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Lue Elizondo Announces New UFO Book "IMMINENT" Coming August 2024

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posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: introufo2


Very good. But soon that will be multiplied by a 1000.
Maybe something will come of all this obsession, but I doubt it...

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 02:05 PM
What we have to understand in scrutinizing this 2017 operation is that number one, UFOlogy is still not a household word.

It's helped YouTube spread UFOlogy podcasts and exited existing UFOlogy buffs and researchers but hasn’t yet cracked mainstream notice, and probably won’t.

So, the question is, why did they open up this obsession?

We’ve still not gotten any real proof of anything...But proof of past government people sprouting they know this or that.

When the population now has less trust in government than at any time in history...


posted on May, 26 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Sidebar BB…but UFO related….

Yes Ophi. The Spielberg thing is interesting and did make note re it.

So what was his original thought/ idea.


Anyway back to Lue and his book of wonder.

edit on bamambSundayam2024-05-26T07:42:10-05:00k1007 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: baablacksheep1

By Joe ….BB….I think you’ve deciphered the premise!

Yes….back to Lou Lou…


posted on May, 26 2024 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Lol . Not sure what to say re Lue as his lawyer, you know that one that's running the degree programme. Well , there's some waffle on Twitter re that threat story. But it's too dramatic for me. Lue must just drop the book and go and take the lawyer with him.😳

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: baablacksheep1

Wow, this would be a cool plot for a movie. UFO with time traveller inside shot down and interrogated, they realise he is from the future and try to get information from him for financial/power gain.

Meanwhile, other time travellers are on a rescue mission before he spills the beans.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 06:27 PM
Here’s a good movie idea: Humankind was destroyed by nukes( it only takes around 50-100 H bombs to wipe all of life on Earth out, and 400 A-bombs) and the crazies did it---destroyed life on Earth. So, to stop that ( by metaphysical cosmic law)it requires an intervention from the future to stop it.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze
Libraries are our friend.
I’ll reserve it there.
Books are too expensive for my pension.
Sad since I used to live in the bookstore when I was a kid.

I think it will be a very interesting book and we will quickly find it free on the web

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 12:02 AM
What could Elizondo possibly know we already don't know?

The two books by the real heads of AAWSAP not ATTIP already gave us. the deal of what happened there. He obviously won't reveal any secrets in the book, the gov just tore it to shreds making sure nothing new or secret is in the book.

Likely the book may have some of the intrigue that has surrounded this disclosure period.

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: baablacksheep1
That makes more sense in 1993 but less now. Essentially all important things and countless ordinary things are posted on the internet and saved for all time, surely some future digital archeologist would be better than sending occupied vehicles into the past.

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: GalacticCorn
Slightly off the Lue topic, but that statement seems disconnected from the other thread on ATS about the possibility this site could have gone down last week permanently, and all the valuable information on it would be lost forever. I think only has a fraction of this site and they make it sound like they are only a few donations away from not being able to archive the ever-increasing content on the internet, which by the way, they don't save everything. I've gone to sites where the text was legible but the images accompanying it were hit or miss, and even other sites where all the images from the original web page were completely gone, all you could see was the text. And some sites aren't even archived at all.

So I found it rather shocking to see someone assert anything permanent about the internet, given the recent apparent impermanent state of affairs regarding this website in particular. One of the mods said, it's not if this site will go down, it's just a matter of when. We will see.

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
I should probably start archiving some of the best threads here, because this site has a treasure trove of information that's not readily available elsewhere on the internet. If the site goes down for good, I will feel the loss of access to that information.

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
As much as it pains me to say this, it s not "if", but "when".

Anyway, our current theories allow time travel to the future but prohibit time travel to the past. But some might say, our theories are incomplete, which is true. But even if one traveled to the past and killed their grandfather, how could they have ever been born? So there are paradoxes, in addition to theoretical limitations. But if we set all that aside, I like the time travelers from the future as a sci-fi theme even if such a thing seems highly improbable in reality.

Back to the topic of Lue's book, here's my prediction of more or less what it will say in TL;DR summary.

Lue: The government has been keeping secrets about UFOs for a long time.
I could tell you some of them, but then I'd have to kill you, so it's probably better if I don't tell you the secrets. I will just say that they're really awesome secrets, man, even if I can't say what they are, because I still have to honor my secrecy agreements.

The end.

edit on 2024529 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Are you keeping up with Jack Sarfatti and Prof Simon Arbi. They are spinning out several videos on the subject. Whilst Jack is feisty and controversial he is rather an interesting chap all the same.

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: baablacksheep1
I can't stand Prof Simon and trust nothing he says.
Jack Sarfatti, I don't follow, but it seems like he was offended that some critics apparently didn't appreciate his non-mainstream views when he wrote this:

Since when is it crazy and "cranky" to hold controversial and non-mainstream views? Think for once. YOU ARE PROMOTING A CONFORMIST TOTALITARIAN SOCIETY in which any one who does not belong to the MAINSTREAM, any DISSIDENT is suspect, is a CRANK! Einstein would be a CRANK back in 1905 you stupid stupid fools! You stupid people, you mealey-mouthed pedants, you Inquisitors who spend your time looking through the CYBER TRASH because you have NO CREATIVE IDEAS of your own, are no better than the Stalinists who imprisoned artists, scientists, poets, and musicians in The Gulag. SHAME ON YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE? You have NO SOUL. You are the WALKING DEAD! Sociopaths!

JackSarfatti 10.59 PM, 12 October 2005 (PCT)

He went back and added the strike-out lines at the suggestion of Mister Ed. Also, Dan T. didn't think his rants like that were helping him to be taken seriously.

If you're trying to get people to take you seriously as a physicist, and stop regarding you as a crackpot, crank, or crazy, then making lots of rants in which you call people "stupid stupid fools" is hardly the most productive way to go about it. *Dan T.* 11:45, 13 October 2005 (UTC)

Jack, I suggest you go through this discussion page and delete the passages I've marked up with strikeout tags. This is not Usenet, it's a website owned by a foundation. This is not a newsgroup, it's a discussion page for an encyclopedia articl.

Two suggestions: avoid personal remarks, and keep the caps lock off.

You've got our attention; now, please learn our ways. Uncle Ed 14:20, 13 October 2005 (UTC)

That was almost 2 decades ago, but I don't think he's any more mainstream now than he was then. Sometimes the non-mainstream folks are their own worst enemy when they attack the mainstream. I ran across a great video celebrating the virtues of a non-mainstream scientist who challenged mainstream views without attacking mainstream scientists, and was extremely successful at it. Everyone who wants to challenge the mainstream should watch this video, to see how the mainstream can be challenged successfully, like Alvarez did (So far I'm not aware of Sarfatti having similar success in his challenges to the mainstream):

harvard & aliens & crackpots: a disambiguation of Avi Loeb

My advice to Sarfatti would be, challenge the mainstream all you want, but do it like Luis Alvarez did, described in that video. I don't see Sarfatti having the same kind of success as Alvarez.

"on the subject", not sure which subject you mean,since I covered the on-topic subject of Lue and also responded to some off-topic subjects.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Arbi, Simon Holland has been heavily involved with John Burroughs and the Rendlesham case. He now is/ was involved with Jack Sarfatti , they created a set of videos recently. Time travel stuff. Holland is now going to be involved with some sort of movie and Rendlesham again. It simply interested me all the time travel talk. I hear you re the rest. As far as liking or not liking Holland, never met the chap myself and is of no real interest, other than his involvement with Rendlesham and now Jack .

Back to Lue and his book.

edit on bamambFridayam2024-05-31T01:22:38-05:00k3801 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
elizondo is a liar, or at least he works for the establishment, this was said by Steven Greer... but greer is deluded that all aliens are good, since many are evil...

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