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The Best Enemies Money Can Buy

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posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:29 PM
An old article but a good one. Read on and debate. Colonel you'll really like this one.


From Hitler To Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden - Insider Connections and the Bush Family's Partnership with Killers of Americans

FTW, Oct. 9, 2001 - Since the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, major media powerhouses and the increasingly influential alternative media alike have begun to focus attention on Bush family connections and a long history of arming and financing America's attackers in the months and years prior to the outbreak of war. Recent stories in the Wall Street Journal (Sept. 27 & 28, 2001), ABC News (Oct. 1, 2001), as well as a host of reports from so-called alternative news sources have begun to focus attention on the Bush family's profit-making role in creating and arming our enemies.

Here is the rest of the article:

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:33 PM
Yes, he has purchased us a fine arsenal of enemies, congrats, Bush.

I really hope this gets out and is platsered all over the news.

Bush family is as creepy and corrupt as the Kennedy family. yet you hardly ever hear anything about them.

The scary thing is the amount of Bush klan members out there, in politics. he still has a bother, a gvovonor to boot, thats a possible cadidate for the presidency in the future.

Its not just this Bush we need fear. Theres more of them out there plague us in the future...............

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Yes, he has purchased us a fine arsenal of enemies, congrats, Bush.

I really hope this gets out and is platsered all over the news.

Bush family is as creepy and corrupt as the Kennedy family. yet you hardly ever hear anything about them.

The scary thing is the amount of Bush klan members out there, in politics. he still has a bother, a gvovonor to boot, thats a possible cadidate for the presidency in the future.

Its not just this Bush we need fear. Theres more of them out there plague us in the future...............

You know what the sad truth is Skadi? That even though there is overwhelming evidence that the Bush clan is the antichrist...(ok maybe not but they're bad
) there are still people who support these pieces of $hit. Im still waiting for the pro-bush republican members to read the article and read what they have to say about it. Although it will probably be the same thing they always say.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:14 PM
How many of the Bush klan is there? How many active in politics? I know his brother Jeb is govorner, his daddy former prez and CIA director. But are there other Bush's involved?

You know, what was scary, is that i was unaware that Bush Sr had sons that were acftivie in politcs, until last election. This is a family that there is little knowdleg about.

Yeah people wills till support these assholes, they aint bright enough to put 2 and 2 together.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Yeah people wills till support these assholes, they aint bright enough to put 2 and 2 together.

Yeah probably the same people who get all their news from Fox News,CNN or MSNBC thinking they are being informed when they are anything but.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:53 PM
Bush Enemy category 1:
Someone who sees all the corruption, all the ineptitude, all the dangers, but knows they are powerless to do anything about it; even their vote means nothing.

Bush Enemy category 2:
Someone who sees all the corruption, all the ineptitude, all the dangers, and vows that they will not let their country succumb to it any longer.

Bush friend:
Diehard (or Diebold) Republican, who will never sway from the righteous path of keeping GOP in and dirty liberals out.

To me, Bush Enemy category 1 is no different to Bush friend.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 11:25 PM
Ahem, Masked.


Last election our vote did not count. If they get all these machines in place from Diebold, it wont count either. Thus, the important thing is to oppose these machines being used. Thats just one step. Making sure the vote doesnt get tampered with is another.

The problem isnt purely Bush. You see, its a never ending struggle. We get rid of Dubya. Whose the next tyrant? We dont know. We dont know how bad they will be. I nevger thought we could have a president worse than Bill Clinton. I was wrong. We got him. We get rid of Bush, who is the worst, will the next president be worse than he is?

Its a question of a never ending battle with the govornment, not just this administration. They do not allow anyone into office that they dont approve of.

Dont rest on your laurels if Bush gets kicked out. Every president must be hawkishly watched. Until we get this country un hijacked from the federal reserve and other powers that be, there will be no breathing room.

Dont focus so much on Bush. Look to those around him not in direct power. Look to who feeds and feeds off of. Bush is the puppet boy, His cabinet members are far more frightening than he.

And be careful, the next president might continue to carry on the patriot act. They might institute something worse.

Trust no one who wishes to wield power over you.

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 12:07 AM
According to the definition for "Treason" in the Constitution, the Bush family definately qualify as Traitors to the American Nation...

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