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Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real

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posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 10:21 AM
damn, say what you want about shadow but he does do ALOT of work and research.. wow.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Heres an excellent interview with Consolmagno

Very indepth and informative

This one Cosolmagno talks about the Vaticans Observatory, its technology and Telescopes.. He says its the way to find God..

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:08 AM
This is massive news! - and its about bloody time the truth started being told, makes me think why now tho?

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Now this is total speculation..
What we have had so far has been laden with facts, but could it possibly be true after all??

Insiders from NASA, DoD national military intelligence, SETI, and the CIA speculate 2/3 of the population of the planet could perish during the coming pole-shift caused by the passage of Planet X. Another 2/3 of those that survive initially could pass away to starvation and exposure to the elements within 6 months. Most every secretive government agency in the USA is fully aware of what is expected and are readying themselves. The Vatican is fully abreast of what is expected. The public is not being warned and given their chance to prepare.

It definitely makes a little more sense than it used to..
Not my opinion., but with the facts of the Vaticans passion and intense study in this area, they obviously are looking for something.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
it's real, we will know.

It's win-win.

Someone called.......

As an ATS resident "Remote Viewer", my reason for joining was because I have seen ET disclosure as a reality. There were other things as well, but ET disclosure by the World's leaders, to the citizens of the world, is our reality.

I also believe this to be soon, because I will live to see it in person. That I have been promised. Information is, this has already begun to happen, and it will increase till we have full disclosure.

This will be more like a rescue mission. Earth can not continue to sustain us, with our current technology. It was not designed to be used the way we have in the past 200 years. This will be a mission by our brothers and sisters (ET), to rescue our backsides.

We will all be gratefull, when this becomes reality.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:34 AM
Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape: Investigation Continues Into Spy Game Surrounding UFO Mystery

Very interesting article posted today by Gary S. Bekkum.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:39 AM
I have this weird concept that i have been mulling over the past few weeks that the Earth is not a natural formation (at least not completely). There was this posted in another ATS thread recently that kind of made me think a little harder on the concept:

It starts on page 4 because that is the only place to link back into all the other pages. It is pretty interesting and could change the way we see ourselves and recent events. it would totally explain "FooFighters" (not the band), as they were investigating a new flying threat: fighter airplanes.

The statement that the Earth wasn't designed for how we use it rings a bell along this line of thought. I see this completely as being true. Earth is a garden paradise, even the deserts. It is beautiful and we don't appear to even appreciate it much anymore, spending out time here on the internet instead of out actively living life.

Evolution...this is interesting. Does it require biological change? Can there be evolution that involves things undetectable genetically? Like the evolving way we use the tools we have to live life? We are hardly the same creatures we were 200 years ago, although we could be reduced back to that relatively easily i believe.

So, is there a resuce mission? Are they rescuing humans, or the Earth?

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:49 AM
This last year has seen some strange developments in the UFO/ET scene.

The abduction phenomena seems to have all but entirely died. I haven't been able to find any documented reports after November of 2006, and they were very sparse after July of 2006. I am wondering is if they've truly stopped or if there has been a large effort to suppress their reporting.

UFO sightings seem to be up substantially, especially on the U.S. and Canadian West Coast. The types of UFOs being sighted seem to be shifting from the classic saucer shaped UFOs to a combination of black triangle or "V" shaped craft and orbs or spherical craft , and occasional weird light blob formations for lack of a better description such as those recently by Dawne Berry.

There have also been a number of governments worldwide that have released UFO information. The French government in particular setup a website that crashed shortly after it was turned up due to an unexpectedly heavy load.
With the evidence shown in this thread, i would like to ask you all...
Has Disclosure already started????
Is what we are seeing the beginnings of a gradual trickle of information to create as smooth(ish) a transition as possible????

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:51 AM
Disclosure is imminent according to Dan Burisch. Haven't seen any real debunking of him he remains mostly credible to me for now. Check out his interviews on


posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 11:54 AM
Shadoww that last copy article you pasted into this thread -

What does that text tell us? It's the message - Like what does that text basically tell us?

That text tells me - that the church is compartmentalized -

meaning: divided up into compartments or categories; "most sciences have become woefully compartmentalized"

Meaning: There is still a part of church Vatican hidden - And has been since the creation of the new bibles and the original concept of the Religious scriptures.

Meaning: Religion has been used to control the direction and it's people in one direction - which is money power and all that crap that destroys this planet. It is the problem we still face - manipulation. Manipulation is possible if you know more - or has directly hidden knowlegde or re-written the holy scriptures so they would become a tool for obeyness to the whealthy state - the papal states.

Vatican flag with two keys on it.

Meaning: Originally nature was man - But is no more.

Meaning: if some people inside the Vatican try to look for a reality kinda understanding of God - Why the hell don't they just talk to eachother?

Meaning: They cannot talk to eachother because the church is compartmentalized

Meaning: divided up into compartments or categories; "most sciences have become woefully compartmentalized"

Meaning: There is still a part of church Vatican hidden - And has been since the creation of the new bibles and the original concept of the Religious scriptures.

And finally - meaning: Vatican is part of politic's Which means - They are the military - they are our banks - they are telling you lies.
Because politic's kill and destroys and lie.

Meaning that disclosure wont come from the Vatican unless it is from sombody outside - or somone who use to be in Vatican circles.

Meaning: Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrialsthat he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology.

Means what he says. What he believes - what he thinks is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. He must be outside.

Which means - Doors is closed to the top - to the real truth... Else he would not come out and tell us this crap - years ago. They dont talk or communicate about these things.

The Vatican is a VERY powerfull organisation that kills people who even gets inside the libary wich is closed from most people on this planet. That is why there is two keys on that flag i suggest.
yes - murder.

Vatican wont go publich unless the political system agree on it. that is perhaps why there is two keys instead of one key on that flag.

the guy you talked with on the phone - Was not the pope you know.

And I could go back to the message from DR.Wolf - about those from outside earth - who don't like the whole concept of money and brokers - the brokers firms and money making-companies who individually follows the rules of this world that will eventually destroy nature - Which in R E A L I T Y is us. Don't think of the consequence they are part of - because it's secret and they are not suppose to see it - and cannot because the media have just as much censur going on, as the Vatican and the top political corruption ensure censur is suppose to be.

Scary thing is - that even people inside the curch or any other religion with that much power over it's people,
don't know much of what has happend to mankind since the creation of that story about the SUN of God. Even though they go to schools to learn about all this - they don't get to learn about the real deal. Pretty smart i might add. What a waste of time - SUN of God.

yea - the SUN - SON - SOL - SOLARI - is the most important over looked truth on this planet - The SUN is the first natural thing. The SUN ON the CROSS...

That is what the original idea is about. Then our connection to nature - Which is God's mechanism - Thunder Rain and plantlife - animals. and what have you?

Go even further - We have the stars - The ZODIACS - The age of the fish - Now - Going into the age or AQUARIUS in 80 years time- The man with the water bowl - Bolleta - bottle...
The age of the cow - the Lion.. It's all astrological - which is what the church hates so utterly - because originally man was free of all this crap that sourounds us and has been artificially installed into our minds from childhood. Jesus the SUN. Muhammed - Allah..What ever.

Well appart from that - I think those people from outside (aliens) if such is - They gave us simple instructions how our planetary system functions - And bad thing is - (religious power hungry meniacs)They made the idea and explaination of the SUN/SON/ - a human in flesh and blood - biggest lie ever. Congratulation on us - and on you people who never will know this.

Bloody slavery.

The truth has been disorted so much you wont understand this - Because your told not to understand it..Im sick of it. Offcourse im sick of it.

So I don't really care anymore. Cause Money is GOD. Money is our system - But what about our souls? Who feed our souls these days? What feed our souls. LIES.

If you think your free - I know many of you brave people in here knows WE ARE NOT -
I know many of you worry - cause you cannot tell you boyfreind - or your girl-freind - you family or the people you meet on street on job - because then you are insane.

Thats what the system the church has done for all of us. And I don't care what religion your part of - They suck your ass out -just like it sucks the life out of this planet. Because we cannot speak same language. Because - infact in reality - we are taught to be fundementally stupid.

easy to control - We behave nice because it's our original nature to be freindly and nice. And they take advantage of it. Put all these symbols on the streets of Wasington DC - Paris - and all the major cities - on the planet

You are dumb. We are stupid mob.

But hopfully these lights in the skies are here to help us dumb morons to wake up to Reality - Nature is dying - Gaia is going into a massive depression.

I Don't believe Vatican will do Disclosure unless those in the top political insane mission war-department says: "it's time" - And what kinda Disclosure the political religious system has in store for us - I think it's another mental-lock-box.

Royal blood my arse.

We should be free to think and learn in our lifetime - As soon as you send your children to the mental institutions (school) - you have just made the problem of this planet one person bigger. But what else can you do?

good bye.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Ram]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 12:07 PM
Cheers Ram, very interesting read, and take on things.
I dont believe the full Disclosure will come through the Vatican.
What i am saying is what they are putting out and what they are adding to their doctrine is a plan to "cope" with a fore coming Disclosure..
The steps they have already taken, the awareness they are spreading amongst Catholic sites.. The view that normal Catholics have nothing to worry about, as of course it fits in nicely with their policies and Agenda..
You have on the Vaticans own observatory website for example a Vatican astronomer calling a Star "Gods Sperm".
And Balducci basically saying it "is a sin not to believe in other life"
That it is already stated in scripture that this is so.
They are saying Catholic scholars predate the Sci-Fi writers in thinking about life on other planets, as it has been said in religeous writings..
You have the Pope appointed chief astronomer calling creationalists "Pagans" and "Superstitious".
No one can argue with the Shift of the Vatican on this..
They have put the answers already into place for the coming questions..
They are more than ready for disclosure.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 12:21 PM
What is the motivation to achieve greatness? ...Wealth ...Power ...Control?

All three...?

This is our nature as humans, living in this 3D world.

Why are we this way? Are we infected with some type of virus which causes us to treat others in a manner that we would not appreciate being treated?

I did post about a Meteor splashing down in the ocean, back in Dec/Jan just after joining. At the time, I saw it as being an 07/08 event.


posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 12:29 PM
Well - That could mean that forces within Vatican own Ranks are sick of it too..

Nice.. I hope they are gonna wake up - Also inside the Vatican - And realize - that our intelligence dont need to be taught things - win 52
- that are basically wrong and old stupid virus in the minds of man and woman for that sake.

That if we are all part of nature - which is pretty obvious - We know these things already - because we are nature - we know it - we are nature..

actually logic - on a next step of evolution.

So maybe the Vatican - Or even political persons - Are also wakening up to the realization that we are no different from eachother - In other way than what mad religion we have allowed ourself to become indoctrinated by. That is our differences.

And that we basically fight because that old religion tells us to do so - in some bad'ish up way. It tells us deep into our mental organism and soul that - Be mad if somone does somthing wrong - And tells us that because of the rules the Vatican church Allah bible what ever - Originally needed to teach us to build up this mad world - of high tech gear - Playstation what have we - Cars - Airplanes.

That now - The table is perhaps turning - and that means the table is turning against themselves - so their might be an internal war going on - Also political - mentally - Because most of you beautiful people are waking up - to again - the fact that we are no different - even if we have Royal blood in our bodies - from the normal person - you and I on the so called street.

That Disclosure is a natural thing that will actually blow our arse of - Nomatter what our position in society is. Just like an appel turns red - from green - That kinda natural thing.

Thx shadoww..
Good show.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Ram]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 12:38 PM
Here is a quote from George Coyne, the guy who was in charge at the Vatican Observatory.

Jesuit George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, said, “The more we study the stars, the more aware we become of our own ignorance, and it is madness to think we humans are alone in the universe.”

Here is link to a good interview with Coyne

he was sacked by the Pope for his opinions on Evolution.
interview asking Coyne "is there intelligent life elsewhere in universe"
(need real player)

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

[edit on 21-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Nice.. I hope they are gonna wake up - Also inside the Vatican - And realize - that our intelligence dont need to be taught things - win 52
- that are basically wrong and old stupid virus in the minds of man and woman for that sake.

I just say what I see and am told, as being our future.

This has nothing to do with a religious posture, because I have none. It is the Creator of the Universe and/or Universal knowledge that gives the insight for what I say. I am only the secretary.

During my discovery questioning:

If I am told that an infection has caused this world to become the way it is, my only course is to tell it like it is.

If I am told that we are about to have full disclosure in the form of an ET rescue mission, that is what I will say.

I see this as the reason why we need to be rescued from ourselves.

It is time for us to take our propper place in the Universe, as was planned before we became infected with hate and greed.

The Universe we belong to is one of love and peace.

This is our reality.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Shadoww
The abduction phenomena seems to have all but entirely died.

Because shadowy government/establishment agents have widely stopped abducting and testing their weapons / related technologies on people.

The types of UFOs being sighted seem to be shifting from the classic saucer shaped UFOs to a combination of black triangle or "V" shaped craft

Those new military craft sound interesting!

and orbs or spherical craft , and occasional weird light blob formations for lack of a better description such as those recently by Dawne Berry.

Don't forget about the satallites that can be seen by the naked eye, and look like balls of light / orbs, or the sightings that people either make up or think they see. Since we see with our brains and not our eyes, many genuine reports of "sightings" are figments of the brain.

Is what we are seeing the beginnings of a gradual trickle of information to create as smooth(ish) a transition as possible????

It's just the latest efforts to use the "UFO" 'issue' to divert people away from the real and undeniable issues that mankind faces, and the establishments wants us to ignore. Propaganda is the science of persuasion and diversion.

[edit on 21-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 02:35 PM
Vatican Observatory director George V. Coyne writes “The Evolution of Intelligent Life on the Earth and Possibly Elsewhere: Reflections from a Religious Tradition.” Of approximately 1022 stars in the universe, Coyne estimates that perhaps 1017 may be earthlike. He states: “Unless our scientific thinking is drastically wrong, this conclusion…implies: at a minimum the macroscopic physical conditions for life (an Earthlike planet in a ‘habitable zone’ about a solarlike star) exist elsewhere in the universe.”

here is link

Did life arise by chance or by necessity and what does this say about God the Creator? If there is intelligent life elsewhere, did Christ come to save them?

These questions were raised by George Coyne in a scientific paper prompted by the discovery of dozens of planets outside our solar system. George is no ordinary scientist - he is also a Jesuit priest and director of the Vatican Observatory.

George Coyne is the pope's astronomer, a Jesuit priest who runs the Vatican observatory. And George Coyne says that he believes that Jesus is a singular event, and he expects to be on the front lines if an when that view of the world is challenged by the discovery alien life.

incredible stuff.
another one, and a previous Vatican Observatory Director too.
This is High Level Vatican Padres that are all basically screaming there are Aliens..
Remember the Vatican Obsevatory has been operating through 9 Popes..
It has been watching the stars a lot longer than NASA.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:51 PM
It'd be irrational and absurd to declare that life doesnt exist elsewhere. It's them actually visiting here is where that begins to turn around for the opposite.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 04:00 PM
... or at least someone has mistaken some planes or birds for them hovering over Boston. I couldn't say what they are. Anyone here recognize the objects posted in the new thread (UFOs over Boston, or something to that effect). I live here but I didn't see them... I've been chained to my computer all afternoon! Zilch on the news and I've never seen one!

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Shadoww
(please visit link for full story)
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.

This guys story and views seems to tie in nicely with the disclosure project..
The Catholic church is modernising its doctrine to be able to deal with world realization of Extraterrestrials.
Usually the Church would of kept this sort of thing hidden, but does this prove that a worldwide disclosure on Aliens and U.F.O.s is not now a possibility but a reality?

Here is an enhanced image of the U.F.O. caught on camera above the Vatican last year.

"The color of the object is consistant with UFO colors as the UFO craft transition in energy from red to amber as they undergo power shifts. Rome, unlike New York and other brightly illuminated cities, has little light that could be reflected so brightly from such an apparently high flying object. The equalized enlargement (the lower one) shows the body of the craft as a black silhouette"

[edit on 20-4-2007 by Shadoww]

disclosure project.


Come on, millions are starving!

False Religion and all religion is doomed. YES DOOMED.

"Give us your F*&$%^£G money" says Sir BOB GELDOF.

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