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Corruption complaints against Asian officers 10 times higher.

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posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
The first line of the Guardian article states the following:
"A secret high-level Metropolitan police report has concluded that Muslim officers are more likely to become corrupt than white officers because of their cultural and family backgrounds."

Throughout the article they continue referring to Muslims and Pakistani muslims in particular.

One slight problem...

There are many WHITE MUSLIMS. In fact, if you bother to learn something the word caucasian actually [in Europe,] refers exclusively to people who are from the Caucasus. So there are many "white [caucasian] Muslims" by definition. So the whole report is a load of bull. clearly dare not miss a chance to be rude about Muslims once more.

Now , AceOfBase. I am sure there is someone out there missing their favourite BNP supporter. Your age old hatred for Muslims has grown thin and everyone on these forums see it now.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
If the report was fake the Met would have demanded an apology and retraction from the guardian but that hasn't happened so I don't doubt that the report was real.

Of course you wouldn't doubt it 'cause it takes ammo out of your pro-white agenda

If it was true, it would be all over the newstations (which it isn't)..but is it on BNP TV? you have probably paid membership to recieve BNP TV

I look forward to reading your next thread that continues to attack non-whites

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by infinite
If it was true, it would be all over the newstations (which it isn't)..but is it on BNP TV? you have probably paid membership to recieve BNP TV

This thread is almost two months old.
It may have been on TV at the time of this article.

Perhaps you'll accept this BBC report on corruption in South Asian countries, especially among Police officers.

Police top 'corrupt' South Asia list

All those interviewed in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka who had dealt with the police in the last year had encountered corruption.

The survey estimated that police officers in Bangladesh alone earned nearly $250 million in bribes last year.

The judiciary was identified as the second most corrupt area in all four countries, except Pakistan.

There, land administration and tax authorities came after police on the list.


In Pakistan, almost 92% of households said they had paid bribes to receive public education.

If coruption in those countries is so rampant why is it hard to beleive that immigrants from those countries might also be corrupt?

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 06:30 AM
thats in their country and the article is over 4 years old
you are really hitting new lows now in your quest for targetting non-whites.

I really do laugh at the fact that you have not denied claims that you are linked to the BNP. Atleast we've cleared that one up.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 09:44 AM
The examination and pulling to pieces of this superficial nonsense has been very interesting and very pleasing to see.

Nice work guys.

(AoB if you're reduced to grasping at any old - literally - report from anywhere to try and push this sectarian/racist agenda of yours I'd just like to suggest that now is the time to stop digging the hole you're in.

When I first came here you were a quality contributor, reasoned and balanced, what the hell happened to you?)

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by infinite
thats in their country and the article is over 4 years old
you are really hitting new lows now in your quest for targetting non-whites.

I really do laugh at the fact that you have not denied claims that you are linked to the BNP. Atleast we've cleared that one up.

Do you think the corruption has ended in the last four years?
I doubt it.

Regarding the BNP, I'm not a member but I do read their site every day along with a few other sites. I think Britain needs more people who will try to protect the country from the third world masses.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
Do you think the corruption has ended in the last four years?
I doubt it.

of course you wouldn't, we only need to look at your post history to see. Its ashame that your twisting old news to fit an agenda to attack anyone who isn't white

Regarding the BNP, I'm not a member but I do read their site every day along with a few other sites. I think Britain needs more people who will try to protect the country from the third world masses.


BNP do not protect this country. mindless racists like them only make this place worse. So all the problems in this country are the fault of those who are coming from the third world? lol thats abit of a stupid way of thinking.

Yes, but ill look forward to your next thread

...excuse me while i go and shave my head and scream "white power"

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey

When I first came here you were a quality contributor, reasoned and balanced, what the hell happened to you?)

I've changed in some ways but there are some ways that I'm still the same.
I've always been opposed to invasions of other people's countries and spoke out heavily against the Iraq war for that reason.

I supported the right of Iraqis to resist occupation forces and I also support Europeans who want to resist the occupation of their countries which is happening on a much larger scale.

There are only a couple of hundred thousand troops occupying Iraq and Afghanistan but there are tens of millions of muslims and Africans occupying European land and they're making demands of the countries that they moved to as if they owe them something.

When I see muslims destroying British and European cities I get very angry.

It was the Paris riots that angered me most of all but it started a little before that with African immigrants in France angrily protesting against the government to give them free houses. Other incidents that angered me were the riots in Brixton, Birmingham and other areas of Britain and of course the protests over the Danish cartoons.

They have no right to riot.
They shouldn't even be there.

[edit on 5-8-2006 by AceOfBase]

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
I supported the right of Iraqis to resist occupation forces and I also support Europeans who want to resist the occupation of their countries which is happening on a much larger scale.


You forget one key factor, only a small percentage of people are actually immigrants now. Many of them were and still are INVITED by the Government to the United Kingdom, due to the shortage in many sectors which we have at the existing moment.

It is not their fault, they are told they will get a job by our Government. It is not their fault many people in the United Kingdom, do not bother to learn crafts such as building, plumbing. It is not their fault many people in the U.K. won't work in a factory.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Odium

You forget one key factor, only a small percentage of people are actually immigrants now. Many of them were and still are INVITED by the Government to the United Kingdom, due to the shortage in many sectors which we have at the existing moment.

It is not their fault, they are told they will get a job by our Government. It is not their fault many people in the United Kingdom, do not bother to learn crafts such as building, plumbing. It is not their fault many people in the U.K. won't work in a factory.

There was a small period of time in which the British government may have invited non-European immigrants but throughout the time period of the most heavy immigration Britian was actually trying to control the numbers of non-European immigrants.

An outline of the immigration pattern of the Pakistani community in Britain

Migration was welcomed very early on by Britain, where economic benefits could be gained, but chain migration brought a huge concern in the 1950’s and 60’s, here the threat of mass migration with populated areas of Asians and Africans making their homes became a huge dilemma that Britain had to control.

Before 1962, Pakistanis were British subjects (under the 1948 British Nationality Act) and could enter Britain without restriction. When news travelled as to the immigration controls just before the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 was passed there was a dramatic increase in the rate of immigration. Fifty thousand people entered Britain in the 18 months before the 1962 Act was in force compared with the 17,000 who entered between 1955 and 1960 (Shaw, 1998: 25).


In 1971 the Conservative party came into power with a promise to curtail black and Asian immigration. The 1962 and 1968 Acts were proving to be incapable of controlling the influx of migrants and Parliament finally enacted the Immigration Act, 1971 to introduce stricter rules (Jones and Wellhengama, 2000: 17). According to the 1971 Act, migration for work would now be possible only through a work permit, valid for twelve months. This law applying to “aliens” was now also applicable to citizens of Commonwealth countries. Here the concept of patriality applied whereby Commonwealth citizens with a grandparent born in the UK were entitled to have the right of abode in the UK. Jones and Wellhengama refer to this as the ‘grandparent clause’ which tended to help white individuals living in former colonies and discriminated indirectly against non-whites being that many Asians and Blacks could not produce a grandparent born in the UK.

In 1975, Margaret Thatcher entered the immigration debate where she described new migrants as ‘dole cheaters’ and ‘undesirable elements’ (Jones and Wellhengama, 2000: 17). This was the same rhetoric of Enoch Powell which had seemed to have gained new ideological ground in social and political discourses.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
They shouldn't even be there.

Oh, my boy.... they have as much right as you to be here.
Majority are second and third generation, they are here through birth right. And they have probably done more for this country then you ever will. You want to deny them that chance to work in our society? you want to deny them their birth right because they are not white British?

They have no right to riot.

Who rioted here? you bringing up actions from the 80s to fit your racist agenda? dont stop there, mention the Indian riots from when we ruled India
...the easter uprising by the Irish too.

The way your brain works is simple. You single out a whole race, due to a small minoirty.

Because we had an empire, citizens of British land (including oversea's) commonwealth, EU and Irish Republic have a right to come here because of historic ties and family links (the French do the same aswell). And YOU cannot deny them that and nore can your racist party either.

[edit on 5-8-2006 by infinite]

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Who rioted here? you bringing up actions from the 80s to fit your racist agenda?

I don't need to go back to the 1980's.

April 2001:
Bradford riots

May 2001:
Oldham Riot

June 2001:
Burnley riot

October 2005:
Birmingham Riot

There are many smaller incidents that happen quite frequently and don't get much attention on the news. Like the one in June 2006:

Terror as 60 fight in street

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 12:04 PM
AceofBase, how often do you read your own sources?

Bradford Riots
Trouble began when a group of about 30 white youths are believed to have clashed with members of the wedding party at the Coach House pub in Legrams Lane. The reception was in a private room, but fighting spilled out on to the street and cars in the car park were set on fire.

Fact of the matter is, Muslim Youths might have burned down a pub. But the incident was started by White Youths.

Oldham Riot? So what...the problems there has been on going since the 1950's. There is no way, you can place blame on one or any group of people in the area.

Race riots in a Lancashire town were aggravated by council spending decisions and poor civic leadership, a report published on Wednesday reveals.

Burnley - The Real Story, cites segregated schooling, unemployment, housing and health problems, among other causes of the town's divisions.

Birmingham Riot? Again, the problem in that area was due to long standing divide and council based problems. The reports already stated that.

Again, how can you blame these on immigrants? Clearly, White Youth are also part of some of these. So the problem isn't down to race or even down to immigrants being here, it is down to further social problems.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Odium
AceofBase, how often do you read your own sources?

I read the entire thing did you?

A 30-40 strong group of predominantly white males enter the public bar of the Coach House on Legrams Lane. They have visited other pubs - possibly in Clayton and Lidget Green - and some appear drunk and `unsteady on their feet'. Some `banter' between these and a small number of Indians in the bar becomes heated. A racist comment from one of the white group sparks a fight which spills onto the street outside. Bystanders become drawn into the disturbance outside the pub and the scale of the violence begins to escalate.

A group of drunken whites made a racial comment and the Asians turned it into a riot.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
A group of drunken whites made a racial comment and the Asians turned it into a riot.


It still boils down to this.


posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 12:44 PM
So your "sources" give you the right to blame a whole race and religion?

answer me this question, do you support non-whites in the UK? and do you see non-whites born in this country British?

A group of drunken whites made a racial comment and the Asians turned it into a riot.

i like the way you put this. it seems that its okay to make a racist comment about a group that is different to you. You have basically said that Asians have no right to respond to racist marks made against their skin/relition/etc....

[edit on 5-8-2006 by infinite]

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by infinite
answer me this question, do you support non-whites in the UK? and do you see non-whites born in this country British?

The answer to both of those questions is no.
Do you consider a white person, with British parents, who is born in Japan as Japanese?

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

Originally posted by infinite
answer me this question, do you support non-whites in the UK? and do you see non-whites born in this country British?

The answer to both of those questions is no.
Do you consider a white person, with British parents, who is born in Japan as Japanese?

He'd be both British and Japanese. Duel-Citizenship does exist. :-)

So why can't non-whites be in the U.K? They've been here for hundreds of years now.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 01:27 PM
AceofBase, why do you have the Cross of Saint George on your profile? If you believe Non-whites should not be in the U.K. it sticks of idiocy.

Let's take a look at Wikipedia on St. George:

Saint George (c. 275/280–April 23, 303) was a soldier of the Roman Empire who later became a Christian martyr. Immortalised in the tale of George and the Dragon, he is the patron saint of several countries and cities, including England, Georgia and Moscow, as well as a wide range of professions, organisations and disease sufferers.


George was born to a Christian family during the late 3rd century. His father was from Cappadocia and served as an officer of the army. His mother was from Lydda, Palestine. She returned to her native city as a widow along with her young son, where she provided him with an education.

Now...let's all think about this for a long moment...

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Odium

So why can't non-whites be in the U.K? They've been here for hundreds of years now.

They've been in the UK but in very small numbers.
In 1961 there were only 106,000 persons of South Asian origin and tens of thousands of those had just arrived.

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