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Amerika still a British colony!!

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posted on May, 25 2006 @ 10:52 PM
This information isn't exactly what you were taught in government-run school, eh? Can you say "propaganda"?


“The Constitution is swollen with dangerous doctrine; doctrine that will be taken advantage of by the Federalists, a faction of monarchy men, military men, aristocrats and drones whose noise, impudence and zeal exceeds all belief."Richard Henry Lee, letter to George Mason, 1 October 1787

There existed a strong element within this country that maintained ties to the Crown before and after the war. These monarchy men, known as the Federalists, worked for the Crown and sought to undermine the fledgling Republic from its beginning. The Anti-Federalists (Patrick Henry was a prominent one of these) sounded the warning about the dubious actions of the Federalists; their public debates centered on the centralization of government under a Federal Constitution, the powers of the Executive branch in a consolidated and Federally Constituted government, and later, upon monetary issues.

Continued at source.

[Mod Edit: Please read these posts about quoting and external sources . Thank you - Jak]

[edit on 26/5/06 by JAK]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:34 AM
I discovered we are still serfs in Canada as well, that our Country is actually a chartered ship from France captured by the British and run that way ever since. We Canadians are all born on this so called slave ship and have been under Maritime/Admiralty Jurisdiction as well. Here we thought the British North American Act, The Westminster Act, our constitution in 1982 made us free but it is all lies and propaganda brainwashed into us from our gov't controlled education system.
some intersting links for Canadians & Americans.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:25 AM
first off, america isnt speeled with a "K" unless your german...

second of all, I dont believe america is still, or has been a colony of britain for a long time. despite early american history where sertain americans still felt loyalties to england.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 08:37 AM

first off, america isnt speeled with a "K" unless your german...

second of all, I dont believe america is still, or has been a colony of britain for a long time. despite early american history where sertain americans still felt loyalties to england.

First off, I spelled it that way because I was implying that America is run by Nazis, and is a dictotorship ruled from abroad..

Second, "sertain" is spelled with a "c"...

Third, you obviously didn't visit the source before you jumped to your propagandized pre-conclusion. The evidence is overwhelming... We were fooled into believing that we were free from Great Britain, when the historical record just doesn't say that. King George III financed both sides of the Revolutionary War (Contract of 1782) and the colonists were accepting loans after the War. The Treaty of Paris was a joke, which gave the King land in the U.S. and pretty much allowed him to do whatever he wanted, while not granting us one thing, except the right to be his debt slaves. The Constitution was obviously a reorganization into bankruptcy that established a militia for collecting the King's bounty, and gave us all the false belief that we had a Bill of Rights granted of God, when in reality we were never even party to the Constitution, according to our very own courts. The Bank of the US was owned and run by England... The War of 1812 was caused by the First charter of the BUS not being renewed, so they went to the Whitehouse and burned all of our financial records, along with sending us a little message. A few years later we have the Second BUS, until Andrew Jackson put it down. I could go on all day... I suggest that you do some research.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 09:27 AM
i completely agree and have felt this way for some time. It is nice to see that other people feel the same. The federalists are and always will be loathsome, and are basically "totalitarianism-lite". this is the government we live under now, not the government that was intended by the founders, which was stolen from us.
bring back the republic. get all these corrupt overpowerful clowns out.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Correct, We are merely a colony under the control of London bankers and Zionists. Actually one in the same. Between the Balfour Declaration and Tavistock we are really an experiment rather than a soverignty. Why do you think we're in Iraq with supposed designs on Iran. We are here to fight for Israel. Our blood for their glory. From Jacob Shiff to Richard Perle we have done their bidding.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 10:12 AM
...give me more, more, more, baby. Colonies are great. Wal-Mart on every corner. Heck, they can wire tap my toilet if they want. I have nuthin to hide. Please, please, a million times Puh-lease!

First of all, anyone who is still making the comparison that next to European government, the United States is still just a 200-some-odd year old baby....garbage! We made the leap from toddler to shaving/belching/burping college student the minute we entered and won World War II. That and a lot of industrialized success and at least the earlier three-quarters of the 20th century, all that capitalism....the United States is no international baby...we're no colony...we have basically helped redefine how the world relates to each other via our dominance and attractiveness to the world banking power grid. Not to mention scores of other influences that have shaped the way people go about their business - globally.

A colony? If the argument is to be made that we are under the Zionist rule of the British, it's happening because we want to be out on the dance floor with them, slow dancin', gettin' our international groove on, doing the electric international is complicit. And anyone, ANYONE, who wants to complain either doesn't vote or doesn't fully appreciate the RIGHT Americans have to vote. Our choices might be awful, but at least our process is still somewhat swayed by our input. If the argument can be made that we live in a colony, in a territory, or in a Ball Mason jar, I think people should look more closely at what can be done within the confines of that container rather than whine about "where we fit" or if "There's another sled dog ahead of us on this harness" or not.

What we have is not bad for a piddly little 'ol colony. And if that's what we are, I say its not so bad. Pass the Zionist cheese and the Wal-Mart cola, please...

and Nazi's??

Hello - last time I checked, American's have the ability and free will legally to find out if they've got a bad case of the Nazi's and repair that many other countries afford their citizenry that freedom.

Slaves, cerfs, indentured servants.....poor, poor, poor americans when we can't even have our first Lexus before the age of 28.

Excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 10:26 AM
Look, lets's get this straight. We never wanted America as a colony. Frankly, some of the ideas eminating from there were just a bit too outlandish for us reserved Brits. America was a loose cannon and threatened to undermine the reputation of the Empire.

So we engineered the whole War of Independance thingie in order to let you win and thus get rid of you all....... (we also wanted to keep all the tea for ourselves)

And the great thing is, no-one ever stumbled on the greatest conspiracy of the 18th century

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 12:16 PM

First of all, anyone who is still making the comparison that next to European government, the United States is still just a 200-some-odd year old baby....garbage! We made the leap from toddler to shaving/belching/burping college student the minute we entered and won World War II. That and a lot of industrialized success and at least the earlier three-quarters of the 20th century, all that capitalism....the United States is no international baby...we're no colony...we have basically helped redefine how the world relates to each other via our dominance and attractiveness to the world banking power grid. Not to mention scores of other influences that have shaped the way people go about their business - globally.

If you recall Newtron25, Germany under Hitler had it pretty good thanks to us:

"After WWI, Germany fell into the hands of the international bankers. Those bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilities.

The international German bankers have subsidized the present Government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolph Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up threat to the government of Bruening.

When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission...

Through the Federal Reserve Board over billion of American money has been pumped into Germany. You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany...

Modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total."
Congressman Louis T.McFadden (D-PA) who served twelve years as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency.

Americans have had it very good.... WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, 9-11, Afghanistan, and Iraq... These are not accomplishments of rich Americans, but are the burden carried by the middle class for the ruling class, for their benefit alone. The rest of us are mere slaves.. Our so-called wealth is nothing but smoke and mirrors, for we are the money-laundering front for the bankster cartels. we enjoy certain privileges, but at a significant price. Like Germany after the Weimar Republic, some of us ignorantly solute our leader that has given us so much, when in reality he is robbing us all blind and fully intends to destroy us all. A dictatorship is a dictatorship is a dictatorship, no matter its flowery presentation...

And what has the middle class gained for all of their toil? The Federal Reserve System and all of the giant transnational corporations (Wal-mart) that it has spawned to rule our lives. You talk about the "Right to Vote", which is no right at all, and is a privilege granted to fools... The Palestinians can vote, the Chinese can vote, Cubans can vote, Iraqis voted for Saddam Hussein... Democracy is a tyrants best friend.. Forget this term "democracy" bandied about by fools and demagogues.. Give me a Constitutional Republic founded upon the Laws of God (or Nature) that is of the people, by the people and for the people, and give this fake sham of a democratic-socialist-Roman sham to the birds.

I can promise you the world through ill-begotten gains, but then I'd be like every other self-aggrandizing American politician. I can give you all of the trinkets, games, toys, and American Idol that you can lull yourself into a catatonic stupor with, while I rob you blind, and you can call that freedom and opportunity...

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 12:26 PM
The American Union Flag has 13 strips on it (i think) and that is reference to the original American Union, which were the 13 British Colonies. Thats the only link to us British.

The United States is a Republic. The US constutition was based on the British Bill of rights and the Magna Carta 1216. But so are most of the constutitions in the World.

The United Kingdom may still have a lot of influence over its former Empire States, but thats it. There is no secret control.

[edit on 26-5-2006 by infinite]

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 12:42 PM
It is a sad state of affairs that we find ourselves in when we decieve ourselves into thinking that credit, thievery, fraud, and egalitarianism are the same things as capitalism, freedom, liberty, and justice.

That Lexus that you speak of, the only ones that can truly afford one are the wealthy... That privileged class of citizens that often work for the foreign establishment (lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc.) or they are born into privileged status (part of the American aristocracy, such as the Bush family). The rest of us are renting ours from the bank, hoping that they don't foreclose on our dwellings. This is not wealth; this is not freedom; this is a house built on sinking sand.

This Wal-mart that you speak of, is the single largest traitorous organization, aside from our government. They ship more jobs over to China, and have done more to build up the Chinese economy than even the Bush administration could have hoped for. They are systematically dismantling our manufacturing base and shipping it over to the Red Chinese, and the middle class is bearing the brunt of this treason. They sell more poison than they do anything good for Americans, while putting most small businesses out of business, through their monoplistic conrol of the markets due to their favored status with our government. This isn't capitalism, its called fascism.

The dismantling of our manufacturing base, however, is a subject that should make daily headlines but is seldom discussed in the mainstream. It's crucially important because one has to wonder how any nation can avoid eventual decline when it allows its manufacturing to be done abroad, reduces its need for a highly trained work force and ends up destroying its middle class that made it prosper in the first place. There are distinguished thinkers who believe as I do that the US has seen its better days and is now in a downward trajectory economically. Unless a way is found to reverse this destructive trend, the US will be Number One only in military spending and waging wars. And no nation in history based on militarism and conquest has ever not failed ultimately to destroy itself.-- Stephen Lendman

There are hardly any decent jobs for the middle class anymore, thanks to the WTO, NAFTA, and Wal-mart... These companies are shipping our jobs overseas for the cheap slave labor, and Americans are being left in the dust. The great divide between rich and poor has never been as great as it is today in this country.

The lack of good job opportunities for a growing population of ill-prepared young people is also a major reason for the growth of our prison population that now exceeds 2.1 million, is the largest in the world even ahead of China with over four times our population, and is incarcerating about 900 new prisoners every week. I wrote a recent heavily documented article about this called The US Gulag Prison System.-- Stephen Lendman, Art. Hostile Takeover: The Corporate Control of Society and Human Life.

Don't worry, I used to think as you do, but I woke up and realized that the propaganda that I had been pumped with from the time I could walk was just that... propaganda. You sound like some one that has never had any experience with our legal system... Even a simple speeding ticket, and realize how corrupt the sytem truly is. You will learn.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 12:57 PM
The Magna Carta was a fraud, as well as the Declaration of Rights (1669)... These documents changed nothing and meant nothing, except that the Magna Carta of 1215 put into breech the Charter of 1213 (where King John swore fealty to the Pope). This effectively vanquished the English Crown, placing it under the control of the Pope and his legal arm the Crown Templar Bar. This has been the case since then, and it has never changed. The Declaration of Independance was signed by agents of the Crown Templar Bar masquerading as colonists, and thus it is a meaningless peice of paper. The Queen of England made changes to Social Security in 1997.. The U.S. treasury is a part of the IMF and not a part of the U.S. government, and the Federal Reserve is an arm of the Bank of England and the Vatican banks of Switzerland. The American Bar Association is a legal franchis of the Lawyers Guild of Great Britain and is part of the Crown Temple Bar. The original 13 States were chartered corporations of the Crown of England, and this chartered status has never changed... The Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution did nothing to change this, in fact, they both kept valid all financial obligations to the King. The King of England had troops quartered here well after the end of the Revolutionary War... The facts are undeniable.. I suggest that you do some studying in order to resolve this issue more satisfactorily. I would start by reading the various contracts and treaties between the U.S. and foreign governments, as documented by the Avalon Project of Yale Law School.

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 01:52 PM
The united states is an empire.
It was not founded to be an empire, but was corrupted by federalists and big business. During the revolution there were loyalists and the revolutionaires. after the war the loyalists still desired the strong centeral government layout and slapped a new name on the old idea (Federalism). we are still a colony of the same old poltitcal thought-- strong highly centeralized governemnt.

This country is a disgrace to what the founding fathers fought for.
They would hate to see us all over the world forcing democracy down peoples throats destroying local economies and customs, all the while racking up huge debt we can never hope to pay back.

see through the propaganda you have been raised to believe and learn about what this country was supposed to be, a republic.

also read this book
empire of debt

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:16 PM
I agree Republic, but we are not just akin with the British/Roman empire in spirit, we are still a legal corporate charter of the 'Crown'. This Babylonian/Roman Commercial sytem based on deciept and fraud through chancery (equity) contracts under colour of law, carried on by secret agents of the 'Crown' (Esquires and Lawyers), is still in play today. See the Contratct of 1213, the Magna Carta, the first and second charters of Carolina, charter of Virginia, Contract of 1782, Treaty of Paris of 1783, etc. Also, read this:

Britain was first invaded in 55 BC. by Julius Caesar, then again in 54 BC. In 63 AD. Joseph of Arimathea was sent by the Pope in Rome to try and establish the Catholic Church in Britain. In 77 AD. Britain was taken over through conquest by Rome. The Imperial governor Julius Agricola was put in place to rule over Rome’s new territory. Britain was as of 77 AD. subject to Rome, with Roman law.

In 407 AD. Emperor Constantine III withdrew the Roman troops from Britain leaving a political vacuum. The Celts (Irish), and the Vikings (Scandinavians) saw an opening to obtain land. In 410 AD. Britain won its independence from Rome, when the Goths ransacked Rome.

In 446 AD. the British government sought help to defeat the invading arms of the northern countries. Rome was unable to send troops because it was defending itself from Attila the Hun. So Rome offered mercenaries to aid Britain, Britain hired these barbaric mercenaries which were from northern Germany, they as you know are called Saxons.

Continued at

posted on May, 26 2006 @ 02:55 PM
Nice work HothSnake, keep it up!

Those Americans who find all this too unbelievable should be awakening in the next couple years as this becomes more clearly known. In the thirties, when America was financially crippled by foreign bankers, FDR essentially sold us into wage and tax slavery just like HothSnake is saying here.

There are lawyers who are now trying to smear and disinfo this growing truth, and as usual, they are weakly doing so. Here's one of them. His website lists several interesting court cases and his site gives you a basic description of the matter:

...the lawyer who wrote this site and his arguments against the UCC state of America are so weak as to be laughable. His site actually serves as a much better research reference for people who want to learn more because he cites cases that make very interesting reading.

The author of the site above argues against this being truth by mentioning people who try to use this truth for PERSONAL GAIN like by eliminating their mortgage or not paying the IRS. Such actions are not going to be allowed, of course, but the greed is always the same no matter if it's a bank, a collection agency like IRS, or Joe Public who has learned that everything in America is already paid for, as in any welfare state. If you are a Christian, for example, you'd not be trying to defraud your way out of your usurious mortgage. Rather, you'd do as Jesus says and pay Caeser's to Caeser.

It's true tho'. Your American birth certificate enabled a deposit of money (something like 600,000 USD) into the Social Security fund, and you are beholden to the US State to work all your life and pay taxes until that money is paid back. Your birth certificate is copied and filed away, and your SSN and your use of it are what enable this whole invisible game to continue. I am still not sure if these birth certificates are actually traded as currency, but that idea is out there and it is not inconcievable.

Look up the word "client" and you'll find that the true meaning of the word is "plebian" as in the Roman serfs who needed a smarter, powerful person to take care of them. In the old days, you didn't pay your lawyer or benefactor, you donated money for their daughter's dowry.

In effect, when you hire an American attorney, you are declaring yourself incompetent like an idiot or a child. This is why lawyers are so precise about the language they use when they "accept your case". They know that you (as a serf) must contract with them if they take your case, and that by petitioning a lawyer at all, you are declaring yourself an incompetant American serf who needs charity in the form of legal advice. Well it's not charity since you pay through the sphincter for it, but you get the idea.

[edit on 26-5-2006 by smallpeeps]


posted on May, 26 2006 @ 03:13 PM
You have voted HothSnake1 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Originally posted by HothSnake1
It is a sad state of affairs that we find ourselves in when we decieve ourselves into thinking that credit, thievery, fraud, and egalitarianism are the same things as capitalism, freedom, liberty, and justice.

Well said

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 05:55 AM
This is one of those rare threads that have opened my eye to something. I have read a lot of theories about this, especially from Mr.David Icke, but i just dismissed it. Can anyone prove it? that America is still subject to the British Crown?

afew links,

[edit on 30-5-2006 by infinite]

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows: S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty an pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:

"This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997."

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he takes his orders from England?

This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law.

[edit on 30-5-2006 by infinite]


posted on May, 31 2006 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by infinite
This is one of those rare threads that have opened my eye to something. I have read a lot of theories about this, especially from Mr.David Icke, but i just dismissed it. Can anyone prove it? that America is still subject to the British Crown?

I went to Office of Public Sector and Information and I typed in 'United Stated of America' in their search function and I was rather surprised at the results, I can see 10 pages at least coming up.

Cant be bothered sticking links with these, but its all there in my last link. Here is a few that made me go hmmmm...

* The Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 (United States of America) ...
* The United States of America (Extradition) (Amendment) Order 1987
* The Social Security (United States of America) Order (Northern Ireland) 1997
* The Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders (United States of America) (Variation) Order 2003
* The Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (United States of America Dividends) (Amendment) Regulations 1994
* The Protection of Trading Interests (US Cuban Assets Control Regulations) Order 1992

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:29 PM
The Loyalists and Tories were the ones that maintained ties to the Crowne, before, during, and after the revolution, not the Federalists. Which Federalists can you tie to the Tories???

Also, of note, there was a movement leading up to the Revolution where the people wanted a reform in the way in which they were situated within the British Empire, a Unionist movement. I think that their flag speaks for itself and shows that things aren't quite so black and white as "Patriot or Serf".

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
The Loyalists and Tories were the ones that maintained ties to the Crowne, before, during, and after the revolution, not the Federalists. Which Federalists can you tie to the Tories???

You refering to the United Loyalists of the Empire, m'dear?

They are still around to this day, mainly in Canada i believe. Plus, the loyalist movement in the United Kingdom is mainly based upon keeping Ulster in the Union.

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