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Humans have yet to hatch from this egg called earth

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posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by T_Jesus

It surely equates to intelligence, if you've ever gone through any science program (such as me with physics) - you can't be an idiot.

I would say the vast majority in the scientific community wouldn't say that things like "warp drives" aren't possible - I just highly doubt any have come to Earth, as there isn't enough evidence (bring on the flaming).

There are plenty of idiots with degrees out in the world----are you denying that?

Anyway, intelligence does not equate to wisdom that includes those who believe to have higher intelligence than others----like members of Mensa. The human ability to memorize quantities of information is pathetically inferior to our cheapest hand held calculators yet simple memory is all one needs to get through most college courses.

Yes humans are smart compared to-----birds----yet birds can do lots of things we can’t and will never be able to do even with our mechanical contraptions----flying in an airplane is not the same thing. With our superior intellect we can’t even mimic the stealth of a mosquito, flea or any number of insects that drive us crazy.

Yet we think we know what is out there in that big bad universe----well some of us do know.

[edit on 27-7-2005 by sleeper]

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 12:35 AM

Ahh.. yes the credibility act as far as the paper I posses is my badge of potential.We define who we are by the actions taken for our circumstance of events.

I believe that it is the person that makes the shoes , not the shoes that make the person.Well in any event nice to see we all have our own point of views.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 12:59 AM
That was a very poetic and pretty post Sleeper.

Its nice to see that there are people who can mixe a semi-serious matter together with poetry, and produce something nice.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
aw c'mon, doesn't going to the moon count for something ? sending probes to jupiter ? voyager probe (vger for the trekkie)

Sure it counts for something, baby steps.

Humans have a long way to go before we are able to visit the furthest reaches of our solar system let alone traverse the galaxy but it will happen some day.

However, billions of others (ETs) have “been there done that” millions of years ago. Every discovery we make believing it to be unique is not, everything has been done. A butterfly may think it is the first to break free from a cocoon spread its wings and fly but we know differently---same with us.

The butterfly analogy fits rather well. Oh s**t, look at me . . . look at what I just did. I did something new and different. Then it starts to notice the 1,000,000 other monarchs exiting their cocoons for the big trip to Mexico.

Seems rather self-righteous to think that just because we are at the top of our "known" evolutionary chain, that we are at the top of everything, everywhere, etc. when we know the vastness of the universe we are part of.

Science has pretty well shown that the human existense amounts to only the final minute in the final hour of Earth's history (as compared to a 24hr day).

I personally feel that our "day of enlightenment" is just around the next bend. Figure it to be quite an eye-opener too. Whether it be the absolute, undeniable, in-your-face proof of other life forms or maybe just a quantum leap forward in scientific advancement that shatters are current beliefs and understandings of physics, evolution, etc.

In the meantime I choose to remain open to suggestion, interpretation as to what lies ahead.

[edit on 28-7-2005 by 12m8keall2c]

[edit on 28-7-2005 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by menguard

There is nothing better than higher education but when an education turns into arrogance it has lost its usefulness.

People like to blame the military and the government for hiding what they know about ETs however it is the scientific community as a whole who are fearful of losing their prestige should the true source of our breakthroughs and technology become known.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:16 AM
sureall it has come onto you my frenz,soul never sleep!!!

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 02:17 PM
sleeper, I would like to ask if you think thier is a point to all this climbing up the food chain stuff when it seems you can never get to the top of the food chain in an infinite universe I mean who really wins. is it all cuthroat competition out thier for territory and technology (how dismal). I enjoy your thoughts and would like to know more of you philosophy.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:53 AM
I'm reminded of the short story, Hugo winner: The Chrystal Spheres.

In which we can't leave until the universe matures to a certain point.

We try anyway, and woe to our world in the falling comets.

If there is a duality to the nature of our planet - with multitudes of ET craft, and underground ET nests, I'm on the blind side of it.

Please tell me how to reach them.

If they haven't reached me yet, it's most likely that I'm "doing time".

But I'm getting more "Open" in my thoughts. I'm a Taoist, so that should be worth some points.

Point me. Show me where the nice ones are.

Because I DO KNOW THIS: IF there are really ET's, they are not all nice.

To accept any of it, it to HAVE to accept much more.

Point me to a nice one. I'm not as smart as you, but perhaps wiser. (I'll just conjecture that, cause I CAN).

Should I send you my address?

If I build an anti-gravity coil, do I get a visit? Just asking. Not that I am, would, or could.

But IF I did?....

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:59 AM
new thought:

If I have to get into Mr. Hovind's "Intelligent Design" camp to believe this stuff, I'll be resolutely depressed.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

Well thats the problem , the human spiecies is arogant and self-centered(they cant help it , its in the genes
) , and unless somebody/something gives us a rather strong kick in the rear we will never wake up and will always consider us the one and only .. Like I said , we cant help it its in our genes

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Dulcimer

Anyone who claims "alien" life is 100 percent fact needs to consider their sources.

Well if you consider earth part of this universe and we are indeed part of this reality, I would suggest look right under your nose. No need to consider sources, the fact that we are alive and interacting with the world we live in is enough proof for me that there is "alien" life "out there 100% as it exist here. (logic)

[edit on 15-10-2007 by Starwatcher]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:16 AM
sleeper, I've read some of your other threads (skimmed to be honest as you do tend to generate a huge amount of replies) and must admit I'm taken by your simple, laid back philosophy. I say simple, but not in a derogatory manner as I find your composed, commonsensical explanations refreshingly uncluttered. I consider myself an inteligent person yet have trouble coming to terms with the various intricacies of schools of philosophical thought. Sometimes, I feel it is a defense mechanism. My life is simple, and I like it that way, and I fully believe that if I allow myself to understand the likes of Neitzsche, Keirkegarde (sp) etc., then everything will change. I'm not sure I want that. Yet.

I'm under the impression, as you've previously hinted at being privy to certain information, and through answers to my own questions in other threads, that you have been through, or are still going through, a very personal experience regarding non terrestials.
What this experience may be, or who it may be in conjunction with is is a matter of the most delicious conjecture, as for some ridiculously nonsensical reason, I believe you. (If you have come forward with this information then forgive me, as I am unaware of that already happening).
It is clear this exposure has gifted you with a calm and rational approach to the human situation, a situation you may well view as frustrating being a bearer of such clear, enlightened understanding.

What I am attempting to say, somewhat clumsily, is this; is the human situation, this as yet missing ability to break "out of the egg", the same as my reluctance to allow cerebral change into my life? Are we all guilty of being content with our spiritual lot? And if so, is that what's holding us back, and what's more, how do we change?

Or, can we be changed?

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:22 AM
When we do “break from the egg” and visit other intelligently inhabited planets in our galaxy as a united human race, I hope it happens sometime in this century before I die, so I may be able to grab hold of some sort of elixir, that would be cool. Because only they would have the advancements to know the key to immortality…

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Wow, I'm just going to say it, to speak for those that are too embarrassed to post in such a thread, or are just lurking reading this stuff......what a bunch of tripe.

Sleeper, you must be happy you are so important, lol. I really, really don't want to be rude, but there are a lot of us that see right through you, and despite what you are bringing to the table. That has nothing to do with the "truth" you alone seem to be prophesying, lol.

I welcome the day when the UFO community can learn to weed out things like this. It is not until this is a publicly accepted investigation that true, mainstream progress will be made. And if the three amigos allow things like this to take over, to overpower those with common sense, reason and logic....then they loose the ability to grow this website even bigger.

Sleeper, are you or are you not employed or endorsed by the Above Top Secret Networks, LLC? In your other thread you insinuated that you were, and I think it is important for the future of the website to distance themselves from such absurdity.

[edit on 15-10-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Beamish
sleeper, I've read some of your other threads (skimmed to be honest as you do tend to generate a huge amount of replies) and must admit I'm taken by your simple, laid back philosophy. I say simple, but not in a derogatory manner as I find your composed, commonsensical explanations refreshingly uncluttered. I consider myself an inteligent person yet have trouble coming to terms with the various intricacies of schools of philosophical thought. Sometimes, I feel it is a defense mechanism. My life is simple, and I like it that way, and I fully believe that if I allow myself to understand the likes of Neitzsche, Keirkegarde (sp) etc., then everything will change. I'm not sure I want that. Yet.

Thanks for your comments Beamish, but I am not a student of philosophy, I haven't read the books, perhaps I should have. But I always had a knack for it even as a child and I often ended up on the wrong end of the argument especially with my father who I infuriated and frustrated him during conversations---that sometimes turned physical when words failed him. Words truly are more powerful than swords and I didn’t always play fair as I do now---

But I grew up in brutal poverty until I was seventeen so it was extremely difficult for me to be arrogant, although I did give it my best effort----
---I’m not sure what kind of person I might have been had I not been constantly hammered down by humiliation from my lack of education, lack of decent clothing, and lack of food. In comparison I made my friends who lived in public housing look prosperous and educated, because I was poorer and dumber than they were---that’s why they let me hang around with them---

I'm under the impression, as you've previously hinted at being privy to certain information, and through answers to my own questions in other threads, that you have been through, or are still going through, a very personal experience regarding non terrestials.
What this experience may be, or who it may be in conjunction with is is a matter of the most delicious conjecture, as for some ridiculously nonsensical reason, I believe you. (If you have come forward with this information then forgive me, as I am unaware of that already happening).
It is clear this exposure has gifted you with a calm and rational approach to the human situation, a situation you may well view as frustrating being a bearer of such clear, enlightened understanding.

I give a sliver of a glimpse into this connection that I have in the blog that I posted here on ats.

What I am attempting to say, somewhat clumsily, is this; is the human situation, this as yet missing ability to break "out of the egg", the same as my reluctance to allow cerebral change into my life?

The illusions are hard wired into our brains and like trying to defuse a bomb cutting the correct wire is not easy and can be messy---so why even take the chance?

Are we all guilty of being content with our spiritual lot?

We are guilty of being complacent humans, and for some that is the only goal, to be complacent and content--- to be otherwise is the challenge, and a scary one at that.

And if so, is that what's holding us back, and what's more, how do we change?

First, one has to want the change really bad, second how much change can we handle and for how long? And third, why should we change? What’s in it for me to change? ---perhaps nothing at all, if we don’t see any value in it.

Or, can we be changed?

If simple changes don’t come with impressive and immediate payback, many cannot and will not make the change.

No one is asked or required to make changes because changes are gifts not burdens. Being more loving and more forgiving are the basics, and those two virtues are blessings to those who have them---way more than to the recipients, as is true with all virtues

That’ s what ET is all about---virtues----the fun and excitement of “Star Wars” type adventure---what most people want when searching ufo boards is also real, but it’s not the meat and potatoes.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts
Your persucution borders if not acts on obsession.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:23 AM
I will play "Devil's advocate" now.

You say that , "Humans have yet to hatch from this egg called Earth."

I deem that we humans have yet to hatch our "chickens" properly. In the "where do we come from" department, I challenge you.

If I am someday proven wrong, I win. But until then, I'm going to haunt your ass. Get used to it.

Did you do sit-ups this morning?


I want SIT-UPS! I want energy! I want results! I want to be proven wrong!

Stop being flabby! Hustle! Work those Abs!

You think that these theories conspiracize THEMSELVES???

I want to see some REAL work-outs. NO SLACKING.

And the Jews and Muslims don't get special privileges, WE ALL HAVE TO PUT IN EQUAL TIME!

Don't just prostrate, I want rollers and repeated ab-stretches! Now repeat after me: Alah is great ONE! Alah is great TWO! Alah is great THREE!



posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:55 AM
I'm going to have to side with IgnoreTheFacts on this one.

"Some are lucky enough to know that without a doubt."
"That’s some source----but feel free to believe that, some of us “know” otherwise."
"Yet we think we know what is out there in that big bad universe----well some of us do know."

Would the enlightened one please share some of his knowledge. What exactly is it that you know? It seems like you are basically trying to say "Haha! I know all of this neato stuff and you don't. Nener nener nener!" Come on, man, just come out with it already.

[edit on 10/16/2007 by BrandonK]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
Because humans can’t travel trillions of miles and visit other solar systems does not preclude others from being able to.

I disagree with this one. How would it be if our solar system was sitting on a desk in another realm? Or lets say, someone is sitting in a glass box on a table in one realm and in another realm (here) that means it is a invisible house that is in the clouds sitting above your house.. the person sitting in the box picks you up and then it is as simple as opening a door and there you are... in the other realm where the box sits?

Humans can pick up insects very easily yet insects can’t pick up humans, get them to move and maybe run, yes.

I admired a butterfly and said 'oh how amazing, it is so beautiful,' the next minute I became a butterfly and was flying around being drawn to the light...then I floated on to something else. Reverse everything! Gods/Humans. Lets equate that to size. Gods are big, humans are small. In each realm the size changes. So one minute I am playing basketball with some friends and a little man walks by whistling and I see him, pick him up and place him in a garden. Then I go, "wow...I didn't know little people existed". Then I end up in the same garden because I put him there. Lesson there in basic universal laws.

What if the realm above you, you exist and you are big like a God. What if you look down and see yourself crying (don't forget God's created man in their image) and then you decide to pick the little you up and place it somewhere else? What if you place the little you in a room, or even a dolls house/palace/garden and keep it next to your bed so that everytime you cry out to your God, your God/Goddess can keep check of you, thus looking after themselves?

The realms can be quite exciting when the God you decides to intervene with the Man/Woman you. Think of the power struggles that could exist, if it were as simple as picking a little one up and placing it somewhere... the person then responsible automatically gets put there. Really is fascinating.

ETs are a far more advanced version of humans

No, I disagree with this one too. ETs are some humans us in another realm.
It depends on your consciousness. Once you have consciousness, you have your memory and intelligence.

Think about the hybrid arrangments going on. You have the Annunkai who has bred themselves with Monkey DNA. That is one race...

Whatever created you will be looking out for you, simple really.

Oh but not so for one race. The Annunkai found two little seeds belonging to God/Goddess...abandoned the monkey experiments which went ok in the end but decided to mix themselves with the God/Goddess seed producing another race.

The original Monkey/Annunkai race (might I add the Annunkai abandoned as scrap) went off to do their own thing and then a lovely big reptile decided to have a go with them too. So, pretty much the entire interference with human or natural DNA has resulted in one big bag on licorice allsorts. The good thing of course is that all were created from one source and even though experimented on -> creating hybrids, the creator still owns the bag of licorice.

Humans have yet to hatch from this egg called earth yet many claim to know what inhabits this vastly incomprehensibly large universe.

Yes, I have seen something like this. Your aura is just another womb. At some stage when you are ready you take your aura and swim off.

Most aren't ready to conscioulsy zoom off like that, so normal death occurs. Die first, then go... but the whole aura womb thing is different, you avoid death.
Thus retaining consciousness in the next journey.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Thurisaz]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:49 AM

A very good analysis of what human life is.
We have a tiny, yet, powerful electrical charge in our
It does not die, as our physical body does.
It is REBORN, a NEW BIRTH, into the Elecrical Universe!
Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet.

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