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Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real

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posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:02 AM
Here is a contact form for Consolmagno, it is a contact us, email form from the Vatican Observatory..
I have just emailed him, i will post his answer when received

This is what i sent

Good day Sir, my name is xxxxxxx. I have followed your work and interviews very closely, as i have with Mr Balducci.
Could you please tell me sir, what you exactly mean by these comments?

If new forms of life were to be discovered or highly advanced beings from outer space were to touch down on planet Earth, it would not mean "everything we believe in is wrong," rather, "we're going to find out that everything is truer in ways we couldn't even yet have imagined,"
I find them very interesting.
I find several references also in Catholic doctrine that seems to be preempting a form of Disclosure, would you agree with that sir?
Is there anything you can tell me about a possible worldwide disclosure about E.T.s?
I would be very interested in anything you would be able to tell me.
But reading between the lines it seems like people like yourself and Balducci have already put into place the basis for dealing with disclosure..
Am i totally off the track, or is this very real??
Sincerely, xxxxxxx.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww

He must be allowed to say these things, but it isnt official Vatican comments..

Hey, nice to see you're becoming reasonable after all of the melodrama lately.

Since the Vatican involves thousands of people, it's inevitable that there will be people there or connected to it that hold certain convictions about aliens/etc. Keep that in mind. I'm often caught by surprise by certain people I know that happen to have some sort of beliefs pertaining to aliens. Even a staunchly devout Christian I know maintains that alien exist, basically visit here, and we're the example of the rest of the extraterretrial worlds out there (in the divine prophecy view).

Do your efforts, have your interests, just be more reasonable in your wording of things in absolutist terms and irrationality. This is something I myself had to learn as well.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:21 AM
More evidence , paving the way for Disclosure by Consolmagno

Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?
A Jesuit priest says the discovery of life elsewhere in the universe would pose no problem for religion
By Brother Guy Consolmagno

Excerpted from "Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist."

Speaking of alien life's one of those questions that we get asked over and over again, mostly by reporters or people who don't know us very well. The Weekly World News once ran a story headlined "Missionaries for Mars! Vatican Training Astro-Priests to Spread Gospel to Space Aliens!" And deep down, I suspect some people think that's what the Vatican Observatory is really all about.

It isn't.

But still, we get the questions. It's part of a natural connection, one might even say confusion, between the science of looking at distant stars and the philosophy of worrying about the unknown in its many guises. People think we're looking for philosophical answers with our telescopes. What we're actually doing is inspiring philosophical questions.

One crucial question will face Christianity if, or when, extraterrestrial intelligence is discovered. Would aliens need to have their own version of Jesus?

It has been posited that the discovery of life elsewhere in the universe would fundamentally change the way we humans think about ourselves. Maybe; but, to borrow an insight from the historian of science Stephen Dick, I suspect that change has already happened. I really don't think anyone who's aware of the science would be fundamentally changed by the discovery, because nearly everyone expects that it will happen eventually. Probably not in our lifetime; maybe not in the next millennium. But eventually.

Finding any sort of life off planet Earth, either bacteria or extraterrestrials, would pose no problem for religion. Stephen Dick has recently written an excellent popular book on the history of how people through the ages have viewed the possibility of extraterrestrials ("Life on Other Worlds", Cambridge University Press, 1998). He notes that most atheists seem to think discovering extraterrestrial life would be the death of religion; but, in fact, most religious people don't see it that way at all. Indeed, as it happens some of the most prominent scientists currently working on the question of life on Mars are also active churchgoers.

God created the whole universe. There's nothing that makes one place more special than another. Religious people have been able to think in these "cosmic" terms all along, and happily speculated about "other worlds" long before the science fiction crowd had adopted the concept.

But there is one crucial question that will face Christianity if, or when, extraterrestrial intelligence is discovered. That's the question about what the Incarnation means to other species. In other words, would aliens need to have their own version of Jesus?

Do aliens need to be saved? Depends if they are subject to "original sin" or not. The traditional theology of original sin, tracing it back to the origins of the human race, says absolutely nothing about other entities, either way. Once we find other intelligences, we'll be in a better position to expand that theology.

Assuming that original sin, the problem of evil, does face other intelligences, what role does Christian salvation play in their world?

St. Paul's hymns in Colossians 1 and Ephesians 1 make it clear that the resurrection of Christ applies to all creation (".everything in the heavens and everything on earth"). It is the definitive salvation event for the cosmos. Another bit of Biblical evidence is the opening of John's Gospel, who tells us that The Word (which is to say, the Incarnation of God) was present from the beginning; it is part and parcel of the woof and weave of the universe.

Just how this "Word" might be "spoken" to the rest of the intelligent universe, I don't know. But it will be in "words" (that is, events) appropriate to those beings. In any event, good extraterrestrials (ETs), just like good humans, do not need to know about Christ for salvation; that's the tradition of "baptism by desire."

The point there is that, even though the life of Jesus occurred at a specific space-time point, on a particular world line (to put it in general relativity terms), it also was an event that John's Gospel describes as occurring in the beginning-the one point that is simultaneous in all world lines, and so present in all time and in all space. Thus, there can only be one Incarnation-though various ET civilizations may or may not have experienced that Incarnation in the same way that Earth did.

And this is off a Catholic site...
here is link

heres another link to an interesting interview

And this was the guy hand picked by the Pope.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
I'd just be nice if you could for once address specific arguments and refuatations instead of resort to blanket replies to everything said between your last post. For the attention your threads seem to get I'd say you owe it to everyone.
[edit on 21-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

For Clearance: not attended directly at IIB...

Because providing proof that refutations are true simply by linking to another webpage is no proof at all... It is simply word against word in a case where both sides have made up their minds.

So while we are busy writing/calling the vatican and everyone on earth, shouldn't skeptics be doing the same and get voice recordings on their refutations...

I say again... refuting by linking to web pages is at the moment as good as us linking to webpages saying the opposite.

Word against word... Word against word... ok?

But atleast we are trying to figure this out by further contact.

Let me clear this up too... i'm not on this hype because I'm a friend of Shadows etc, you can go to the google earth pic thread and see my responses there...
I'm in this thread because my initial gut feeling tells me to go dig in this, to seek clear and definate answer from the parties that could hopefully give em.

Now I got one reply... but if that is not sufficient I could go hammer the Vatican with more mails and sit naive back and think "yeah... now I sent them 2000 mails, i bet they will take me seriously now!"
It has been 1 day... since I mailed, I'm not expecting an answer within 24 hours.

Now, should we continue this "Yes it is, no it's not" style of communication? Or should we atleast try to dig a little.
I wonder if a skeptic, regardless of what he is skeptic about, could be persuaded to actually do a thing that could be seen as assisting the other sides aspects? Or is that too much of a sacrifice...?

[edit on 21/4/07 by flice]

[edit on 21/4/07 by flice]

[edit on 21/4/07 by flice]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:48 AM
lol, i owe nothing to no-one..
i have given lots of info in this thread, and i dont believe i am relying on one source..
There is multiple evidence supporting my claims..
Notice it is the same energy drainers...
I cant see there posts because i have them on ignore..
Only Ignorance and Shots...
The only reason is they never post anything helpful or positive..
I know they just want the thread to turn in to an argument and to ruin it.
I dont think this thread can be denied or stopped.
And i will not be drawn in to worthless rubbish.
There is more evidence in this thread confirming my beliefs than i thought possible.
All you have to do is read.
Also, the majority of the important evidence is off Catholic websites, The Vatican Observatory Site and the Vatican site itself..
I would admit the sources were weak if they were of a conspiracy site, but alas they are not..
Be very aware of the haters and people that dispute this...
I will always listen to argument..
But where there is only truth, the trail is very easy to follow.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 06:50 AM
On page 7 it was more than just heresay. In the time since Shadoww has finally admitted it's not official Vatican doctrine.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:02 AM
Why did this U.S. Astronaut try to flee to the Vatican?
And why is the Vatican a known safe haven for U.S. and Russian Astronauts..

What else is it that the Vatican is hiding??

February 7, 2007

Defecting NASA Astronaut Captured Trying To Flee United States

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian Intelligence sources are reporting today that one of the United States top NASA Astronauts was captured while trying to flee her country to the Vatican.

According to reports from the propaganda organs within the United States, Lt. Commander Lisa Marie Caputo Nowak, has been arrested on an attempted murder charge, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Astronaut Charged With Murder Attempt", and which says:

"A jail official says a NASA astronaut is being charged with attempted first-degree murder in alleged kidnapping attempt involving a romantic rival.

Lisa Marie Nowak was charged earlier Tuesday with attempting to kidnap a romantic rival in a love triangle with another astronaut.

Nowak, a Navy captain and married mother of three, stood in a jail uniform, looking down during most of the hearing. The 43-year-old robotics specialist faces charges including attempted kidnapping, attempted vehicle burglary with battery, destruction of evidence and battery.

Police said Nowak drove 900 miles, donned a disguise and was armed with a BB gun and pepper spray when she confronted a woman she believed was a competitor for the affections of Navy Cmdr. William Oefelein, an unmarried fellow astronaut.

Oefelein, 41, piloted the space shuttle Discovery in December. He and Nowak trained together but never flew a mission together.

Nowak told police that her relationship with Oefelein was "more than a working relationship but less than a romantic relationship," according to an arrest affidavit. Police found a love letter to Oefelein in her car.

According to authorities, Nowak believed another woman, Colleen Shipman, was romantically involved with Oefelein. When Nowak found out Shipman was flying to Orlando from Houston, Nowak decided to confront her early Monday, according to the arrest affidavit.

Nowak raced from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers in the car so she wouldn't have to stop to go to the bathroom, authorities said."

Russian Intelligence reports, however, paint a startling different picture of this event in detailing Lt. Commander Nowak’s flight across the United States yesterday from Tucson, Arizona where she was an ‘official’ NASA Observer with the Vatican Observatory Research Group Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO) in southeastern Arizona.

These reports further state that the Vatican Telescope was tracking the ‘anomalous object’ that had ‘grazed’ our Earth’s atmosphere over Siberia causing 100 square kilometers to be covered with the ‘residue’ this past week, and which many reports from that region described as ‘multi-coloured’ snow.

The ‘anomalous object’ was then reportedly ‘brought down’ by US Strategic Command Forces over North America on Sunday, and which resulted in an enormous Fireball seen throughout the Northern Regions of the Untied States, after which Lt. Commander Nowak began her attempt to flee the United States for protection form the Vatican.

Our previous reports have long detailed the Vatican’s previous attempts to provide ‘safe havens’ to both American and Russian space officials, as well as their infiltrations of the United States space agency NASA.

Virtually unreported in the Western media have been the long standing efforts by the Vatican to utilize the World’s space agencies in preparing for what they believe will be the precursor ‘event’ to the Great Earthquake foretold by their ancient prophecies, and which many believe the passing of the Great Comet of 2007 has indeed foretold.

To what exactly led too Lt. Commander Nowak’s fearful run to flee the United States for the protection of the Vatican it is within our knowing.

But, even more strangely than this reason is the fact that rather than accept the truth of Lt. Commander Nowak’s fears, the American people have been so indoctrinated that they will, instead, believe that one of their Nations top female graduates of their Naval Academy, distinguished female Navy Pilot with over ‘1,100 flight hours in more than 30 different aircraft’, and NASA Astronaut, could even commit such a fairy tale crime as is being put upon this woman.

What is the Precursor event?????

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:26 AM
It would be better if you provide the source of that text.

Not only does ATS have a strict policy of non-plagiarism as it would help other people.

[edit on 21/4/2007 by ArMaP]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww
Why did this U.S. Astronaut try to flee to the Vatican?
And why is the Vatican a known safe haven for U.S. and Russian Astronauts..

What else is it that the Vatican is hiding??

February 7, 2007

Defecting NASA Astronaut Captured Trying To Flee United States

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

LOL now there is something ATS can sink its teeth into NOT

Another one of Sorcha Faals pieces of garbage. But do not feel bad Just last week her name was at the end rather then the beginning of an article I posted and I too was duped.

Now if you think she who by the way is actually a he is correct look up his/ her accuracy rate.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:32 AM

love to know what glanced the atmosphere, that the us brought down in north america.
there is a lot going on here.
Armap , your such a bore..
do you ever post anything decent?
im just posting what i find out as i research.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww
im just posting what i find out as i research.

Well this astronauts name was in the papers most of last month and it would appear what good old whats his face did was put a twist on the kidnapped charges she faced and turned it into a conspiracy.

Googfle search esults happy reading

I am not certain but I also recall she was arrested in her own home or car, so how can they turn that into fleeing the country?

[edit on 4/21/2007 by shots]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:03 AM
I typed in Precurser, vatican and nasa in google
here is one of the top links..
A precurser event seems to relate to a comets collision..
This Comet is also mentioned in Vatican Prophecy...
Hmm is the reason the Vatican is spending so much money on technology and Space, that they know something is going to happen???
A lot of this points to something significant happening this year..
I thought it was disclosure.
But maybe it is something else that will force out disclosure..
It has been mentioned about the Comets companion??
What does that mean???
Does the Vatican think the arrival of this comet in 2007 also heralds the arrival of E.T.s on earth..
Maybe i am going too far....
But it could be a possibility.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww
Armap , your such a bore..
Yes, that is one of my best qualities.

do you ever post anything decent?
Decency is in the eye of the beholder.

im just posting what i find out as i research.
I just asked for the source, something everyone should provide when using other people's work.

I don't know if this was posted before, but here goes, a video of Monsignore Corrado Balducci on Italian TV. Although it has been said that he appeared several times, this is the only video I could find.
(Obviously, it's in Italian)


posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:10 AM


Official Within UFO-Secrecy Management Group Reveals Insider Secrets By Dr. Richard Boylan, PhD

Wolf notes that the extraterrestrials are not comfortable with the world money and power brokers' need for continuing world industrialization, which they see as headed towards planet- killing.

I like this part very much - it actually makes my stomac buzz..

My problem - is that im paranoid about the Vatican - I don't trust the Vatican - I have gone so far as to think they are mafia.

But I also have another more kind idea about the Vatican - and that is they are her to protect us - But thats a very kind idea.

I also believe they use to burn people in medieval times because of the knowlegde people had - I mean knowlegde of nature and how everything is connected - that knowlegde are we somhow being disconnected from by Television and media influence.

the next words im gonna write includes the word Extraterestrials - I know it is out there for some people - But I have read from some of you - that we should dig and win win - So I allow myself to dig - as if, I and we are some steps ahead of "normal knowlegde" - a common goal - we need to speculate - this is speculation - Thoughts - that some might recognize from their own thoughts.

One thing Im not sure of - How the vatican is being used as a political tool - like Dr.Wolf decribes the Extraterestrial concern about the (extraterestrials are not comfortable with the world money and power brokers' need for continuing world industrialization)

The thing is - How is the vatican being used these days? Is the world banks and economy part of their goal ? or are the private banks and the industrial dream or insanity seperated from the idea the Vatican has about how the world should become?

How much is world politic's money and the destruction of wolrd nature part of the Vatican?
I mean - If Vatican is "OKAY" with disclosure or the arrival of "them" - That would mean that world money and power brokers - Would die out sorta speak. If -them- from out there - think like that

Are the Vatican just following footstep with bankers or leaders of another group of people - Like they have no other choice?

just like the chinese killed/invaded buddist monks 50 years ago or so.

Who is on what side - And what does disclosure means political and financial - if "those"from out there don't want us to make money that eventually destroy this planet. Does the Vatican agree with that - really?

Anyone ever heard of the new world order - You can see that they are creating a new currentcy in USA soon - Because they are destroying the Dollar - "the Amero" i think the new coin is called. Same stuff as the ECU - Euro coin..

Is the new system being formed - with ID tags and stuff -part of disclosure? So money becomes useless and we have these tags instead - and we will become ready for the rest of nations out in the universe that might run under same kinda system.?

looks like they are creating the conditions for disclosure these years - Or maybe it's more negative towards disclosure or any kinda influence form outside our planet. I dunno.
Is vatican and politic's in same boat? about disclosure - or are they fighting eachother behind the scene of the publich eyeballs an ears?

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Ram]
i mean - they are using the same freaking symbols for - yes - for christ sake that is.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Ram]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:12 AM
I was searching for the object they said glanced of the atmosphere
check these out... incredible

Flaming flying object"Fireball in the sky" reported across wide area - March 12, 2007.
Mystery Booms in S Carolina -- NEIC: No Earthquake - March 8, 2007.
Suspected meteorite crashes through bedroom window - March 7, 2007.
Green meteor flashes night skies - February 21, 2007.
Strange noise might have been meteor - February 15, 2007.
Three Killed In Suspected Meteorite Fall In India's Rajasthan - February 8, 2007.
Meteorite kills nomads - February 8, 2007.
Meteor lights up the sky - February 7, 2007.
Iowans report seeing meteor that lit up sky over four states - February 6, 2007.
Hundreds See Flaming Objects In Night Sky - February 5, 2007.
Bright lights reported over Midwest skies - February 5, 2007.
Spectacle in Midwestern sky was probably meteor, officials say - February 5, 2007.
What Was That? Strange Lights In Upstate Skies - January 26, 2007.
Bright green light across sky surprises many in Singapore - January 7, 2007.

all of these links are on this page

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Is comet Mcnaught the great 2007 comet in Vatican prophecy?
heres more info with lots of links.

I dont mean to go off topic.. but i think this is also relevant, and i think connected to the thread...

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:41 AM
OMG!!! I have just found this...
I pray it is Bogus..
It is today !!!!


here is the link

It is Bogus, im sure...
But there is something stinky going on.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Shadoww

Well, if that's the case, then at least I've only got one week left of work! Woo hoo!!!

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 08:55 AM
Lol it is completely Bogus...
I think we should return to disclosure.
I find it interesting though.. The Astronaut trying to flee to the Vatican... The shooting at Nasa... Feelers out towards disclosure from the Vatican..
Vatican prophecy... they are maybe all connected..

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 10:16 AM
Believing that God created the Universe in 6 Days is Pagan Superstition, cites Consolmagno. -

Believing that God created the universe in six days is a form of superstitious paganism, the Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno claimed yesterday.

Brother Consolmagno, who works in a Vatican observatory in Arizona and as curator of the Vatican meteorite collection in Italy, said a “destructive myth” had developed in modern society that religion and science were competing ideologies.

He described creationism, whose supporters want it taught in schools alongside evolution, as a “kind of paganism” because it harked back to the days of “nature gods” who were responsible for natural events.

Brother Consolmagno argued that the Christian God was a supernatural one, a belief that had led the clergy in the past to become involved in science to seek natural reasons for phenomena such as thunder and lightning, which had been previously attributed to vengeful gods. “Knowledge is dangerous, but so is ignorance. That’s why science and religion need to talk to each other,” he said.

“Religion needs science to keep it away from superstition and keep it close to reality, to protect it from creationism, which at the end of the day is a kind of paganism – it’s turning God into a nature god. And science needs religion in order to have a conscience, to know that, just because something is possible, it may not be a good thing to do.”

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

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