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YOUR dreams - for everyone

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posted on May, 28 2005 @ 03:26 PM
I've been doing some thinking and noticing some differences between 'those dreams' and dreams.

Can you all tell me something?

Do you HEAR anything - do people talk or to things (trains, cars, nature) make any noise?

Do you dream / see color in ALL dreams or just some?

Are nightmares different than regular dreams in ways such as hearing sound and seeing color?

Are 'those dreams' different than regular dreams as far as hearing sound or seeing color?

Any differences in dreams than in seeing the same sinario in life you can think of?

Thanks for you input.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 03:38 PM
I dream in full color sense-O-round!
Breezes, rain......sunny days...full smells....

A black and white, muted dream is a VERY rare occurance for me....maybe 3 in my entire life.

My dreamland does have fuzzy edges.......

Lucid dreaming is differant. It all looks a little foggyer......and I can choose the will and content of the dream players for the MOST part. There are some dream players in my lucid state that I have never met in physical life. They play an intragul part in my dream life however. I know, I would KNOW these people of I met them in real life.
I wonder if they would know me?

OOBE.....? well....THAT is not dreaming.

...................just sayin

[edit on 28-5-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 05:27 PM
Do you HEAR anything - do people talk or to things (trains, cars, nature) make any noise?

You know when i think of it, i dont often dream with sound, the only time i have heard voices is when i have dreamed of people i have known who have passed,

Do you dream / see color in ALL dreams or just some?

Yes i believe i always dream in color,

Are nightmares different than regular dreams in ways such as hearing sound and seeing color?

not that im aware of, i guess for me i feel more emotions like fear,

Are 'those dreams' different than regular dreams as far as hearing sound or seeing color?

as far as i know again just the feelings of fear.

Any differences in dreams than in seeing the same sinario in life you can think of?

Yes to me, i often dream there are lakes everywhere, even if i dream of where i live(theres no lakes near me) i always see lakes,

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 07:28 PM
Thanks for the input guys.

Very interesting about seeing so many lakes - worth giving it some thought ;-)

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 07:33 PM
according to the DREAM books I have....dreaming about reminding you of your own SOURCE, your spiritual nature........
When the water is calm, you are spiritually calm........When the water is rough, your in a spiritual upheavel.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 07:37 PM

My dreams are full of colour and sounds just like reality! I am trying to think of a nightmare...yeah the same colours noise where it should be, smells, feel. Sometimes I wake up in a bad mood if i have had a bad dream because it felt so real. Things like my husband having an affair, I wake up in a mood with him and he's done nothing wrong!

Hope to have been a help!

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
according to the DREAM books I have....dreaming about reminding you of your own SOURCE, your spiritual nature........
When the water is calm, you are spiritually calm........When the water is rough, your in a spiritual upheavel.

I've never been big on dream books. I always went by intuite to feel out someone elses dreams - my own I just 'know'.
But I have a feeling that in this case it indicates something hidden. As in something there that has not yet been discovered or that is looked for but hard to find... like can't figure out how to get to it.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:05 PM

I hope that everyones dreams, and dosnt have nightmares.

Dreams are to be treasured, without them you cant do certain things.!

Sweet dreams people.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:52 PM
I don't think I really have nightmares. I do have a few that wake me up, but nothing that makes me fearful or nervous.

I think I dream in color and sound.
Often, there is someone who is there but "off-stage"...I am always missing them or they never arrive..
I USED to have tornado dreams on a regular basis.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:30 PM
i dream in color and i can hear voices and sounds, i understand foreign languages that i don't speak in real life, i can feel pain in my dreams, but i don't think i ever smelled anything in my dream.

most of the times i can't control my dreams, which is more enjoyable, it's like watching a movie.

but, if my alarm wakes me up while dreaming, i usaully want to continue the dream and see what happens next, but unfortunatelly, i'm controlling the dream and it's not fun anymore.

i have very vivid dreams about people i interact with daily, and sometimes i can't diffenetiate between dream and reality...
yeah, and then i assume something happened, but it didn't really and people look at me weird

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 10:44 PM
i have always dreamed in full colour a well a full secory imput, sound, smell taste, ect. my dreams fall into several general catagories it seems. or at least i catagorize them.

fanticy type. in theas i typicaly seem to realize that it is a dream and can start to eert some controll over what happens. it is rather cool to be able to do don't like omething? then just change it. i have had some rather weird dreams due to this
, not to mention wacked out.

historical dreams. when i was younger i was especialy prone to these ones. via these dreams i have been on many battle fields at differant points of history. that is part of what drove my later entusiasim for history. you can't even blaim tv for this as we didn't have a tv till i was in grade 6. adults were constantly surprised by the spacifics of questions i would ask and the fact that i had millitary jargon down pat. even before i could read. these can be amounst the scariest dreams a person can have. the sight and the SMELL of mutilated bodies and cooked flesh is highly disurbing at times. thank goodness i don't suffer from thease all that often anymore. they were truely nightmares. especialy viet nam and what i asume has to be ww1. it is also weird that within these dreams i would "be" someone from any side of the battle. i think i must have been from every country at least once. and let me tell you tv and movies have no comparison to what happened in these dreams. i realy hated them.

dreams that make no sence to me at all. some are nightmare while others are not. the comminality of them is that NOTHING has any familiarety about them. things like buildings and situations that i can not realy connect with, in the dream i know what is going on for the most part but upon awakeing it dosn't make sence. it dosn't help that i know that there is more that i either don't remember or things i can't even propperly describe even within my own mind.

i have dreams that have ome familiarety about them, like i can compare them to what i know, sometimes even within the dream. i have dreams in this manor that are definately conected, like a serial show. they may be months appart or continue when i fall back asleep. but they are a developement upon each other. one in paticular has a building very promanantly involved that i can not see ever being built due to space wastage and major safety isues. but it i definately the same building involved. it seems almost as familior to me as my home even though it resembles no where i have ever been in real life.

then on top of this i suffer from deja-view. i will be doing omething or talking to someone. when i all of a sudden KNOW what will happen or be said next. i can do nothing about it either. sometimes i even seem to view myelf from a differant propective when this happens. but no matter what i can not change what will happen even though i have warning. it's like at that time i have no controll over my boddy. very weird i must say and rather freaky at times. even my co-workers have noticed something odd going on when this happens, apparently there is some tell tail that this is happening in my facial epression or mannerisim or something. i have had them ask what just happened afterwords.

i also have etreemly realitic dreams that i can't tell i am dreaming at all. this was realy bad as a kid as i would wake up, get ready for school, even be on my way to school, then i would wake up again late. these paticular dreams are more of a nucance than anything else though. but that whole wakeing up and dreaming i was getting ready was a pain.

[edit on 28-5-2005 by drogo]

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 10:50 PM
My dreams seem a little dark and have a running pattern over the last several years. Besides the nightmares from a bad experience the other dreams all seem to lead to a confrontation. I guess you could say they are reoccurring as they happen at least 2 or 3 times a week. I always end up in a field of some sort or park with a group of folks that are talking to me but not close in proximity to me. Sometimes I can here the words, other times I just don't know what the discussion is. Then it is over.

Ok, weird I know, probably means I am craving chocolate or something but I do find dreams interesting and suspect they are a window to more than just ourselves. Nice thread, thanks.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 11:59 PM
My dreams have color, sound, and the sense of taste(why I don't know).
My nightmares also include a sense of touch and pain...all the more acute...
My dreams have a tendency to be very much like real life, except a few differences here and there, and I have a lot of dreams that I can't tell from reality until something proves that it was a dream...
Though most of the time my dreams are just that, dreams. Everything seems a little strange and my memory is fuzzy usually, they are almost exactly like how things are when I'm drunk I guess.
And if something wakes me up while I'm dreaming, a couple things can happen:
1. If it's something like my alarm clock that goes off every 4 minutes, I actually dream with my eyes still open.
2. I can fall back asleep right away and continue the dream.
3. I lose all memory of my dreams and the last 24 hours(strange, isnt it?), but that doesn't happen often.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 10:28 AM
I usually forget what I have dreamed when I wake up from one! Every since I have gotten a Dream Ketcher, I haven't had one bad dream/nightmare. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me; trying to make me think that having a dream kethcer really does help. But the last time I had a nightmare was about 5 months ago. I can't recall if it was in color or not, but I do remember that I could hear sounds and sometimes I dream in that blur effect/slow motion. It's very weird.

My friend has also has alsoAstral Traveled in her dreams. I have never done it before, but maybe others have.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 11:24 AM
I always dream about lakes and water.

Always.. they just appear anywhere.. but they are usually often around.

Very interesting to find out others do as well.. because that is always a HUGE theme in my dreams.

And yes.. I see the diffrence between the rough and calm.

When they are rough, I can't see the other side, and it's giant waves that come to pull me in, when it's calm.. it's usually smaller I can see the other side. But I always dream of lakes, really weird.

Like a lake right infront where I live or whatever.. It is really weird and have always wondered about it.

[edit on 20-6-2005 by Ksnazdnzon]

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