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My Congratulations To The Republican Party

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posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:31 AM
The Democratic Party is the party that is being used to kill the moral and spiritual national health, the Republicans claim to be for morality and all that, but as you see, they have done little to stop a thing. Most of what the Democrats have done, they have done through the Judicial branch, as the people would not put up with their trash if the legislative branch allowed it to happen. AS was witnessed this week, the Republicans are allowing the Democrats to do it. They are allowing the Dems to have control of the Court system. Rather than fight for what is right, the Reps comprimised. They are watching a murder and doing nothing to stop it. They are in collusion.

Okay, so, if the Dems are destroying the nation's spirit, morals and character, what is the Reps' job in this grand, international conspiracy? Glad you asked; I'll tell you.
What do you call it when you are chock- full of national pride, yet you have no idea what your nation is supposed to stand for, and you don't even realize what your nation is doing or who is controlling it? I'm sure there is a word for it, but I'll just call it dangerous.
The Republicans' job is to keep us in a patriotic and militaristic mindset, going after the terrorists, wherever they may lead us. While we chase after these terrorists, some countries who have resisted the NWO will be brought into line. While doing this, our nation is going to be bled, financially as well as humanly. This is going to put us in a more vulnerable position, a point where we will find it difficult to defend ourselves.

As far as religion, Amuk, whether you like it or not, a moral framework is necessary for any strong country, and there cannot be a multitude of moral frameworks. Does one have to be a Christian just because this nation was founded on the Christian faith? Of course not. That is a personal issue, between you and God, and the government can't do a thing about that, even if it wanted to. Still, these are the ethics, the morals and the principles upon which this nation was built, and the reason this nation became the nation the world needed for many decades. Now, this nation, because those things are being destroyed and the people are not choosing moral of immoral, and are actually believing wrong is right and right is wrong, is being used to set the stage for the great takeover and a One World Government.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:36 AM
I always have been skecptical about the NWO and how that may happen or who are the ones in the power to do it, Thomas, I believe that the entired world is run financialy and economicaly by the elite, and the members of that elite are few and well establish.

Now if they are the ones to do the NWO take over, I am sorry to admint that they had done it a lone time ago.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

Okay, so, if the Dems are destroying the nation's spirit, morals and character, what is the Reps' job in this grand, international conspiracy? Glad you asked; I'll tell you.
What do you call it when you are chock- full of national pride, yet you have no idea what your nation is supposed to stand for, and you don't even realize what your nation is doing or who is controlling it? I'm sure there is a word for it, but I'll just call it dangerous.

I just started a thread lastnite which deals with the vulgarization of Patriotism and its use as a tool of the state.'

I think it fits well with what you are convaying here. Who woulda thought......TC and me on the same side for once

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:53 AM

There is not now nor has there been since Truman/Eisenhower a real difference between the parties. Both are simply doing the bidding of the big business interests of the day.

You're kidding right!! There is a huge difference.....look at Bush and Kerry, prime example.

While both parties are all about big business and making that dollar they still have different views on war, abortion, religion and stuff like that.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by SportyMB

While both parties are all about big business and making that dollar they still have different views on war, abortion, religion and stuff like that.

I dont think it is the views of the people that is in question. We are talking about the actions of the leaders in our government./ They all say they see things differently but when it comes right down to their accomplishments, their views become a lie.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 11:52 AM
Kid, you might find that you and I are not so far off base in reference to many things.
This isn't the political mud pit forum, where politics are argued from a sports point of view. This is a conspiratorial forum, here, where things may be picked up and examined from a non-sporting point of view.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
This is a conspiratorial forum, here, where things may be picked up and examined from a non-sporting point of view.

Thank God. I am sick of the bickering there

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger

I dont think it is the views of the people that is in question. We are talking about the actions of the leaders in our government./ They all say they see things differently but when it comes right down to their accomplishments, their views become a lie.

I think that is a big part of the problem--how candidates "sell" themselves and how issues are "spun" in the media. People have no idea what they are getting when they go to vote.

The people are so clueless about the true motives of our representatives that it is impossible to make an informed choice on election day. The spin that has been attached to every initiative--from rebranding Estate taxes to the "Death" tax to being sure to mention Iraq or Saddam Hussein in every speech or story about 9/11, the advertising department has become such a large part of the government to the point that message tweaking has become blatant lying.

I'm not saying that this hasn't always occured to some extent, but recently, government initiatives have been sold to the American people using the same branding tactics as selling a new soda or a breakfast cereal. Forget the fact that the ingredients are toxic and will peel the paint off your car--you won't be a true American if you don't buy it--everyone else is!

Why else would a blue-collar workers show up in droves for corporate-friendly Republicans? They think they are voting for someone who will uphold traditional Christian values, but abortion never goes away, homosexuality is never outlawed--however corporate welfare increases, factories pack-up and move away, and more time is spent helping big business in Washington than the poor folks back home.

But when unemployment is in double-digits and half the town is living below the poverty line, its all somehow the fault of the teenage mothers and gays...

And I'm not saying the Dems are any better. They are supposed to be the party that stands up for the individual and they have also let the relationships with special interests lead them astray.

The media has become an accomplice--either because of relationships or fear of retaliatory regulation or even punitive action. Investigative reporting is rare these days--and when stories are revealed that hit to close to home, the backlash is devastating.

It seems very much like our democracy is in decline and we are well on our way to a form of fascism. The country is more or less run by a de facto shadow oligarchy of large multi-national corporations. It started when a corporation was decided to have equal rights as an individual. Since Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company was decided in 1886, the rights of the corporation have actually come to exceed those of the individual as the amount of influence they can exert over elected officials is far greater than the voting public. Perhaps this is why the government has resorted to corporate marketing tactics.

Remember when Grover Norquist, Republican strategist and architect of Bush's tax plan, said that he wanted to reduce government to a size where he can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub? Well, who is in charge then? You and me? No way. The multinational oligarchs... and a return to the Dark Ages.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 01:04 PM
Hey Amuk,

You still looking for examples of 'soft courts' working with Democrats? Well, here's one from today's news on CNN that's practically in your back yard.



MEMPHIS, Tennessee (AP) -- A judge ordered that a state senator be placed under house arrest Friday over the objections of prosecutors, who played a video of the lawmaker watching an undercover agent count out $10,000 and an audiotape of him threatening a potential witness.

The tapes were played at a bond hearing a day after Sen. John Ford was charged as part of a two-year FBI sting operation nicknamed "Tennessee Waltz." Ford is charged along with four other current and former state lawmakers with taking payoffs, but he alone is accused of threatening to kill witnesses.

Even though this Democrat (also related to other Democrats in congress) was taped bribing someone and threatening to kill witnesses, being held in federal custody was apparantly deemed to be 'too mean spirited' by this judge, who ordered Ford released to house arrest.

Just open your eyes and look around. It's everywhere you can see.

BTW, in some areas political correctness has eroded our first ammendment rights by making"hate speech" a crime. How long before just being "mean spirited" (a charged made by liberals all the time when someone points out something they've done wrong) becomes a crime? This is really how your rights are being taken away.

[edit on 5/28/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Just open your eyes and look around. It's everywhere you can see.

You are right Centurion. It is all around us. But it is playing right into what the Republicans are doing as well. I suggest a quick glance at TC's post at the top of this page. He explaines it pretty well.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger

Originally posted by centurion1211

Just open your eyes and look around. It's everywhere you can see.

You are right Centurion. It is all around us. But it is playing right into what the Republicans are doing as well. I suggest a quick glance at TC's post at the top of this page. He explaines it pretty well.

Yes, I read that and it all (both sides) makes me want to throw up.
I used to be a news junkie, but have found myself more and more just turning it off.

Makes me want to find some land someplace where no matter what these idiots do, it will have little (or at least a delayed) effect on me. Maybe it's just from living near SF in CA, maybe it's not so bad yet in other places ...

[edit on 5/28/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Makes me want to find some land someplace where no matter what these idiots do, it will have little (or at least a delayed) effect on me. Maybe it's just from living near SF in CA, maybe it's not so bad yet in other places ...

[edit on 5/28/2005 by centurion1211]

I feel the same way. Unfortunately, a nice plot of land out here starts at $90,000 an acre. A little to much for my wallet at this point in my life.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 04:29 PM
I think moving to the country on a small plot of land living an agrarian lifestyle with subsistance farming and natural wells would be the way to go. I would love to just exist in nature and read and write for eternity, I know its a pipe dream but hey, maybe one day...

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Hey Amuk,
You still looking for examples of 'soft courts' working with Democrats? Well, here's one from today's news on CNN that's practically in your back yard.


I am not praising the Democrats. They are as spineless and corrupt as the Republicans they just don't have as good of a Marketing Plan. When the country is on the brink of destruction and the Democrats come sweeping back into power to "save" us from the Republicans you will see me right there in the front pointing out THEIR LIES and BS.

You are playing right into their hands and cant even see it. TC illusion to a left right punch is fantastic. They have you so worried about the left hand you are blind to the right inches from your nose. To keep up the fighting analogy I use to teach Martial Arts and the hardest lesson was to watch the Body Language of your opponent not just his hands, the hands lie.

We need to watch the Body Language of Washington not its hands

As for finding a plot of land I live on the land owned by my family for over 150 years. The Yankees couldn't take it, the Northern Raiders, couldn't take it, the Carpet Baggers couldnt take it, the Revenuers couldnt take it, and it wont be lost under my watch.

I was born not 50 feet from here (in the old house where my mama still lives) and spent most of my life within a mile of here and if need be I will die defending it.

[edit on 28-5-2005 by Amuk]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
As far as religion, Amuk, whether you like it or not, a moral framework is necessary for any strong country, and there cannot be a multitude of moral frameworks. Does one have to be a Christian just because this nation was founded on the Christian faith?

This is where we part company a bit. You would be stupid not to call this a Christian country because most are Christians. I think the country was founded by Christians but I don't think they founded a "CHRISTIAN NATION" if you understand. I think it is spelled out pretty clear stating that the government shall not abridge any religion. To me this means that the government shall not suppress someone from praticing their religion be they Christian or Hindu. Nothing more and nothing less.

I guess I am kinda odd because I don't see a problem with the Ten Commandments being on a court house wall OR gays getting married.

Let me ask you a question before I go on.

Do you think a person can be moral without being religious? This part we can email if you wish because it a little off topic.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:54 PM
I love watching your country's politics through a third party lens, and looking back through history.

Republicans are always concerned about the here and now, always claiming that the world is going to end because of ____. Insert boogeyman here.

The democrats just don't seem to care, they love to wring their hands and do nothing, claiming ethical objections.

Both scream for freedom.

It's absolutely hilarious. The democrats want to let everything go to # around their ears, and the republicans stick their noses where it doesn't belong and get it knocked off. Way to go, partisan politics. Rome will fall, and not soon enough for my tastes.


posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:11 PM
How can anyone that supports this current administration ever talk about being a Christian! What's the bibles focus? On helping the poor and giving them law since the rich make their own law, in America you get what you pay for justice wise, or abortion and homosexuals? That's not a tough one is it! But it's all the Christian right talks about. The Christian right isn't practicing Christianity but practicing some perverted form of it that the lord would never recognize. The current Jesus freaks in this country are in love with money not the lord. Thanks to the Rightwing media, that deceives them daily. Now it’s not right to question anyone’s Christianity it was right 20 years ago to do it. But times have changed. The current policies are not Christian in any sense of the word, no matter how hard the media try and sell it as so.
But that being said Religion is what got us into this mess in the first place and has no business in government period. Religion is a great tool to deceive it's easier to deceive people who believe in something that can't be proven to exist. Faith is becoming the downfall of our society instead of our salvation. The power Elite look at them as suckers and rightfully so.
Homosexuals and abortions must be illegal so what if the poor and meek can’t eat. Jesus didn’t care about them! Wrong he cared about them most, one day the republicans will rewrite the bible and have Jesus charging for his healing services.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Amuk

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
As far as religion, Amuk, whether you like it or not, a moral framework is necessary for any strong country, and there cannot be a multitude of moral frameworks. Does one have to be a Christian just because this nation was founded on the Christian faith?

This is where we part company a bit. You would be stupid not to call this a Christian country because most are Christians. I think the country was founded by Christians but I don't think they founded a "CHRISTIAN NATION" if you understand. I think it is spelled out pretty clear stating that the government shall not abridge any religion. To me this means that the government shall not suppress someone from praticing their religion be they Christian or Hindu. Nothing more and nothing less.

I guess I am kinda odd because I don't see a problem with the Ten Commandments being on a court house wall OR gays getting married.

Let me ask you a question before I go on.

Do you think a person can be moral without being religious? This part we can email if you wish because it a little off topic.

America's ideas were actually invented by brilliant political philosopers, Thomas Crowne. The French philisope, Montesquieu, praised that fact that Britian had separated it's government into three branches, the executive, legislative, and judical (even though in reality, Brtain had not those). There were other philosopes such as Volitare.

America couldn't have been founded on the Christian faith if the constitution promises freedom in religon, speach (that is one thing you don't have in the church) suffrage, and many rights that we cherish today. Yes many laws could be baised on the ten commandments and the many great teachings of Jesus Christ but America's framework is baised on the brilliant thinkers of the eighteenth century.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Dances, go to this thread for a "brief" synopsis; first page, last post:

Amuk, of course a non-believer can be a moral person! I don't believe anyone in the world would try to argue to the contrary. Where do you think we got our notion of "morality" in this country? The Christian foundation is where. Same with most of Europe.

This foundation is under attack, and has been for several decades, now. Why? You need only read my signature to understand why. Don't get caught up on the author; he was not the only one to understand this concept.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 01:28 AM
I dont think the Republicans brainwashed anyone they simply took advantage of the political divide that Americans have created. Some Americans have a almost parnoid out look and add the fact that those people seem to be living on another plant (see europen bashing and anti american threads) it has allowed the repubilcans to pull strings on the pupperts with ease.

Americans who travel tend to open there eyes and see the shades of grey that exist in this world. Thats not to say that there arent Americans who havnt travled and live on plant reality.

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