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Outbreak of black, tar-like sweat in southern Texas?

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posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:11 PM

35. What is a Herxheimer reaction?

Jarisch-Herxheimer's reactions often occur during antibiotic therapy for
spirochetal infections and may be fatal in some cases. A 'herx' occurs when
the spirochetes die off and produce toxins. Symptoms may become much worse
during the reaction. Due to the replication cycle of the spirochete,
treatment for Lyme should continue for several months after all
Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions have ceased and all symptoms have cleared or
the patient is likely to relapse.

36. How does prednisone help the Lyme patient?

Trick question- NEVER take steroids if Lyme disease is even suspected!
Steroids suppress the immune system which allows the spirochetes a non
challenged place to multiply. Many people who now suffer with chronic cases
of Lyme disease were given steroids and are now chronically ill, disabled,
or have died.

From Health Freedom Solutions - Richard Bierman

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:13 PM
38. Since Lyme is a multi-systemic disease, list 20 of the over 150
documented signs, symptoms, or indications that someone may have Lyme

Lyme disease can have a wide range of symptoms, which can go dormant
(sometimes for years), can migrate, return, disappear, or change day by day.
Symptoms can be aggravated by stress, medications, weather, and other
outside influences. Symptoms may tend to worsen on a four week peaking
cycle. SOME of the symptoms that may be found in those with Lyme disease
include: Flu-like symptoms, headaches (mild to severe), recurring low grade
fevers or fevers up to 104.5 degrees. Usually in the first few weeks of Lyme
disease fevers tend to be higher. (Patients with Lyme disease often tend to
have a "normal temperature" below 98.6 degrees, therefore, a slight rise in
temperature may be all that is noted.) Often patients exhibit fatigue (mild
to extreme), joint pain (with or without swelling), muscle pain, connective
tissue pain, recurring sore throat (sometimes only on one side of the
throat), swollen glands (come and go), varying shades of red on ear lobes
and pinna, malar rash, cold hands and feet in a warm environment, weakness,
lightheadedness, eczema and psoriasis, painful or itching skin, flushing,
night or day sweats, inordinate amounts of sweating, anhydrosis (inability
to sweat), or dermatitis (acrodermatitis chronica). There may be a rash, but
it isn't noticed or does not appear in all cases. The rash may be basically
circular with outward spreading, however, other varieties are seen. The rash
may be singular or multiple, at the site of a bug bite, or in another
location, warm to touch, or slightly raised with distinct borders. In dark
skinned individuals the rash may appear to be a bruise. Numbness, sleep
disturbances, vertigo, hearing loss, feelings of being off-balance,
unexplained weight gain or loss, and feeling "infected" are also problems
associated with Lyme disease. Symptoms may develop that include: panic
attacks, anxiety, depression, mild to severe cognitive difficulties, mood
swings, coma, seizures, dementia, mania, biploar disorders, vivid
nightmares, stammering speech, confusion, memory loss (short or long term),
"brain fog", vibrating feeling in head, topographical disorientation, and
environmental agnosia. Some patients have problems with numbers and
sequencing, disorganization of thoughts, rambling on in great detail while
talking, frequent errors in word selection or pronunciation, changes in
personality, short attention span, Tourette manifestations, OCD (obsessive
compulsive disorder), raging emotions, and cranial nerve palsies.
Patients have reported bladder disfunction (neurogenic bladder with either
hesitancy, frequency, loss of bladder awareness, urinary retention,
incontinence or symptoms of UTI, and chronic pyelonephritis). Intersitial
cystitis, irregular or severe menstrual cycles with decreased or increased
bleeding, early menopause, a new onset of P.M.S. symptoms, or disturbed
estrogen and progesterone levels are documented in many cases. Other
problems include altered pregnancy outcomes, severe symptoms during
pregnancy, abdominal bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain and
cramping (may appear to be ulcers), loss of sex drive, testicular or pelvic
pain, breast pain, and fibrocystic breast disease. Diarrhea (which can come
and go or last for months with no explanation), constipation (which can be
severe enough to cause blockage), irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon,
nausea, stomach acid reflux, gastritis, abdominal myositis, and indigestion
are some of the gasto-intestinal disorders reported. In addition, patients
demonstrate a higher occurrence of various types of cysts (liver, breast,
bone, ovary, skin, pineal gland and kidney).

continued . . .

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:17 PM
Some Lyme patients are
diagnosed by their eye care professionals and have been documented as
suffering from one or more of the following disorders: conjunctivitis,
ocular myalgias, keratitis, episcleritis, optic neuritis, pars planitis,
uveitis, iritis, transient or permanent blindness, iritis, photophobia,
temporal arteritis, vitritis, Horner's syndrome, ocular myasthenia gravis,
and Argyll-Robertson pupil. Often eye problems require a changing of
prescription glasses more often than normal. Heart-related problems are
associated with Lyme disease and can include: mitral valve prolapse,
irregular heart beat, myocarditis, pericarditis, enlarged heart,
inflammation of muscle or membrane, shortness of breath, strokes, and chest
pain. Twitching of facial muscles, Bell's palsy, tingling of the nose, cheek
or face are reported. In addition, there may be chest pain or soreness,
enlarged spleen, liver function disorders, tremors, extreme sensitivity to
being touched or bumped, burning sensations, stiff neck, meningitis, and
encephalitis. Patients may experience continual or recurring infections
(sinus, kidney and urinary tract are most common).
Patients may suffer from a weakened immune system, the development of new
allergies, recurring upper respiratory tract infections (causing, or
worsening of pre-existing sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, otitis,
mastoiditis), and allergic or chemical hypersensitivity's. Other noted
problems include: T.M.J., difficulty swallowing or chewing, tooth grinding,
arthritis (in small joints of fingers and larger, weight bearing joints),
Osgood-Schlatter's Syndrome (water on the knee), bone pain, gout-like pain
in toe, muscle spasms to the point of dislocating joints and tearing muscle
tissue, leg and hip pain, "drawing up" of arms, "growing pains" in children,
tendonitis, heel pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and paravertebral lumbosacral
muscle strain/spasm. Some patients tend to suffer from a monthly "flare-up"
of symptoms as the spirochetes reproduce and/or die off.

From American Journal of Clincial Dermatolgy, 2006
The Mystery of Morgellons Disease
Virginia R. Savely, Mary M. Leitao and Raphael B. Stricker

" . . . The first author now has more than 80 patients in her practice who fit the criteria for Morgellons disease . . . all but one of these patients have tested positive for Lyme borreliosis . . ."

Comment from Dan Rutz, CDC spokesman:

"In the absence of any objective review, people have jumped to conclusions and found each other on the Internet and formed their own belief structure . . ."

For diagnosis and treatment, Lyme doctor presentations (best reference site):

"The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) position on diagnosing Lyme disease (LD) is an oversimplification of a complicated clinical condition.1 The CDC’s two-tiered approach—using an ELISA and confirming positives by both IgM and IgG Western blots—potentially misses more than 40% of the patients. One year after the tick bite, this percentage may be greater than 50%. . . "

Evaluation of Antibiotic Treatment in Patients with Persistent Symptoms of Lyme Disease: An ILADS Position Paper

Skin Lesions and Crawling Sensations: Disease or Delusion?
by Ginger Savely, NP, and Mary M. Leitao
" . . . All but one of these patients have tested positive for Lyme borreliosis, so I am currently treating them with antibiotics and seeing some remission in Morgellons symptoms. The antibiotics I've used are . . . "

Again, apologies for the quotes and links, but I'm not a scientist . . .

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:42 PM

Current status of research, the latest video, the CDC, Dr. Wymore, etc. as a discussion of Morgellons goes deeper than the Lyme aspect . . .

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 03:49 PM
I didn't have anything to add yet, but just wanted to bump this, and say
questionhair... great posting and information.

your research will likely get farther than the CDC with the speed at which you blaze...

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 08:02 PM
Wow, Questionhair, I need some time to digest all this. I also have some other people I want to send this info to. You rock!

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 12:51 AM
With so many variable symptoms, how is it possible to correctly diagnose this thing?

Is there a Lyme's test?

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 12:55 AM

You have voted questionhair for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Amazing! Well, done.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Shadowbear
With so many variable symptoms, how is it possible to correctly diagnose this thing?

Is there a Lyme's test?

If you scroll down just a bit, there's information on Lyme tests.


posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
I beleive itis because the fibers are a physical trait that is not like any other symptom. It is not a symptom of any other chronic illness or disease, Thats is what distinguished it from the other possabiities. It's the positive unique identifier.

I've looked over the videos, took notes and have a thesis.

As for why the CDC don't do any thing about it is because it is not a disease. It is a man made synthetic micro organism. My quoted notes through out this thread highlight that straight from the video. It is man made, CDC doesn't classify it as a disease because it isn't. It is an experimental biological micro organism.

I have part of the thesis I will divulge;
A few years ago there was a deal about how to clean up contaminated areas of land, hazardous waste disposal areas and what not. Well bacteria were genetically modified to help clean these waste sites up, HAZMAT didn't have the capability required so science was turned to.

After some advancements in the genome program and genetic engineering, some scientists figured out how to make custom life forms. Based on simple cell designs it got more advanced from there. From what I have seen and read, I've concluded this is nothing more than an another example of how man has gone ahead and developed a new creation, possabily for as quoted "medical, military or INDUSTRIAL", which is what the program was for originally. Instead of useing the science for clean ups, they plan on future uses. Problem is this synthetic creation is out of control, and may have mutated into more than was originally intended.

That is all I'm willing to disclose for now, as I don't know for sure what exactly we are dealing with. The interest and facts about this speak for themselves, it is acknowledged but not a priority, almost as if people would rather not think about it.
We all know it is possable, genetic modification is nothing new and it is almost perfected. I say almost because only God is perfect, and no matter how hard man tries to play God's roles we will never be God.

[edit on 5-6-2006 by ADVISOR]

If this is not a disease, would this governmental agency be the one who should be interested in this, if not the CDC?

"Xenotransplantation is any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion into a human recipient of either (a) live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source, or (b) human body fluids, cells, tissues or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman animal cells, tissues or organs.

The development of xenotransplantation is, in part, driven by the fact that the demand for human organs for clinical transplantation far exceeds the supply. Currently ten patients die each day in the United States while on the waiting list to receive life-saving vital organ transplants.

Moreover, recent evidence has suggested that transplantation of cells and tissues may be therapeutic for certain diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders and diabetes, where, again human materials are not usually available. Although the potential benefits are considerable, the use of xenotransplantation raises concerns regarding the potential infection of recipients with both recognized and unrecognized infectious agents and the possible subsequent transmission to their close contacts and into the general human population.

Of public health concern is the potential for cross-species infection by retroviruses, which may be latent and lead to disease years after infection. Moreover, new infectious agents may not be readily identifiable with current techniques"

I do believe that the CDC's lack of adequate guidelines to diagnose and support to track the spread of Lyme disease has let this problem grow.

And, the MD's who don't believe their patients.

Lyme borrelia + some lab stuff? = Morgellons?


posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 04:07 PM
Afer reading the above complex post abotu Lyme's symptoms, I suspsect I might have it
I was bit by a tick but it was promptly removed last year, and the doctors said infection was not likely, and the tick was probably not the "right " species. But now there is rash in the area as described in the post. I'll probably go see a doctor again.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 04:38 PM
Without meaning to jump slightly off-topic here, I would just like to add a little of my own experience here, or lack of I should say.

I live in East Texas and have family who have lived here nearly 60 years. Until I saw this posting, I had never heard of anything like what is being described here.

I guess what I am saying is that it is hardly an epidemic as a few posts seemed to make it out, and I have yet to hear anything from anybody here first-hand, although I could see how they might be keeping quiet out of fear.

Just lending a first-hand point of view as far as the original "Outbreak of ... in southern Texas?" goes. Nothing to report here in East Texas I guess.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 06:03 PM
Lyme connection is such a general type of association. Many have estimated that as much as 70% of the adult population in the US is Lyme positive. It has been called the great imitator simply because of its ability to produce so many different types of symptoms and the diagnosis of many diseases other than Lyme.

Neither myself, nor my girlfriend have Lyme. I have been tested twice and she has been tested 3 times. all results negative.

I was infected with this while staying in a South San Francisco hotel after being attacked by bed bugs in that hotel. I am certain that they were the vector. this was in spring of 2002. After 2 years had gone by, my symptoms had lessened to the point that I believed myself to be over it. That’s when I met my girlfriend and she eventually moved in with me. We are not as sure how the infection to her happened. Perhaps sexually? However it did take slightly more than 1 full year after moving in, for her to begin showing the acute symptoms of this nightmare.

After a full year of her dealing with this problem, both of our symptoms had lessened to the point where we have been mostly clear of the symptoms but we were also aware that the agent lingered in our home and other environments.(cars, offices, etc.) Then at the end of 2005 we had an unplanned pregnancy. Though fearful of our baby’s future because of this illness and the lack of information regarding it, both of us wanted this baby and never questioned having it. All prenatal care was given and everything was going well and then during the 17th to the 18th week our baby died. Fetal demise of undetermined reasons as of yet. We will most likely never find out exactly what caused this miscarriage, but both of us believe it was caused by the infection by this.

Infection with this agent is Acute, Latent and persistent. And according to the people whom made the video seen at a significant percentage of the population (global) are already infected but asymptomatic.

Because of the lack of vigilance/competency of the CDC, NIH and other health agencies, I am able to make a few statements and the most important of them being the fact that the uninfected general public must begin to question and talk about this problem without having to become infected themselves. Otherwise we are going to be facing a mess of unbelievable size and scope.


posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 06:34 PM
question hair, i rarely use my wats but those posts deserve one. Very nice.

southcity, im sorry to hear about your loss and i hope you are able to find closure in one way or another by finding some answers. Hopefully this isnt happening to more people that are infected with this.

With the large number of people being carriers(i guess u would call the none symptomatic) is it specifically affecting certain people due to a dna difference, like by one certain protien? is it something in the blood? What is the firestarter within these infected ones showing symptons is my MAIN question.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
question hair, i rarely use my wats but those posts deserve one. Very nice.

southcity, im sorry to hear about your loss and i hope you are able to find closure in one way or another by finding some answers. Hopefully this isnt happening to more people that are infected with this.

With the large number of people being carriers(i guess u would call the none symptomatic) is it specifically affecting certain people due to a dna difference, like by one certain protien? is it something in the blood? What is the firestarter within these infected ones showing symptons is my MAIN question.

Hopefully Southcity or someone more knowledgeable will answer you scientifically. But, as a layman who has been poring over these Morgellons or NUSPA and other message boards, trying to not miss any messages in over a year, I did notice a commonality in that many people remember a bug bite.

And, not just ticks. Lice, scabies, fleas, mosquitos, bed bugs, various mites, biting flies, spiders, and more. Maybe entomologists could figure out that aspect.

Unfortunately, one entomologist (N. Hinkle) at the University of Georgia has written on human behavior to help solidify the Delusions of Parasitosis brick wall that many Morgellons patients have met when going to MD's for help with their symptoms. This veterinary entomologist wrote about human behavior. Now she has a college student interning who graduated in psychology and has started to have the psychology student study Morgellons patients samples under a microscope. There are Dermatologists and other MD's who seem to be practicing Psychiatry and prescribing meds based on a few minutes evaluation of a patient they deem DOP without any exam or lab tests. And, a veterinary entomologist has done the same, writing on matters of the human mind, but as an afterthought now has a Psychology intern looking in microscopes at what may be the products of a very sophisticated organism.

(Lay people are forced to buy microcopes to see what the doctors won't look for - everyone is going out of their realm of comfort here)

The mention of bugs oversimplifies this. Insect bites may play a part as a vector. And there may be parasites that are attracted to human bodies that are ill, fungal, or have a lowered immune system. Maybe bugs are simply attracted to people who already have this.

re: DNA or common genetics . . . I'll look back in the Lyme threads on LB. I think Kerry wanted everyone to be tested for something (HL4? I know that isn't correct, but something like that)

Here are some recent comments from some Morgellons people as they try to find common causes and theorize what is happening:

Re: what is causing the fiber disease?

This topic comes up periodically, the theories are cyclic, but get refined. I pay attention to those posting who have reduced symptoms.

Some interesting thoughts on Doxycycline and GWS and why Morgellons people test positive for Lymes, etc.

More theories - a couple that had some thinking behind them re: causes, vectors, a Lyme geographical anomaly, neurotoxins, etc.


posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0

With the large number of people being carriers(i guess u would call the none symptomatic) is it specifically affecting certain people due to a dna difference, like by one certain protien? is it something in the blood? What is the firestarter within these infected ones showing symptons is my MAIN question.

Could this help answer your question?

re: HLA-DR4


posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 10:46 PM
Here is a bit more of an explanation as was given to me. and also some links to images to show what is being discussed here.

most simply cannot fathom the ramifications of such a disclosure. The infectious agent causing this is caused by a stray target (nondisclosed) created by experimental research done under a C3 permit by a proteomics research center. In other words it is a man made creation which has escaped containment. This target was created for research into artificial skin, wound dressing as well as cancer research tools. This is a military issue of high caliber, enough so to be defended by many parties, hence all the conflicting reports and otherwise lack of any credible information. The microscopic images shown in the video found at (follow the links) is completely out of my area of expertise, I am not a microbiologist. However the Macroscopic images shown and this agents interaction with host are EXACTLY the same thing I am able to show on my own body to anyone that will listen and would like to look. For photos of the fibers, follow these links.

for the picts showing the dissemination in skin follow these links.

Pictures of typical lesions series of slides.

Picture of the synthetic polymer showing random recombination. series of slides.


and finally the most common thing reported and seen by those suffering from this is the fibers seen outside the body. One can put fresh sparkling clean sheets on their bed, shower and scrub fanatically, go from shower to bed, then wake up to find these structures in bed with them. I am not kidding when I say these were not in the bed when you got in it.
The video compiled by a scientist in Europe can be viewed by following the links at If you are a scientist or research professional, please share your comments concerning what you are seeing in this, as I have said, only the macroscopic images mean anything to me and would love some qualified remarks concerning the microscopic images.

From what I understand the reasons for the lack of acknowledgement from the medical community is a political as can be. Once the uninfected general public becomes aware of the release of this thing into public space, reactions may become unpredictable. Also, the economic problems which will be sure to follow. Everything these days is genomic/ proteomic research related—from the paint on the door to the food on your plate. In fact, several hundred billion a year in the US alone. Also it appears that even though this seems to be a accidental release, this accident is being “nurtured” by big pharm with obvious goal of the need for lifelong suppressive therapy.

The video’s creators have also stated that this element is differentiating. Meaning it is the cause of several seemingly unrelated diseases. If a single pathogen is worth a billion dollars to the medical industry then this pathogen is worth 10’s of billions. This bug is a money maker and we are all at the mercy of the medical industry. The key word to concentrate on here is INDUSTRY. All industry is profit orientated and this should scare the bejeebbers out of you. Hence the lack of motivation to fund research into this disorder. It will without doubt prove that these industries focus primarily on the effects of disease and not the cause of them. To cure is not profitable, but to treat over and over again is. Look at the treatments HIV patients must take for life in order to stay alive.

A pathogen represents billions and to take a cause of disease away is a disaster for many.

More to follow, my damn fingers hurt and I stink at typing.


posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 06:48 PM
To satisfy my own curiosity, I am wondering how many people coming here have the stuff? Shouldn't we do a poll or something?

Looking at southcity's posting has started up my paranoid glands. I suggest, if not already done, to save as much information as possible, both the thread and where the links go. In case there is an "accident", we will be able to start up again somewhere else.

And share email addresses! I always keep mine visible.

I think in the future, hopefully not too far, with enough evidence, a Senate inquiry can be done and legislation passed to control these Merchants of Pain. Wouldn't that be a great victory? So let's save the info

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 07:15 PM
I am starting to think we are going about this all wrong. The more I read into this I cant help but think the more logical pattern to this is human to bug not bug to human.

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Also, considering the high amount of people who have Lyme, the fact that there was one person who has this and does not have Lyme, tells me that this does not come from Lyme. It either A. is some sort of bacteria or virus that has come back to life after being thawed out, or B. it is man made. Either way, mess with mother nature, and things will get ugly.

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