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NEWS: Doctors call for long pointed kitchen knives to be banned in UK.

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posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:58 PM
Next to be banned in the Nanny State of Kalifornia, after the last recent rash of mellon baller murders..hideous! Think about the children!

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
Being a chef and having a nice collection of knives myself, I could gladly tell you the purpose of each and every variation....From a 12 inch chefs knife to a melon scooper...but hopefully that last one is obvious....All of which, used under the wrong circumstance could injure or kill....

But most people I know who enjoy cooking don't use their knives for slaying - Although they could be driven to if someone put them in the dishwasher....or sliced a bunch of citrus and didn't clean the blade....

Those I know who can't cook worth a lick have a fine collection of Ginzus...and nice big bendy plastic semi-serrated dull knives - They're the ones who think that a dull blade is safer to cut with and never understand why they cut themselves every time they pull it out of the drawer....

I agree, and say the best approach is to simply ban these people form owning knives - A simple culinary test to divide them all into knife-worthy and spork-worthy....And then go and ban these quasi-knife companies...

Yes - That's the ticket - That would be much more effective.....It reeks of logic....

[edit on 5/27/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:05 PM
This is ludicrous! First the UK bans all guns, even for police, to curb murder but murder still happens. So now they are going to ban knives to stop murder.

I have a prediction for you:

Murder will still happen when you ban knives

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:08 PM
Historically, the worst, most dangerous, and most evil ideas were spawned, or even outright promoted, by the "greatest" thinkers and scientists and politicians of any age.

Dig into the "eugenics" theories of Nazi Germany. Many top drawer expersts worldwide suppoted this. Look how Communism and Socialism are promoted in universities worldwide, despite the historical results. Not to mention the so-called, top of their field, "experts" who still promote theories of "inferiority" based on racial and ethnic descent.

It has nothing to do with stupidity, in fact, the exact opposite is often the case. Stupid people are not much of a threat unless in large numbers.

Originally posted by periwinkle blue
I would comment that the British doctors are beyond stupid... but our world is so filled with seemingly intelligent people holding forth stances that defy common sense..... I won't.

A prior comment on this topic used the word BIZARRE.

We live in a world where that word has become commonplace in terms of the absolutely absurd which is thrust upon us 'common folk' by those
supposedly in the legal/medical/governmental communities.

I eagerly await (with sharpened knife) the next such imbecility.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Nemithesis
Maybe they should ban the doctors, medical malpractice kills more people than knives and guns EVER will.

yeah, baby! you nailed that one. you cut that argument to shreds with your sharp observations. such a stab at the hypocracy of the hippocrats is a gaping wound to their credibility.

i have a friend who was detained for an hour in an american airport bvecause he had tuning keys for drums(a small blunt wing-type hex wrench). prisonplanet, indeed.

all you people arguing that this is good are the same ones who love their guns. that is SOOOO funny to me.

are we CHILDREN? the stupidity of these doctors is nearly unrivalled, in my opinion. anyone who cooks knows you NEED a huge sharp knife, sometimes. big roasts, butchery, etc.

when people want to kill each other, they'll use there TEETH if they have to. take away all the knives, and people will have to start using forks, instead. i'd much rather be stabbed by some glistening henckel than the brutal blunt entry of a big fork.
i could kill with a short pencil. so could you. it's easy to kill people. they're all soft and squishy.

i love your avatar name, nemithesis.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:16 PM
DevilWasp (IMO should have named himself something more like Butterfly or LadyBug) and subz, thank you for truly exposing the depths of your naive foolishness for all to see.

We can all figure out the logical progression here; guns, swords, knives, scissors, cars, arrows, knitting and sewing needles (who really needs one THAT big?), medicines, bricks, rocks, tree branches (and other large pieces of wood), ...., to finally anything that has ever been used or could be used to purposefully or accidentally hurt or kill someone. That earlier post about being wrapped in bubble-wrap is close to all we'd have left, but doesn't go far enough to satisfy the mad thinking of people like devilwasp. No, only a Matrix-like existence would be "safe" enough for them!

People! Please stop feeding this troll by answering his absurd posts.

[edit on 5/27/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:17 PM
Ban handbags, with bricks in them! OH MY!

(mutters on about crazy dogs)

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:19 PM
This is ATSNN so lets not start up with namecalling

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by subz
You cant get onto a plane with a pair of sciscors, whats the difference?

The argument from the doctors is that long sharp knives are not needed any more. Whether or not it will prevent deaths is up for debate. The fact that long knives are unwarranted is not.

djohnsto77, I think your generalizations here are disgusting and not becoming from some one who is supposedly an 'expert'. Keep your racist bigotry to yourself in future

so, what were the long knives used and what happened that they are no longer usefull? Do you now have "certified knifehandlers" that are trained to safely to those things safely now that you depend on to do those things for a fee or what? Just wondering, while I'm looking at the meat cleaver I own and use once in, that isn't human blood on it.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by subz

They are not banning all knives, just long sharp ones that account for more than half of stabings.

They said short knives would result in mostly superficial injuries while the longer knives have a greater chance of hitting the internal organs.

If you people would read the justification these professional life preservers are giving you you might think twice about it.

Do you really need those massive knives?

I do suppose it stands to reason that the long knives account for more than half the stabbings. I know if given the option between stabbing someone with a long knife or a short one...I choose the big one! I still think that if you take away the knives people will just move on to using something else. I certainly agree with you about the doctors getting too much of a hard time here.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 03:17 PM
Would the UK like to surrender now, or later? if you keep going the way you are your going to be overrun and there will be nothing you can do about it.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB
OK, Maybe in the UK...but not in the states.

So your saying you need a knife half the size of your arm and as thick as your wrist for "cutlery"?

So you aprrove of shooting which leads me to believe you approve of gun ownership...but you don't approve of owning big kitchen kinives? Is that right?

I dont approve of shooting for general population, I shoot with the cadets.
I dont approve of selling half machete's to the public with no regard to who they are...

Hey can someone get this kid a gig??? Cuz he's a comedian

Heh, this kid is acting more mature than you are....

quote]Originally posted by sigung86
And DevilWasp, you are beginning to sound like a comical parody of the Englishmen that I knew, partied, lived and trained with when I lived in you wonderful country. To paraphrase a comical line from "Patton", by your own well respected Monty, "We shall jump out and bit them like a rabid rabbit".

Right........ok then...I have no idea what was trying to be sent across there but ok then...

I really do not mean to be insulting, but what I read from you and folks, who apparently, think like you, are not the same lines of people who stood shoulder to shoulder and drove back the Vikings, who unified the British Isles, who drove back the Zulu nation, who stood shoulder to shoulder in the blood soaked trenches of WWI and kept back the Hun, who stood practically alone in one of the most valiant stances I have ever seen to hold back the dark, evil shadow of Hitler and the Nazis, who sent an invasion force to a contested island to keep the invaders from taking over and terrorizing British citizens... And on and on....

Frankly I dont care what I sound like, there is a place and a time for these types of weapons. There are people who use these not to kill but to do some wonderful things,if there was a law to stop these to be sold to people who DONT do these things I would back it over banning knifes.

We are not the same because its diffrent times, but we stil have one thing in common, we are damm stuborn and will defend our country , our people and our freedoms.

No.... Let them have my large firearms, my knives, my cricket bat, my .... whatever makes them comfortable enough to own my soul and run my life to their own ends...

Yeah and that would make me, my family, my girlfriend, my friends and my comunity a safer place...

Ahhhh..... It is, after all, your country. If you want to live there and adventure on without the basic responsibility of making your own decisions and taking responsibility for what happens and what you really choose. Go ahead. I'll stay here, a freeman, able to choose what implement I want to carve my balogna sandwich in half with.

Ok thats just dealing in extreme's , are you related to GWB or anakin skywalker?

Have a most pleasant if undestracted, and unresponsible life.

No my life is quite full of responsibilty thank you very much.

Originally posted by BlackJackal
This is ludicrous! First the UK bans all guns, even for police, to curb murder but murder still happens. So now they are going to ban knives to stop murder.

You know nothing of my country then..
I have fired many firearms, we have the home of shooting right here in britian, we have many guns clubs and we have armed police men!

I have a prediction for you:

Murder will still happen when you ban knives

Yeah but at a much lower level and we are not banning all knifes....stop liveing in absolutes.

[edit on 26/02/2005 by devilwasp]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Whiskey Jack
So, assuming you're not joking or trolling, would you be in favor of a law that banned fabric shears that are over 3" in length? I mean, it's not like you're going to get an entire piece of fabric between the jaws of a scissors, so something 3" or so should do it for any reasonable person?

My arm is now 6" s long?
Also if it stopped murders , I would back it.

When you think about it, a good pair of fabric shears are just a couple very sharp knives pinned together.

Anything is a weapon if you swing it right..

Originally posted by centurion1211
DevilWasp (IMO should have named himself something more like Butterfly or LadyBug) and subz, thank you for truly exposing the depths of your naive foolishness for all to see.

Your opinion is worth squat , to me at least.

We can all figure out the logical progression here; guns, swords, knives, scissors, cars, arrows, knitting and sewing needles (who really needs one THAT big?), medicines, bricks, rocks, tree branches (and other large pieces of wood), ...., to finally anything that has ever been used or could be used to purposefully or accidentally hurt or kill someone. That earlier post about being wrapped in bubble-wrap is close to all we'd have left, but doesn't go far enough to satisfy the mad thinking of people like devilwasp. No, only a Matrix-like existence would be "safe" enough for them!

Oh so we're down to personal insults are we now?
Ah I see not getting out of character.
BTW we havent banned all guns, havnt banned all swords, knives or scissors and we are just talking about banning one type of knife.

People! Please stop feeding this troll by answering his absurd posts.

[edit on 5/27/2005 by centurion1211]

Ok now thats a cheap personal insult.
My posts arent absurd, yours on the other hand.....

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Would the UK like to surrender now, or later? if you keep going the way you are your going to be overrun and there will be nothing you can do about it.

So that whole task force we sent to iraq wouldnt just be part of our defence force....
No we all just depend on 4 soldiers from each country in the UK to defend us.....

[edit on 26/02/2005 by devilwasp]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 06:48 PM
Wow I should of known how this thread would of gone considering how rabid the gun control threads are.

Personal insults are the refuge of the intellectually bankrupt.

The argument that banning guns didnt help our murder rate is wrong on so many levels. First of all, guns are not banned here. We just think that every man and his dog do not need fire arms and as a result we have almost the lowest fire arms death rate in the developed world. Care to think who has the highest? By about a factor of 10?

But I digress, this is about knives here. The Doctors argument, which im sure 90% of posters here didnt even bother themselves to read, states that most stabbings are heat of the moment crimes. Therefore an attempt to remove the impulse weapon would reduce murders with no inconvenience to people because short knives are more than adequate for cooking.

The shorter blades are less likely to hit major internal organs as opposed to longer knives.

The argument is a rational and logical one, which is more than can be said about some of the posts in this thread. If you dont have something constructive to add to the conversation, do us all a favour and refrain from posting insults.

[edit on 27/5/05 by subz]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 11:56 PM
Does this mean no british 'shower scenes' in their horror cinema?

Absolutely ludicrous, this proposition. I'm more concerned with the consideration a few people have given such an idea(using a kitchen knife for nefarious reasons) as a result of this news piece. Sooner or later, cars will be banned because they are the majority means of transporatation for the purchase of these horrible instruments of death..

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Hey, why don't we ban flowers too? Those sharp pointed ends of those flowers can make a person blind when you poke his eyes with it you know?

Its not the knives and guns that kill people, it is the people that kill people. Even if you banned everything on earth, people will still kill each other. Maybe we should just ban people altogether.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 12:18 AM
Did The NRA Write This Article?

I double-checked to make sure this article wasn't actually published by The Onion.

Nope, this is genuine BBC and reported with the stiffest of Britonian upper lips.

Stunning. Absolutely stunning. I never expected to see this in my lifetime. I had to archive the article, it's just too priceless.

And people are saying this with a straight face.

Meanwhile, in a pot of boiling water somewhere, a frog stirs uncomfortably, but does not jump.

Yes, that sound you hear in the bonnie isles is the rest of the world laughing.

Coming Soon To BBC News

Ice picks or ice hammers: Which should be banned first?

Experts say: Both, and hurry!

...and there are certain fruits which are far too dangerous when unripe. And coconuts are right out!

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 12:30 AM
No Sporting Purpose For Assault Knives

Originally posted by subz
Do you really need those massive knives?

Dude, I'm sorry, but you're killing me ("assault posts"?).

If you're not totally pulling my leg, I really think you need to take a step back and look at this.

I'm all for safety and whatnot -- heck I wear eye protection when I use a screwdriver.

But I truly, honestly and sincerely think the good intentions of this concept are lost in its limitless absurdity.

Meanwhile, back in Britain, as the numbers of impulse scaldings reaches alarming proportions, doctors recommend banning teapots and any pot capable of producing boiling water. In the wake of the coconut ban, it seemed the only proper thing to do.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 01:18 AM

Reading this thread is like watching old friend slowly decline into madness.

Can we have just a teency bit of perspective here?

This is a study published by a small group of doctors from one hospital in a medical journal. Some junior doctor somewhere making a name for himself by picking an odd topic? The BBC is having a slow news day and bingo! - front page news.

The rude comments about the British from some people is unnecessary. This would never make the statute books - period. We're not in the business of implementing unworkable laws. Well, not since the Dangerous Dogs Act anyway
There is plenty of lunacy in the UK, but thankfully we haven't reached Californian proportions yet

Comparing knife deaths to gun deaths is flawed too. Guns are particularly dangerous because of the potential for multiple and/or remote killing - knives have to be up close and personal (unless you're James Coburn).

The point has been made ad nauseam both here and elsewhere that guns/knives don't kill - people do. The logic of that position is self-evident. However, people 'lose it' all the time, and when they do, if they have a gun in their hand we're talking massacre, we're talking Columbine. If they have a 12" bear stripping blade in their hand... well... you can always run away.

Unless they happen to be James Coburn.

[edit on 28-5-2005 by Trinityman]

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 01:20 AM

Meanwhile, back in Britain, as the numbers of impulse scaldings reaches alarming proportions, doctors recommend banning teapots and any pot capable of producing boiling water. In the wake of the coconut ban, it seemed the only proper thing to do.

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by subz
The Doctors argument, which im sure 90% of posters here didnt even bother themselves to read, states that most stabbings are heat of the moment crimes. Therefore an attempt to remove the impulse weapon would reduce murders with no inconvenience to people because short knives are more than adequate for cooking.

The shorter blades are less likely to hit major internal organs as opposed to longer knives.

The argument is a rational and logical one, which is more than can be said about some of the posts in this thread.

i'll agree to stay out of the operating room if these types of idiots promise to stay the fork out of my kitchen.

get it, ....'stay the fork'? 'stay thy hand, and striketh not thine beloved'.

ever been stabbed with a fork? OUCH!

how about cast iron frying pans, hot grease, electric knives, skewers, ice picks, scissors, guns, pencils, pens, draino, slicing the jugular with a short sharp blade, crazy glue(you glue the mouth and nose shut), wire(garrot), rolling pins, knitting needles, pens and pencils, nylon thread, electricity, gas, stairs and balconeys, cars, sleeping pills, rat poison, trans fatty acids, allergies, stress, alcohol, small planes, swimming, boredom, laughter.......

i don't think you or these doctors have considered the magnitude of suggesting that kitchen blades are too dangerous for the not-to-be-trusted public.
i have heard the same story over and over on the news for the last thirty years. "Women Stabs Husband Forty Seven Times" . it's not always forty seven, but the fact is, when a poor, 'helpless' woman is fed up of being beaten and abused, she FREAKS!

the size of the knife makes it more efficient, granted, but sisters are doin' it for themselves. our freedom is more important than this illusionary 'security' promised by these QUACKS.

about fifty percent of the doctors i've had to deal with are idiots. smug idiots, to boot. fork them.

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