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How women are treated by society

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posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Canada, Norway, UK.
Canada has free healthcare and cheap or free medications,
and legal abortion throughout pregnancy,
the same worker's rights for women except with stricter rules on wrongful termination (none of this "Right to Work" nonsense),
but with higher wages and more time off,
and hell, if things STILL SOMEHOW get too bad, they have even legalized
assisted suicide.

Canada is better than the USA.
Sorry, not sorry.
edit on 14/11/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: tanstaafl

Canada, Norway, UK.


Sorry, massive fail, try again.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Says you!

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: tanstaafl
Canada, Norway, UK.
Canada has free healthcare and cheap or free medications,
and legal abortion throughout pregnancy,

You use the word free, but I'm not sure you understand what the word means. Between the fact that none of that is free, the insane wait times, and the fact that the government controls what healthcare you get or don't get it really leaves a sane person wondering who the hell would be cheering on the canadian healthcare system.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: tanstaafl
the same worker's rights for women except with stricter rules on wrongful termination (none of this "Right to Work" nonsense),

Do you actually understand what "Right to Work" means and entails? I get the feeling you, like most people who talk about it like that, don't actually know what "Right to Work" is.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: tanstaafl
but with higher wages and more time off,

Higher wages to pay more in taxes to fund government controlled systems that a citizen can be cut off from at any moment simply for daring to dissent.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: tanstaafl
and hell, if things STILL SOMEHOW get too bad, they have even legalized
assisted suicide.

Yes. That is obviously a wonderful thing. If the government totally destroys everything, at least you have the option to die instead of having to live through the hellscape they created. Oh, and don't worry, the government totally won't use that to cull undesirables. They would never.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: tanstaafl
Canada is better than the USA.
Sorry, not sorry.

Baby Castro would be sooooo proud of you. Now face the wall.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: MrGashler

LMAO I know what "free" means.
I didn't mean literally free. I meant tax funded. I thought that was implied.
God, you're being so condescending, like you think I'm a toddler.

I was wrongfully fired because of "right to work" and was unable to sue for wrongful termination because of it.
I know exactly what it means. It means they can lie and write whatever BS reason they want for firing you,
and you lose your job and can't sue them. I've been at the butt end of it. HAVE YOU?

Meanwhile, US citizens get paid less, and are still taxed, but have their money given to multinational corporate CEOs as "TBTF Bailouts" and given to Iran and Hamas and Israel and Ukraine. I'd rather know the money is being spent on helping myself and my fellow citizens, even if that does mean higher taxes.

As for the higher wait times in Canada hospitals. Can't argue. By all accounts that seems to be pretty true, unfortunately.

EDIT: To put it another way, since I'm already gonna be taxed and the government is gonna do whatever it wants in all other respects, I just wanna at least get something out of it.

edit on 14/11/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

edit on 14/11/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
LMAO I know what "free" means.
I didn't mean literally free. I meant tax funded. I thought that was implied.
God, you're being so condescending, like you think I'm a toddler.

This isn't even close to me being condescending. This is me expecting an adult to use words as though those words actually have defined meanings. I understood that you were meaning tax funded, but the word "Free" doesn't mean tax funded. Equating "Free" with tax funded is an intentional manipulation method used by propagandists to get a population to support increasing taxes and expanding government control without even realizing that they're doing it.
To clarify, that is not to say that I believe you are using that term incorrectly for the purposes of manipulation.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
I was wrongfully fired because of "right to work" and was unable to sue for wrongful termination because of it.
I know exactly what it means. It means they can lie and write whatever BS reason they want for firing you,
and you lose your job and can't sue them. I've been at the butt end of it. HAVE YOU?

I have been on the butt end of similar situations, but you literally just demonstrated that you don't actually understand what "Right to Work" means.
"Right to Work" has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with wrongful termination. It is entirely about a workers right to not be forced to take part in union activities and to not be forced to pay union dues.
Employment is a voluntary contract between two entities that agree to exchange a measure of a persons labor for an agreed upon amount of compensation per unit labor. When you signed your employment agreement, you signed an agreement that EITHER party may terminate the employment contract with or without cause or notice. The interesting thing is that that last line actually only fully applies to you as the employee. The employer has restrictions placed on their right to terminate the contract.
This means that under certain circumstances the employer can be forced to employ you under penalty of law. Imagine if that worked both ways. Imagine if you could be forced to work for an employer under penalty of law.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
Meanwhile, US citizens get paid less, and are still taxed, but have their money given to multinational corporate CEOs as "TBTF Bailouts" and given to Iran and Hamas and Israel and Ukraine. I'd rather know the money is being spent on helping myself and my fellow citizens, even if that does mean higher taxes.

Making more but paying more in taxes is no different than making less and paying less in taxes. That's not even touching on how much more expensive things are in Canada.
You actually think Canadian tax revenue isn't used for the exact same things? You really think Baby Castro isn't lining his pockets and the pockets of all of his rich friends?

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
EDIT: To put it another way, since I'm already gonna be taxed and the government is gonna do whatever it wants in all other respects, I just wanna at least get something out of it.

That's fine, but here's the important question. What are you actually getting out of it?

Don't get me wrong. The US government is no angel and it is absolutely corrupt to the core. All governments need to be dismantled and rebuilt and placed on a razor blade studded leash. But don't sit there and act like Canada is better because you feed your gluttonous government more of your money in return for an extra millimeter of teat. They don't give any more of a $hit about you than my government does about me. The difference is that I can shoot my government in the face.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: MrGashler

The side effect of "right to work" being that it enables wrongful termination.
Stick your fingers in your ears and saying "Lalalala" all you want,
but it's still true.

"The difference is that I can shoot my government in the face."

Try it then, John Wayne.

BTW, I'm not Canadian. TRoLOLol.

If we'd spent a tiny sliver of the money used on corporate bailouts and foreign war funding in the last 20 years instead on the homelessness crisis and healthcare, we could have ended homelessness a hundred times over, and my dad would've had his insulin pump and not lost his hearing.

You prioritize capitalism, and in doing so, enable the corporations to rule instead of advancing "socialistic" programs.
You're scared of a potential boogeyman developing, but meanwhile, there's already a boogeyman, and he's built a prison around you, and controlling what you see on the TV.

Our oppression isn't governmental. It's corporate. The elite may at times bribe to further policy and government to further an agenda, but it's not the government that ultimately lords over us right now.

You're worrying about the wrong thing.
edit on 15/11/23 by TheValeyard because: clarification

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
The side effect of "right to work" being that it enables wrongful termination.
Stick your fingers in your ears and saying "Lalalala" all you want,
but it's still true.

"Right to work" isn't what allows for what you're calling wrongful termination.
The nature of a mutual voluntary agreement to exchange labor for money is what allows for what you're calling wrongful termination. Both parties must be free to terminate the agreement at any time with or without cause and with or without notice otherwise it's not a voluntary agreement.
You might want to check your own ears for fingers. I'm not the one using words to mean things that they don't mean.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
"The difference is that I can shoot my government in the face."
Try it then, John Wayne.

Oh please please PLEASE tell me you're one of those people with the whole "how are you going to fight back against the military with your AR-15?" nonsense. I have waited sooooo long to run into one of those in the wild.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
BTW, I'm not Canadian. TRoLOLol.

Uhhh, okay? And?

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
If we'd spent a tiny sliver of the money used on corporate bailouts and foreign war funding in the last 20 years instead on the homelessness crisis and healthcare, we could have ended homelessness a hundred times over, and my dad would've had his insulin pump and not lost his hearing.

It's generally a bad idea to make arguments personal for yourself. It makes you emotionally attached to the argument and exponentially more likely to get extremely upset when your argument is attacked.
That being said, if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle. If governments weren't inherently corrupt, wasteful, and evil, we wouldn't have pretty much any of the problems we have today would we?
I'm sorry that your dad didn't have his insulin pump and lost his hearing, but what makes you think the government would have approved him for an insulin pump? Government controlled/funded healthcare is full of instances of people being denied for those kinds of things or being put through extremely long waits to get them. The idea that if only we'd done this or if only we'd done that then this would(n't) have happened is pure conjecture and it is meaningless.

originally posted by: TheValeyard
a reply to: MrGashler
You prioritize capitalism, and in doing so, enable the corporations to rule instead of advancing "socialistic" programs.
You're scared of a potential boogeyman developing, but meanwhile, there's already a boogeyman, and he's built a prison around you, and controlling what you see on the TV.
Our oppression isn't governmental. It's corporate. The elite may at times bribe to further policy and government to further an agenda, but it's not the government that ultimately lords over us right now.
You're worrying about the wrong thing.

No, I'm acknowledging where the evil actually exists. People make up corporations. People make up governments. Corporations do evil things. Governments do evil things. People do evil things. People keep voting to give governments more power so the government can protect them from evil things like corporations, but you ever notice how the corporations never stop being evil and that the government never stops them from being evil?
Why continue to give the government power if they're not going to do anything with it?
Why continue to give the government money if they never spend it with any sense of responsibility?
You claim that the boogeyman is the corporations, and to a point you're right, but last I checked the corporations didn't give themselves bailouts with our taxes. The government did. If the government hadn't done that, then would the corporations(boogeymen) have survived?

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