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Who In The Mainstream/Govt supports the 9/11 Truth Movement?

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posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 08:58 AM
Well said, 8bitagent, if you are interested, I just thoroughly trashed Michael Moore's limp "controlled opposition" in the "Jalal Talabani thanks heroes" thread, it probably echoes your sentiments quite well. The whole Colby thing was beyond suspicious, especially since it appears that his wife played a bit of a role in it, as well. She didn't come home for several days after hearing he was missing, assuming he just "went canoeing," then when she got home she quickly assured everyone he must have indded drowned, hugged and thanked all the FBI agents, then after most were gone, she gets up in the middle of the night and frantically starts searching in the water with a flashlight, calling his name, saying she knows he's still alive. All very fishy behavior, and she turns out to have had an intelligence background, as well.
As for the "conspiracy theorist" or "crackpot" labels, I am reminded of the words of one of my favorite researchers, John Judge, who says that he doesn't mind being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" as long as they label the mainstream media "coincidence theorists," since in the maisntream media-approved version of the world, all these events occur in a vacuum and are not related in any way, and it's all just one big, crazy coincidence.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:33 PM
Time and time again over the decades very prominent people stir folks up, and stand up for the truth in the face of our Government's Orwellian practices.

In 1935 Huey Long made headwaves asserting, much as even President Wilson did, that an international rich cabal centered in London was pulling the strings on financial collapse, war, etc.

I forund this very well written article on the 9/11 Truth Movement:

It found the alternative media just as guily as the mainstream press as whitewashing and ignoring the 9/11 evidence against the official story.

I see four levels of mindsets playing out in the public minds and media:

1. That Bush is almighty, can do no wrong, and is protecting us from the evil doers.

2. That Bush cheated his way into the white house, and is uing 9/11 as the impetus to pass into act wars, patriot act, etc.

3. That elements of the Bush administration at least had some foreknowlege of the 9/11 attacks.

4. That elements of the Bush administration helped orchestrate or were highly complicit in the attacks, to further advance their goals. The fact the Patriot Act was written before 9/11 as were the Iraq qar plans is highly suspicious.

Sadly people like Michael Moore and most of the liberals who voted for Kerry fall into #2, and maybe only a few #3. I see folks like Michael Moore in the same boat as the pro Bush defenders, as they both ignore the ocean of evidence pointing to something fishy about 9/11. It's not even about whether explosives were in the WTC or not, it's about a massive wealth of thigns which directly conflict the 9/11 commission's findings.

Heck, I too thought it absolutely proposterous that Bush and company could have allowed or been apart of 9/11...until I did my own exhaustive research of the main 50 points that have been raised(not including the no plane at pentagon theory) Insider trading leading to the CIA and the #3 CIA man(who wants Osama to stay free), NORAD 9/11 drills/standing down, WTC7, foreknowlege, hijacker associations with the army and FBI, etc. I mean geez louise, how has the mainstream press been so blind as to not at least even ask questions?

I'm waiting for more prominent mainstream commentators, officials, journalists, personalities, heck even celebrities to stand up and say something strange is up.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by 8bitagent
I'm waiting for more prominent mainstream commentators, officials, journalists, personalities, heck even celebrities to stand up and say something strange is up.

You might as well give up on that one. People hear the "mainstream media is in bed with the government" catch-cry, believe it, process it, forget it, and then go back to watching the same media for signs of cracks in the feds' armor. The illusion is just too strong and too well constructed, with all this "investigative journalism" and "liberal vs conservative media" crap, for folks to ever resolve the doublethink and realize the entire MSM is a part of the scam and profiting enormously from it.

A simple example is GE which owns NBC and a stack of other media subsidiaries. GE also manufactures weapons. At one stage GE was the US's 3rd largest producer of nuclear weapons. After 9-11 they cashed in with huge tax breaks from the Economic Stimulus Bill. There is no way that GE is going to shoot itself in the foot by undermining the war and anti-terror hoopla which facilitates billions of dollars in profit for itself; and any reporter, editor, or whoever that stands up and makes noise or releases something too damaging to the war-economy system, will be out of a job the next day.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace

Originally posted by 8bitagent
I'm waiting for more prominent mainstream commentators, officials, journalists, personalities, heck even celebrities to stand up and say something strange is up.

You might as well give up on that one. People hear the "mainstream media is in bed with the government" catch-cry, believe it, process it, forget it, and then go back to watching the same media for signs of cracks in the feds' armor. The illusion is just too strong and too well constructed, with all this "investigative journalism" and "liberal vs conservative media" crap, for folks to ever resolve the doublethink and realize the entire MSM is a part of the scam and profiting enormously from it.

A simple example is GE which owns NBC and a stack of other media subsidiaries. GE also manufactures weapons. At one stage GE was the US's 3rd largest producer of nuclear weapons. After 9-11 they cashed in with huge tax breaks from the Economic Stimulus Bill. There is no way that GE is going to shoot itself in the foot by undermining the war and anti-terror hoopla which facilitates billions of dollars in profit for itself; and any reporter, editor, or whoever that stands up and makes noise or releases something too damaging to the war-economy system, will be out of a job the next day.

It kind of reminds me about the whole CBS News and standing up to Senator Mccarthy. The odd thing is how much of the main key points in the 9/11 truth movement come from actual mainstream news sources.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 04:52 PM
Yo, man,

If you're wondering about elected officials besides Cynthia McKinney, check out Congressman Ron Paul. He's part of the movement, AND he openly talks about the NWO. He must be nuts too, then...they need to start screening our elected officials better. Oops, but criminals like Bush and Co. wouldn't be running #...

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Yo, man,

If you're wondering about elected officials besides Cynthia McKinney, check out Congressman Ron Paul. He's part of the movement, AND he openly talks about the NWO. He must be nuts too, then...they need to start screening our elected officials better. Oops, but criminals like Bush and Co. wouldn't be running #...

More and more I been looking into it, there is a sea of officials within the CIA, FBI, elsewhere who while remainign anonymous, are speaking out on condition of annoymity.

But not just people within the millitary industrial complex. People within firefighting, building expertise, police, etc.
Robert Baer's 2002 book See No Evil finishes off by a top level CIA official
who says "off the record, that when the dust finally clears, Americans will see that September 11 was a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure."

You all know the sotyr of John O'Neil? If his story is not th esmoking level to the US government's complicity I dont know what is. He even mused aloud that from how much he was thwarted in following al Qaeda, that some level of the government has to have some complicity.
And Sybyl Edmonds, and many other FBI people who have tried to speak out.

Naysayers will shout Occam's Razor BS at us...yet when faced with an ocean of provable, fact based and even mainstream news stories to prove every anomaly, they just bury their head in the sands.

So for the love of pete, I hope people seeking the 9/11 truth can shake off the 'no plane/drones/missle/ufo/bigfoot' bull#, and stick to the real smoking guns going on here.

Michael Moore is prepping a Fahrenheit sequel...any chance he will even begin to touch on any of the 50 main points in the 9/11 coverup questions?
Ha, I doubt it. I thought the media loved a good scandal.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 01:20 AM
The 'why aren't top level people talking' thing can be worked out pretty easily by listening to the 8 hour interview with Kay Griggs that was filmed in 1998.

That and Project Monarch will explain why people in high level positions don't talk. If you know something then chances are you've been let in on that information only after you've been setup with a way of bringing you and your family down if you do talk.

Extreme child abuse/death, homosexual acts etc are favourite ways of 'showing your loyalty' and also giving your controllers a way to make sure you don't go public. It's a test of faith to them on how evil you can be because proving your 'good' doesn't gain you power within a moral-less corporate owned government.

People need to understand that the group running the show are evil, they worship power and control. On every level leading to the top is a form of power and control which seperates those levels. They are called 'satanic' but not because they worship or even believe in a devil/hell but because 'power' is easier to obtain via the 'dark side' of good vs evil. They use evil acts as their flux, their means to control. Adding 'secrecy' and 'loyalty' to the mix just adds to the 'power' which comes with such acts. People with compassion and a conscience are not good candidates, look what happened to JFK when he started rocking the boat.

Not all in pollitics (from both sides) are into this but the main leaders today (from both sides) certainly are.

You don't get told of a plan to hijack America if your closet is clean and you don't have a family next to you. Ever wondered why all the politicains who are 'successful' always have a look straight out of the 50's, including the standard Stepford Wife by their side? They are molded into a design which fits public perception so the face value is easy to maintain. No way will Mrs. Kerry-Heinz become first lady if she won't conform to the mold because that loosens their control and removes an area of control.

Look at my avartar for a classic example of cultivated candidates. Expect Arnold to be on the ballot in the future, he's another controlled mind - Schwarzenegger / John Roberts 2012 - Year of the Manchurians.

Hiliary will win 2008, it's already programed and planned, she's one of them like her Husband was.

[edit on 14-10-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 07:47 PM
I try not to subscribe to an evil corporate illuminati pulling the strings on world government scenario, however time and time again we see anomalies
and very strange things that don't add up.
Whose gone on to power from Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove policiy making,
etc. Things that came to be reality from Bilderberg meetings, etc.

One prime example of pure evil within Washington is the child sex ring for Washington top elite scandal. If we are to believe any of the things in John Decamp's book, then things in Washingston are pretty messed up.
How a 9 year old scriblling in his diaries can accurately describe the inside of Bohemian Grove long before the public even knew of it is beyond me.

The whole point of that scandal was to compromise politicans.
Look what happens when those within the government try to expose
corruption. JFK? Former CIA head Bill Colby? John O'Neil, who knew Bush was gonna allow 9/11 to happen at the WTC.

Is there a group of shadowy financiers and evil globalists who meet in a dark roon with white gloves, blue aprons and a giant globe? Of course not. However, there does remian an undercurrent and a consistency throughout modern US government of a rule of secrecy, an unbroken code of silence and knowlege of that which must never be made public.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 05:19 AM
Just saw a commercial for this new cartoon based on the popular comic series "The Boondocks" ends with "the government lied about 9/11".
Here's an article I found on the new spot, as well as strips from the comic
that clearly revolve around popular topics on above top secret:

Louis Farrakhan, while clearly an anti semite, went off about 9/11 being an inside job the other day during the millions more march thing.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 06:06 AM
Aaaaaaand they had to throw a Prophet YahWhatever comment in there, eh?

Way to destroy credibility.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
Aaaaaaand they had to throw a Prophet YahWhatever comment in there, eh?

Way to destroy credibility.

True...however the strip creator of Boondocks has a history of slipping in a lot of anti Bush, anti war, and a lo tof conspiracy theory stuff. He had a whole strip about Santa Claus being an agent of the Illuminati to bring about a new world order. I mean to me thats funny and edgy for amainstream newspaper strip.

Here's the prime time cartoon network commercial referencing 9/11 being an inside job:

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 06:55 PM
How do you know he's not just making fun of people that believe such as ourselves?

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
How do you know he's not just making fun of people that believe such as ourselves?

Well either way, just to even elude to that stuff is pretty explosive in today's climate. From reading the strips it's clear he follows popular underground conspiracy theories.

Also, the amount the author has gone on about Bush and clandestien organizations, war for profit, etc I think he is putting his views hidden in plain site. Meaning, if the character was just an activist, itd be seen as incindiary. But clevery guised as a paranoid activist, it's seen as 'edgy'. It's brilliant.
I dont know of one mainstream pop culture show, comic, cartoon , etc that has hinted that 9/11 was an inside job.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 10:08 PM
I sitll call Michael Moore a corporate shill white washing the crimes of the US government, but he did put on his front page a headline that said
"Republican Congressman Alleges 9/11 Cover-up by Pentagon"

Man oh man, if only more people in the senate, congress, intelligence, FBI, CIA, etc have the guts to step forward. I believe its a possibility that soon the topic of 9/11 being a coverup WONT just be on fringe, it will be talked about at every water cooler, boardroom, breakfast table and classroom in America and world wide.

If this CIA leak case, Able Danger and who knows what else cracks and cracks, and cracks...the blackout on the 9/11 coverup in the media will eventually erode. And like how journalists got PO'd in New Orleans, people will be saying 'wait a minute, this is not right'.

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