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President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nezhad Calls For The Permanent Removal of Israel

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posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 08:48 AM
Thanks for the addition of yet more conjecture golemina. If you presented something other than conjecture we could actually have a worthwhile exchange of ideas. But since that wont be worthcoming I'll wait for some one else to provide PROOF to back up their conjecture.

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 08:52 AM
But you offer little in support of your viewpoint... 'Ceptin yur pure conjecture.

To turn this into an ad hominem doesn't do credit to this thread or your fellow ATSers.

Is just a little respect asking too much?

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 08:54 AM
I note the following spellings are common "over here."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

I guess going from Farsi to English always poses a problem, much as going from Chinese to English is problematical. Do you know if the same situation prevails when translating English into Arabic, for instance?

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 08:55 AM
That is what the entire world is reporting directly from the mouth of the Iranian president........

It is your turn to present proof that what the world is reporting that the Iranian president has said about Israel is not true....instead of expressing your biased opinion that the whole world is lying and the Iranian president has not said what has been reported.....

What is your proof subz?.....

[edit on 12-7-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 09:22 AM

“All the conditions for the removal of the Zionist regime are at hand, a usurper that our enemies made it and imposed it on the Muslim world, a regime that prevented the progress of the region’s nations, a regime that all Muslim must join hands in isolating it worldwide”, Mr. Ahmadi Nezhad told the gathering of Iraq’s neighbours, employing for the first time the Arabic word (ezaleh) which means removing body hairs as well as women’s virginity. "

he wants to remove the israeili regime permanently. So What?
he want to make just another evil regime become history. What's wrong with that?
US has wiped off the iraqi, afghani regimes off the map over the last few years.
Why is it ok for us to remove evil regimes but not for iran? DOUBLE STANDARDS.

And about the earlier comments. Doesn't he have the right to say whatever he wants under the Freedom of Expression? DOUBLE STANDARDS Again.

Afterall, we all know jerusalem is the 2nd holliest place to muslims after mecca, and he's just not going to nuke it out.

MUADDIB, answer all of my questions, and u'll have my WATS.


posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 09:33 AM

posted by Muaddib

The president of Iran has called once again for the removal of Israel, but this time he used the Arabic word "ezaleh", which means to permanently remove body hairs, or a woman's virginity . . [Edited by Don W]

Hyperbole. Made primarily for local consumption. If we did not have CNN or Al Jeezera we would not know about this speech for 2 weeks. We could then review it dispassionately.

“ . . In one of his strongest speeches, Iran’s fundamentalist President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nezhad repeated that Israel must be “removed” from the region . . “All the conditions for the removal of the Zionist regime are at hand, a usurper that our enemies made and imposed on the Muslim world . . he appears to be crazy enough to want to bring chaos to the world so "his regime can pave the way for the 12th Imam."

Crazy like a fox? Do you think he gives a prepared speech without full consultation beforehand? There is some motive behind this speech - and his others - that seems to elude Westerners. Why, for example, would he call for action he cannot produce? Or for a result that is unlikely? Can you help me understand this?

Israel is in a bad position. The government of Israel has made mistakes. I just hope that the tensions subside and everything can return to a somewhat normal pace. I hope something can be worked out, but I am not so sure anymore.

In this moment I wish the best to the Israeli people, and all peaceful Palestinians, because there are many innocent people in both sides.
[Edited by Don W]

I feel since the assassination of Rabin - and I regretted the assassination of Sadat, too - that the conservative and ultra religious Israelis have painted themselves into a corner. They are getting deeper and deeper in, sort of like Saddam did in the run-up to the GW2 of Bush43. Leaving themselves (and Israel) no honorable face-saving way out. What do you think? I hated the Berlin Wall. I hate the Israeli Wall. I hope I do not have a Wall with Mexico to add to my hate list.

[edit on 7/12/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 09:40 AM
That bit about Jerusalem being the second holiest Muslim site is a fabrication.

Historically, it seems the Muslims were trying to erase the Jewish claims to Jerusalem by razing their holiest temple and then building a mosque on that exact site and then backfilling a lot of religious historical wishful thinking etc etc about their 'prophet' ascending yada yada yada.

It sends the Muslims into hate frenzies... A lot like cartoons of their 'prophet' seem to now...

>he wants to remove the israeili regime permanently. So What?

It's always nice to see where a person stands.

Would it be rude of be to point out that this megalomaniacs are NOT talking about 'regime change', they are talking about slaughtering every man, woman and child...

You know like they have been trying to for the last 50+ years...

Like has been know to happen in the good ole Middle East lots of times in the past.

I guess if there is one thing you should walk away from this discussion with (in my best Mr Mackey of South Park)... 'Genocide is bad'.

That's what.

[edit on 12-7-2006 by golemina]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 09:57 AM
in my honest opinion, i think the only way for this to end

is for both of these idiot sides to kill each other off

and after the dust settles, maybe just maybe
this retardation will cease

anyone who takes Iran or Israel's side is part of the problem

grow up , all of you

worse than little 4year olds fighting over a toy
i swear

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 10:15 AM

posted by golemina

That bit about Jerusalem being the second holiest Muslim site is a fabrication. Historically, it seems the Muslims were trying to erase the Jewish claims to Jerusalem by razing their holiest temple and then building a mosque on that exact site and then backfilling a lot of religious historical wishful thinking etc about their 'prophet' ascending . . [Edited by Don W]

Well, Mr G, I thought Medina was Holy Site #2 in Islam. Jerusalem’s Temple Mount is Holy Site #3. The al Aqba mosque. The Dome of the Rock you mentioned. The legend of Abraham is certainly Christian, and I suppose Jewish, too. And not Muslim only. As for the destruction of Herod’s Temple, Roman General Titus Flavius Vespasian ordered that in 70 AD, more than 500 years before the Holy Prophet. For whatever reason, restoring the Temple did not seem too important to the Jewish persons inhabiting the region for more than 400 years between regimes. I think rebuilding the temple is a 19th century idea.

You know they have been trying to do for the last 50+ years . . Like has been know to happen in the Middle East lots of times in the past. I guess if there is one thing you should walk away with from this discussion . . 'Genocide is bad.' That's what.

Which brings us to define just what is genocide? Would confining 1.4 million people onto 60 square miles of rocks be getting close to genocide?

[edit on 7/12/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 10:50 AM
Well, I have nothing really to add, but I would like to say this.

I, like many people here, most likely frequent forums that are geared toward a specific interest. Mine is computer graphics and 3D animation. I belong to several forums where, again, like most, are contibuted to from people all over the world. Some places, I honestly never heard of. I love the fact that I can have a conversation with someone in Iran and it doesn't matter that they are in Iran or I am in America. We have a common interest that has noting to do with our backgrounds or belifs. No one gives a hoot where you are from, what you believe in, or what your favorite pizza topping is!

Everyone just gets along. We share files and ideas, critque each others work, give away our hard work to those who need it. On this particular forum, everyone is encouraged to speak English (which I am greatful for) and everyone does their best to do so. And usually appologizes if their English isn't perfect. Appologizes. The worst English is usually from American teenagers, actually.

Anyway, the point is, if people wanted to really and truely get along, they would. It really is that simple. Really.

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 11:43 AM
Iran and the middle east in general know the squeez is on. This is where all this talk is stemming from. They know that the west and Israel are partners and western ecconomy survives on oil, plain and simple.

With China and now India moving VERY fast towards industrialised nations playing ball with the big boys, moving closer to this reality every single day.

You have 2 views to choose:

1. Limited resources .ie OIL and its ultimate control will benefit the country who controls it .ie a VERY worried middle east about Israel and the West.

2. Maybe not so limited resources, but financial dominance through OIL control, as China and India take control over much of the worlds product production .ie a VERY worried middle east about Israel and the West.

Besides OIL, what does the middle east contribute to the worlds economy?
Without OIL, or more so the wealth and power OIL brings, where does that leave the middle east?

It leaves them in a VERY VERY unfamiliar place, and they know it!

The squeez is on and the world is shifting in a new direction.
China and India are growing at an incredible rate, and with their thirst for OIL to drive their industries and economies, the west knows things have to change.
There will be no competing against China and India when it comes to product production. Already we are seeing MANY western companies jumping international borders for their services. Closing shop and jobs in favour of profits.

Western economies need to control the one thing China and India need to survive - OIL!
And who has the OIL?

President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nezhad has PLENTY to worry about, and not only him ...

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
in my honest opinion, i think the only way for this to end

is for both of these idiot sides to kill each other off

and after the dust settles, maybe just maybe
this retardation will cease

anyone who takes Iran or Israel's side is part of the problem

grow up , all of you

worse than little 4year olds fighting over a toy
i swear

hear hear!

It's like 4 year olds fighting over a toy, then some big kid comes over and gives them some weapons to fight with lol

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by golemina
So what are you saying Yanchek? What's your point... That Arabs and Jews are the same?

Go to Wikipedia, type in "Semitic" and read.

[edit on 12-7-2006 by yanchek]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 12:58 PM
The arabs are more semitic than the jews, so everybody that say that arabs are anti-semitic are wrong.

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 01:32 PM

posted by Burginthorn

Iran and the Middle East in general know the squeeze is on. They know that the West and Israel are partners and Western economies survive on oil. With China and India moving VERY fast towards industrialization and are now playing ball with the big boys . . You have 2 scenarios . .
1. Oil is a Limited resource and its ultimate control will benefit the country who controls it;
2. Oil is maybe not so limited, but financial dominance is possible through OIL as the world’s product production shifts to China and India.
Besides OIL, what does the Middle East contribute to the worlds economy? Without OIL, or the wealth and power OIL brings, where does that leave the Middle East? [Edited by Don W]

I have argued elsewhere that turmoil serves better the policies of the US and other Western powers to control the oil in the ME. The big risk the West faces is that the overwhelming majority of Arabs and other ME people will be able to gain control of their own countries away form the pro-West lackeys and will nationalize the only resource of the ME, oil. As in Premier Mohammad Mosedegh of Iran in the 1950s. Who Ike had the CIA replace. I refer you to the simple fact of life that the US (and only the US) can “solve” the Israel/Palestinian problem. But we consistently refuse. Why is that?

China and India are growing at an incredible rate, and with it the thirst for OIL to drive their industries . . the West knows things have to change. There will be no competing against China and India when it comes to product production. Already we are see MANY western companies jumping international borders for their services. Closing shop and jobs in favor of profits. Western economies need to control the one thing China and India need to survive - OIL! And who has the OIL? [Edited by Don W]

The oil imperative may drive the West - especially the United States - to accept a modified form of socialism. The allocation of all resources according to the common needs. Sooner than later. It is the only way to “share” the planet’s limited resources as we approach the “Age of Survival.”

[edit on 7/12/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by proprog

he wants to remove the israeili regime permanently. So What?

Wrong, he wants to wipe off the map a whole country with all it's people in it... The coalition did not remove a whole country with all it's people in it, and that was never the goal...

Originally posted by proprog
he want to make just another evil regime become history. What's wrong with that?

He wants to destroy a whole nation and all it's people in it, and why is the Israeli government evil?... The Palestinians have done worse to the Israelis.

Originally posted by proprog
US has wiped off the iraqi, afghani regimes off the map over the last few years.
Why is it ok for us to remove evil regimes but not for iran? DOUBLE STANDARDS.

First of "wasnt' the U.S. alone..... in the Afghan war most if not all countries in the world agreed...and they didn't go there to "wipe Afghanistan off the map with all it's people in it"....

Originally posted by proprog
And about the earlier comments. Doesn't he have the right to say whatever he wants under the Freedom of Expression? DOUBLE STANDARDS Again.

Freedom of expression ends when the person making the speech is calling for the extermination of a whole nation, a whole people, race, ethnic group, etc, etc...

Originally posted by proprog
Afterall, we all know jerusalem is the 2nd holliest place to muslims after mecca, and he's just not going to nuke it out.

Who knows what's on his mind. He has stated that the goal of his regime is to pave the way for the 12th Iman, and according to their own prophecy, the 12th Iman will only return when the world is in chaos and it's the end of time.

The only way his regime can "pave the way for the 12th Iman" is to create chaos.

[edit on 12-7-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by yanchek

Originally posted by golemina
Why does no one ever talk about the blatant anti-Semitic bigots?

To call someone anti-Semitic is, more accurately, to call them anti-Arab because far more members of the old Semite race are Arab than they are Jewish.

Although an off subject - THIS IT TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!
Both sides are semitic and if you would like there is scientific proof for this.
Sorry to bust that bubble - both Jews and Arabs are Semites - there is no more or less semitic semites - except in the eyes of a racist.

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by IrvingTheExplainer

Everyone just gets along. We share files and ideas, critque each others work, give away our hard work to those who need it. On this particular forum, everyone is encouraged to speak English (which I am greatful for) and everyone does their best to do so. And usually appologizes if their English isn't perfect. Appologizes. The worst English is usually from American teenagers, actually.

Anyway, the point is, if people wanted to really and truely get along, they would. It really is that simple. Really.

Individuals have always found some way to get along with each other, but the individual citizen of any country is not the one making decisions that affect the world (There are many ifs and buts here, but I won't go into that right now).

While you might have friends in Iran, Iraq, France,...or someplace else in the world, their friendliness/attitude toward you does not represent the attitude/toleralnce of the rest of the population, not to mention the agenda of that country's Government. It is usually all about money, sometimes about the ego, and every now and then for the good of the country's people. I admire people tolerant of different cultures, and people who are able to look past your race, country-of-origin, or religious belief in order to become friends with you. The problem is that they may be a minority, and that at least one of them isn't in charge of the way that country handles business/foreign affairs.

Take Communism for instance. There were plenty of individuals who were very West-friendly, but the government was run by people who opposed the West for different reasons. Communism brainwashed a lot of adults and children into hating the West, but not everyone was blinded by the propaganda.

So,... in my opinion your statement is well-meaning, but that's not how the world operates. Not everyone is nice, not everyone likes to solve things the peaceful way, not everyone can handle power responsibly, and not everyone is tolerant of different cultures/beliefs. Most of all,.....not everyone can forgive and forget, even if the offense took place 500 years ago.
So while you may have friends from different places who have common interests, they are still a rare find. I wonder how your friendship would work out if either one of you were given more power over the other. I think then would be the only time you'd find out how 'good' your friendship really is.
Just my opinion of course. I hope I didn't go too far off the subject.

[edit on 12-7-2006 by 2manyquestions]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 02:48 PM
Is ITE complaining, lamenting or just remarking?

posted by re IrvingTheExplainer

Everyone gets along. We share files, ideas, critique each others work, give away our hard work to those who need it. On this particular forum, everyone is encouraged to speak English. And usually apologize if their English isn't perfect. The worst English is usually from American teenagers. Anyway, the point is, if people wanted to really and true get along, they would. It really is that simple. Really. Individuals have always found some way to get along with each other . . “ [Edited by Don W]

I dunno ITE. I think your analysis is too superficial. Americans have no real deep shared traditions. We’re too new. Never had life or death times. We have been fortunate to have so much wealth here that even many of our poor can get by and some even can get ahead because we are less constrained than most other countries.

We cannot evaluate other countries based on our own experiences. Look at Armenia. Ireland. Jewish people. Those people have had bonding experiences. One poster here uses JudahMaccabees as his moniker. And remember, the word ‘Slave’ comes from the word ‘Slav.’

[edit on 7/12/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Originally posted by yanchek

Originally posted by golemina
Why does no one ever talk about the blatant anti-Semitic bigots?

To call someone anti-Semitic is, more accurately, to call them anti-Arab because far more members of the old Semite race are Arab than they are Jewish.

Although an off subject - THIS IT TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!
Both sides are semitic and if you would like there is scientific proof for this.
Sorry to bust that bubble - both Jews and Arabs are Semites - there is no more or less semitic semites - except in the eyes of a racist.

Enhance your calm Judah.

Of course they are both Semites. I was not talking about who is more semitic. I was talking numbers, so please, easy with the racist etiquette.
As for scientific proof, they should specify the term Jew. Are they talking about members of the Jewish people (also known as the Jewish nation, or the Children of Israel) or followers of Judaism. I can be an Eskimo and still be a Jew.
And If you're following the latest news you can see an interesting display of brotherly love.

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