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inside dulce 5th level blood lab photo

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posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Dango
Mr Lear,

My apologies for going off topic here, but Mr Lear if you would, could I ask a favor of you.

In one interview you mentioned there was a short video going around on the internet of your father giving a seminar or lecture regarding antigravity craft. I have to tried to find it. With all due respect, do you have any current link to it? Your time is appreciated.


Dango, I will look around. I think it is about 3 minutes long and was filmed at the Bahnson Laboratories. My father is giving a lecture and has drawn saucer shaped objects on the blackboard. My mother is standing next to him. The film cuts to a laboratory from time to time showing technicians working with what appears to be balsa wood saucer shapes. There are also frequent cuts to a calendar in which the days are being X-ed out as if some important schedule had to be met. I don't know the exact date of the film but it looks, judging by the age of my father, to be in the middle 50's. I think that the clip originally appeared in a David Hatcher Childress film.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Dear Mr. Lear, and everyone,

Antigravity articles appear on the internet from the 1950s. The link mentions:

William P. Lear, inventor and chairman of the board of Lear, Inc., one of the nation's largest electronics
firms specializing in aviation, for months has been going over new developments and theories relating to gravity
with his chief scientists and engineers.

Another article mentions

Mr. Lear in 1950 received the Collier Trophy from the President of the United States 'for the greatest
achievement in aviation in America' through developing a light-weight automatic pilot and approach control system
for jet fighter planes.

He is convinced that it will be possible to create artificial 'electro-gravitational fields whose polarity can be
controlled to cancel out gravity.'

More thoughts about anti gravity and William P. Lear are stated here.

Whatever is the case for Dulce, all of that is scary stuff, but equally in another subject matter are current events this century, arising from government and elite NGOs.

I hope all this helps.

Best Always,


[edit on 17-1-2007 by SkipShipman]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 02:10 PM
I came here looking for something else but while stopping in I thought I would share this one...

In his book of 1957, entitled, "The Flying Saucer Conspiracy", Donald Keyhoe also mentioned some rather indicting news on pages 200-201: "On 2nd February, while visiting Bogota, Columbia, William P. Lear manufacturer of aircraft and electronic equipment, told a news conference that the flying saucers are real". "When Lear's story was flashed to the United States by the AP, it was a hard blow for the UFO censors. But this was only the beginning. Within twenty-four hours Lear amplified his first statement: 'I feel the flying saucers are real', he said, 'because of four points'.

First, he said, there have been numerous manifestations over long periods of time.
Second, many observations have been made simultaneously by reliable observers.
Third, there are great possibilities linked with the theory of gravitational fields.
Fourth, there are now serious efforts in progress to prove the existence of anti-gravitational forces and to convert atomic energy directly to electricity".

"This new AP story dismayed the Pentagon, for it could easily disclose our top-secret research to duplicate the UFO's propulsion.There had already been one hint despite Pentagon precautions. During a meeting of aviation leaders in New York, on the 25th of January, G.S. Trimble, vice- president of advance design for the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company, had made an amazing disclosure... "Unlimited power, freedom form gravitational attraction, and infinitely short travel time are now becoming feasible', he told the press. Then he added that eventually all commercial air transportation would be in vehicles operating on these fantastic principles".


[edit on 23-2-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
"On 2nd February, while visiting Bogota, Columbia, William P. Lear manufacturer of aircraft and electronic equipment, told a news conference that the flying saucers are real". "When Lear's story was flashed to the United States by the AP, it was a hard blow for the UFO censors. But this was only the beginning. Within twenty-four hours Lear amplified his first statement: 'I feel the flying saucers are real', he said, 'because of four points'.

Dad caught hell from MJ-12 for that one. And you can bet he never opened his mouth about that subject again.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:25 PM
why is the stop sign on the doorway to the lab pic in english ???

I know its in New Mexico, USA, but Isn't it the entrance to a human meat grinder ?

Wouldn't it be in robo-ease or nordic or Zetianish ?

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by donk_316
Thats a very good question. What would i consider undeniable proof? How about you post what you have, not what you know, and we go from there.

I kinda like John's way better... I have notice that at ATS everytime anyone tries to show evidence of any topic, there are several skeptics ready to shoot it down...

So asking for a list of just exactly what would you accept as proof is a very valid, constructive question.

IF General Patton told me something "off the record" I would be impressed... If he then told me "But you can't tell anyone I told you..." that now puts me in a quandry... I have the truth, yet cannot prove I have it... I wish to share it, knowing full well the skeptics will scream for that proof and make comments like "I dont care if you say "General Patton himself told me it was true""

Most people on the inside who DO want to talk value their anonymity for very good reasons.

So now I have the info... but I can't prove it... so I guess the best thing is to say nothing... and no one will ever find out anything...


Nah... Might as well talk, because no matter WHAT the evidence is, the skeptics will find something wrong with it. I am willing to bet that if CNN showed Bush talking to a Grey on the steps of the White House the skeptics would scream "Publicity Stunt"


posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by donk_316
The funny thing is, i would LOVE to believe in these sort of things, but the only "proof" i have ever seen is qwacks on the internet saying "oh! i know the truth and if you dont believe me your an ignorant misinformed disinformation agent!!"

Statements like this really erk me...

"I want to believe..."

If all you have ever seen is "qwacks on the internet" might I suggest you turn off your computer and go outside and look for some eveidence? Its out there you know, and it doesn't take a lot of leg work before you start to find some really interesting stuff.

Its easy to sit online and call people qwacks but what have you done yourself to further YOUR personal search and "wish to believe" ?

People wonder why no insiders come forward... maybe its because the minute they do, and dare to make any statement about things out of the ordinary, they are labeled "quacks"

Wouldn't surprise me the least to find out that this is a Government plot to discredit them should they speak... I bet it scares off a LOT of would be disclosers... [Probably the fear of public ridicule is a much stronger detterent than death threats]

Either that or the Government zaps their brain with some kind of "quack ray" when they leave employment... No? Hmmmmm

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:33 PM
Hi zorgon,
Interesting thought-posts sir. Frankly seems to me Mr Lear's here to bring forth a lot of truth about a lot things pertaining to the UFO (now) semi-mystery subject matter this Forum's about -- yes?

Also seems to me not all if any ATS members have full knowledge of the truth, most are skeptical about what they don't know, or can't imagine -- but seems to me their open minded.

How'bout you, where do you sit and and where has your research led you on this illicit subject area?


posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Dallas
How'bout you, where do you sit and and where has your research led you on this illicit subject area?

LOL On Dulce... just beginning to research that and other secret bases..

On UFOs, Alien Tech and Anomalies in space.... well I used to have a life once upon a time.... but since I started following the evidence trails it led me to create Pegasus Research Consortium... and since then the evidence has been pouring in so fast I cannot keep up with the processing and double checking..

NASA working on Warp Drives? Documents at Los Alamos and MIT support it..

Mines on the Moon? Photographs support it...

Disclosure? Well when I started I was having fun looking at Moon pictures searching for anomalies...

Since then a simple request I put in to a NASA historian led to my letter bouncing through five government agencies with the final response coming from:

US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
US Army Forces Strategic Command
P.O. Box 1500Huntsville, AL 35807-3801

They included a form for an FOIA request which is in the process now..

The point is that reactions like this to simple request do far more for me to show that there is something afoot than anything else

As to Dulce... if it contains what John says, or even SOME of what he says... then the fact that little leaks out is not a surprise at all. Anyone who talks might end up in those tanks...

That would keep ME quiet

[edit on 23-2-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 10:54 PM
Mr johnlear, wondering what you can add to soothe this blister re Dulce that I'm sure can be backed-up with some form of confirming statement or evidence that your willing to share or show where Sir?

I mean, the Dulce situation's big and has been type-casted since the eighties and now needs some type of affirmation which you, one of the final Dulce Titans can help with..

John give us all what we need to know as to the reality or non-reality of the "Dulce Wars", sir. Else..tell us you don't know.


posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Dallas
John give us all what we need to know as to the reality or non-reality of the "Dulce Wars", sir. Else..tell us you don't know.Thanks, Dallas

It was not a war. It was an accident. A security guy accidentally walked in on a class being given by a gray to 44 U.S. Government scientists. The security guy had on his belt a gun with ammunition which is strictly forbidden any where around or near a gray. It is unknown whether or not the security guy was aware of what he did but in any case the gray had his own weapon and instantly killed the security guard. The scientists went berserk and a number of other security personnel responded. It is unknown who exactly killed who but the 44 scientists were killed along with 22 security personnel. I have no information on whether or not the gray was killed in the melee. I imagine that it was all over in less than 10 minutes. I really don't know for sure. The accident report read that all personnel were killed by 'head wounds'. The report did not elaborate. The incident has been called the "Dulce Wars" for unknown reasons. But in fact all it was was a tragic accident.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Dad caught hell from MJ-12 for that one. And you can bet he never opened his mouth about that subject again.

Seems your Dad worked with TT Brown... Very Interesting....

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by johnlear
Dad caught hell from MJ-12 for that one. And you can bet he never opened his mouth about that subject again.

Seems your Dad worked with TT Brown... Very Interesting....

I got a call from a lady several years ago who claimed to be TT Brown's daughter. She asked if I knew that my father worked with her Dad. I said that I wasn't aware of that. She said she had all of his papers and would get in touch with me later. I never heard back from her.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 01:03 AM
"JL wrote (brief) It was not a war".

Thanks for that and the rest of your thought on the negative interaction John Lear.


posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

I got a call from a lady several years ago who claimed to be TT Brown's daughter. She asked if I knew that my father worked with her Dad. I said that I wasn't aware of that. She said she had all of his papers and would get in touch with me later. I never heard back from her.

Now those would be papers I would like to spend some quality time with. I will keep searching... This opened up a whole new can of worms. Its interesting which roads google leads ypou down if you have the right questions

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:29 AM
... now im trippin out dude that #'s #ed up i dont want to beleive that... it just scares the # out of me ( if your wondering im only a 14 yr old kid trying to find the truth) thats just... creepy why would one human do that to another... or is it humans?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 04:15 AM
A very clumsily published book exists called The Dulce Wars 1999 Global Communication, by Branton. I believe it’s been around on the Internet as a free download for some time. The cover promises an introduction by ‘Commander X’. But inside we get an introduction by Branton. We do, however, get a ‘forward’ (sic) by Commander X. The ‘editorial director’ is Timothy Green Beckley. Commander X’s foreword states ‘The book you are about to read was compiled by the mysterious Branton, who, because of the potentially damaging information that he has uncovered, chooses to remain anonymous.’ But Branton has written other books under his ‘real’ name, Bruce Alan Walton, and he hasn’t gone to great lengths to disguise his name – just dropped a few letters. This gives a hint as to how ‘potentially damaging’ the disclosed information is! The book itself is a cut and paste job of almost every conspiracy theory that can be found on the web.

The propagators of the story as far as I can see are Bruce Walton, Tal, John Lear (Hi, John!), ‘Commander X’/Timothy Green Beckley, maybe the late William Cooper (I think he may have jumped on the story during his lectures, but I may be wrong) and maybe Valdemar Valerian in his Matrix volumes (I’ve never had access to these mammoth works but believe they contain Dulce-like information - has anyone here read them?)

So do we have any evidence of the reality of the Dulce underground alien base other than the anecdotal words of a few guys (some of whom seem to have right wing Christian agendas)? Can anyone trace it back to its source?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 04:34 AM
Hey torsion, great stuff and thank you too for the insight.

What I would like to understand is what information you got from the readings that you'd be willing to bring forth here?


posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Dallas
Hey torsion, great stuff and thank you too for the insight.

What I would like to understand is what information you got from the readings that you'd be willing to bring forth here?


The book is a poorly written mish-mash of ideas. It's pretty difficult to read because of this so I only 'dip in' on occasion. It also has lots of irritating sentences in capital letters like THIS.

John Lear is quoted in it: "We (the allied forces) recovered some alien technology from Germany - not all that they had; some of it disappeared. It appears that some time in the late '30s, Germany recovered a saucer. What happened to it we dn't know. But what we did get was some kind of ray gun..." Maybe John can enlighten us on this incident.
It also publishes a public statement from Lear allegedly written in 1987/88. This release mentions cattle mutilation and goes on to human mutilation - "his genitals had been removed, rectum cored out in a surgically precise* 'plug'up to the colon, eyes removed and all blood removed...the various parts of the body are taken to various underground labaratories, one of which is known to be near the small New Mexico town of Dulce."

* what exactly is 'surgically precise'? Does it have any real meaning? And why on earth do 'they' collect rectums, for crying out loud? (Again, see my -Some thoughts on cattle mutilation post and check out the link to the FBI report)

So if the date of this 'public statement' is correct then we have the Dulce story back to 1988. It would be helpful if John could let us know the sources he used for that public statement.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 07:03 AM
A noob qeustion
What is it that they do in Dulce? I mean what is the agenda?

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