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Gumballs And Immigration.

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posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 02:34 PM
Pretty illuminating very short video here from Roy Beck dealing with gumballs and immigration.

Whatever anyone's position on the subject I'd say it's well worth six minutes of your time.

Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau.

The 1996 version has been one of the most viewed policy presentations on the internet.

Would really be interested in folk's opinion on the content of the video.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I saw this 2 - 3 years ago and the man makes an excellent point. We can let refugees in by the millions like we currently are, but that just puts more and more strain on our system. We can only take so much till that system collapses.

Without getting political, the cities and states who claimed to want to be a sanctuary for immigrants, are now calling for Federal help because they are overwhelmed. They are getting a small taste of what Texas, New Mexico and Arizona have been experiencing for years now and their systems are not up to handling it.

We can NOT continue down this road.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 03:30 PM
What nobody in the world wants to address, yes there are 3 billion in the world that are living on less than $3 a day, this man classes them as living in poverty. But, but, what is poverty. If they are that poor why is there not billions of people dying through poverty? Because the affluent countries definition of poverty is totally different to these peoples definition of poverty. In our definition of poverty we think that we would die if we were like them, but the world in which they live is totally different to our world, the majority still survive, still eat but they aint got cars, they aint got air con, they aint got big houses etc. etc. and that's our definition of poverty. But they can still knock children out by the thousands. All the "poverty" stricken countries top the league of having children. Which leads to their hands out "think of the children".

Oh yes, there are a lot of people in these countries dying, but there's a lot of people dying in affluent countries.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Yes could not agree more David - I definitely see everyone as one species (how could you not?) but thought there was a really revealing UN document found here.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 03:54 PM

Watch Biden Border Agents Allow Illegals to Enter U.S. Through Opened Gate, Calmly Counting Heads

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Great way to get your audience to connect and visualize with the context of your presentation.

The audible groans were a nice touch.

This was 6 years ago, and at the rate he claims - ~1 million new immigrants per year since 1990, IF that's true, that would account for ~30 million immigrants since that time.

30 million...

He claims if we took on 2 million a year at the same pace (60 million), we would overwhelm our physical, natural and social infrastructures.

Take notice of the backlash that's starting to boil over currently.

Obama had ~49 million people on welfare and food stamps during his abomination of an administration. The '08 collapse while being a complete mismanagement and manipulation of the market was obviously exacerbated by our undo, but purposeful "generosity" and decades long immigration policies.

So my scenario centric math would put us at ~37 million immigrants (mostly illegal) currently within our country since 1990. Like I mentioned before a few times in other threads, and which the presenter also touched upon, is the quality factor; the ROI of these people.

Uneducated, poor, hungry, diseased and generally miserable people are not a benefit to any society that's already in deep decline. Then add in the interesting point the presenter made about them abandoning their own countries, where they could have actually lifted themselves up realistically if they stayed put, to instead run off to seek the uncertainty of pie in the sky offerings from seasoned political grifters.

What's going to happen when we can't, or even refuse to, subsidize these people that are already here?? What's the black community going to do when these supposed reparations never materialize? What are minority communities and communities in general going to do when these people DIRECTLY compete with their access to resources?

America is currently bleeding out of every orifice and the response is to allow an invading force of human mosquitos, the largest in history, completely eviscerating the previous record being the WW2 Nazi invasion of Barbarossa at 3.8 million. Think of that. As of 2020, it's close to 7 million from all over the world.

A special kind of storm is brewing by design and it's getting dodgy ASF out there.

Given the information presented, at the ~60 million mark, it's over for us socially and economically in just about every way imaginable.

As an example..

This news report below may seem like a low level problem, but it speaks to a wider issue and that's the assimilation process that's not happening. Instead, it's being ignored, tolerated and allowed to persist.

These illegals are just that, illegal, duh. They conducted multiple illegal methods to get here and regardless of being let in, it's STILL illegal! So what kind of people are these and we expect them to follow our laws?? I don't because I don't delude myself about what these people actually represent.

Eventually people will break and so will the systems that protect and support them. I can't guarantee it'll be in that order however.

Prepare accordingly folks.
edit on 9/20/2023 by EternalShadow because: eta

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

Some indisputable points made in your post there mate - I've travelled quite a bit and encountered genuine true poverty.. but they always came across as genuinely good people (apart from the folks in homicidal religious cults or cartels).

Always loved Bill Hicks for saying this.

Having said that if you read the Rockefeller UN documents then the first world being completely overwhelmed by men of fighting age (no women or kids or documents) appears to be part of the plan - also see Bill Gates Senior's PP organisation (apparently we are all just cannon fodder).

Also very interesting to note that thanks to insanely vast UN 'donations' the Saudi Arabian Wahhabis and Chinese technocrat communists play a insanely huge role in 'policy making'.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

This is happening in my coastal town 60 miles north of LA. In our parks and greenbelts.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: karl 12
That was eye opening and should be sent viral through everyone's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc...

As far as the question of 'how could we help, if not thru immigration?' -'s a personal anecdote:

When my daughter was 3 months old, I had to wean her from breast milk (due to my needing to go on medication for postpartum depression), and one day as I was stocking up on cans of formula, the girl at check out said, with a surprised little laugh, "Wow! You actually pay for it? You don't use WIC?" (the state aid program)

And I just smiled, shook my head, and walked out with my one and only contribution to world population...but what I wanted desperately to say -
- in direct answer to her question "You don't use WIC?", was:

"No...See, my husband and I don't believe in having more children than we can afford to feed."

And, I don't feel unjustified in thinking that one primary way wealthier countries could help the third world peoples is by giving them free and easily accessible birth control.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: karl 12
if you read the Rockefeller UN documents then the first world being completely overwhelmed by men of fighting age (no women or kids or documents) appears to be part of the plan - also see Bill Gates Senior's PP organisation (apparently we are all just cannon fodder).

I've just seen this:
Eagle Pass, Texas Issues Emergency Declaration After ‘Never-Ending Line’ Of Military-Aged Males From Venezuela Arrive to Border by Train

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Good to see you Lostgirl and yes, this looks like a coordinated effort.

Apparently it will not be televised.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Well rich countries governments give other poorer governments financial aid...why isn't it tickling down? It never seems to trickle down now does it?

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Trickle down economics came directly from the young paperclip Nazis at Bilderberg mate.

Actually amazing what people will believe if it comes from a 'new' technology but Aldous tried to warn us due to his older brother's antics with the Rockefellers and UNESCO.

Thanks for bringing that point up.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: EternalShadow

This is happening in my coastal town 60 miles north of LA. In our parks and greenbelts.

The quality of these people is astounding. They traveled all that way to sell hot dogs.


posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: karl 12

What about trickle up economics, can we explore that?

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 11:12 PM

edit on 9/20/2023 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: lostgirl
Having too many kids is not their problem, it's their solution. Think of the children. Mothers having a child gives them first go at the "humanitarian" food. The mothers seem to survive to keep having kids, never any sign of the fathers, because they have the food for the kids. Kid dies through malnutrition, meh, have another kid. That all sounds very nasty but it's their way of life.

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 08:20 AM
This whole open border fiasco is nothing more than part of the Cloward/Piven strategy espoused by progressives. Look at how many systems in the USA are severely compromised or already overloaded. Insidious, clever, and truly a long game being played out in front of our faces, under our noses.

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: EternalShadow

From San Diego or Latin America. Please explain.

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