is an allegory for turning the base and wicked nature of Man into the Enlightened state of communion with God... more or less. It is not meant to be taken literally, in any case.

Perhaps to "open the gates of the heavens" IS to turn your metaphysical lead into gold?

Just a thought.

Turning lead into gold is a great allegory when speaking in Quantum Physics. If something is capable of turning man from his wicked ways indeed this would be a major challenge in itself. If this is practical, Man would have to release his war gene and focus more on enlightenment. Some would say being enlightened can open man up to both white and dark forces but it is the ego of man that will determine his path.

The allegory mentioned above IMO can explain how all matter in existence can be changed. We have to break the problematic equation of the square peg fitting in the round hole. The universe demands balance and as long as we obey this, matter can be the servant to man. It is only when man disobey this law is when matter becomes his destruction.

[edit on 12-6-2007 by blaqmyst]

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