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Live animals sealed in stone still living

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posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 01:21 PM
This is really weird.

It is one of the strangest phenomena reported. Something that can't happen, but stories saying it does turn up again and again anyway. Stories of animals found alive locked deep within stone or wood, with no observable way they could have entered. This is the mystery of entombed animals:

The site above has a nice picture of a live frog actually found encased in stone. The stie below has several cases where frogs, toads, lizards, and even a turtle was found encased in stone and still alive. Not only in stone, but also trees, and even one case frogs was encased in plaster for a very long time.

The question remains how did they get in those places, and how did they survive?

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 02:36 PM
I've read about this before. Its very cool/weird. Ranks right up there with things falling from the sky. How they survive? I don't have a clue. Very interesting, it is. Brings new meaning to the phrase, "living fossil". That last account on the 2nd link is cool. Who'd of thought finding a dinosaur in solid rock?

[edit on 10-8-2005 by Voidmaster]

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 03:43 PM
They said they found a living pterodactyl, surely they would have preserved it and we would be able to observe it today. How cool would it be to find some baby velociraptor and train it as your pet. Does anyone know of any recent discoveries that are interesting?

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 08:46 PM
Okay let's think logically here....

What are just a few of the things animals need to survive....

Food. Water. Oxygen.

Can they obtain any of these from being sealed in solid rock underground? No. Please note that most of these cases are reported from the 1700-1800s. I think people underestimate how small of a crack animals like lizards need in order to pass through. I like to be open to lots of these ideas... but this one is just completely illogical. Animals can't become immortal just because they were sealed in rock. You can't preserve something that is still alive.

As for things raining from the sky, it usually occurs alongside with a tornado/tsunami/other weather phenomenon hitting a lake earlier in the day.

Think about it logically for a second..... animals aren't paranormal beings.

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 08:53 PM
Some frogs can hibernate so extremely that they appear dead. They are completely frozen and stay in this state for an extended period of time.

If it was mammals that were found it would surprise me, but some reptiles have a well known ability to accomplish these feats.

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
Okay let's think logically here....

What are just a few of the things animals need to survive....

Food. Water. Oxygen.

Can they obtain any of these from being sealed in solid rock underground? No.

Think about it logically for a second..... animals aren't paranormal beings.

This is misleading. Your assumptions are not strictly true.

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 11:07 PM
I read somewhere that what actually happens (one of their theories) is that a frog (which is the thing usually found emtombed) when young gets in through a small crack (opening) and they stay there until theyre too big to be get out again.
The way they eat you ask?
Well insects still pass by the crevice and you know how frogs get their food.

We I just explained it in my it might sound a tad simpleton-like haha

But I got this info from a book compiled by Dr Karl Shuker

posted on Aug, 10 2005 @ 11:16 PM
We can be sure secret black labs know about them too. Years ago I had heard something about a frog being found inside a rock but I'm sure I would have remembered if it was said it was still alive.

I recall the big question being how did a rock form around a frog or


posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 08:24 AM
Yes a lot of those mentioned on the site linked to above say that they are small frogs often found in hollow trees, etc.

.... when you knock a tree down and cut it open, how can you tell that it only has a pocket that is hollow and that there is not another crack that they can get in/out of? Same with the ones that mention finding frogs in "solid plaster walls". Now I don't know much about construction, but I think plaster walls are similar to drywall and there is a space in between the walls, as in most houses. It is well known that rats often live within the walls of houses, so why not frogs? A few years ago there was a thumping within one of the walls in my home for a few days, which I assume was a bird but could have been any animal. Rather than knocking down the walls and saying "OMG THERE IS AN ANIMAL TRAPPED IN MY SOLID WALLS :O", I waited a few days and the thumping stopped. Thus the animal either died, or escaped by the same way it came in. I think this is the same as all of these scenarios. I'm not saying that it is impossible for frogs and lizards to crawl in and out of small spaces. I know that they like to live in small little holes, dug out under houses etc etc. This is what I believe the phenomenon is. A frog is just naturally going in and out of it's non-sealed burrow when humans knock down a tree, wall, house etc. Then humans either misinterpret the situation or unintentionally seal the frog into the space. Living in a crack but being able to leave would allow animals to eat and breathe which is necessary, but there isn't anything crazy about animals living in tight spaces for security.

This explains all of the situations, except the ones that say that the concrete appears to have shaped around the animal (they make it sound like when they break it out, the concrete was sealed air-tight to the animal).
If an animal gets accidentally sealed into wet concrete, how do they separate dry concrete from the animal and still have it alive? I don't know what it is like to pour concrete all over your body and then peel it off, but I imagine that it would be pretty painful, even if you only coated your leg in it. Imagine an animal being completely covered in concrete, it's eyes, it's nostrils filled, etc. How would you get it clean without ripping it's skin off?

Well insects still pass by the crevice and you know how frogs get their food.

This would mean that the animal is not completely sealed in concrete as is trying to be said on this board. From what I read, all the writing here and on the link made it sound as if the animal was completely entombed in a solid room of concrete.

I agree that a reptile can hibernate and defy some of what I said for a while, but reptiles can only hibernate while then it gets cold. Sometime during the year, it will get warm and they will have to come out of hibernation again. They can't choose to just hibernate whenever times get tough and go into a permanent stasis until they are dug out again. Sea monkies can do this, but not frogs.
2. When an animal is in hibernation, it still uses it's reserve of fat to keep the minimum life functions going for the animal to survive. A frog doesn't completely stop breathing and it's heart stop beating when it is in hibernation, it just slows down a LOT. They must still also diffuse oxygen through the skin during this time, and this can only be done if the skin is kept moist.

Perhaps we just have different definitions here. If being "sealed in stone" to you means "being stuck in a crack", then I may agree.

[edit on 11-8-2005 by Yarcofin]

[edit on 11-8-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 08:01 PM

A thread on this from a while back. Enjoy.

[edit on 8/14/2005 by Lenina]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:08 PM
The "crack theory" is no good. Some of the rocks the frogs were found in were perfectly shaped to the frog. ie the rock formed around the frog or some process "carved" the rock out into a frog shape. Some have been found very far underground during mining. And most do not have an opening that a small critter could get into.

These frogs also tend to die very shortly after being freed.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:52 AM
I love these kinds of stories/phenomena.

Sure people have a grasp of aliens/ufo's (if true), or conspiracies (ditto), or bigfoot.... at least we like to think we do.

But what about animals encased in stone (or coal, or wood etc)? Or falling from the sky? There ARE valid documented cases of these! These ARE true (possibly not all of them, im sure some of them may be due to misunderstanding the true nature of the situation).

A prove-able real unknown phenomena.

(personaly, i think amphibs and reptiles have something in their blood which allows it work in ways we dont yet understand regarding how this is done.... but... who knows?)

At LEAST 1 of those stories is definately true, and definately real. I find that extremely interesting.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 03:18 AM
First of all, in the first link, the image is a 3d render. Its not real.

2nd, this isnt possible.

Do we need to go on saying why its not? If you believe its possible, take any animal that hibernates, and cover it in cement. This doesnt mean its going to survive.

This is silly.

As for the frogs from the sky etc, yes thats possible with weather phenomenon. Look at how "twisters" go over water. They do pickup objects. For that matter, a frog could be incased in ice the same way a hailstone is created, it goes up in the air, gets coated in water, rides the currents, collects more water, freezes and eventually becomes heavy enough that the air cannot support it.

But really, in stone for years? NO

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:24 AM
I can certainly say that those stories are true. One of my grandmothers hobbies was collecting semi precious stones and agates and polishing them in a rock tumbler. She has come across mainy facinating things over the years like indian artifacts, fossils, stones, gems etc. All of which she has dug up and found herself. She passed away last year at the age of 98. She told me a time she found a amythest geode and upon spliting it open it revealed a clear (jellyfish like) frog inside. Over a short period of time it revived itself and turned green. She released it and not very much came about it thereafter. She did tell someone at the university, they gave her an earful about it and was upset saying they wanted the specimen.

I imagine a frog in a geode would be quite old. Her theory, was that possibly the frog may have gotten trapped in a pocket ina pond or burrow. Possibly during maybe a volcanic erruption or landslide trapping the little bugger and that's where it's been for eons.

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