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North American Union!!! Bush's Real Agenda???

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posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 10:27 PM
According to this report bush is now conspiring to overthrow the U.S. soverignty by creating a E.U. styled American Union. the rammifications of this plot could be detrimental to our country in the long run.

President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy.

Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada.

President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed.

if this happens the possibilities for recession and chaos are almost assured....

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 10:43 PM
I heard about this not too long ago. So we'd have the same dollar and everything like they do in Europe?
Would we still need passports to cross over from one North American country to another? Would our laws and politics be even more closely influencing eachother?

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
I heard about this not too long ago. So we'd have the same dollar and everything like they do in Europe?
Would we still need passports to cross over from one North American country to another? Would our laws and politics be even more closely influencing eachother?

no i dont think that you would need a passport, i have relatives in germany and i think that they can now cross the borders freely

the real problem will be the centralization of currancy, the mexican peso is nowhere near the value of the dollar so from that perspective i see some big trouble on the horizion with this plan

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 11:14 PM
I had to re-read that article to make sure I read it correctly. The "Building a North American Community" report was dated 2005... I wonder if Mexico's recent decision to legalize small quantities of virtually every drug will change these plans if they are real and everything Corsi claims they are. I can see the potential benefit for both Canadians and Americans for those two countries to get much closer, but like you said I really cannot imagine what we would gain by getting much closer to Mexico.

However, Mexico's southern border with Guatemala and Belize is much smaller than the border between the current US and Mexico - maybe they just want a smaller distance to patrol

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by AlphaHumana I wonder if Mexico's recent decision to legalize small quantities of virtually every drug will change these plans if they are real and everything Corsi claims they are.

well if the way it stands now the flow of drugs into this country from mexico is huge, so why change anything?? it might make a bad problem worse though

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 12:48 AM
also i wonder how long it would take to drive through mexico to belize or guatamala??

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 02:47 PM
The real question is, why would Bush concede US Sovreignty to an AU?

The next obvious question is... Would he be eligble to be "President" of this new AU?


posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 05:16 PM
Yep, this is definately the plan, and its been the plan for a while. In order to achieve a world gov't all countries cannot merge at once the people would never go for that. But people might go for their countries to merge into "regional" govt's with neighboring countries. Then once all countries are conected into a regional alliance ( there will probably be about 4 of them) then the people would be conditioned to merge the regionals into a world gov't.

First NAFTA, then last summer it was CAFTA, next they want the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas- this would include all countries in the western hemisphere except Cuba). The NWO crowd are very beauracratic and that stands the reason they are way behind on their goals; such as they wanted the FTAA in place by Jan 2005 and they didn't even get CAFTA until that summer, and they almost didn't even get that! Now the CFR is openly saying that we should open our borders to include Canada and Mexico, this will never end.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:27 AM
Related Video from CNN

This is truly frightening indeed. Most Americans and Canadians don't want this to happen. However, I think the plan has been all along to crash the American economy so that they will be begging for some way out and I think that they will use the Amero as a way to relieve the American plight.

We've already seen the fruits of NAFTA and other trade agreements;

Looks like we're in great shape! The dollar continues it's downward trend, federal spending is astronomical, energy prices continue to rise forcing inflation, of course the Federal Reserve needs to make their money by jacking up interest rates (on money they create out of nothing) which further drives up inflation, we import way more than we export, illegal foreign workers continue to flood our country driving down wages, corporate profits are up (partly from said illegals), and the American people have more debt and less savings not seen since the Great Depression!

Just imagine if the Federal Reserve decides to contract the money supply. They'd make a bundle on all those foreclosures!

[edit on 15-6-2006 by derdy]

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:27 AM
well, if they did do this, I would have to say that we would have more than enough cheap labor, they don't need to import any more. the borders would now be easily to secure, since most would be secured by God, they better secure those danged borders!!! Forget about aiding the rest of the world. use our universities and colleges to teach our own.....our aid to help mexico reach the same standard as the US and Canada.

that's about the only way I'd go for it. the only benefit I would see is that we would have more control over who actually enters the North American continent and it would be easier to enforce those borders...since the area would be much smaller.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:34 AM
Don't be daft. Who in their right mind would want to merge the US and Mexican economies? Germany had a bad enough time of it when it recombined, and East Germany was one of the most economically advanced countries in the Soviet Bloc (no, this is not an oxymoron), and the Mexican economy makes the former GDR look like a paradise!
As for Canada, they have some very decided views on their southern neighbours. And they're not too complimentary at times.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:19 AM
I didn't see this in the discussion, but I saw this and thought people should know. without the approval of congress(just like the war in iraq), theres been plans going on and approved to build a huge super highway 4 football fields wide from texas to canada. To improve trade between the 3 countries. trucks wont have to stop at the border for custom checks.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 11:04 AM
I think you're correct in your assessments. Everyone who voted for the current president will side with you in frustration on his lack of effort to seal the borders. Despite all the moaning and complaining his base is giving him, he continues with his agenda to soften, and possibly, erase the borders in the near future. You are correct and yet you're not seeing the whole picture. Let's not be so narrow minded.

First we have the progression towards a single North America market.

Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010
Three former high-ranking government officials from Canada, Mexico, and the United States are calling for a North American economic and security community by 2010 to address shared security threats, challenges to competitiveness, and interest in broad-based development across the three countries.

You mentioned the EU which we all know started as a trade agreement between several European countries and has now blossomed into a very solid agreement between it's members. The borders haven't disappeared yet but they are on the verge of having only one currency. This is where the US/Mexico/Canada market is headed.

Now the EU is also trying to incorporate numerous neighboring countries with the Euro Med Partnership. Again the initial goal appears to be for the benefit of free trade. Same song different verse

EU eyes Mediterranean free trade area by 2010
The upcoming 10th anniversary Euro-Mediterranean summit aims to breathe fresh life into the 35-state EuroMed co-operation framework. One specific goal is to set up a "genuine free trade area" by 2010.

Call it a coincidence, but lo and behold the Arab countries are trying to do the same thing.

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (by 2010)
In 2003 GCC members eliminated tariffs on trade between member nations and established a common external tariffs. They have agreed to establish a broader economic union (including a single market and currency) by 2010.

In case you missed it the magic 2010 number came up again. Are we supposed to believe that all of these commerce unions picked the same year as a completion goal by accident? It just doesn't seem right. Something is fishy here. All of these individual countries are being snapped together into larger blocks of countries. What do you suppose the next step will be? I believe that the next step, once these unions are in place, will be to join all the unions together just like the individual countries were joined together in the first place.

Denmark proposes transatlantic marketplace ahead of EU-US summit
the Danish liberal prime minister, has unveiled an ambitious proposal for the world's two biggest economies to form a free trade zone. During a visit to the US, where he addressed the Berkeley, University of California, Mr Fogh Rasmussen suggested the creation of a "transatlantic marketplace without barriers to trade and investment."

This is more than just a noble idea. You can find the entire idea laid out on the EU's website. I looked through the overview of the plan and sure enough, the magic year for making all this work popped up again.

a political commitment to eliminate by 2010 all industrial tariffs on a MFN basis, through multilateral negotiations, provided that a critical mass of other trading partners do the same;

So you see, the plan is to piece together a few countries into blocks, then when that is finished, these blocks will be pieced together into a single larger block. No doubt once the US and EU blocks merge, the Arab corporation will feel the need to join in too. Is this creepy? That depends on how you look at it. For some reason the 2010 date being a common factor makes this plan seem a little manufactured to me.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Perhaps we should make a compilation of all the proposed plans
that are supposed to be in full effect by the year 2010.
Who knows, maybe it will allow us all to glean what is ahead
for all of us.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 06:41 PM
as england (bush's brown nosed pet(tony blear))
is verry aganst it.
I can not see USA joining?
and all the laws yanks would have to change.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 06:54 PM
the reason the english don't want to join the EU, I suppose, is that their currency is still very strong. Even stronger than the Euro.

I don't think changing laws will be an obstacle. As we have witnessed the executive and the legislative branches trample all over the laws we have now.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:21 PM
It kind of reminds you of Churchill's vision of the "United States of Europe" - that is, a union of Europe WITHOUT the United Kingdom... What I don't get about the "NWO" and world takeover plans, like the "North American Union" or even the "Union of the Americas" (stretching all the way down throughout South America, I'd imagine) is... What do you do with the problem areas like countries that seem like black holes for the aid money and "loans" *cough, cough* the international community has thrown into them.

Like Darkmind's example of the German unification, which they are STILL enduring through even considering they were once the same people. If the G8 Nations all unify, for example, are they going to care about Africa, for example? Or the Middle-East? Remember that the 22 "Middle-Eastern" countries' economies combined, if you take out oil, are smaller than Spain's! What happens when the oil is gone and/or we develop a replacement that completely obsoletes it? What I'm trying to say is, will the countries that are already well-off really benefit from certain additions?

Sure, "power" over everyone, but - and pretend I'm the Grand Poobah of the New World Order, and am every bit as evil and selfish and whatever you all expect me to be- why would I care about most of Africa (et al.)?

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 08:35 PM
It looks like the military is finally getting in on the act

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 09:28 PM
why so much distrust with canada.we are in afgan missions from ny attacks.that day we took in u.s people into our homes and many forget so forget people care. canada is big brother up here stop the distrust its going to be a long road after darth varder steps down.........what a mess........

posted on Jun, 16 2006 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by flukemol
why so much distrust with canada.we are in afgan missions from ny attacks.that day we took in u.s people into our homes and many forget so forget people care. canada is big brother up here stop the distrust its going to be a long road after darth varder steps down.........what a mess........

I don't think this about not trusting the Canadians, it's about stopping a "New World Order". From what I have even read in some Canadian newspapers alot of Canadians are against this too.

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