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Saudi Arabia warns Israel of 'very serious repercussions' if ground invasion of Rafah proceeds

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posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: HopeForTheFuture
It is complete disrespect from Israel, a State that, more than any other, owes its very existence to a General Assembly resolution, to show complete disregard for United Nations resolutions.

False. Israel was created by the Jews who fought for its independence against the Arabs who tried to wipe them out. The UN did very little to make it happen.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: network dude

I'm living in the now

That is perhaps the main reason for people who think like this. When you look at now, you have no perspective.
Do you know why history is important? because it explains and helps understand the facts.
Seeing a conflict like this from the position "I only see now" seems simplistic and advantageous to me at least.

"I don't care that before October 7, 2023, the area of Palestine will be illegally occupied by Israel for 75 years." Saying this sounds so empty and so lacking in argument...

Why not put the pressure on them, by compelling HAMAS to surrender and put Israel on the spot.

And why not comply with the assembly resolutions that have been pointing out Israel as an illegal occupation for 75 years?
(These are the same resolutions that were used to create the state of Israel in 1948)

Ah, it's true that the Palestine-Israel conflict began on October 7...

It just seems like a logical step and makes a lot more sense then asking Israel to effectively surrender when they are winning.

Logical for whom? for you, for Israel, for the US, for the Gazans who are not to blame?
Of course, for Israel it makes all the logic in the world to finish demolishing Gaza and expel them to Egypt through the Rafat crossing.

You have already displaced more than a million people into a mousetrap, who, whether they are Arabs, Muslims or both, you seem to treat all the inhabitants there, as if each one were a terrorist and including the babies and children, who although You consider them inferior to those you see in your streets and neighborhoods, they are children and babies, and surprise, they exist in Gaza too, believe it or not... in fact, almost half of the population are children, many of them They are dying. Insignificant details for you...

And you have explained it very well, when they are winning... thanks to the US vetoes for their own interest, and against the majority of the countries in the world, I imagine that for you, all of you, terrorist countries...

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

They're non-binding and member states are not obliged to pay any attention to them.

But resolution 181, from the same assembly that you say, has no importance, it did help Israel create its state, right? That one was binding... He has systematically failed to comply with the others.

And of course it is important, thanks to the fact that there are permanent countries with the right to veto such as China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, thanks to this, Israel can do what it does.

don't know even the most basic facts about the issue you're so passionately copy/pasting # about.

Of course, copy and paste to show you the 26 resolutions that Israel fails to comply with.

Is the information annoying for you? or just the one you don't like?

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain


Resolution 181 of the United Nations General Assembly, voted on November 29, 1947, establishes the partition of Palestine into a Jewish State, an Arab State and an area under particular international regime.

May 14, 1948 The State of Israel is proclaimed, after the declaration of the state of Israel, the First Arab-Israeli War begins.

It is amazing how you dare to accuse others of ignorance, with their contributions.

Ignorance is daring.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Would it justify the security forces of a state, let's say the American one, to kill 50 hostages because they had to kill 5 terrorists at all costs because they won't surrender?

This is what is happening in Gaza, the people who live there are kidnapped by Hamas and the entire population is being subjected to collective punishment.

Not everything is justifiable, you don't kill all or many of the hostages because you have to kill the terrorists. In decent places, innocent lives are defended above all else and who you are going to cause harm to is valued. The deaths of Hamas fighters compared to civilian deaths are two-thirds innocent, 1 third terrorists.

And it is normal, if you can understand, that according to the figures, there are 50,000 Hamas terrorists in Palestine and close to 2.5 million INNOCENT PEOPLE (non-terrorists, civilians).

If you feel comfortable and your conscience clearly dictates something like, "anything goes if they were attacked, even if 2/3 of the dead are civilians." If you feel good about this, go ahead...

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: HopeForTheFuture

This is what is happening in Gaza, the people who live there are kidnapped by Hamas and the entire population is being subjected to collective punishment.

Happened in Israel on Oct 7th too.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: network dude

Hamas has repeatedly stated that no matter what they have no intention of stopping their attacks on Israel.
Their intention remains the same; the obliteration of the Israeli state, remove all Jews and non-Muslims from the region and form an Islamic fundamentalist country.

They would have released the hostages by now if they had any real intention of doing so.

The killing in Gaza can not continue but unless Hamas lays down its arms I am at a loss to think what Israel is supposed to do.
Any ceasefire at present would in reality be a unilateral cessation of hostilities and as soon as Hamas has the time and opportunity to regroup and rearm they will resume their attacks on Israel.

Only the most insensitive can deny that what is happening in Gaza at present is truly horrific and that far too many non-combatants are suffering but I've yet to hear a viable alternative option for Israel in light of Hamas's steadfast refusal to renounce violence and terrorism.

at least someone else gets it. I doubt anyone is giddy over killing kids, but a group started this current war, and I am baffled that everyone seems to be screaming at Israel to stop, when nobody is screaming at HAMAS to stop. If Israel shut the war down and went back home, they would be attacked again and again, because that's what HAMAS has said. It's not a theory, it's a promise.

The only thing I can understand in this, is those who won't call out HAMAS supports HAMAS. If they didn't, it would be easy to just agree that they should surrender.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: gortex

It's really a diabolical situation what happened there. It has been the perfect excuse to complete his occupation and finish removing all the Gazans from their land. I am left speechless after watching that video and seeing some of the posts about it.

Everything comes, and even more so in the era where there are cameras in all parts of the world, the truth will end up being known, they cannot silence all those involved (even if they make an effort not to leave evidence), including the Israeli families who died by "fire friend", the truth will end up coming out, it is unstoppable. Then we will know what really happened here, how, who and what was done, and who was supporting this aberration by calling some of us, anti-Jews, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel...

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: network dude

The only thing I can understand in this, is those who won't call out HAMAS supports HAMAS.

Your argument is that of a textbook fool.

I strongly condemn any atrocities perpetrated by Hamas against Jews, Israelis and any innocent person on October 7 or at any time. Like that of any terrorist group.

I am Spanish, I know perfectly well what terrorism is, I have suffered it here, like many Spaniards. Here there was a terrorist group in an area of Spain, the Basque Country, called E.T.A. who committed hundreds of attacks, we have also suffered Alkaeda attacks, such as the Train attack in Madrid with 192 victims, on March 11.

I know perfectly well what the terror of terrorism is, I have a national police family in Spain that has fought against it, so I would appreciate it if you would not attribute that being against what Israel is doing, there are already 30,000 dead, is being favor of the terrorists, you show your shortsightedness.

The only thing I can't understand is that you do this very low-level job of whitewashing from an extermination, and for "free." If it is already bad to support the powerful who abuses the weak, it is even worse to do so if you don't even get anything, it shows what people are like.

It stops being a war when one side is the one that is massacring another that cannot defend itself, this is an extermination.


How many deaths have there been on the Palestinian side since October 8? And for that of Israel?

It's not a war, it's something else.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: HopeForTheFuture

Have the palestinians released the hostages?
Have the palestinians surrendered?
Have the palestinians stopped bombing Israel?

If palestinians stop, there will be peace.

If Israel stops, there will be no more Jews.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: gortex

Oh for crying out loud. Israel did NOT shoot it's own people at the music festival from helicopters and from the air. That's long ago debunked. And the ONE PERSON who said she saw dead israelis between the IDF and the HAMAS terrorists, said she did NOT see who shot the people who were on the ground.


posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: HopeForTheFuture
How many deaths have there been on the Palestinian side since October 8? And for that of Israel?

Oh brother.

Hamas and the so called 'Palestinians' hit Israel first. So the Israelis died. Now Israel has taken the war out of Israel and into Gaza where it is hitting Hamas and the Palestinians that support it. NO ONE would be dead if Hamas and the 'Palestinians' hadn't attacked Israel.

It's not a war, it's something else.

Yes this is war. Hamas and the 'Palestinians' decided to go to war against an opponent that can destroy them. It's their own fault they are losing. It's their own fault that 'civilians' are dying. If Hamas and the Palestinians didn't want their children to die, then they shouldn't have started a war that they can't win and they shouldn't be using them as human shields. and they shouldn't be using civilian infrastructure to run their terrorist organization out of.

Civilians die in war.

2,000,000 Civilians Dead in Vietnam War

650,000 Civilians Dead in Korean War

315,000 Civilians Dead in Iraq War

432,000 Civilians Dead in 'Hot Spots' Around the World

2,000,000 Civilians Dead in Iran and Iraq War

60,000,000 Civilians Died in World War II

20,000,000 Million Civilians Died in World War I

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Have the palestinians released the hostages?

Yes, during the ceasefire he has released hostages. It seems that Israel also freed quite a few hostages with "friendly fire."
Has Israel liberated the part illegally occupied for more than 75 years?

Have the palestinians surrendered?

Yes, there are 2 million displaced people (85% of Gazans) forcibly south of Gaza and in Rafat on the Egyptian border. In Rafat there are more than 1 million people in 62 square kilometers.

Since the Hamas attack on October 7, there have been no deaths on the Israeli side. If you have the figures, show them to me.
Since October 8:

Palestine dead: 25,000

Palestine injured: 63,000

Israel dead: 0

Israel injured: 5,500

I don't know if you see the difference...

Have the palestinians stopped bombing Israel?

Can you tell me the figures of the Hamas VS Israel bombings?

Note: Palestine does not have planes, tanks, or army... It was agreed with Israel

Since October 8, 0 dead and 5,500 wounded by Israel. 25,000 dead, 63,000 wounded on the Palestinian side.

Keep in mind that even if you are an extremist, that is, you consider each and every one of the inhabitants of Palestine terrorists/attackers (an extreme), there are also innocent people, even if they are the children who die every day there, there are innocent people too ...

If palestinians stop, there will be peace.

If Israel stops, there will be no more Jews.

I think he is a little confused with the order and events...
The Palestinians have stopped, in fact they no longer have anything, if the Israelis do not stop, what is certain is that there will not be any Palestinians left there.

His arguments have less light than they had in the Middle Ages

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Oh for crying out loud. Israel did NOT shoot it's own people at the music festival from helicopters and from the air.

So you keep saying but the evidence suggests otherwise , as time passes the fog will lift and the truth will be heard.



posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You have not been able to watch the video to see the sources and testimonies that appear in it. There really have been many testimonies.

But as always, we have you, the frontline war reporter to tell us the whole truth. Since, by saying...

That's long ago debunked. And the ONE PERSON who said she saw dead Israelis between the IDF and the HAMAS terrorists, said she did NOT see who shot the people who were on the ground.

Do we believe it because you say it but we doubt the testimonies of Israelis?

Even if you saw a video of an Israeli shooting another Israeli, you would say it was someone from Hamas in disguise... Your argument is extremism, it is useless with someone like you.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: gortex
So you keep saying but the evidence suggests otherwise ,


Check Your Fact

USA Today - No Evidence IDF Fired on Israeli Citizens

PolitiFact - NO This Video Does Not Show Israeli Military Killing Israeli Civilians

FactCheck - Social Media Posts Misrepresent Video of IDF Aircraft - It Did NOT Fire on Israelis

as time passes the fog will lift and the truth will be heard.

It already has been. You just have your fingers in your ears so you can't hear it.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: HopeForTheFuture
Yes, during the ceasefire he has released hostages.

NO. There are 140 hostages in Gaza. The hostages have not been released.

Yes, there are 2 million displaced people ..

That's NOT what he asked. He asked if Hamas has surrendered. The answer is NO.

Palestine dead: 25,000
Palestine injured: 63,000

.... claims Hamas ... which lies and has no way of knowing how many dead there are. And none of the people in Gaza would be dead if Hamas and the Palestinians hadn't attacked Israel. And none would be dying now if the hostages would be released and Hamas would surrender it's weapons. It's Hamas and the 'palestinians' fault. No one else.

Israel dead: 0
Israel injured: 5,500

Incorrect. 210 IDF soldiers have died fighting Hamas in Gaza. And that low number is good. That means Israel is waging the war correctly and having Hamas die and not themselves. It's called WINNING A WAR.

The Palestinians have stopped, in fact they no longer have anything,

Wrong. Hamas and the 'Palestinians' continue the war for as long as they have the hostages and for as long as they are fighting against the IDF.

if the Israelis do not stop, what is certain is that there will not be any Palestinians left there.

If Israel wanted to kill all the 'palestinians', they would be dead by now. You want the 'palestinians' to stop dying ? Then tell them to release the hostages and to stop fighting against the IDF and stop calling for genocide of the Jews and the destruction of Israel.

edit on 2/19/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Goebbels, a fanatical anti-Semitic, linked the Bolshevik movement to international Jewry and warned members of the Nazi party of an alleged international Jewish conspiracy that would destroy Western civilization.

It reminds me a lot of your speech, the Nazis also used: "We must finish them off because they are going to finish us off."

You share a conspiracy, making a similar argument about destruction against the one who is supposed to destroy you, supporting the powerful, as the Nazis did, of course.

Whoever forgets history is condemned to repeat it. And this story, like all the others, will end up seeing the light and then we will see the shadows.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: HopeForTheFuture

I prove you wrong so you make a personal attack saying I"m like a Nazi.
Pretty pathetic

But speaking of Nazis ...

The Nazi Roots of Hamas

The Muslim Brotherhood from which Hamas sprang had been built in imitation of the Nazis.

The Nazis and the Brotherhood had fundamental religious and ethnic differences but shared common goals: especially when it came to the Jews. A Nazi agent who helped funnel money to the Brotherhood reported on one of its conferences calling for Jihad in Israel.

Hitler’s Mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, had helped bring the Muslim Brotherhood together with the Nazis. And it was Husseini, who after their defeat, provided the focus for the Brotherhood.

Hajj Amīn al-Husseini had met with Hitler, urged him to exterminate the Jews of Israel, and recruited Muslims to fight for the Nazis. He had hailed the Muslim Brotherhood as “the troops of Allah” while Al-Banna praised Hitler’s Mufti as the “hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism, with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone, but Amin Al-Husseini will continue the struggle.”

Name of the Palestinian Shop is Hitler and I like Him Because He was The Most Anti Jewish Person

In Gaza City, a clothing shop whose owner refuses to speak on camera, has been recently displaying clothes for sale on mannequins that are masked and have knives taped to their hands.

The knife carrying mannequins are designed to make ties with the latest wave of violence in the West Bank and Israel that has seen many Palestinian attackers using knives to attack Israeli soldiers and civilians.

Young Palestinians who visited the shop told Reuters they were drawn to the place as a symbol of their solidarity with what they termed 'the current intifada', meaning uprising.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: HopeForTheFuture

....the people who live there are kidnapped by Hamas....

How do you come to that conclusion?
The people of Gaza voted Hamas into power. Hamas then won their internal war with Fatah and took over complete control and governance of the Gaza Strip.
Hamas built many military installations underneath or nearby civilian buildings from which they conducted many of their terrorist attacks and activities against Israel.
The Gazan people did very little, if anything, to stop Hamas.

Their lack of action implies silent acquiescence or tacit agreement with Hamas - complicitness in their terrorism.

And no-one can deny that large numbers of Gazans celebrated and even revelled in the October 7th attacks.

If you feel comfortable and your conscience clearly dictates something like, "anything goes if they were attacked, even if 2/3 of the dead are civilians." If you feel good about this, go ahead...

My conscience is very clear, I haven't killed anyone or been complicit in the act of killing anyone.
I have zero influence or input in the matter.
I do have an opinion.

And please show me where I've said 'anything goes' or that I'm comfortable with '2/3 of the dead' being 'civilians'.
Stop putting words into my mouth.

What I did say is that in the absence of any viable alternative I personally don't see how Israel should have reacted given that Hamas have repeatedly stated they will continue their terrorist attacks against Israel, are not interested in a ceasefire and don't care how many Palestinians die.

I'd love to see someone come up with a solution that will prevent the killing.
As far as I can tell there are only two options at the moment; Hamas renounces violence and terrorism and enters into negotiations with Israel or Israel completely eradicates Hamas as a threat to their security.

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