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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
My friend does not at the moment have access to time travel technology.

Although, he has seen events come to pass (in his mind, this year, although at the latest it could be 2008/2009) whereby his future self comes back to meet him and "hooks him up" with access.

so TD in this thread has not yet time travelled ?

So asking to see this technology is pointless. That he is currently aware of, he has not traveled to our time from another time - he was born just like everyone else.

But his experiences, including his abduction experience, have shown him that he is currently time traveling as his future and younger self, and that he will come to visit himself in the next 12-36 months.

He says he has traveled into the future, past and other planets, and that clear memories of all of these travels began to emerge in 1997, five years after a six day abduction experience.

so all of this is based on events that happened in 1992, 15 years ago ? how old was TD at that time ?


posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 05:13 AM
Hey there Syrinx High Priest !!!

I can see where your coming from with what you say.

You could saythat this thread started out about TD, but it has grown from there.

My take on it is that TD has documented his experiences and along the way he has found other people that have had experiences that share common confirmations. It is sort of like a large mosaic map where some tiles are blank, and are filled in by other people whose tiles overlap with what they have experienced. I can relate to this in the fact that I have had strong visions of the mass landing. I can sort of slot this into one of the tiles of the mosaic. OTD has been remarkable in his research in providing other sources from around the net that also slot into the overall picture.

I don't think TD has gained anything financially by his story. He has nothing for sale on his web page. I give him full credit for having the guts to put the story 1st before money. It is all about the message.
Something may have already happened as OTD has been away from the thread for a while now, who

Just quickly interesting points from the DVD From Here to Andromeda
*David Sereda and his wife/girlfriend - Can't act for
*His wife freaks out when hitting a butterflies whilst driving the car.
*The Space Shuttle was shot down by an unknown beam weapon
*Roswel UFO and many others shot down by US Gov (This might explain why none have ever crashed in Australia....that I know of)
*US had a Nuclear UFO as early as 1959
*Although promised all through the DVD I still have no idea how a UFO works. David did not build one. I thought he had the plans ready to go. He did draw lots of diagrams that all remarkably have circles going clockwise and anti clockwise.
*Antigravity technology exists - basic examples where shown. Some of these things you could try at home with magnets.
*David thinks the human population is screwed and that ET's are just trying to preserve the Planet so they can move in when we become extinct.
*Sitting on a mountain and praying all night for an ET craft to take you to Andromeda doesnt
+ more but do yourself a favour and get it for the acting if nothing else.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
not hung up on it, just baffled how anyone can read that and not challenge it, but rather just accept it without reservation

It is not a matter of acceptance, Srynx, just a matter of waiting a few months before closing the door. I have too many experiences of my own to discredit all of this thread, even if I do not understand what is about to take place here on Earth.

TD is essentially saying he is a more reliable scource for what happens when Jesus returns than the bible

Not at all, he is merely telling his story. If you don't like it, that is your perogative. Do you actually believe the Bible is the only record you will accept? What if it was not 100% right? The writers were human, subject to corruption.

aren't any christian posters offended by this ?

Are you offended? Are you trying to pick a fight, or defend the Bible to the letter, the way it is presented in English?

I guess I get offended by frauds and hoaxers, especially the way they prey on those who are looking for something to believe in.

How do you know whether this is a hoax or not? Come and talk to me after 2012, untill then the jury is out.

If this thread was presented as a "what if" thread, I'd be on TD's side, and as I posted earlier, would be an enthusiastic contributor to the thread.

Ask the admin to put it there. They are the ones who put it here.

Its presented as fact, so I have an issue with that

There are enough facts, that have come to be, with the life of TD and his family, and friends, that I am going to stand vigil here till we see the end result.

Technically, we still haven't met the time traveller, right ? Aren't we just dealing with TD's memories of a future self or some other cocamamie story ?

We may not see any evidence of time travel till after the concert. That is what will stare the ball rolling.

TD, at best, is just a bored dude playing on the internet, and, at worst, trying to copy titors business model and sell books and coffee mugs

I think you are beating a dead horse on this interpretation of this thread. I would be surprised if TD had the time to do what you are saying. It is obvious you have not had experience raising young children. I am kind of surprised he has time for this. That is how important this really is. He is making time to give out a cry in the dark, because that is where most of his warnings fall, in the dark.

If it were me, I would have walked away in disgust a long time ago. That is how mportant his message is for the world. We just sit back in our chairs calling hoax without any hard facts to prove otherwise.

wake up people !!!!!

Oh, we're awake, we just don't know the exact path to run down. Make no mistake, we are ready to run when the time is at hand.

We won't be like the maidens who fell asleep, letting their lanterns go out.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Hi, Cyber, FreeThinker, syrinx, and win 52!!

I apologize for the delay in posting. I took a short vacation this past weekend that was less of a vacation, and more of...well, the opposite. I'm exhausted.

But I'm back. TD spent the weekend, I'm sure, doing what he should be; and that is taking care of his family. I was knee deep in a vacationer's nightmare...Slight exaggeration, but I felt like the Griswolds in National Lampoon's Vacation...

I hesitated responding though, as, syrinx, I believe that you're bringing up points that have been addressed. We will have to wait and see...

Cyber and win 52, you both did an excellent job of responding to syrinx's points!!

I appreciate you all sharing your thoughts. win, you did an excellent job of addressing each of syrinx's points. TD didn't fabricate some story about Jesus to offend Christians, or any other faith. He's sharing his memories and experiences. Like win said, it really is a wait and see.

If I told you Jupiter was going to become a sun on Saturday, what would be the point of debating the point with me? Saturday is just around the corner...(I don't know if anything is going to happen by the way, but Saturday is August 18. This date and August 28 are dates that seem to be indicated, or referenced in recent crop circles...wait and see).

Cyber, regarding the David Sereda video, I watched a little more and did see that the majority of it is in more of a documentary style. At this point, I'm not sure what purpose another documentary, or video serves.

I appreciated finding the Contact Has Begun and the Landings 101 videos, but I'm done hearing about this wonderful future, and about how close we are. I don't want another dvd or video to take the place of "action" being taken in some form. These videos are money makers that can't take the place of the real thing.

I wanted to watch the two aforementioned videos to get an idea of what people were saying about contact, and if it jibed with what TD and others were saying. I was not disappointed. But now that I see these accounts only corroborate TD's, and others' stories, I'm quite ready for passage of these events.

As for James Gilliland though, he's got another video that encapsulates everything he said, and everything that was presented in Contact Has Begun. If you want to hear what was described in the Contact Has Begun dvd, this video summarizes all of it. James refers to some of the Reverse Speech analysis that was done on some of his statements, and this testing showed that not only was he being honest, but his Reverse Speech statements were adding information to what he was saying in forward speech.

Here is what James says about the beings who are now contacting our planet en masse,

Rather than being called aliens, it is more appropriate to call them members of the greater family of man/woman. They are not here to be worshiped. They are not here to conquer Earth and it's inhabitants. They are not here to take our natural resources...They are here to inspire each individual to make their own personal God connection and live by the Universal Principles necessary for a healthy society and environment. They are here to assist Humanity in a birthing process into the Fifth World, or the 'Golden Age of God' spoken of in ancient prophecies in most every culture on Earth...They are here to alleviate the severity of some of the events in the days to come.

While there is a dark side within the alien agenda, it is a thimble full compared to the benevolent side. The dark side is being ushered out, finishing lessons that are now fast coming to a close. The days of tyranny on Earth and the Universe are ending. It is a cosmic plan so vast and powerful that those not able to flow with it will be energetically unable to sustain themselves. It is plan that no man can stop, implemented by beings with full use of the creational energies. We need to make way for the Light.

The greater family of man/woman has many forms. There is a vibrational continuum and they exist in many states of awareness and forms along this continuum. Some are pure consciousness. Some have magnetized light bodies, energy bodies and some are physical. There are also many advanced races with technology as advanced as their spirituality. What we today in our limited understandings call a miracle is to them nothing more than the science of using creational energy.

Unlike the spiritually corrupt elite on our planet that we allow to own and use our advanced technology, these beings are using it for the betterment of all people and all life. This is why there is so much confusion concerning contact with angelic guides and ascended masters or spiritually and technologically advanced beings often referred to as ETs. At some point, these terms become interchangeable.


It is so strange reading these words after hearing TD say this virtually this exact same things months ago - and then to hear others saying the same thing(!).

Here are two accounts from two separate groups who have had sightings as James' ranch in Washington state.

The first sighting, from 2003, can be found linked from mentioned on the James Gilliland page. The report, with witness list, can be found HERE.

The second account, which took place in July of this year (2007) can be found HERE.

I included the above two sightings, because I believe they are credible, they involve multiple witnesses, and the sightings are posted at what I consider to be credible websites.

Is there a case for mass landings? I say yes. And it's growing. I've been corresponding with an individual who has had experiences similar to the Mars Records. He has certain abilities, and says that he can communicate with his guide(s).

He has been exploited by what he considers to be a secret government program(s), but he is free now. He has made it a priority to get the truth out about his own experiences, and includes what has been shared with him by his guide(s).

Regarding the mass landing, he has said the following, I said I did have a vision of such a thing, where my father (Guide) was so happy and was almost running like a child with happiness

I also mentioned the Wiltshire crop circle, which appears similar to the symbol for "OM",

I also sense something good happening, God's presence is felt, my job was actually postponed so I have time for this!!!

For now, I wanted to share childrens' drawings and stories of contact. The first link is to a page of ufo/ET drawings done in the early 70's that include depictions of a mass landing.

The second link is to the page on children's sightings.

Just wanted to add to the conversation. Nothing has happened yet with TD or myself, save for TD's realization the weekend before last that his mother's house is now as he has seen in his visions (memories). Things are clicking into place...

We will share any developments as they occur...

Not to get ahead of myself, but I'm ready for cooler weather...

I hope everyone gets time to relax, and enjoys some time doing whatever this week...(avoiding the news haha) If you insist on being at the computer, there are some videos here, here, and here...

Keep on keepin' on...

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 06:25 AM
Hey welcome back OTD !!!
There is a lot of information there to check out so I will see what I can.

My 'friend' is still busting my chops on seeing UFO's in IR. So I am posting to clear the air a I am still being reminded of Cold Fusion but that is above my level of understanding. I will need to be handed the device for that one to work.

It has been demonstrated that much of the UFO activity goes unsighted as the craft are often cloaked in frequencies outside of the human range of vision. In the past it was expensive to purchase equipment to see in other light frequencies but not anymore.

There are many tutorials on the net to modifiy webcams, digital cameras, & video cameras to see in Infrared. (Be carefull if you a use camera with a flash as there is a danger with the capacitor of the flash unit) Most CCD sensors can see the Infrared lightwaves but a filter blocks this light to the sensor as your pictures will not be true to your perception. Therefore it is a simple task to remove this filter and place a filter that blocks out natural light only allowing IR to pass. The can be done with old fashion film negatives that are black and that did not contain an image negative.

So what can you expect to see?
This link is one of many from a guy that simply points his IR camera straight up into the sky and records. He has edited the footage to combine all of the events into a smaller video. At first you think they are just satellites but keep watching and you will see that they are not.

At the moment I do not have a donor camera but I will keep my eyes peeled for a suitable candidate. It would be a lot easier however if my friend would just show me the ship without having to go to this

Question for TD - Do you think the objects in this video are vehicles that Time Travellers use? They would be pefect for monitoring events as they are unseen and could move in close to watch any event taking place in history. I have read that cloaked ships can be within 100 feet of you and you would not know it.

Well that is one thing off the list. Am I going totally nuts? I was given a brief climpse of my contact in a dream from behind. As in the back of his head. Yes it is a he and not a Nordic Female
. I want more clarification before I say anymore about that one.
I also have a prediction or two that will happen just prior to the mass landings but I just want to be a bit more sure of what I am seeing before I put my neck on the line.

It must be time to go back to the padded cell....

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 11:04 AM
Ha Ha, Wasp, that is great info. We should get some IR binoculars at an army surplus store and spend more time watching the skies.

Speaking of, that big ship I thought flew by. Well, it wasn't a big ship. It was a group of about 50 small personal pod transporters, flying in formation. I was corrected on that assumption, and I can now understand what I saw that evening.

Those video shots of those small orbs, guess what? They are the same as what I saw. It is kind of shocking when you actually see something like this. It seems almost like a dream, or something..... It does put information to the test.

OTD, and others:

I have made a move which will change my life completely around. I have quit my job, sold off most of my bulky posessions, and am going on a trek that will take most of the coming winter. I don't know why, or where I will end up, but this is a move that is right for me.

I do not know what the future has in store, and my access to a computer may be limited as of the first of September. I will try to log on as often as possible, to keep people aprised of my travels.

I am not sure, but I feel this is somehow tied into what this thread is all about.

I am going to be free of all attachments to this Earth, other than family and personal friends. Note.... material things are no longer in my grill.

Oh, Crakeur......mother goose..... this was not prompted by TD, OTD, or any other Earthly source. I have not paid any sums of money to anyone. These things just fell into place for me. Family, friends, and all who know me think this is a good thing for me to do.

What does it mean for me? I do not know, but I expect things to change quite dramatically over the next couple of years. I will not be chained to a desk 50 hours a week, which will allow me to make side trips without any big "missing person reports" drawing attention to myself. I can come and go in relative obscurity.

This is what I have been preparing for, my whole life.

I am ready to take my proper place.

I am far from crazy. Cleaning out the parasites from my body has unlocked a whole wealth of understanding for me. That is what has prompted me to do this. I am now a ward of the Universe. I am free and able to do it's bidding. It always is for good, and the betterment of society here on this rock.

There may be a group of people out there who want things to stay the way they are. You will know them by what they say and do.

There are many more who are sick and tired of the current situation. These are the people I am giving hope to. Hope for a better world to live in. We have no desire to kill other human beings, do you?

ps. I wanted to offer any photo evidence, I might get. I was told there would not be time to take pictures, where I am going. Possibly TD can relate.

It is going down right now, and it can not be stoped!

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 02:13 PM
win 52, nooooooooooooo!! You're leaving...I sent news of your journey to TD straightaway. That is exciting news!!

First, here is TDs response,

Who's win 52?

Kidding! I wrote that...ahaha

TDs response,

wow thats pretty awesome!! I wish him the best of luck on his journey!! please pass that on!!

TD has been very encouraged by your additions to this thread, win. And I have been blown away by your revelations. We wish you the best of luck!! It would definitely be great to hear from you on your journey. But I also understand what a personal journey we are all on...

It was very thoughtful of you to advise of your trip. Take good care, and look forward to reading your posts.

I wanted to make a note of your first post in this thread (bottom of page 12) of February 22, 2007,

To the mods....Thanks...I am glad you changed your minds on this one. I am not a time traveller, but I have been given counsell on the bulk of what is being brought up here.

I came here looking for anyone who would say things like what I have been told. This is it and there was a lot of things that made me really scratch my head trying to believe what was happening to me. I still have a lot of questions about what went on, but so far the information has proven to be true.


That was almost six months ago. Your presence has been a source of great inspiration here, and I've looked forward to your posts.

I know I speak for at least one person (haha) when I say I wish you well on your journey - and I hope we get to meet some day.

Until then, keep on keepin' on!! Post here whenever the spirit moves you. Namaste and god speed, young man.

Keep a bookmark for this thread, because you'll be hearing our news as it happens.

Cyber, if your friend told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? KIDDING!! I'm a little weary still from this weekend...haha

You do well to follow your inclinations/intuition...I passed all of the infrared info on to TD. I am also looking into getting an IR video camera. Too good to pass up. At the same time I'm thinking what you are thinking, "Why don't they just show up and stop beating around the bush?" ahaha

I sent your question to TD. Here is TDs response,

AS to the question of ships,
Of course it is a theory, it is just hard to tell who is the time travelers and who are whoever else.
your guess is as good as my own, for now anyway!!

I figured that it was too early to guess at what those objects were. We are all still learning. TD said that he remembers flying in a pod, and win 52 mentions something to this effect in his update on the sighting he had, but we must exercise the utmost caution when identifying what we are seeing now.

Thank you both very much for your posts and contributions to this conversation!!

I hope to see others contributing. And I hope to see all of us talking right up until these big events take place...

Until then, these lines are open...and operators are standing by...LOL

[edit on 14-8-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 14-8-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
My friend does not at the moment have access to time travel technology.

Although, he has seen events come to pass (in his mind, this year, although at the latest it could be 2008/2009) whereby his future self comes back to meet him and "hooks him up" with access.

so TD in this thread has not yet time travelled ?

So asking to see this technology is pointless. That he is currently aware of, he has not traveled to our time from another time - he was born just like everyone else.

But his experiences, including his abduction experience, have shown him that he is currently time traveling as his future and younger self, and that he will come to visit himself in the next 12-36 months.

He says he has traveled into the future, past and other planets, and that clear memories of all of these travels began to emerge in 1997, five years after a six day abduction experience.

so all of this is based on events that happened in 1992, 15 years ago ? how old was TD at that time ?


I have been away for a couple days, recently moved to a new state for college, and i still cant believe that you syrnx still fight this. I can see from your posts that you have done no research on timedrifter, lol and his new screen name timetwister ( mods lol i think you guys abuse your power). Anyway i think you should do your research, go to his sight look at the information he has layed down. Listen to the radio talks, and go to his threads and such because you are asking questions that you can answer yourself if you take the time to search for them.

Also i have to admit, in the beginning when i saw this thread i thought it was a peace of crap, a joke, a hoax. But know i honestly have no doubt in my mind of it, you see lately i dunno i just have a feeling that everything he says is true. i mean i have read his information and this thread, it has honestly opened my eyes to the world and how horrible it is, and how this coming contact will be what everyone is waiting for. I mean i have found out more information since this thread has been up then most of my days lurking on ats. And from listening to the radio talks, i mean td or tt he is telling the truth, the way he says it is real...he has all this info and he tries to get it out but goes on a tantrum of the bigger picture. The guy is not lien, he is not selling anything or trying to make money, he is just like you and me in fact he can relate to most people these days, i dunno if you listen to him you can tell that he isnt a liar, or a cheater. My god man get it through your head this isnt a joke its the future. Td i dunno he just seems like the kind of person you could trust, it could be why he has also travel through time back in the day when everything happened. I am sure there is more in his mind that has to be told, anyway i have no doubt in my mind that this is real, mine just look around you everything is running to great finish. i mean i can feel it, every time i go to bed i just feel something, every time i see the clock 1111 or outside i feel like something is coming and it makes me excited.

Open your mind dawg, i know i have...

[edit on 15-8-2007 by ATSGUY]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:25 AM
Oh and OTD, give renato my thanks, and consideration. I cant imagine the emotional stress and just plain emotion that he is going through, i myself cant believe this stuff is actually happening, its great...

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Hi, ATSGUY and syrinx!!

I wanted to say that it's all right that syrinx stands his ground. There is no need to talk him into anything. Anyone skeptical of any of this has every right to be. And they can be skeptical until the day they die (of course, I don't see them making it that long, as things are speeding up...).

All I, TD, win 52, Cyber, or sleeper, menguard, observe50, smallpeeps, or anyone else can do is to share their experiences. It's not a matter of forcing anyone to your point of view.

The idea here is simply to place the information in a public forum and let the public do with it as they wish.

TD stands by his statements. How can you deny your own experiences? If I told you that you didn't go to high school how would you answer that? Now I'm not saying there are records of TD's space travel that we can call up and get access to.

What I mean is that the experiences and memories that TD has are just as real as your own - and they have as much validity to him as any of your experiences do to you. How could you pretend you didn't go to high school or experience any of the things you did growing up just because someone says it's not possible?

It doesn't matter in the end though. TD has said from the start that he's not here to convince anyone. He wants people to open their eyes to what's going on around them, but he doesn't want or need to force his story onto anyone. His own experiences are validity enough for him. He's convinced, and that's the only person he needs or wants to convince.

It's not about believing or not believing TD's story. What he's saying is, things are not as they seem. And he sees them changing for the better. That's all. That is the impetus behind his personal revelations.

One of my hopes, however, is that through the interviews and other revelations that TD is making, to further validate his experiences, so he's not just seen as some madman shouting on the corner. But I will say that his own authenticity has gone far in doing my job for me.

In any event, there is no purpose beyond TD putting his experiences out there, and hoping to open peoples' eyes. There are beautiful things in this world. We experience them every day. This is one thing that TD and I recently talked about that we were overlooking, or omitting in our conversations of late. This is a positive story, as much as there is that goes on that offends.

That's where we're headed, as much as it seems that things may be falling apart. You have to break an egg to make an omelet.

ATSGUY, your posts and contributions have also been greatly appreciated.

At this point, the only stress TD is going through is waiting for these things to pass. At the same time, he's raising a family with his wife and maintaining a busy schedule online. He's a pretty driven guy.

The weekend before last was a happy occasion for him, because he realized that his visions are actually becoming a reality. It was a strange moment for me, because the confirmation caught me off guard. At the same time it's fascinating...

Anyway, we are all hoping to see these things come to pass. Our world, galaxy, and universe are changing at every level right now. And it doesn't slow down from here on out - it only gets faster.

I was off for a couple of days, but can now see what's happening in the world. The financial markets are wreaking havoc with the talking heads...Has them all abuzz...But I'm looking for the other stuff...Behind the scenes...

Have an excellent week!! Thank you all for your contributions!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Hey Hey Hey !!!!

Win52 - I did detect a move around this thread but I aimed it at the wrong person. Check out my 2nd post on page61. (It has not been edited) I posted a question to OTD but as it turned out it was for you. I should have known as most of my short messages seem to have had a meaning to you.
Here is what I have been given to pass on. I have had this for a few weeks now.
The spiritual calling is more of an awakening. I assume you live in the northern hemisphere. What I saw was a person travelling to the Bungle Bungle Ranges in outback Australia.
The awakening would occur for 2 reasons. The land scape is almost alien in appearance as in like visiting another planet. This combined with camping under the outback sky looking directly towards the milky way will awaken you. In the southern hemisphere we get the best look directly towards the milky way. Out there you can see billions of stars as there are no city lights for 1000's of miles. You will be able to sit there and contemplate things immensely. It will be the combination of the alien land and sky that help you to your next level.
I did not see a visitation or anything like that but out there you just never know.
That is the journey I saw anywayz. Good luck and like OTD said please post when you can to share your experiences.

I am so sorry but i thought I was finished with IR technology after my last post, but this was not the case. As soon as I went to bed last night.....bang...there is more.
Once again I am in the wrong part of the world for this but here goes anyway.
I am shown that IR technology should be used to help bring on disclosure. The efforts so far are not working. This is to be done by using InfraRed cameras around certain mysterious places to capture videos of these craft landing and taking off. At the moment a hanger door opens and a cloaked craft hovers out and takes off. No one is any wiser.
If compelling footage can be taken someone will have a good please explain, to answer to the public. It will help raise public awareness and make contact easier. I think people might be shocked at just how much traffic there is.
Isn't it funny how an inexpensive CCD sensor could be all that is needed to expose decades of secret projects that have cost billions & billions of dollars.
O, O, O, I hope this is the last thing on IR. Some cameras you may not need to modify. Just activate your IR remote infront of the camera and see if you can see the flash on the screen. I tried this with a Video Intercom camera today and you could see it. I don't think this gives you as good a vision as a modified set up but you still will be able to capture things not visible to the human eye.
No more IR i

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone who has volunteered has got any contact from someone in whatever form.


posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 05:07 PM
With the legal aspects of travel abroad these days, my passport is about 8 Months away from getting to me. I am not going down under, and unless I do it in a pod, it won't happen.

However, I am going to the Rockey Mountains, and eventually the west coast in my travels. I have been sitting out for hours in the evening these days, watching the stars. That is when I seem to be connected the most. I plan to spend a few nights in the wilderness along the way.

I have not been directly contacted yet, but I feel it is only a matter of time right now. I will have access to a computer from time to time, and will give updates as things progress.

I have no reservations whatsoever, about what I am going to do. If nothing happens, I guess I had a great vacation. It was just like there was a road block at every turn in my daily walk. It is grand to find the "EASY" button.

OTD- That info set me back in my chair. I am not sure about all of that, but I have been feeling strange these days. Kind of like what they talked about. My BP can be 120/65 and a few minutes later be 160/80, just sitting in a recliner. That is too strange, even for the Doctors to understand.

If I was still infested with those parasites, I would have a much harder time adjusting to, I didn't know what. But now, that makes so much more sense to me. It is also fascinating how all of this is fitting together, so much so that it becomes hard to deny. Unless you are a Srynx or a Crakeur, and there are enough of those to keep the World turning in my abscense, you may have to wait a bit longer for your own revelation.

I am not going away, just leaving this monitor. The more time that goes by (days), and the closer I get to freedom (Ha Ha Ha), the better I feel about the trek I am about to go on.

I was reading what Dar4Knight was doing, going to Nepal. Hey wasp, I think the important thing is to be out where there would be not so much attention drawn to yourself. Look to the heavens, and you may have a contact experience. Definately get away from the TV.

I was out in the woods the other day picking berrys. I encountered some Black Bears, Mother and Cub. They were not interested in me, but when I asked them for their intensions, they left, and in a hury. All I said was, "you guys had better not bother me", in a loud voice. I do feel more connected and energized when I am in the wilderness. That was the closest I have ever been to a Sow with cub, and they just wanted to run away (I was ready to climb the nearest tree). I felt one with nature, it was a strange thing to feel.

My observation is, all of these things going on point to some sort of cross road for me. My life is about to change for the better, I feel it in my bones.

I had thought to be here for 8 more years or so, because this was where I was told to go. In thinking about the past two years, if I wouldn't have done this, I may have never sat at a computer much less find ATS, and all that goes with this topic. It has truly given me something to strive for.

I plan to strike out, on or around the 10th of September. I want to do some Gold panning this fall. Till then, I will be around and will try to keep up on the current affairs.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 09:13 AM
hey OTD i just gotta ask what would be the overall plan for now, i mean i have to say i am ready and i bet most people are for the concert and mass landing. But in the event that td and now tt gets the call from himself and runs to get everyone ready to get to the place. Well i am guessing it will take a while for some people to come myself including, living all the way at the southern border of the united states really makes anything up top near Pennsylvania a hard trip both economically and time wise. And i don't even want to mention people that are living abroad. but i will make it none the less, also any info on the transportation that may be used...

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 07:06 AM
Hi, Cyber, win 52, micphil, and ATSGUY!!

I don't have a lot of time to post this morning. Popping on here and there lately. Work and my personal life have been busy...

Cyber, definitely checking into the IR stuff. And if you saw barren terrain for someone involved with this thread, maybe it's the southwest...From Texas on out it can be rocky and barren...

Hi, micphil!! We're all waiting for contact. It can happen at any moment. TD says though, that he is waiting to come into some money...At least this is what he sees as happening before he makes initial contact with a future version of himself...We will have to wait and see...

TD's response to ATSGUY's questions (below) shed a little light on that...

Hi, win!! You're very fortunate to be in a place where you can go on such a journey.

Also, you said,

I have been feeling strange these days. Kind of like what they talked about. My BP can be 120/65 and a few minutes later be 160/80, just sitting in a recliner. That is too strange, even for the Doctors to understand.

There has to be something to that...I hope to learn about the changes/experiences your having in the future...

Have an excellent fall!! See you on your next post...

Hi, ATSGUY!! You had some questions for TD,

i just gotta ask what would be the overall plan for now, i mean i have to say i am ready and i bet most people are for the concert and mass landing...


here is my response for ATSGUY:

we will be sending plane tickets out as well as wiring money to volunteers who need it, some people will be contacted in advance of the concert possibly to help with the concert and other stuff time travel related, like physically collecting the bands that commited to the concert in the past, even if it was way before they had any success and no matter if they are dead or alive, most deaths were staged or intercepted anyway.

also, as per secretman's request, we will adding SELENA to the concert roster, plus my kids like selena.

also, question for Syrinx low priest (the skirt wearing girl)

how special would Jesus be is there were multiple Resurrections?? or what if jesus and bob marley were ressurected? would they both be jesus figures

We will have to wait and see...Tomorrow is August 18. It is a date prognosticated about on these boards as being significant (as is Aug. 28).

These are interesting times. People are making life changing decisions. It's fascinating to see where it's all headed...

We will keep you posted. Here's to a strange year!! And more to come...


[edit on 17-8-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by timedrifter

Hi TD & Deck

I join the forum just to volunteer! Just grab at appropriate time.


posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 10:31 PM
Hey OTD !!!!!

I listened to the latest UFO & Time Travel Show this morning, excellent stuff.

I was happy to hear TD's description of what he saw in the sky the other night. It fits in with what I was seeing in the sense that I saw a person looking up at the night sky in a remote area away from the city lights admiring the extra beauty when they had an experience. I knew it wasn't a contact experience. I did not know he lived out of the city.

It is hard coming to fathom what you see in your minds eye and and what your interpretation of it is. I could see the vision of looking at the milky way and stuff but in my mind I was relating it to my country as for some reason I did not think you could see that stuff in the northern hemisphere as well.

I guess if I am getting some form precognition it is going to be hard to differentiate from real events that will happen and just stuff you mind makes

While on TD I will have another stab at a prediction for him. I have been hesitant to say because I don't know if it is precognitive or just something I have seen on The thought has been with me for a while now though.

I see photographic evidence of him from a time before he was born. If i had to guess I would say around the late 1890's early 1900's. I see him wandering up to a scene where they are in the process of taking a group photo. He might have been killing a bit of time whilst on a mission. He was well to the side but somehow ended up in the shot even though he was being careful not to be in it. It is just a case of not being familiar of the cameras form back then and all.
So if he remembers visiting anything from back around then start checking out some photo's. I don't think the photo is on the net but it is in a gallery or somewhere like that.
It would be cool to find it.

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hey OTD !!!!!

I listened to the latest UFO & Time Travel Show this morning, excellent stuff.

I was happy to hear TD's description of what he saw in the sky the other night. It fits in with what I was seeing in the sense that I saw a person looking up at the night sky in a remote area away from the city lights admiring the extra beauty when they had an experience. I knew it wasn't a contact experience. I did not know he lived out of the city.

It is hard coming to fathom what you see in your minds eye and and what your interpretation of it is. I could see the vision of looking at the milky way and stuff but in my mind I was relating it to my country as for some reason I did not think you could see that stuff in the northern hemisphere as well.

I guess if I am getting some form precognition it is going to be hard to differentiate from real events that will happen and just stuff you mind makes

While on TD I will have another stab at a prediction for him. I have been hesitant to say because I don't know if it is precognitive or just something I have seen on The thought has been with me for a while now though.

I see photographic evidence of him from a time before he was born. If i had to guess I would say around the late 1890's early 1900's. I see him wandering up to a scene where they are in the process of taking a group photo. He might have been killing a bit of time whilst on a mission. He was well to the side but somehow ended up in the shot even though he was being careful not to be in it. It is just a case of not being familiar of the cameras form back then and all.
So if he remembers visiting anything from back around then start checking out some photo's. I don't think the photo is on the net but it is in a gallery or somewhere like that.
It would be cool to find it.

nice theory, also i was listening to the radio show, and tds description of the object gave me a memory rebound. I remember a couple of months back before i moved i was hanging out with my friend. I started talking about the future and stuff i even pointed out stuff on this thread mainly timetravel, aliens, just a whole new world. And my friend well he isnt really into that stuff but he bares it and listens to when i talk about it lolll well sometimes. Anyway as i was leaving, i waited out on his porch and we talked a bit, i said we have a big future and something fantastic ahead. Something out of the corner cought my eye and it was this blue light it was pretty big and not a star, and i dont think it could have been a meteor because it looked big and i would say over the whole town. As i finished my words i saw it in my side vision and looked up, it then was there for a quick second and just jetted and fanished at phenomenal speed and this thing wasn't like anything i have seen before, i think it was my first ufo sighting, it was also a clear night so it wasn't anything else and it was a pretty big light...I thought it ws strange because i think it was probably there for a bit, but then the moment i looked up past his roof and shingles i saw it and it went

i started saying wow dude ufo did u see that, it was their and then it just went. Again i think he put up with it but i dont think he believed me.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 10:56 AM
Hi, Cyber_Wasp, ATSGUY, win 52 and everyone else!!

Cyber, as you've probably heard, TD and I have recorded two more chats yesterday (Sat., Aug. 18) and did so again at 10:00am this morning (Sun., Aug. 19). We talked about your new revelations regarding your visions/intuitions/contacts. That's excellent stuff!

You said you wanted to make sure they were visions/predictions/contacts and not just your imagination, which is a necessarily cautious way to go about it. Thank you for sharing all of that. I look forward to seeing more.

I followed up on the infrared links you sent me, and will read up more later. Infrared may introduce a means for people wanting to have sightings to actually get them, and to become acclimated to this reality; these growing contact events.

Infrared will not be the only means of having sightings, as more and more of these contacts/flybys are becoming more frequent, and are occurring within the visible light spectrum (i.e., appearing more physical).

In time, we will be able to throw out the infrared, but for now it can be a means for someone to get the proof they're looking for, and will help many become accustomed to this new reality. It's a terrific suggestion, if it really is from your guide(s), because it will help make the transition smoother, bottom line.

TD and I were talking about the Haiti ufo videos, and the Brooklyn ufo videos, and neither of us are convinced yet that these are hoaxes. I've seen more people simply read the word hoax and become convinced of this dubious conclusion. The verdict is still out as far as we're concerned. Is it possible they are hoaxes? Anything is possible ahaha

Thank you for your posts! TD did say, after I mentioned your comments about having visions of him in the late 19th Century, that he had clear recollections of traveling to Germany to visit his relatives around that time...


I also mentioned to TD your sighting of a couple of months ago, and its correlation to the topics in this thread. I think that's awesome!! Each of us wants some sort of confirmation that the things being shared here, by TD and others, are real. We've been lied to and mislead by about every other group on this planet in one way or another; we've been mislead by those we trust.

I was glad to see something happen to you that may have been one such confirmation.

I believe I've had several "sign" events (what David Wilcock from has called a "synchronicity events") of my own. This includes a personal experience involving the date 2012, as well as dreams, and confirmation events specifically with regard to TD's experiences/story.

Here is an excerpt from a radio show transcript at called, "2012 Overview: Radio Show Transcript!" that describes these synchronous events:


There’s a major, major event that’s happening right now, which involves the earth itself starting to form a telepathic unity. We are starting to break down the walls of separation from one mind to another, and have more and more telepathic interconnectedness. A lot of the listeners tonight are probably experiencing things like synchronicity. One example is where you look at the clock and it says 11:11, 4:44, 3:33, 12:12, 1:11, 2:22, 5:55 – all these kind of things.

...And you may be seeing it on license plates [footnote from OTD: the license plate was one such sign event for me], you may see it on your odometer, you may see it just about anywhere.

The idea here is not that you‘re deliberately looking for it. Let’s say you‘ve been reading a book for three hours in your recliner, like I was today. And then, all of a sudden, in my case I was synchronized [to wake up at just the right moment] so I wouldn’t miss this show. In other cases you are suddenly influenced to look at the clock, and then you see these digits. You haven’t looked at the clock in so long that there’s no way that you could have known it was going to be that time.


David Wilcock shares one of his own personal examples,

I have had very, very strange ones which you can read about on my website. [In one case,] I was driving to a gig... running a little late. I was thinking, “You know, I really shouldn’t be afraid of performing in front of audiences. I should just relax and go into it. I’ve really got to let go of my fear.”

Just as I had this thought, I looked at the clock. The clock said 5:55. I looked at the odometer, and the [last three digits of the] odometer said 333. Then it started pouring rain at exactly the same moment! So three different completely isolated events [occurred], each of which wouldn’t necessarily be as impressive by themselves, but they all synchronized at once. I had several of these kinds of things happen in the early days...This was part of what led to the telepathic contact being formed. An extra-physical reality began intruding into my life more and more...


He says that they are a means of showing you you're on the right track,

David:...Synchronicities are showing you that you’re on the right track. They’re showing you that you’re doing what your [highest and best] Purpose has in mind for you. Therefore, it’s a really important thing to use them as a gauge, to assess how close you are to what your soul’s purpose is. When you’re on track with your soul’s purpose, you can expect synchronicities to happen almost on a day to day basis.

Andy: Yeah, they happen really fast.

David: It’s a subjective, individual proof, [which does not violate your free will. You can choose to accept it or reject it as you see fit.] There are higher beings out there. They do exist. It’s preposterous, once we get into the science of consciousness, to think that [they wouldn’t.


Thank you for sharing your experiences, ATSGUY!!

win 52, how's it going? I don't know if you listened to TD's interview/chat yesterday, but when we spoke about your journey he surprised me by saying he had a vision/memory of you on that trip.

He said (paraphrasing) that he had memories of you being in a forested area - alone, out in the wild. He said that he may remember making contact with you while you were out there alone. He even said when he landed he called out to you, saying, "win 52, is that you?" For what it's worth...We will see...

If it is meant for you to have contact you will. You are definitely on the right track, and of any candidate for contact, you, my friend, are a top runner haha

You still have a couple of weeks, so you'll have time to think about the possibilities. I hope TD's comments inspire you on your journey.

I'm including two James Gilliland videos, one of which I've linked to before. They are spot on about what is occurring:

Video 1 -- Video 2

Will continue to update as things progress. TD is trying to get an interview with Jeff Rense, and has briefly corresponded with Jeff to this end. I'll post when I learn more on that possibility.

Detach from the spectacle. Listen to some good music..Send gratitude to the stars. Know that positive changes are afoot (Like TD said, "A good change for good people, and a bad change for bad people".) And have an excellent week!!

[edit on 19-8-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 04:36 PM
OTD i have to say that was a great find with the synchronized numbers and such leading to a telepathic connection. I have had my own daily experiences and some rather fascinating ones too.

- i was at home depo i think and i looked up at the cash registers number which was 11. But when i looked up i saw 11 11 because the box that had the numbers had 11 printed on all 4 sides, and i was standing on such an angle that i was able to only see 2 sides of the box giving me 11 11.

- this one i just moved down to new orleans and i was still adjusting to the new time, my computer time had the old clock and i looked at it and it was 1:11 an hour later i looked at the real time down here and it was 1:11

- another event which i find significant was the timer on my ares (p2p program) software, i looked up and it was 1:11 when the time for real was 8:40 or something

anyway these events have been going on for a while, and i think allot of other people see them and think they are just a coincident but in reality there is some aspect of paranormal going on here. So if you have lived all your life without anything weird happening, chances are if you see this than that is weird, and that at some point you may have had something happen to you.

oh and i wanna post what some has already posted, it is a new thread that was recently posted about...

Apparently 2 F15s we're scrambled to a UFO, and some ham radio listeners picked up the recording of the American pilots discussing the object in question.

i dunno it could be fake considering how i thik it is impossible for a person to intercept a ufo scramble talk...i thought the ufo could be TD loooooooool

And i just wanted to point out, after watching the beginning of Ufos the greatest story ever denied, they give a description of how to set up and use infrared take a look, it is the beginning of the video

And also i want to point out that in the documentary in the beginning someone says that and i quote " eventually there is going to be something that happens that puts them all over the place ( the ufos) and they are going to have to admit that they are real (the government)"

[edit on 19-8-2007 by ATSGUY]

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