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Rockets fired at Israel from Gaza rocket attack terrorists have infiltrated from Gaza

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posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I apologize if my comments came across as directed towards you, they were intended to be a generalization of my experience in this thread.

Its probably true that this event was intended to crate a schism in the current attempts at civility. But it should have been recognized 70 years ago that there needed to be a normalization of relations. The west knew the history of the region before they placed Israel on the map.

Its a bit off topic but this goes around full circle to the "perceived" end of WWII and the occult/religous plans of Hitlers Nazi regime, i would be glad to discuss those topics but this thread isn't the place.
Muslim history is not as forgiving as to forget the ongoing crusades, so yes we ended up with another western/religious stronghold in the holy land. None of the players want peace to succeed so you will not get volunteers to help and root out this type of leadership, and yes, Egypt was the previous "occupier" of those lands

Unfortunately this leaves millions of people under systematic oppression by all sides, who would other wise be farmers or artisans but are forced by history to watch their families die and their cities under constant bombardment. Forced from their homes into the refugee / prison cities of Gaza.

I don't know that I could find such Images of specific Israeli brutality, I am not saying that they have done it, but Israel tightly controls everything coming in and out of that region, including media.
But I can and have been showing this whole thread, examples of what would cause any human to grow such a hatred in their hearts to commit such acts.

There is so much grief and angst and rage in the Palestinian population I fear your estimates are too generous. This is personal to them, its their friends and families, not just bad politics. Its the daily grind for work and food and water, things that most Brits and Americans take for granted, and it can all be cut off like the power.

That is the hypocracy. To sit so far away both physically and emotionally and tell people they are sick for wanting freedom for an oppressed people but they are the same ones who cry when there is talk about "thier rights" or gun control or taking away fast food...

Your comparison of the Japanese brings us right back to the "perceived" end of WWII

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: datguy

So we are talking about 5 million people.

The US has absorbed that many from Mexico/Latin America.

The arab world could take in refugees from Palestine, right?

Oh crap. Maybe Biden plans on giving them all the new DHS app and fly them all here?

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: stevieray

you don't have to lie, we are not friends. i find it hard to associate with people who are ignorant of reality

you are right though the rapist mad dogs should be punished

Sexual torture of Palestinian men by Israeli authorities

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:38 AM
This could get interesting:

Following this weekend's attack on Israel by Hamas, the Democratic Socialists of America have planned a march in New York City in "solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to resist 75 years of occupation and apartheid."

Maybe this will be the opportunity for every to see what these socialists are all about. Marching to support a terrorists organization. How is this not being viewed as racist/anti-Semitic/etc.? Can you imagine if it was some other group?

FWIW, CNN is flooded with images of the “poor Palestinians”.

No, they are terrorists.

This is going to get real, real interesting/enlightening on many fronts I suspect.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

I suppose they could and do take them in but they are sovereign countries, why should they adhere to international pleas to end this crisis?

Also, do the palestinians want to immigrate to a different country? maybe some do and they can not?

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: stevieray

you don't have to lie, we are not friends. i find it hard to associate with people who are ignorant of reality

you are right though the rapist mad dogs should be punished

Sexual torture of Palestinian men by Israeli authorities

Deny derail dig up the past….
To excuse yesterday.

It’s not like everybody doesn’t see you doing this.
Or do you think they don’t, such that you’ll keep doing it ?
Free country and all that. You certainly have every right to do this, for all to see.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: stevieray

so, in other words, you cant show proof of your accusations of me so your going to spout nonsense, good to know


Palestine: Israeli Police Abusing Detained Children

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: stevieray

still so narrow minded, i have not excused nor dismissed anything, your the one who wants use yesterdays events to excuse 70 years of oppression, have at it

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: stevieray

Mate, feel free to read my posting history. I’m sure there’s plenty of folk on here who will confirm I’m about as far from the left as they come.

My opinions aren’t politically driven, hence why you’ve categorised me as a lefty when I’m anything but. I’m pro-life, anti-vax, I believe there are only two genders, if I was American I’d vote for Trump, at the last UK election I voted conservative and I’m a former semi-professional boxer who’s been labelled as a testosterone fuelled misogynist over and over on this forum. Generally my opinions fall on the far right of the spectrum, as that’s become the most logical and reasonable position recently.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: putnam6

I apologize if my comments came across as directed towards you, they were intended to be a generalization of my experience in this thread.

Its probably true that this event was intended to crate a schism in the current attempts at civility. But it should have been recognized 70 years ago that there needed to be a normalization of relations. The west knew the history of the region before they placed Israel on the map.

Its a bit off topic but this goes around full circle to the "perceived" end of WWII and the occult/religous plans of Hitlers Nazi regime, i would be glad to discuss those topics but this thread isn't the place.
Muslim history is not as forgiving as to forget the ongoing crusades, so yes we ended up with another western/religious stronghold in the holy land. None of the players want peace to succeed so you will not get volunteers to help and root out this type of leadership, and yes, Egypt was the previous "occupier" of those lands

Unfortunately this leaves millions of people under systematic oppression by all sides, who would other wise be farmers or artisans but are forced by history to watch their families die and their cities under constant bombardment. Forced from their homes into the refugee / prison cities of Gaza.

I don't know that I could find such Images of specific Israeli brutality, I am not saying that they have done it, but Israel tightly controls everything coming in and out of that region, including media.
But I can and have been showing this whole thread, examples of what would cause any human to grow such a hatred in their hearts to commit such acts.

There is so much grief and angst and rage in the Palestinian population I fear your estimates are too generous. This is personal to them, its their friends and families, not just bad politics. Its the daily grind for work and food and water, things that most Brits and Americans take for granted, and it can all be cut off like the power.

That is the hypocracy. To sit so far away both physically and emotionally and tell people they are sick for wanting freedom for an oppressed people but they are the same ones who cry when there is talk about "thier rights" or gun control or taking away fast food...

Your comparison of the Japanese brings us right back to the "perceived" end of WWII

Some of this actually makes sense. I agree that the Anglo redistribution of ME, Africa, etc after WW2, was an abomination. Even some parts of Europe lol.
Nothing but a plan to keep the people at each other’s throats and easy to manipulate, and a raping of their resources by DC and UK.

But this doesn’t excuse today’s behaviors like yesterday. You don’t see the types and scale of this behavior by Israel …. You just don’t.

One would be stupid to say It doesn’t happen on the Israel side, but not like you saw yesterday.

Do something to change that dirty nasty reality, and you’ll actually be helping the Palestinians.
Help them to not be “that”.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: stevieray

You don’t think there’s a skewed over-representation of Jews in the higher echelons of our media?

I beg to differ. I’m not saying they’re somehow pushing a nefarious agenda but to say Jews don’t have influence in the media is a real stretch of the imagination. Especially Hollywood, I don’t know if you’ve been but there’s a LOT of Jewish people in that industry at the higher levels.

Name one Muslin media mogul with editorial powers in the western media establishments. Just one.

edit on 8/10/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: stevieray
But this doesn’t excuse today’s behaviors like yesterday. You don’t see the types and scale of this behavior by Israel …. You just don’t.

This is very true, usually when the Israeli government strikes, they use high tech weaponry and don't have the need for such brutality. They do it from bunkers, miles away so they don't have to be "on location". They topple buildings on top of the one target hiding amongst civilians and destroy hospitals and schools, much like we see from Russian strikes

Edit to add: unlike Russia, Israel will wait to begin their incursion until they are sure of success. Ducks lined up in a row so to speak. It will be another shock and awe moment for the hearts and minds, and while hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people die, the world will cheer them on, because they will not see the carnage left behind.
edit on 08pm311200000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: putnam6

I apologize if my comments came across as directed towards you, they were intended to be a generalization of my experience in this thread.

Its probably true that this event was intended to crate a schism in the current attempts at civility. But it should have been recognized 70 years ago that there needed to be a normalization of relations. The west knew the history of the region before they placed Israel on the map.

Its a bit off topic but this goes around full circle to the "perceived" end of WWII and the occult/religous plans of Hitlers Nazi regime, i would be glad to discuss those topics but this thread isn't the place.
Muslim history is not as forgiving as to forget the ongoing crusades, so yes we ended up with another western/religious stronghold in the holy land. None of the players want peace to succeed so you will not get volunteers to help and root out this type of leadership, and yes, Egypt was the previous "occupier" of those lands

Unfortunately this leaves millions of people under systematic oppression by all sides, who would other wise be farmers or artisans but are forced by history to watch their families die and their cities under constant bombardment. Forced from their homes into the refugee / prison cities of Gaza.

I don't know that I could find such Images of specific Israeli brutality, I am not saying that they have done it, but Israel tightly controls everything coming in and out of that region, including media.
But I can and have been showing this whole thread, examples of what would cause any human to grow such a hatred in their hearts to commit such acts.

There is so much grief and angst and rage in the Palestinian population I fear your estimates are too generous. This is personal to them, its their friends and families, not just bad politics. Its the daily grind for work and food and water, things that most Brits and Americans take for granted, and it can all be cut off like the power.

That is the hypocracy. To sit so far away both physically and emotionally and tell people they are sick for wanting freedom for an oppressed people but they are the same ones who cry when there is talk about "thier rights" or gun control or taking away fast food...

Your comparison of the Japanese brings us right back to the "perceived" end of WWII

Thanks for the reply, we all want peace. I just loathe the barbaric acts, it's not going to get them what they want it just isn't.

Generally yes TPTB screwed the pooch in the middle east after WWII, read somewhere one contemporary said, if they knew then what they know now, they would have just carved out a portion of the US desert southwest for the Jews and it could have saved trillions of dollars.

My father (RIP) used to work for a Lebanese woman and we all grew to admire and respect her for her wisdom, intelligence, honesty, and determination to succeed. Please do another thread I definitely join in and contribute.

It's all about timing though, nobody wanted to fly American Airlines for a long time immediately after 9/11

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: datguy

How should Israel defend itself from people that want to kill them who are funded by international players of the same religion?

Why cant the international players of the same religion do more to help Palestine, besides use them as pawns and arm them with tools of death?

Where is the Arab world's humanity?

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: stevieray

still so narrow minded, i have not excused nor dismissed anything, your the one who wants use yesterdays events to excuse 70 years of oppression, have at it

When you dismiss terrorism and it getting it’s just desserts, as oppression, you will be dismissed. By many, not just me, as we see in this thread.

Yesterday was diseased-dog behavior. Help the Palestinians to progress beyond being represented by this. That will help them more than all the Israel hate in the world.

When my thug neighbor is stabbing and raping his wife, I’m not gonna keep whining that his daddy was mean to him 40 years ago.

You need to order your thought processes to grow up immediately.

And I don’t even disagree that the decent peaceful Palestinians are being screwed by general conditions and history. But they’re being screwed much worse by the likes of PLO, Hamas, etc who use them as animalistic shock troops. Israel doesn’t even rate on this scale.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: datguy

originally posted by: stevieray
But this doesn’t excuse today’s behaviors like yesterday. You don’t see the types and scale of this behavior by Israel …. You just don’t.

This is very true, usually when the Israeli government strikes, they use high tech weaponry and don't have the need for such brutality. They do it from bunkers, miles away so they don't have to be "on location". They topple buildings on top of the one target hiding amongst civilians and destroy hospitals and schools, much like we see from Russian strikes

Edit to add: unlike Russia, Israel will wait to begin their incursion until they are sure of success. Ducks lined up in a row so to speak. It will be another shock and awe moment for the hearts and minds, and while hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people die, the world will cheer them on, because they will not see the carnage left behind.

So many dishonest little excuses and dodges in one small post.

You can’t avoid the cur-like behaviors of yesterday, so you dive right into the minutiae of military theory.

Funny to see you blame Israel for bombing a military target hidden inside of a Palestinian civilian area. They typically use grade schools, hospitals, playgrounds for this. This is why you don’t get serious consideration around here.
edit on 8-10-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

I just don't know.
I can make suggestions and point out the atrocities from all sides all day long it does nothing to definitively answer any of your questions.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

I just don't know.
I can make suggestions and point out the atrocities from all sides all day long it does nothing to definitively answer any of your questions.

Well that’s that. Question dismissed.

I like the immediate pivot to “all sides” after you were asked about Muslim / Arab / Persian devotion to ending Israel and all her people.

One of your classic tactics.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: stevieray

I have not dismissed any terrorism, in fact I have been pointing out terrorism this whole time.

If I could help these people I would.

It isn't that its just one incident that happened 40 years ago.
It has been happening ever since, it is ongoing. Its not a matter of simply holding a 70 year grudge, people on both sides have been dying regularly for the last 70 years. There is not one month that has gone by since that someone, usually a Palestinian, is killed.
My thought process is very clear.

Its actually not that funny that you don't blame Israel for callously killing innocent bystanders

@putnam, do you see the hypocracy i speak of?

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: stevieray

here is another of my "classic tactics" i use this one for irony


Massacre in Gaza: Israeli Forces Open Fire on Palestinians, Killing 18, Wounding As Many As 1,700

Edit to add, the article is 4 years old
edit on 08pm311200000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

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