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James Webb Telescope Detected Artificial City-Like Lights on Proxima B!

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posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: FurPerson

S/F! Nice work you did! I like this a lot! We can all move!

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: FurPerson

Good one
maybe theres a career waiting for you in hollywood? You look the spit of her

edit on thpSat, 11 Nov 2023 10:10:55 -060020232023-11-11T10:10:55-06:00kAmerica/Chicago30000000k by SprocketUK because: spelling

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I caught that right off and was confused as heck. Like, isn't an EXOPLANET outside our solar system, therefore has NO relationship to Sol?

I didn't listen much more after that.

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 10:29 AM
I believe I saw the video a number of months ago as well. I have read or heard a whole lot more weird things or seen so many other weird stories I don’t know what to believe anymore. I was thinking could be partial truth disclosure program like I believe ATS allowed to minimize public impact to actual disclosure or just speculation someone put together. The YouTube video on the secret space program was a lot more interesting to read and hear about. I’m not sure if I actually read information on it or not. I sometimes listen to YouTube while attempting to sleep or sometimes fall asleep while listening. The other night the stupid YouTube algorithm got me listening to a 3 hour history channel YouTube video and I woke up hearing about a what if a rogue star threw the Earth out of orbit. First I imagined the planet freezing to death. Then I woke up a bit and heard the Earth was plunging towards the sun. People without air conditioning were dying in days at 130 degrees outside. Then almost everyone dead at 160 with power failures and all this happened in only about 30 days in this scenario.

I take any YouTube video with a grain of salt. Someone is attempting to get views. As far as detecting artificial lights on the dark side of a planet in the closest star system near us, that would be amazing if possible. I don’t know if possible.

As far as other stranger YouTube videos, I know some are fake. There are videos I’ve seen supposedly from different supposedly aliens such as Andromedians and others on YouTube as well.
edit on 11-11-2023 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 05:53 PM
Proxima Centauri is a flare star. This means it dramatically changes brightness and during a flare would sterilize all life from the planets inside the habitable zone.

However it's also a red dwarf, and planets inside the habitable zone of red dwarfs are almost certainly going to be tidally locked because they must orbit at extremely close distances to their parent star. This means the dark size might be protected from the flares.

If water is on the dark side, then life could evolve there but it would live out its life on one half of the planet, and in total darkness. The temperature difference between the light and dark side of the planet would also create some crazy storms.

It wouldn't be a nice place.

My guess - luminescent fungi.

posted on Nov, 11 2023 @ 09:47 PM
Nothing on the James Webb site, but if you Google search there's a few articles a couple years back about speculating if the JWT could see artificial lights on the dark side of Proxima Centauri B.

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 01:18 AM
I can see it now, in a few however many years it takes to get a probe there, only for it to crash into an alien structure, provoking annihilation of the human race as we know it.

Maybe I'll be dead by then.

Oh, the possibilities!

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: FurPerson
a reply to: dothedew

I hope you know what stock footage is? And this is not a big money documentary.

it is breaking discoveries. public service.

What sticks in my craw most about these space news videos is that there are 8 minutes of stock footage, mostly CGI, and you either get the shots or footage of the subject for mere seconds in the middle, or, as in this video, not at all.

If it is true, then we finally found the paradise resort of the technocracy elite humans, and we are none-the-wiser that we Earthlings are just some clones strewn about the planet as a long term experiment of the highest order and greatest duration.

Do you feel PROUD to be an Earthling now?

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: gortex
I've rendered your answer throughout chat gpt and this came out ,

Yes, it's possible. Proxima Centauri is known for its stellar flares, which release bursts of energy, including X-rays and ultraviolet radiation. If Proxima Centauri b has a magnetic field and a thin atmosphere, these flares could interact with the planet's atmosphere, creating auroras on the dark side. The charged particles from the stellar flares could excite the molecules in the atmosphere, leading to the emission of light, similar to how auroras occur on Earth. However, the specific conditions and the presence of a magnetic field on Proxima Centauri b would influence the likelihood and characteristics of such auroras.

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2

originally posted by: dothedew

Starfield is more than just a game, it's a road map to the future!

We just need to perfect our engines and figure out how to star hop like blonde groupies and we'll be all set to visit these other goldilocks planets in no time.

Have you played starfield, Id say its barely a game, I'm a big Bethesda fan and to say Starfield is a disappointment is an understatment, if we are basing our engines on that game we basically need to invent fast travel and endless loading screens

I have, and I still love it. They did travel significantly better in NMS, but on that note, there's no way that NMS could have the characters, dialog, story, towns, etc., along with the size and ability to travel between planets and land accordingly.

Either way....... Listen. IF we invented fast travel and loading screen IRL, would that not help with Lightyear-distance space travel?

I think it would.

When it comes down to it, I'd take a zombified state with glossed over eyes and a minute long loading screen flashed on the back of my eyelids over spending 50,000 years in space in some sort of frozen chamber, 10 days out of the week.

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