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Norway, Ireland and Spain say they will recognize a Palestinian state

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posted on May, 24 2024 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Echo007


palestinians don't want a 2-state solution.

Other countries demanding it is just silly when the area in question doesn't want it.

It’s disrespectful to Palestinians.

College students everywhere should be outraged.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

It has already been posted here:

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani

APNews | Another APNews

Why hasn't this been posted yet? It's been major news since before I went to bed last night.

Spain, Ireland and Norway said Wednesday that they would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, a step toward a long-held Palestinian aspiration that came amid international outrage over the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s offensive.

The almost simultaneous decisions by two European Union countries, and Norway, may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation.

That's three major European countries; we should expect France to follow suit shortly, and likely others. Will this create the momentum necessary to finally give these people the nation they deserve, a Two-State Solution?

Other nationalities and cultural groups have diaspora living abroad across the world. The Jewish people, for example, have huge populations in the US, or France, or elsewhere. Where are there huge populations of Palestinians over the world? There aren't any. They are where they've been for thousands of years.

And they deserve that land where they've been for thousands of years to be recognized as their home.

There are at least 140 countries that have recognised Palestinian Statehood.

There new ones that are European and hence put pressure on other European Nations to do the same as time passes.

Palestinians have a right to self determination and they must not be occupied by an ethnosupremacist and apartheid state.

It seems the Zionist propaganda has failed globally and they can't avoid the inevitable i.e a free and sovereign Palestinian State.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Mahogani

Three major countries? Come on, on the world scene these three don't count for much. Just being honesta nd realistic about it, unless the big five security council members and possibly a few others join in then this 'recognition' means nothing at all.

China has excellent relations with Israel.
Russia has an understanding with Israel.
France is an ally.
As is the UK.
When it comes to the Yanks, well, nothing else really counts bar the above nations, still nothing to the backing of the USA.

No other nation really counts here. Throw in all the joke nations you want, yet they don't count in the grand scheme of things.

India is a potential superpower in the making and they have excellent and growing relations with Israel. Both nations face the same Islamic threat.

Germany is more of a player these days on the world stage, yet is one of Israel's main allies, plus has a bit of a guilt complex, so will probably never get involved in recognising a newly invented state. At least in the forseeable future.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Absolutely typical brit response.

Spot on old bean, jeez.
You dont get it do you?

The World Scene?

Headlines around the World praised those three "joke nations"
You'll soon see more European nations do the same, joining those three beautiful countries.

How have youz fared since yiz left the EU?

UK is only an ally of Israel because the "yanks" as you so typically english called them, have told youz to.
Youz are America's lap dog on the World stage.

England will soon be a muslim country. Thats a fact theres no denying that.
How many muslim mayors do you now have?

Your country is a shambles, your p.m. is a lame duck with his head so far up his own arse its comical.

The only reason you think you are a big country is because of your "special relationship" with the States.

Soon we'll have Northern Ireland back, catholics are now the majority. Theres been no government up there for over a year because youz had a hissy fit when it was Sinn Fein's turn to govern.

You're living in the past pal, stiff upper lip and all that, eh?

Oh and eh, staying on topic, we recognise ordinary Palestinian's rights. Not hamas who terrorise their own people.
And before you retort with something like "you'd know all about terrorism"(IRA and all that).

I'll repeat what i stated earlier, Ireland knows what its like when a terrorist organisation seeks to hijack your identity and seeks to speak for you.

England as a whole terrorised many's a country over the years

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: yuppa

You are talking about their terrorist leaders.

They are the ones making those decisions, yes?

Did the ordinary hard working for peanuts Palestinian men women and children (who work) make those decisions?
These are the people we recognise, not those you speak of.

Open your heart.

We bombed innocent civilians, which horrified most Irish people.

The brits murdered our people which horrified most Irish people.

A terrorist organisation which rules over Palestine, are all those names you called them.

But not the women and children and men who also despise hamas. Which there are many of but who dare not speak for they and their family will be murdered.

The ARABS leaving when israel was re made was VOLUNTARY. they LEFT the land. when you leave a land voluntarily you CEDE ownership and claim to it.

MOdern palestinians are not even real palestinians.They are fakers,criminals and sons,daughters of even worse people.

They do not despise HAMAS,because if they did they would rise up against them.

All those who opened their hearts to the"palis" have been stabbed by them as well. Its why EGYPT refuses to let them enter.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Just happen to see this today

The Secret Reason Hamas's Friends - Ireland, Norway, Spain (and Germany) - Are Helping the Palestinians - LINK

The recognition of a Palestinian state, even if it is merely a symbolic action that has no bearing on the reality on the ground, sends two messages to the Palestinians. First, that terrorism against Jews is justified and worthwhile because the world, instead of punishing you, will reward you for your crimes.

Second, that the Palestinians will not need to negotiate thorny issues with Israel, such as borders and the status of Jerusalem, because the international community will grant them everything on a platter

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: tarantulabite1

The Irish government never disappoints.

Douglas Hyde, Ireland's president during the second world war, offered condolences to Germany's representative in Dublin over the death of Adolf Hitler, newly declassified records show.
Until now it was believed that Ireland's prime minister, Eamon de Valera, was the only leader to convey official condolences, a gesture criticised worldwide.
But the presidential record for 1938-1957, made public this week, sheds new light on one of the most embarrassing chapters in Irish history - its decision to maintain cordial relations with the Nazis even after news of the Holocaust emerged.

And you are spot on. Rewarding terrorists won’t end well.

Expect more globally now that terrorists know that their prize is in reach.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani

Why hasn't this been posted yet? It's been major news since before I went to bed last night.

Spain, Ireland and Norway said Wednesday that they would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, a step toward a long-held Palestinian aspiration that came amid international outrage over the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s offensive.

The almost simultaneous decisions by two European Union countries, and Norway, may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation.

That's three major European countries; we should expect France to follow suit shortly, and likely others. Will this create the momentum necessary to finally give these people the nation they deserve, a Two-State Solution?

Other nationalities and cultural groups have diaspora living abroad across the world. The Jewish people, for example, have huge populations in the US, or France, or elsewhere. Where are there huge populations of Palestinians over the world? There aren't any. They are where they've been for thousands of years.

And they deserve that land where they've been for thousands of years to be recognized as their home.
It's not their home for thousands of years. They conquered that land in blood from the Graeco-Romans who controlled it from the time Alexander the Great liberated it in 332BC from the Greek's sworn enemy: Persia. The Romans came around 30 BC or so. The Jews lived in harmony with these people until 641AD when the Arabs conquered it with the Sword of Allah.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Sure then they should invite all palestinian terrorist to come and visit their countries and enjoy their freedoms.

I am sure they will welcome them with open arms.

These countries can say anything they want, is not going to happen.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: marg6043

We're not dummies, we do realise it wont happen.

But the more countries join us, the more countries will ban Israeli goods coming into their countries.

Its obviously symbolic. But it does send a message that not everyone in the World agrees/supports Israel.

Israel officials forced our ambassador to watch videos of October 7. The poor woman. Then they kicked her out of the country. Terrorised her. An act of terrorism?

Our country well knows exactly what its like when a terrorist organisation tries to hijack your identity and speak for you.
Seemingly they didnt show her any video of Israeli forces killing women and children. Why?

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 06:21 AM
"Palestine" is being considered for recognition as a state?

The root verb of the name is ‘pa•lash,’ which means ‘invader,’ intruder’ and ‘trespasser.’

So go ahead and do it, so we can bomb them back to Stone age where they belong.

There is no palestine, just invaders.

People don't even know what words mean...

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

You know is no such thing as a Palestine country, this is works of terrorist influences working on the idiots.

Palestine is the country of Hamas a recognized terrorist organization, no a country.

Clean your region of hamas and you will no have any people left to call a country anymore

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Boogerpicker
a reply to: Mahogani

Nice! Which one of them will be sectioning off their land to host their new animal neighbors?


only real-estate ready for a 'squatters Palestine' is Egypt Sinai area & interior Saudi parcels... except if 'Israel'
becomes a 'Judea' and relinquishes the 1948 Ersatz 'Israel' creation

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Absolutely typical brit response.

Spot on old bean, jeez.
You dont get it do you?

The World Scene?

Headlines around the World praised those three "joke nations"
You'll soon see more European nations do the same, joining those three beautiful countries.

How have youz fared since yiz left the EU?

UK is only an ally of Israel because the "yanks" as you so typically english called them, have told youz to.
Youz are America's lap dog on the World stage.

I stand by those comments in totality Secretknowledge2 and believe you are blighted by confusion being from what I said is at this moment in time a joke nation, the Irish Republic. Look I'm not knocking the Irish, you have a new state, pretty interesting beer, nice woven rugs, a music influence from your migrants into Britain proper that is absolutely amazing from the Beatles, Smiths, Oasis, oh the list is endless and a credit to your people. As you state, you may get the Ulster back at some point. All great stuff, yet when it comes to the grand scheme of things Ireland counts for nothing. Nobody is going to take you seriously in global politics. What are you going to muster, a couple of mackerel boats and float them towards the Middle East or Russia?

Same stands for Spain, sure they mattered something like half a thousand years ago yet today they are a joke nation that has no influence in this world bar south America which being honest and realistic doesn't actually count in the grand scheme of things.

Then we come to Norway, what the heck does this joke nation matter in the grand scheme of things. Sure it's a nice place to live, good standard of living, interesting scenery, yet what influence can it have in the grand scheme of things on Planet Earth? Jack sh*t being honest and realistic about it.

Not sure why you believe the UK doesn't count. Believe me I wish our government would just pull back from invading nations and spending our hard earnt taxes on supporting insurrections like in Ukraine. Yet as long as we retain out seat on the Security Council we remain a top table player, backed up by a military that if push comes to shove can destroy China or Russia with a flick of a switch. Our cultural and economic clout still matters too, as do our age old post colonial links around this planet.

Not sure why you bring in Britain becoming a muslim country. Sure we have many religions and peoples on our island. Muslims are a small minority. I guarantee you this much, if they ever get out of hand like in other countries worldwide our equally strong and growing Hindu and Sikh community will never let this happen. They along with the Christians form a massive majority in this country. The muslims will never get to the point of control here I guarantee you that. I'd bet on Hindus taking control first.................. Oh yeah, Sunak already has

On topic Israel has nothing to fear as long as the big five along with Germany and India remain on side one way or another. Joke nations don't count in the gran scheme of things

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Your post reeks of stereotypical old englishness. Ugh.

It also is bait which i ain't taking on because i couldn't be arsed.

"the grand scheme of things" lol.

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge2
Oh and eh, staying on topic, we recognise ordinary Palestinian's rights. Not hamas who terrorise their own people.
And before you retort with something like "you'd know all about terrorism"(IRA and all that).

I'll repeat what i stated earlier, Ireland knows what its like when a terrorist organisation seeks to hijack your identity and seeks to speak for you.

England as a whole terrorised many's a country over the years

They have indeed. And a Happy Oak Apple Day to you

Ireland has much going for it, and is growing, the population reaching pre-famine levels for the first time and full employment I believe, or I have read. It has also, much like Spain, had a positive immigration policy and has welcomed considerable numbers of refugees and asylum seekers into it's communities. And, like Spain, has room to accommodate more, which is fortunate given the likely knock-on effect that we will see as a consequence of the UK's Rwanda policy. These policies are benefitting Ireland and it is good to see that they are carrying that international solidarity to the state level, recognising Palestine's right to statehood and yet, much as it is on the mainland, far-right influences seem to be creeping in and seeking to undermine, and divide, what has been judged by most to be a successful policy that has intergrated and assimilated groups of refugees from places such as the Ukraine and Syria into Irish rural communities where they are needed. Instead, refugees, some from Palestine, are arriving now in Ireland and are being left festering in the cities where they are not needed, living in tents.

Or so, as I said, I have read

It seems as though someone has got hold of the Irish ear and is bending it to their own purposes.

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Not sure why you bring in Britain becoming a muslim country. Sure we have many religions and peoples on our island. Muslims are a small minority. I guarantee you this much, if they ever get out of hand like in other countries worldwide our equally strong and growing Hindu and Sikh community will never let this happen. They along with the Christians form a massive majority in this country. The muslims will never get to the point of control here I guarantee you that. I'd bet on Hindus taking control first.................. Oh yeah, Sunak already has

Diwali should be a UK national holiday, trade you'll find slows down anyway, particularly at the docks. Our Hindu community are absolutely integral to the fresh produce supply chain in the UK and totally stepped into voids left in the supply chain by Brexit. Hindus supply much of the back bone of the UK. But as do Muslims, creating small businesses via Sharia loans. I don't think either group has any interest in taking control, they appreciate their personal, religious and political freedom within the system as it stands. As we all should. With relativity. Wanting to be involved in the running of things, in public office, simply comes from an understanding of our system and how the system of representation works. I often feel that much of the criticism directed at immigrants is based on a resentment that "they" took the time to learn a system that those of us born here have only ever taken for granted or seen as an "other" controlling us perhaps.

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Not sure why you bring in Britain becoming a muslim country. Sure we have many religions and peoples on our island. Muslims are a small minority. I guarantee you this much, if they ever get out of hand like in other countries worldwide our equally strong and growing Hindu and Sikh community will never let this happen. They along with the Christians form a massive majority in this country. The muslims will never get to the point of control here I guarantee you that. I'd bet on Hindus taking control first.................. Oh yeah, Sunak already has

Diwali should be a UK national holiday, trade you'll find slows down anyway, particularly at the docks. Our Hindu community are absolutely integral to the fresh produce supply chain in the UK and totally stepped into voids left in the supply chain by Brexit. Hindus supply much of the back bone of the UK. But as do Muslims, creating small businesses via Sharia loans. I don't think either group has any interest in taking control, they appreciate their personal, religious and political freedom within the system as it stands. As we all should. With relativity. Wanting to be involved in the running of things, in public office, simply comes from an understanding of our system and how the system of representation works. I often feel that much of the criticism directed at immigrants is based on a resentment that "they" took the time to learn a system that those of us born here have only ever taken for granted or seen as an "other" controlling us perhaps.

Spot on post Bruce

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: SecretKnowledge2

You know is no such thing as a Palestine country, this is works of terrorist influences working on the idiots.

Palestine is the country of Hamas a recognized terrorist organization, no a country.

Clean your region of hamas and you will no have any people left to call a country anymore

So who are the 1.5 million people crammed into Rafah?
By your logic they are all hamas?

The innocents getting murdered every day?

You are skewered by your obvious hatred for Palestinians

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