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Life after Death thru SubAtomic Particles

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posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 01:46 PM
so does that mean we're all just made up of this "ether" stuff that we use to move our bodies or something? very interesting though, i really enjoyed the read. nice post!

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by deafence#
so does that mean we're all just made up of this "ether" stuff that we use to move our bodies or something? very interesting though, i really enjoyed the read. nice post!

The easiest way I've come to integrate this was to look at it as energy. We can't actually see magnetism, electricity, heat, etc., we can only see it's effects. In fact, that's about all we can measure too is the effects. The body would still be animate without the energy bodies but it just would not progress very fast. At least that's how I see it given all the clues, but I still may be wrong.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 12:50 AM
Religions often cite that the material and the spiritual are separate in every way; more so to western beliefs present the concept of the two the spiritual aspect
of our being (soul) is beyond any comprehension.

At the same time the soul is affected by all that we do and what occurs to us, our memories are the souls memories and what we do affects the destiny of the soul after death.

Assuming that is correct then was is the interface?

We have learned that at levels of functioning related to quantum mechanics, everything we are is inherently interconnected, with everything else that exist.

Seems a good place to start searching.

See link....

Any thoughts?

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 10:07 AM
This article just puts things into perspective for me personally. I could be completely off but I think time has erased the truth somewhere, or atleast covered it with so many different theories and opinions, that the easy solution or understanding of life in general just became lost like a needle in a haystack.

I posted something along these lines (with very few replies I might add) that we humans *most of us* have actually lost our wisdom over time, when really we certainly should have gained it, and intensified it-atleast!

Each and every year, with each new thought that springs from someone through some belief or whatever..we just move that much farther away from the truth and the meanings of life as humans. I am guilty of this, we all are..and it is only because everytime we learn something new, whether it is fact or not, it makes us feel that much more important and more accomplished then the last generation or generations from long long ago.

The answers have been there for the beginning, we just painted them with more dramatic colors which covered the boring truth.

OK blah blah blah..just some random thoughts of mine, I feel SO much better now thanks


posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 06:40 PM
This other link I feel is very relevant to the topic at hand. It presents what happens in respect to Brain wave patterns, when one is engaged in meditation and achives a state of of awareness often defined as a goal.

Any thoughts?

[Edited on 20-10-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 11:15 AM
Wow, thanks for sharing that article.
It was quite interesting. I can see why it was cesored so urgently. I am not sure as to some ascertations that this helps religion. This is proved nothing of god or religion, only that we are more than we know. If anything this proves that we are all our own god.

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