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Proof Positive of Alien Comms

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posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 04:30 PM
I'm not obeying AA, only honoring his request. Makes no difference to me.

Honestly, I hadn't thought much about it.

It's a moot point for now anyway as I need to have something happen first...

Believe me, the whole "inner circle" thing never made sense to me. We're all just people equally intrigued by this phenomena. I was very surprised AA posted saying that - I - would make contact of some sort...

We'll any event, I'm not one to hold back information. I mean, on practical matters (i.e., personal info) yes, but otherwise information is free and available to anyone who wants access to it. The whole "secret society", or "inner sanctum", or high fraternal order of whatever never floated my boat.

Information is power, and that power belongs to each and every being. In fact, we all have access to it, we just need to be patient and trust ourselves and the process (of life, meditating, spiritual practice, whatever's your thing)...

I'm just honoring AA's request for me to post him, but if he comes on and says feel free to post, as he has been, constantly urging people experiencing this stuff to post it here and to stop u2uing him about it, I'd be happy to...

AA, any thoughts? I still feel like I'm getting ahead of myself here. You know, I need to be meditating people (hint, hint)! LOL

Anyway, it's all good. I'll keep posting...

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 04:51 PM
I see you got my oh-so-subtle jab at the cultist mentality that seems to be developing here.

I take it AA isn't going to give an actual address of the 500 lbs gorilla in the thread and explain why the OTHER website isn't describing aliens, but the same method IS conjuring aliens here.

Another interesting point is..

AA claims that he and the Grays developed this method.. and if that is the case.. how did he get in contact with them in the first place to change the method to contact Aliens? That's a bit of a connundrum.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:14 PM
Relax stay come and collective its very very rare that an individual is allowed physical contact this early in the game…. Again I have no idea what form its coming but brother it is moving at the speed of thought.


AA claims that he and the Grays developed this method.. and if that is the case.. how did he get in contact with them in the first place to change the method to contact Aliens? That's a bit of a connundrum.

Stick to posted facts and not what your mind is conjuring up, I said that the method has been modified by the grays to allow access to the stream and first contact. How I fell into the mix is another story to be told.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Alien Agenda


Stick to posted facts and not what your mind is conjuring up, I said that the method has been modified by the grays to allow access to the stream and first contact. How I fell into the mix is another story to be told.


Originally posted by Alien Agenda

I also stated that the exercise has been modified by me and the grays to allow easy passage to the stream and contact.

Originally posted by Alien Agenda

I found the original technique on the internet some years ago and I changed a few of it operating perimeters, it was originally a meditation exercise that had allot of potential to be more.

I felt like changing the parameters to my liking when meditating when I discovered a way of expanding my conscious and have taught several to do the same.

You need to get your head back in the game, mate! Conflicting accounts? You and the Grays did it in one quote, the Grays alone in another, and YOU alone in yet another! It is hard to stick to the posted facts when you are posting inconsistant accounts.

added another quote
fixed quote

[edit on 21-11-2006 by HankMcCoy]

[edit on 21-11-2006 by HankMcCoy]

[edit on 21-11-2006 by HankMcCoy]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by texaspike
For a link to the exact exercise and more info about it, check out:

Thanks for the link!

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:32 PM
Although the technique DOES work. I would like some of Hank's questions to be addressed as well. Also, AA, why do you think I had contact very early in the game? Why isn't the other site with the SAME meditation not used to contact aliens?

[edit on 21-11-2006 by GovernmentPawn]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:41 PM
Why has this thread become such a battleground? In a month it has tallied over 1000 replies?? Lol.

Look here's the problem with AA's original post...

the information stream used by the grays

What exactly does that mean?
I'm not about to sift thru 1000+ replies but from what i've seen is this ever explained???

The author claims that it's different for everyone but he never used his original post to describe what happened to him. I mean I'm not sure how everyone else communicates but I do it mostly using the english language. Is the information stream grays speaking english? I would hardly think so, this isn't star trek. So I'm assuming once in the information stream maybe you see shapes or images or something????

Why exactly would grays or any EBE communicate with a lowly human? They have nothing to learn from you! What's in it for them? When I communicate with a lower lifeform theres only so much we can communicate about. Sure I can tell my dog to sit and he understands. He'll understand lay down. He'll understand if you're excited, mellow, or angry. He can go fetch etc. The point is beyond that we start to run out of connection. In fact if you look at concrete examples in life we don't communicate with too many animals on this planet. We kill them for food or sport.

Why would an alien regard you as little more than a monkey idiot??? They are obviously waaayy more advanced than humans. This is consistent with cosmological time scales too.... People forget that universe might be home to lots of life but whos to say they're on any similar evolutionary timeline. In other words, they are either too dumb to communicate with us (millions of years behind) or regard us as idiots/indifferent to us (millions of years ahead).

My understanding of the phenomenon is that grays are generally described as short and doing horrifically invasive procedures on humans who find themselves disoriented and missing time. They dont seem to be here to benefit us so why allow their information stream to be accessed??

I'm not an expert (or an amateur) on meditation but I know someone who was really getting into it and would go on week long seminars into the woods and he wouldnt speak to anyone for the whole trip. They would sit in silence and meditate. Now that's hardcore! How many of us can say they've gone into the freakin woods for a week and not spoken a word of your native language.... only to be alone with your thoughts! This person I speak of has never spoken of an information stream, although he has not been able to astral travel to the best of my knowledge either. Me-- I have a tried meditation a little bit and gotten to a point where I was able to deflect a few thoughts to maintain my trance but thats about it. I'm very skeptical of AA's original post, and would encourage AA to be as specific as possible when posting about such topics.

Skeptical and confused,

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:43 PM

You have voted HankMcCoy for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

good sleuthing on the gross lack of internal consistancy in this thread hank - you deserve a prize for sticking with this farce for over 50 pages .

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

You have voted HankMcCoy for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

good sleuthing on the gross lack of internal consistancy in this thread hank - you deserve a prize for sticking with this farce for over 50 pages .

Don't forget that we are going to get "proof" of this within 2 days.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:01 PM

What exactly does that mean? I'm not about to sift thru 1000+ replies but from what i've seen is this ever explained???

The author claims that it's different for everyone but he never used his original post to describe what happened to him. I mean I'm not sure how everyone else communicates but I do it mostly using the english language. Is the information stream grays speaking english? I would hardly think so, this isn't star trek. So I'm assuming once in the information stream maybe you see shapes or images or something????

The stream is explained. I read through all the posts. You want answers, do the work....sorry that came off a bit harsh.

The aliens can speak english as well as going beyond words. Mainly it's showing us things, mentally. Telepathy. Also math is used. Math to them is like a Universal Language. Hope that helps, my friend!

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:25 PM

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, because I do respect you as a good moderator. Although I find it strange that you cannot comprehend the complexity of what is being discussed because you and few few others are being critical on mundane points. Yes, you have AA in a bind because of the words he's chosen to say. But that can be easily unerstood from anyones pov that isn't flaming.

AA has had contact through this techynique, yet AA is open minded and that is a prerequisite
It is different for everyone, and that is what AA has tried to explain, yet he has obviously fallen short. Look at it this way from a humble believer (from my own existence), the information stream (as he calls it) is like the akashic records, many people know and talk of this conscious place. There is a frequency that you are increasing (a vibration level, a music note) that pertains to other demensions or planes if you will. The information seen and understood is meant and locked into that frequency. When you come back you leave that knowlege there. It does sound ridiculous because you have no frame of reference. Remember our "brains" work with the laws of association, so take that into consideration as well.

I will explain an experience I had ( a little different but it helps explain my point).

I was on a wild adventure and was in a place where people were "very seriously" aiding with salvia divinorum, which is a plant that teh AZTECS would use when they wanted to communicate with their guides for aid. Anyway, you smoke this in a pipe. Well, I smoke a drag and was immediately wisked away from this world (this is no heroin trip type) and pulled into another existence which I absolutely loved. It was free of hate or malice. It was all telepathic, thoughts immidately downloaded. All I remember is thinking that these wonder things I was thinking and seeing, I had to tell my family and friends, because it was that beautiful. Then I felt the truth that I could tell no one. An on that I was sent back, grinded softly through existences, and the moment I was back, I was strippe of all the detail, yet left with the wonderful feelings of truth and peace. This was no dream, it was governed by will. And that will wasn't my own.

I wish the world could have a more open mind. We would all be better for it. I mean are you guys that afriad to change your views? Because AA doesn't ask to swallow, he urges to taste. Taste everything, swallow very little. But at least taste to see if you like it. Because like I always say, you don't have to believe in it to make it true.

Also, just because you don't unerstand, doesn't mean we're not making sense.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:43 PM
AA, you said,

Relax stay come and collective its very very rare that an individual is allowed physical contact this early in the game…. Again I have no idea what form its coming but brother it is moving at the speed of thought.

I assume to mean this (above) statement is still in agreement that I am going to have a physical contact. I think after meditating, napping and staying off coffee for the past two weeks that I'm as relaxed as I can get. And I am prepared for contact to come in any possible manner. Believe me, I have read all sorts of way-out accounts, so I will try to remain calm and open when it happens...

I feel a little tightness in my stomach that is a little unusual. Other than that, status quo...

Scramjet, I understand where you're coming from. I have to point out the obvious and that is that your view of this communication is a simplistic, not very thought out one. I don't mean that in a rude way, just that consider that your statements are from our point of view looking at this phenomena from a guy with a 9-5. Like, what's that alien got to do wid me?

But if you consider that they have a different perspective about us and life on this planet than the very, very narrow and superficial one we do. Do we as people treat life, all life, as sacred? Do we respect life and each other? Do we show compassion toward one another? I submit that for the most part, apart from some niceness and pleasantries, we are lacking a lot as a species - at least in the West. Just consider that maybe what they're embarking on has more to do with us as beings in this universe. That maybe they see not only a value and potential in us as vibrant beings in this universe, but also want to give a nudge; to help move us along.

It's been posited before that these beings may be intimately linked with our development, and I mean this in more than a way for them to simply exploit us as a species, but our conscious evolution - our spiritual advancement may benefit them as much as it does us. It may actually give them joy to see us develop. Imagine a species that doesn't have to struggle with food, gas, money, all of the things we struggle with, and you can see how calmness and compassion has more fertile ground to grow. They may just be joyously watching, and partly participating in our advancement.

And, Hank. I did get the subtle jab. My personal thought on cults is that they simply force their wills on weak individuals. People need to be free. And people that succumb to cults have relinquished that freedom, but it's only temporary; as we as beings are inately free individuals - with our own thoughts.

There isn't a cult forming here. I want to see what happens...I don't think it's hypnotic, or cultish, or dangerous. We're all sharing freely here. What's AA gonna do - start a group in Montana and invite all of the contactees? I'm sure he's aware he wouldn't get any takers. And, AA, you should know I don't mean any personal offense. I know that's not what's going on here...

Anyway, Dorothy here has to polish her ruby slippers...and I'm starving...

May post later tonight...please keep the personal attacks, insults and jabs to a minimum. And no friends over while I'm gone...Don't stay up past ten...

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:50 PM
When contact starts you will feel it the base of your spine, this is an indication that ET is close. The energy of 4th dimensional and 3r dimensional energy mixing in your body will different experience for you. It will travel up your spine and move into the base of your head…. This is a measure of how close ET is from your special coordinates system.
The feeling will then move into your head and it will feel like an organism is taking hold except it last longer than the standard 3 seconds….
It will then lodge itself with in your Pinal gland, once your pineal gland has started to open time if going to become a little distorted…. ET is now in the physical proximity of yourself….
Remember it will come in a form that you have not imagined yet….
Stay calm and have fun….

ET is coming to a reality near you…


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:03 PM
I am not skeptical of technique, I know it works. Perhaps because it gets you in just that CERTAIN STATE. However, AA, what you're desribing sounds alot like kundalini awakening. Perhaps I will direct my attention towards Probed for now. As I am skeptical of SOME of your claims. Unless the kundalini has perhaps taken you to a higher state.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:24 PM
The facts from my experience tells me the aliens are the most advanced beings we as a world will ever encounter. So any means of contacting them and finding out more about them is going to be beneficial to our world. Even if they are a hostile and deadly species it still would be beneficial to learn all about them.

Seems to me that AlienAgenda has taken this brain activation exercise and used it as a trigger to open a channel to the aliens. That may be his modification to the exercise itself. Others may use it to activate the brain for other purposes.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:28 PM
AA and Probed, I would like to hear what The Grays look like to both of YOU.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by probedbygrays
The facts from my experience tells me the aliens are the most advanced beings we as a world will ever encounter. So any means of contacting them and finding out more about them is going to be beneficial to our world. Even if they are a hostile and deadly species it still would be beneficial to learn all about them.

Seems to me that AlienAgenda has taken this brain activation exercise and used it as a trigger to open a channel to the aliens. That may be his modification to the exercise itself. Others may use it to activate the brain for other purposes.

That is precisely what has happen from my pov. He built that mechanism within himself.

This is an individual process that is different for everyone. It is your thoughts a desires that dpirituality spirals off of. This is no different. Dive in and you will find a way to save yourself. It is the only way. The jumpers were always going to jump. The flamers are still unable to see the beauty of trying.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:35 PM

Why dont you address the inconsistencies in your story? I would appreciate an answer, and so would others.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy

Why dont you address the inconsistencies in your story? I would appreciate an answer, and so would others.

Please tell me why you care about mundane details surrounding a profound subject you should be taking more seriously. This is bigger than AA and certainly bigger than your critical position towards AA.


posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 07:40 PM
Hank has a point, AA. But, Hank, give him time.

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