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Yer all jus' a bunch o' crazy conspiracy theorists.

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posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 06:04 PM

These are the exact tactics I use and they are not completely unsuccessful.

I also agree with your thoughts on media indoctrinization. While it is mostly frustrating to me, I also find it fascinating. The subtle complexities of it all can keep me entertained all day.

I was at one time oblivious to the manipulations. 9/11 seemed to wake me from my stupor. I have no doubt that others are waking up too and hope that the numbers grow exponentially.

The situation reminds of a line from a song written by Robert Hunter. "Got two good eyes but we still don't see."


posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 12:29 AM
"Hello, my name's wecomeinpeace and I'm a conspiracy theorist. I haven't believed in a conspiracy theory for 2 weeks."
"Welcome, wecomeinpeace."

I find if you can back up your convictions with actual facts, names, dates, documents, etc, that many people go from at first being confidently and mockingly dismissive (as others above have mentioned), to being annoyed and not wanting to listen, and finally to openly angry. People just don't want to have their views of the way the world works challenged; it is a scary thought that everything is not as rosy and wholesome as you thought it was, and that the foundations upon which you've built your psycho-social existence are an illusion. But I've found that if you remain calm and don't get angry yourself, the next time you speak with that person they will be more receptive and willing to listen. You have to give people time to wake up from their sleep-walking in stages, you can't just, "BOO!", wake them up like that.

I still remember that line from The Matrix:

The Matrix is a system. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters - the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

So true...

This thread is very cathartic in a way. Nice.

[edit on 2005-11-5 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 01:26 PM
Well it all boils down what is term, what I will call: THE NORM.. What we discussed at ATs, and among fellow offline co conspirators, is to reveal the truth. you see the truth is to scary for some people. They are in a comfort zone, which they refuse to come out. Because once they break open that shell, they will start to feel uncomfortable. The television has alot to do with this mentality, the Governments, Pop culture, Religion especially of Islam, Common Western Christianity, especially in the likes of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, etc.

and what will happen, is when most of the mass of people are in a grave situation then they will wake up and realize that they have been duped, and then that will be too late.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by godservant

You can say that Clinton was pervert and everyone will agree because it's been proven now and all over the tv, but if you say bu$h admin bent the intelligence to start the illegal Iraq war, you become some sort of freak of nature. If you say that Jesus is not the creator, you are thought to be posessed or something. If you say WTC 7 was domolished, it is laughed at.

Actually, the truth is, if you said Jesus is not the Creator they will just look at you with a blank stare and say -- So, whoever thought he WAS? You mean people actually BELIEVE that?

I do because the Bible says He is. When I say "Bible" I mean the actual real Bible that cuminated from six incomplete but good Bibles before it. The King James Bible is the perfection of God's Word spoken of in Psalms 12:6:

The words of the LORD arepurewords: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

The long line of ridiculous counterfeit (per)versions we have floating around were planted here by the Illuminati to trick and deceive.

I'm speaking of the what the real actual bona fide Word of God says here regarding Jesus -- if he is the Creator God come to earth.

John 1: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God. All things were made BY him, and without Him was nothing made that is made. ...He came unto his own and his own received Him not. etcetera.

But we're not allowed to talk about that kind of stuff here. That's considered Below Top Secret and you have to go to the Christian Ghetto to discuss that stuff, and I forgot my password.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 02:20 PM
You are saying that the KJV bible is the perfect Bible? you gotta be crazy man! Ridiculous? Do you know the reasons why KJ Did that? Before you tell me the garbage he was inspired, please come with some evidence. One more thing, do you know why sometimes they say we are so hilarious with this conspiracy stuff? Because we say some really ridiculous theroies, about somethings, without proof. Like the illumnati planted those other bibles, floating around. Jeez,, Those bibles and scriptures were even around before KJ was even Born!!

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 09:19 AM
Another good example - resistances' post above, in being awakened in stages. I used to think the same thing resistance, because someone told me to. After much research and sould searching, and a tad of logical thought - I learned. King James is iffy... oh wait, that is off topic.

I merely used as an example. You are welcome to think otherwise, but do some research and don't believe things just because someone says so. It was said that there would be false Christs. All these groups believe theirs is the right one. Who is really right? The free thinkers!

[edit on 8-11-2005 by godservant]

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by godservant
Another good example - resistances' post above, in being awakened in stages. I used to think the same thing resistance, because someone told me to. After much research and sould searching, and a tad of logical thought - I learned. King James is iffy... oh wait, that is off topic.

I merely used as an example. You are welcome to think otherwise, but do some research and don't believe things just because someone says so. It was said that there would be false Christs. All these groups believe theirs is the right one. Who is really right? The free thinkers!

[edit on 8-11-2005 by godservant]

I think you are being highly presumptuous and condescending to think that I would only believe in God and the Bible because someone told me to. Believe me, I am a free thinker. I think exactly what I want to think. Nobody tells me what to think or controls my thinking. I am not a mind-controled slave. I have never been brainwashed, programmed, or whatever. I tried all the other religions and they left me literally cold. I decided to open my heart up a tiny crack to Jesus. He came into my life, changed my life, opened my eyes, and I've been following HIM ever since. Not what anybody tells me -- but HIM.

I know you think all Christians are a bunch of simpletons who blindly follow after whatever their pastors tell them. You are wrong in thinking that. Just wrong. I guess if I was one of those go along to get along, follow the crowd people I wouldn't be speaking my mind on threads when I am the only one taking the position I do.

When you become a Christian, God opens your eyes and you can SEE. Jesus said, He who the son sets free is free indeed. And Jesus said, I am the way, the TRUTH and the Life. So when you have Jesus, you have truth. When you have truth, your eyes are opened. You get your common sense and wisdom and compass INSIDE. Sure Christian fellowship is great, but I don't need anybody to tell me what to think. Nobody at all. I have God's Word and I have God's Spriit to guide me.

Just so you understand that.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 09:41 AM
I'm a fundamentalist KJV-Bible-reading Christian, which, oddly enough, is a part of why I'm into conspiracy theories.

See, a lot of this stuff is happening according to Bible prophecy. Jesus told us to watch. So I'm watching. I don't accept the government's half-baked explanation for anything.

I'm not comfortable in church, though, because typically when you go to church it's so full of Bushbots it isn't even funny. They're buying into the same NWO mess that Christians are supposed to be against. They're part of the problem and don't seem to realize it.

I like it here on ATS. I think a few things some people say are a load of crap, but I see a lot of interesting points here. It's a matter of putting the pieces together. I like tossing out things and seeing what others think.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 09:49 AM
I'm with resistance. King James commissioned the translation of the Bible. Catholic conspirators tried to stop it--one of the ways was by the Gunpowder Plot (think Guy Fawkes).

For the record, Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order, was an Alumbrado--or Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit who founded the Bavarian Illuminati. The two groups are in tight with each other.

The Jesuits are basically a counter-Reformation group.

And anyone who doesn't think that Satan would try to mess with the Bible is incredibly naive IMO. If the Bible can't be kept from the people--then corrupt it.

[edit on 11/8/2005 by Amethyst]

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:07 AM
Bible prophesy is coming, and it said that most would be blind to it. You can see how now quite easily.

resistance, I am also a believer in Christ, but I found he was sent by God, not God himself. His words are what we are supposed to adhere to. Look in history to where men started the concept of the trinity. Christ is at the right hand.

However, that is off topic. It is easy to see what I was trying say, even if you disagree with me. I didn't mean to sound condesending.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by godservant
Bible prophesy is coming, and it said that most would be blind to it. You can see how now quite easily.

resistance, I am also a believer in Christ, but I found he was sent by God, not God himself. His words are what we are supposed to adhere to. Look in history to where men started the concept of the trinity. Christ is at the right hand.

However, that is off topic. It is easy to see what I was trying say, even if you disagree with me. I didn't mean to sound condesending.

godservant -- You may have "found" that Jesus is not God -- but God's own Word says Jesus IS God. As I quoted above in John 1, In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word Was God. All things were created BY him (Jesus) and without Him (Jesus) was nothing made that was made. ... In Him (Jesus) was life...

So you can go with your feelings or intuitions. I'm going with God's Word. He did give it to us, and since I know what it is (God'sWord) I'm going to listen to it and pay attention to it.

It would be nice to be able to discuss the Bible, its history, since it is the most important book that was ever writte, here on Above Top Secret. I just can't be looking up my password to go to Below Top Secret, which is where the topic is being discussed. (not to complain about ATS, it's a great place here, and I love it or I wouldn't be here -- just a little hint that it would be nice to be able to discuss the history of the Bible on ATS).

[edit on 8-11-2005 by resistance]

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 12:14 PM
Yes, Jesus IS God. The word "trinity" is used to describe the concept that's put forth in I John 5:7. Jesus is also known as I AM.

The Pharisees got on Jesus' case because He forgave someone. They said who can forgive sins but God only? In fact, they tried to kill Him for that--for making Himself equal with God.

And the only way one can be equal with God is to BE God.

And look at Matthew 1:23. Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD WITH US. (emphasis mine)

[edit on 11/8/2005 by Amethyst]

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 01:55 PM
Why did this have to happen here - off topic.

Who was Jesus praying to?

Who is Jesus' father who he refernced to many times?

Why would Jesus need to be tempted by the devil?

Why did Jesus need to be baptised?

Was Christ married?

Just a few of the questions I asked myself. In a way, though, you may be right - maybe we are ALL one with the power of the universe. Man wrote the bible, man wrote the Quran, Torah, and many more. Who's right? Man corrupts, I listen to what is inside me, including my heart. Ask yourself this one - why can't we see all of the dead sea scrolls?? There is SOMETHING more there that we don't know.

Other things Christ said:

"The Father is greater than I"

"Whoever receives this child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me receives Him who sent me"

"I have not spoken on my own, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment about what to say and what to speak"

"and that I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me"

However, this wasn't meant to be a debate on Christ. Start a thread and we'll debate there. This thread is for the unaccepted mentality in society of the type of folks that visit here.

Although it is somewhat related, as it is similar to the responses I get when I talk 'out of the norm'.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 05:40 PM
Who commissioned King James to translate the Bible? God:? Or he did for his own selfish purposes..? Alot of prophecies are fulfilling, they fulfilled back in the 1940's 60's whatever, because we are living at the end of age, we have destroyed the earth, grown increasingly wicked, etc.. it's just like Nostradumos prophecies, vague.. You want more insight, Talk to the father, communicate with him, and he will reveal it to you. Not what you want to think, but what He will show you. There also those who want to fulfill prophecy by instigating WAR, but they are missing the essential part of spreading the Gospel

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 07:07 PM
Can we Please get back on topic?
I used to encounter this "Patronizing" more than I do now. You know, "The weirdo sees conspiracies everywhere." Since I found and joined ATS, I don't notice it quite so much. I find it easier to get into serious discussions on important things like 9-11, NWO, and other conspiracies, if I mix the subject with some of the excellent news we have at ATSNN.
Also, from time to time, I like to discuss a little from the Cryptozoology and Mythical Beasts, Paranormal Studies, and Aliens & UFOs forums, among others. For these, a printer works real good. I can mention something I read, then get laughed at. I come home, look up the thread, go to the links and copy an article or picture. I did this recently. Take the papers back to the scoffers and watch expressions on their faces.
For example, most recently I was ridiculed on dragons. The thread Chinese dragon sighted? or UFo
has a couple good links with pictures. So does PROOF OF DRAGONS ( ) I have used the same technique with things I have found in most of our Forums.
It is amazing just how many things here at ATS come from respected Mainstream Media sources. Most people simply do not put things together. Selected snippets of the news stay that way, they do not merge to make a picture. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces need to be examined and put together, not left separate in some package.
Sometimes after a discussion, I will come home and copy a list of links. Does not matter what topic, there is media someplace in the world reporting it. The good people at ATS are often kind enough to give more than one Link. The people I give the lists to usually take them home and look some of them up. Enough to see that I tell them is not merely some mental exercise of a fool.
No, it doesn't work all the time, but often enough that I don't get listened to with derision so much anymore. Lets face it, who wants to laugh at a fool who can use global media, via the Internet, to prove himself?

[edit on 8-11-2005 by rawiea]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:33 AM
While many of us here can seriously research dragons in China, I don't think most folks could accept something like that without starting with simple, more believable things first.

I don't even mention UFO's to my friends until they consider the possibility of the more believable things first. You can start with Oklahoma city bombing and the bombs that were inside. Then 911. Then maybe religion. If they follow that far, then you could attempt UFO's and dragons and other interesting, less believable things.

Give them little bites at first. If they like, they'll take more.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:24 AM
*Skims a little bit*

It's funny how my brother likes to ridicule my conspiracy theories but on the other hand he liked watching the X-files, Stargate SG-1 and all sorts of shows that feature greys and all sorts of "fantasy".

I think even the media is turning against us, if they make a movie about aliens, then a conspiracy theory invovling the same aliens will be ridiculed as a fanboy's fantasy, kinda like a star-trekkie claiming he was abdcuted by Klingons...

I hate being labled as a conspiracy nut, but I am slowly and surely getting through to them, esspecially if my claims are backed up by the media they cherish so much.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 12:36 PM
I seldom if ever watch the news. If I do, I feel like putting my foot through the screen because I know fully well that they're lying.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 10:16 AM
Amethyst -- I have stopped watching TV. In the beginning of the Bush administration I admit I had hopes Bush was a real conservative and a Christian. I refused to read the e-mails I was getting telling me we'd been had. (I didn't vote for Bush, and I voted for Peroutka both times, but I still was glad Kerry didn't win and I hoped Bush was going to do good for the country.) Well, Bush is pure evil. Big deal that Laura wears her Phoneix pin with the head pointing to the right and Hillary's points to the left! Illuminati is Illuminati, whether you're the so-called "good part" arising out of hte ashes/evil or the ashes/evil itself.

I now have to face the fact that the Illuminati controls Planet Earth and have for quite a long while. The federal agencies are in place to keep the big Illuminati-owned corporations entrenched, make sure nobody competes with them, make sure the "healthcare" industry keeps purring along raking in trillions on the enforced suffering and death of all of us who have no alternatives but the poisonous prescription and over-the-counter drugs they want to offer to all of us for "free" -- drugs that kill and do not cure. The food and drug industries are owned and managed by incredibly greedy and unscrupulous people who are making a fortune off the rest of us with their poisonous prescriptions and fake food whlie they kill us at the same time. The federal government's agencies back them up. It's all bribery and intrigue and murder and lies.

Our only hope is for God to intervene (like I believe He did w/ Hurricane Rita and saved the oil refineries from destruction) -- to do something. If only there were more people who would wake up and drop out of and protest this insanity!

[edit on 15-11-2005 by resistance]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by godservant
You can say that Clinton was pervert and everyone will agree because it's been proven now and all over the tv, but if you say bu$h admin bent the intelligence to start the illegal Iraq war, you become some sort of freak of nature.

Just as all those allegations of sexual impropriety made against Clinton prior to and during his administration were made credible by his illicit affair with Monica Lewinsky, the allegations against Bush for stacking the deck of intelligence to start an "illegal war" have been disproved. Knowledgeable people know these facts and tend to not take seriously those who don't.

[edit on 2005/11/15 by GradyPhilpott]

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