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Hidden sexual symbolism in churches

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posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 02:23 PM
What is a church?

It really comes from the early English word that means "circle." The biblical word that is translated "church" is the Greek word ekklesia (feminine gender) has nothing to do with the word "circle" that describes a shape

What is a steeple?

A steeple is an occult symbol like that of the Free Masons, the sun god Ra or Nimrod,it is nothing more than a penis, a phallic object.

A symbolism of sex. The phallic goes in the cirlcle. The washington monument goes in the oval office. This is hidden symbolism. Look at the Vatican same symbols there as well.

here is some pictures. Look up the ancient meaning of these symbols.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 02:53 PM
has anyone seen that film "rape of the soul"? if so, where can i get that film?? Its a documentary on sexual and satanic images in christian renessiance paintings and in churches etc.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 03:29 PM
The gothic churches/cathedrals are nothing more than an abstraction in stone of the original pagan sexual-magick rites. The traditional cross-shape of the floor plan can be said to be the prostrate female element. Next time you visit or look at photos of a medieval cathedral, look at the main entrance, more often than not, they are multi arched and ribbed porticos which draw an abstracted similarity to the female vagina.... why do you think that throughout history, males ONLY were allowed to 'enter' the church (in the most literal sense!)...a female priest would be considered a lesbian

(s'cuse the abbreviated thinking...)

[edit on 9-2-2007 by citizen smith]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 07:40 PM
Good god, why is anyone surprised?

No one reads the bible anymore!
It is a LOVE story!

An epic romance between two individual nobodies who loved one another more than even life itself.

It is the story of life.

There is but one story - all over the world - and guess what folks? It's all about one thing: love
and love is never alone
love always brings lust

they marry and become one
one is passion

The Passion of the Christ
The ultimate romance novel
The story of my life
and yours, too.

[edit on 2/9/2007 by queenannie38]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by hikix
has anyone seen that film "rape of the soul"? if so, where can i get that film?? Its a documentary on sexual and satanic images in christian renessiance paintings and in churches etc.

Check this site. It is the official Rape of the Soul site. DVD can be ordered for 25.94 which includes S&H.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 07:44 AM

what about the open and blatant sexual imagery?

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 03:44 PM
It is amazing when you look into it. It is time for mankind to know the truth about these institutions, corrupt to the core. They are pagan, occultic, and extremely sexual. Our entire society is set up on majic and sex. It is time to move on from this crap.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:37 AM
You are really kidding about this right???

Public Schooling/Education....

No perhapsed that is not entirely correct..what you post I dont believe you will get in public schools..nothing close to it. you know how many symbols there are in a Christian Church.

Zero. None.

By the do also know that the church is the Assembly...not the building. You do also know that Pagans have churchs..too...prayers...trinitys etc etc??

What is unknown by so many Christians is how much Pagan influence is infiltrated into the Christian belief system right down to the holidays and building construction. Stained glass...steeples...holidays..rituals etc etc etc.

Much of what you are describing is of Pagan origins not Christian.

As to Washington DC and the Washington monument is a tracing board...where the shadow of the monument travels around Washington DC and tells a story particulary at different times of the year when the angles change the shadow itself. This Pagan pattern is done two ways blocking out sunlight so that only on one day of the year will the suns lifegiving rays penetrate to shine on a particular location as it does in Stonehenge or Karnak temple in Egypt. The other way is to cast a shadow to tell the story/tradition. This is why the peculear lay out of Washington DC. Many of the capital cities of this world are laid out on variations of this pattern. To be seen from above by the gods. Paris, France..Mexico City...etc etc.
This is not a Christian pattern..but Pagan and Occult.
Steeples are the same.

The cross is not Christian...this is a real shocker to many Believers. It is of Pagan origins ..the intersection of the male and female principles.

I have been to meeting houses...where the Church meets and the Church goes home. There are no steeples, stained glass, No crosses, no candle sticks and no altar. An altar is a place of sacrafice..the Christian sacrafice is over..made once ..never to be needed altar needed. any altar is Pagan in origin.

What I am saying ,Rich , is that there are assemblys/Churchs who know this pattern to this day..and also teach and know the Pagan origins of many traditions among so called Christians. THey are in the minority today but they are still here and have been since the River Jordan.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by rich1974
What is a church?

It really comes from the early English word that means "circle."

English and german have similar words for church. It doesn't stem from an english word.

Here is the etymology:
O.E. cirice "church," from W.Gmc. *kirika, from Gk. kyriake (oikia) "Lord's (house)," from kyrios "ruler, lord."

So it comes from greek, but not ecclasia, which is another word used in the same way.

What is a steeple?

Its a good way to build something tall.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:28 PM
Any symbol (or word for that matter) only has the power which you personally give to it.

The symbol doesn't define itself, people give it meaning. Therefore, you have power over these symbols - unless you decide that you are less than a symbol.

Why would you give your power to a geometrical figure?

It's just a thought ...

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
Any symbol (or word for that matter) only has the power which you personally give to it.

The symbol doesn't define itself, people give it meaning. Therefore, you have power over these symbols - unless you decide that you are less than a symbol.

Why would you give your power to a geometrical figure?

It's just a thought ...

That which you post is not at all ...unreasonable. Yet this seems to escape the thinking process of many today.

This is why I am often given to asking....Public Education...???

Meaning.....television education....mostly emotions.

Well said...thanks,

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by rich1974
Hidden sexual symbolism in churches

I think there is hidden sexual symbolism in alot of humanities' creations, Not just churches.

Look at how people fill up their gas tanks for example. One can argue there is sexual symbolism in the act of fueling up automobiles at the gas stations as well.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Self Service", doesn't it?

Have a nice Valentines day!


posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Self Service", doesn't it?

Have a nice Valentines day!

No thank YOU
my beloved
immortal beloved

have a great V-day yourself - you know what i mean

if not at least you know i mean it

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 06:06 AM
The symbolism adopted by the places of worship for Christians (I didn't say the Church) is lost on most of today's worshippers.
The architectural design is a less obvious rendering of the VERY early religions which centred on more 'human worship'. The so-called 'Pagan' religions which were wiped out by the aggressive wave of Christianity were incorporated into Christianity and have been there for so long that no one can differentiate between them.

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