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What's the next step in fixing our government?

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posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:05 PM
Seems to me there's not been a first or any step taken lately to fix the government.

As much as I did not respect Clinton, I have since changed that view. Mr Bush Senior was a good Pres. what happened after that brief pause to the present now second term Pres., I don't exactly know.

I suggest that congress can't be serious in consideration to change the present Presidentail Term limits - can they.

Laura Bush is the only Bush in future I can see running for that office. Includes' Jeb.


posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:27 PM
You don't have to do anything, the rest of the world will get rid of Bush, if no country in the world supports Bush hes gone. There is only Blair supporting him and hes not popular here in Britain even though hes been re elected. Europe is falling apart because Chirac and his cronies wanted to make it a Political state , hes gone the people voted no to that . People power will prevail.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:31 PM
that's a bit optimistic. the people are going to have to do something in this instance to get this movement going. when bush is gone, there's just going to be another freaky rich secret society member in the white house who certainly doesn't have the issues that you're concerned about on his mind. the people are going to have to resist at some point.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:50 PM
No all you need is someone who is honest and gets the respect of the people, perhaps the honest politicians don't think they have a chance against the corrupt , they might want to try and see what the response is.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:51 PM
Real Solutions To Real Problems.

How do We, the majority, change America.

The answer is simple...but it is also incredibly difficult, and incredibly risky.

The Middle Class America need to form THEIR OWN POLITICAL PARTY. Aimed at the middle class, and the minorities. Under the Mantra of a New American Revolution. A new beggining, where control will be given back to the people, and where if you have a problem with the way things are being done... you have a voice. Not just an aimless voice in the crowd, but we will give you center stage. To uphold the constitution of this great land, and with the goal in mind of restoring the luster on this once great nation. We do not need the World to fear us, we need the to respect us, and from there together we can change this world, and make it the place that we thought we lived in when we were children.

We must name this party, and it must carry our message.

The Republican Party
The Democratic Party

We Shall Be ... The Peoples Party.

Afterall what says we are party of the average person, then saying it in your title.

We need to Overthrow this current Political System ... and to do so without bloodshed, we must play by the rules they set up to exchange power.

If we can "ORGANIZE" ourselves... we can take control away from the 2 party system... which only promotes the views of the Wealthy and Elite... and Corporate.

We must take our message to the people, and ask them if a 3rd political party were to form with a new bold agenda controlled by the middle class. Would they be interested. And how much would they be interested in contributing to our mutual cause... because the wealthy won't support this party. It would have to be funded by the average person. But I guess that will be our biggest problem moving forward.

I suggest that we launch a campaign online... with spam and links, and word of mouth. Because commercials would be way too expensive.

Your suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:02 AM
And we go on and on.. Our kind's of discussions would be less without Mr Bush in Office.

He has the nerve to increase the Patriot Act through a Texas smile on his face as if to say - hey!, its me the President so allow me to tighten the wires around your American wrists further. And that's saleman Bush spealing for the secret Government (Illuminaty).

That man and US President is listening to some other Power !

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:08 AM
" the goverment has forgotten "...

no they haven't , they don't care !

they have total contemp for US LAW !

just look at what they did to INSLAW ! wtf ? the gov't was found in contempt of its' own laws . it ripped off INSLAW from being payed for its' software which the gov't used . then they tried to bankrupt INSLAW thru cat and mouse games. which showed additional contempt for the law.

the judge who found the gov't guilty was not reappointed, and a justice dept lawyer who was helping the gov't try to sink inslaw was appointed as judge.

one example out of too many to list...just think about it...

no, we're in deep deep doodoo

way more than is being said. we are slowly being cooked...[ frogs ]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Why cant we ever just aim right and through the grenade at Bush istead of at civilians? But wasnt it a dud and if so it could have been point someone was trying to make.

Hmm, I wonder what that was.

Im back! CvlWr

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
Real Solutions To Real Problems.

How do We, the majority, change America.

The answer is simple...but it is also incredibly difficult, and incredibly risky.

The Middle Class America need to form THEIR OWN POLITICAL PARTY. Aimed at the middle class, and the minorities. Under the Mantra of a New American Revolution. A new beggining, where control will be given back to the people, and where if you have a problem with the way things are being done... you have a voice. Not just an aimless voice in the crowd, but we will give you center stage. To uphold the constitution of this great land, and with the goal in mind of restoring the luster on this once great nation. We do not need the World to fear us, we need the to respect us, and from there together we can change this world, and make it the place that we thought we lived in when we were children.

We must name this party, and it must carry our message.

The Republican PartyThe Democratic Party

We Shall Be ... The Peoples Party.

Afterall what says we are party of the average person, then saying it in your title.

We need to Overthrow this current Political System ... and to do so without bloodshed, we must play by the rules they set up to exchange power.

If we can "ORGANIZE" ourselves... we can take control away from the 2 party system... which only promotes the views of the Wealthy and Elite... and Corporate.

We must take our message to the people, and ask them if a 3rd political party were to form with a new bold agenda controlled by the middle class. Would they be interested. And how much would they be interested in contributing to our mutual cause... because the wealthy won't support this party. It would have to be funded by the average person. But I guess that will be our biggest problem moving forward.

I suggest that we launch a campaign online... with spam and links, and word of mouth. Because commercials would be way too expensive.

Your suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

!Civil War! Gandhi won through peace, but I sure as hel know the government wont care what we do. Unless we shove it down there throte and light it.

Your right! We need to do it. Nothing will ever chang by keeping the truth in our head. (I said earlyer). Oh well, quotes are said to be used.

[edit on 22-6-2005 by The Surrealist]

[edit on 22-6-2005 by The Surrealist]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by The Surrealist
Ah, just seing. A miss type... Of coarse

First of all, you can't spell very good it's hard to understand what you're saying. But I gather you're trying to redicule the fact that I said John Titor said the Civil War would be in 2004 by saying "sure it's a mistype" No No and No

Read the article on his website, He is the one that said he did a mistype, he did NOT mean 2005 he meant 2004. He said a civil war multiple times and mistyped 2005 ONE TIME and you blind idiots are assuming there's going to be a civil war in 2005.

How many times do I have to say this?

John Titor is fake

He predicted there would be a civil war in 2004

The current year is 2005, there wasn't a civil war.


posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 01:24 AM
Ok... maybe its just me but does anyone else notice something wrong with this thread?
I do, we have a collective group of people who are convinced by some unearthly reason that we need a civil war in the U.S. and now they are talking about killing bush?

This thread is messed up, the people in here need to step into reality instead of their fantasy land.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:36 AM
civil war ?

with all the clueless folks out there ?

ha !

they're watchin' the basketball game or some other BS

they'd have to be in concentration camps b4 they knew there was a problem...

ain't gonna happen , just like voting out the whores ain't gonna happen...

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by NoJustice

Originally posted by The Surrealist
Ah, just seing. A miss type... Of coarse

First of all, you can't spell very good it's hard to understand what you're saying. But I gather you're trying to redicule the fact that I said John Titor said the Civil War would be in 2004 by saying "sure it's a mistype" No No and No

Read the article on his website, He is the one that said he did a mistype, he did NOT mean 2005 he meant 2004. He said a civil war multiple times and mistyped 2005 ONE TIME and you blind idiots are assuming there's going to be a civil war in 2005.

How many times do I have to say this?

John Titor is fake

He predicted there would be a civil war in 2004

The current year is 2005, there wasn't a civil war.


I was being sarcastick. But, I think that iether you are in my dream or im in yours, ha, wake up, Ive been in a dream my hole life. I hate being flamed for miscomunications or differances of how I can spel, my speling isnt that bed but, Its never stoped my writing. I ghess you run into those people in your life eventually. Unles your kidding, because, well, you know people can really waist there life like this, Im not a hippocrat, Ive never lied, and Im not a polotition.
Oh well, you can flame me I can flame you, we can hate eachother, in fact, why dousnt the ATS set up an educationall section on how to debate, not argue but debate, not that people dont allready do debate.
The reason I wrote this is for no reason. Really. Sarcasm isnt easily acknoleged anyway by many.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:41 AM
Fantacy land, sounds fun, untill Bush takes away your rights and starts implanting Veri Chips in all of us as a securaty action.

I wonder how many flamers I would get if I said that Bush was my hero on a new thread. Not that he is. My friend made a huge shrine of Bush to make my friends mad, ah, and me. Pictures everywere

Who said we wanted to vote out the Whores?

[edit on 22-6-2005 by The Surrealist]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:44 AM
Fantacy land, sounds fun, untill Bush takes away your rights and starts implanting Veri Chips in all of us as a securaty action.

I wonder how many flamers I would get if I said that Bush was my hero on a new thread. Not that he is. My friend made a huge shrine of Bush to make my friends mad, ah, and me. Pictures everywere

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Ok... maybe its just me but does anyone else notice something wrong with this thread?
I do, we have a collective group of people who are convinced by some unearthly reason that we need a civil war in the U.S. and now they are talking about killing bush?

This thread is messed up, the people in here need to step into reality instead of their fantasy land.

Well it's common in many threads these "John Titor believers" start popping up and throw things way off topic. If you don't already know, he was supposedly a time traveler from 2036 that came back to our time during 2000-2001 and predicted a Civil War in America would happen in 2004, and there are thousands of people (many on the ATS board) that believe it. Even though they refuse to look at facts showing that he is fake. (like the fact that he said 2004 and not 2005)

Some people on this board think EVERYTHING is a conspiracy probably even if they're driving and they get stopped at a red light too many times they think the "Powers that be" are trying to make them late to work

[edit on 22-6-2005 by NoJustice]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:08 AM
I think term limits would be a good first step.. no more life-time politicians. This should help get rid of.. I do you a favor.. you do me a favor. Next.. no more fund-raising for elections.. lets get big business out of the politicians pocket. Lobbiest.. should be at least controlled more.. no more special access to House & Senate members. Those members are representing the people who voted for them.. they should be listening to the people on how to vote in session.

W/ the technology of today.. why even have politicians representing us.. the people can vote on the issues themselves.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by The Surrealist
!Civil War! Gandhi won through peace

and then he was assasinated....

not to make light of the situation. But unless the libritarians can win an election, or the people can take control by force or monitary destruction, the cycle will continue, the left will take the rights frome the right and the right will take rights from the left. As the pendulum swings everyone loses.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:36 AM
You can’t peacefully take over the government anymore. The vote is rigged has been for sometime now. You really believe a president that made as many mistakes as Bush would get re-elected by a fair vote? Not to mention the cost of gas, food, hell everything has gone up in price considerably under his rule, except our wages. Everything Bush and company touch turns to #. I will not believe people in this country are stupid enough to go to the polls and elect Bush. Do you really know that many people who support Bush? I know a few myself the key word few.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:53 AM
I don't know if I agree with you DirtyDevil. Not that our Government isn't corrupt and all that, but the vote being rigged. I think the only reason Bush got reelected is because Kerry was going to be no better. And we wouldn't be in the situation we're going to be in if people weren't so ignorant. People don't even pay attention to politics at all, in fact they don't even VOTE for the President. It's something around 50% like one of the lowest in the world if not the lowest consistantly. Sad but true.

Never underestimate the ignorance of the people, trust me if it's not on a Football game or a porno they're not interested. Americans are overweight and lazy in their body and minds. Of course this doesn't apply to all, but way too many.

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