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King Charles to receive huge pay rise from UK taxpayers

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posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: AlienBorg
I'm not British but this is just absolutely disgusting. The level of greed and opulance on show is already ridiculous and they just want to add to it. He was born and somehow that makes him more 'special' than someone who's studied years to become a doctor ? Even if someone didn't study but is working hard at a 9-5 job, that's something Charles boy can never understand or will never have to suffer through.
IMO this is also further part of the NWO plan : "You will own nothing but be happy". In other words they will own it all

I've heard it before Charles and the Royal Family are entitled to what they have because they are royals. What do you think of this argument. Actually there are people who will support it and argue passionately in favour of monarchy and whatever else is part of the package.

He was born. What makes him so special?

He was born in the right family...

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
It's not like Charles asked or petitioned for the money.
Which would have been a completely different issue. Time to go back to parliament an fix this.

Does he have to ask or petition for more money? What about the tradition where the King's power is derived from God.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: AlienBorg
I'm not British but this is just absolutely disgusting. The level of greed and opulance on show is already ridiculous and they just want to add to it. He was born and somehow that makes him more 'special' than someone who's studied years to become a doctor ? Even if someone didn't study but is working hard at a 9-5 job, that's something Charles boy can never understand or will never have to suffer through.
IMO this is also further part of the NWO plan : "You will own nothing but be happy". In other words they will own it all

I've heard it before Charles and the Royal Family are entitled to what they have because they are royals. What do you think of this argument. Actually there are people who will support it and argue passionately in favour of monarchy and whatever else is part of the package.

He was born. What makes him so special?

He was born in the right family...

He's not above anyone else just because he was born! You still have not answered. What makes him so special?
And not because he's simply born into the 'right' family

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg
He may as well get support from charities to supplement his income.

That's a good idea, too! Another helpful suggestion is to look for food pantries that give out food for the underprivileged. Surely there's a few somewhere near the Palace.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 09:20 PM
You know, we're poking fun at the Royals, in a good-natured way, but when you get to thinking about the situation, you have to go deeper.

The King probably doesn't do his own grocery shopping. He probably doesn't even eat store-bought lettuce. He's probably got thousands of gardeners, working on farms scattered all over the place, just so he can have fresh lettuce.

But.... what we're failing to take into account is that, whenever there's some state dinner or banquet he has to attend, it might be potluck and he would have to bring all the lettuce. That could be a WHOLE lot of lettuce he would be responsible for. And that's why he needs enough money so he can grow all the lettuce that might be needed. How would it look if the lettuce ran out right before the King of Norway Harald V got his serving of it? A terrible Royal Faux Pas indeed! Egads, man! Cor!

Before anyone thinks I'm poking fun at Harald V, I'm not. We're related and I send him a Christmas card every year. I keep hoping, though, that he'll invite me up to the palace some weekend, but it hasn't happened yet.

Why one year, when his son Haakon VI got married, I even included seasonal greetings to his new wife on the Christmas card. In my own way, I try to be thoughtful.
edit on 20-7-2023 by TrulyColorBlind because: I meant to say "palace" instead of "castle." So I corrected it.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: shooterbrody
Can you brexit the king?

You need to ask Germany or Denmark or even Greece.

Are they running the uk these days?

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

I’d prefer to have our King and Queen of Greece back…well, he just died I guess but his son…

You have never seen political corruption or nepotism up the yin Yang til you see Greece do it. We’d be better off with a church ordained monarch and no seperation of church and state (which we dont have now but I’d rather it go back to being more pronounced.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: AlienBorg
I'm not British but this is just absolutely disgusting. The level of greed and opulance on show is already ridiculous and they just want to add to it. He was born and somehow that makes him more 'special' than someone who's studied years to become a doctor ? Even if someone didn't study but is working hard at a 9-5 job, that's something Charles boy can never understand or will never have to suffer through.
IMO this is also further part of the NWO plan : "You will own nothing but be happy". In other words they will own it all

I've heard it before Charles and the Royal Family are entitled to what they have because they are royals. What do you think of this argument. Actually there are people who will support it and argue passionately in favour of monarchy and whatever else is part of the package.

He was born. What makes him so special?

He was born in the right family...

He's not above anyone else just because he was born! You still have not answered. What makes him so special?
And not because he's simply born into the 'right' family

The same circular argument...
He was born in the right family.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
a reply to: AlienBorg

I’d prefer to have our King and Queen of Greece back…well, he just died I guess but his son…

You have never seen political corruption or nepotism up the yin Yang til you see Greece do it. We’d be better off with a church ordained monarch and no seperation of church and state (which we dont have now but I’d rather it go back to being more pronounced.

Is this guy somehow related to Greece?

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:37 AM
I don't know how many staff the Monarch has, maybe couple thousand with all the full time, part time and casual jobs getting done. How much of a raise will they get? Hire a few more people maybe?

As for where this money goes, I don't know. Planes, places, events?

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Hey let's not forget he was the first one to announce 'the great reset'.

Must be great to just wake up one morning and decide to raise your annual salary from £86m to £125m.

While most of the the public's attention is falling on the obvious issues—the monarchy's increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the colossal waste of taxpayer resources that go towards the upkeep of the world's richest family and their multiple palaces, the dark history of slavery and other colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible—few are aware of just how dark the history of the royal family is, or just how twisted Charles' vision for the future of the United Kingdom—and, indeed the world—really is.

Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: AlienBorg
Yes, his father, the late Duke of Edinburgh was known as 'Phil the Greek'.
As to Charles' salary as Monarch, the 'pay increase' is around 50% less than it was so I understand. His 'salary' comes from the Crown Estates (as some of you understand).
Charles has always stated he would cut down on the 'non-working' Royals amongst many other things allowing more profit from the Crown Estates to go to the government to help the country. He's well known for hating waste and being a little 'tight fisted'.
As to his personal income as King from his own private holdings, much of that passed on to William when Charles became King e.g. Duchy of Cornwall.
As a classic example of his 'cut backs', he has removed the 'entitlement' his brother Andrew used to get from the Duchy of Lancaster.

King Charles rejects £32m pay rise and asks for windfarm profits to be used for ‘wider public good’

A good article explaining some of the nuances of the Drown Estate and Charles' salary as Monarch

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel

Yes, his father, the late Duke of Edinburgh was known as 'Phil the Greek'.

Yes, Jimmy Saville's best mate.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 03:55 AM
know what the mortgages are on all
the castles?

i hear the elec bills are ridiculous.

wish i was getting a raise.

he should supplement his income like biden does.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 04:00 AM
Biggest bunch of benifit cheats ever.
They are all a total waste of space, land, property, flesh and all the other resources they consume.
I don't give a s#!t about the, "they are good for tourism" boll@c£s.
They should be got rid of, made to get a real job and made to live like the rest of us.
Makes me sick.
I'm from the UK btw

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 04:01 AM
Do they welcome AlienBorgs at Buckingham Palace?

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: shinzaun
Biggest bunch of benifit cheats ever.
They are all a total waste of space, land, property, flesh and all the other resources they consume.
I don't give a s#!t about the, "they are good for tourism" boll@c£s.
They should be got rid of, made to get a real job and made to live like the rest of us.
Makes me sick.
I'm from the UK btw

I am not from the UK but I know Brits who will support the monarchy with passion. As the matter of fact the majority of Brits support monarchy and will try to defend it.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 04:36 AM
worth pointing out that there was a reason charlie was going to be king george when he ascended the throne as a king charles is linked to the protestant end time prophecies..

again until his ascension he was going to be an all faiths king but instead opted to be a protestant king no the day..

these prophecies are that we are entering the era of the 5th monarchy, which indicate that last period of man on earth as it ushers in the kingdom of saints.

worth feathering alongside this the Blair bush end times war and that Iraq was the armageddon war to usher in the end times

alongside that was the london 2012 olympics that also has tens of thousands of protestants passionately praying to unleash gods love on earth in the fore of a fire igniting Protestantism.. the eye of sauron look of the cauldron in 2012 had an alternate meaning as each country got to take their petal and the fire back to their home country*

*if water of gods love drowned everyone its not hard to see what the fire of his love would do..

it all has an end times death cult feel to it so I was surprised he chose charlie3 over george given the prophecies..

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

Details published by Treasury show royal family’s grant is expected to increase from £86m to £125m in 2025

King Charles III is to receive a huge pay rise from the UK taxpayer, according to government plans to boost public funding of the monarchy by 45% from 2025.

Details of the increase, which comes against the backdrop of a cost of living crisis, were contained in a review of royal funding published by the Treasury on Thursday. It revealed the royal family’s grant is due to increase from £86m to £125m.

The monarchy’s annual budget, known as the sovereign grant, is pegged against the profits from a national property portfolio called the crown estate

Our friends from the UK and the Commonwealth can comment and discuss whether they support monarchy and whether the taxpayer should pay for Kings Charles III and his family. The current royal grant is £86M which is approximately $111M, and is expected to rise to £125M which is around $161M.

coin toss maybe worth considering this in line with the crown estate currently netting £442.6 million in profits during 22/23 which goes into the public purse to spend as gov will.

the deal is that gov controls the monarchs purse in exchange for control of the crown estate, at this point the gov gets more than it gives even without considering the tourist element

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: AlienBorg
I'm not British but this is just absolutely disgusting. The level of greed and opulance on show is already ridiculous and they just want to add to it. He was born and somehow that makes him more 'special' than someone who's studied years to become a doctor ? Even if someone didn't study but is working hard at a 9-5 job, that's something Charles boy can never understand or will never have to suffer through.
IMO this is also further part of the NWO plan : "You will own nothing but be happy". In other words they will own it all

I've heard it before Charles and the Royal Family are entitled to what they have because they are royals. What do you think of this argument. Actually there are people who will support it and argue passionately in favour of monarchy and whatever else is part of the package.

He was born. What makes him so special?

he inherits the crown estates which netted £400 plus million in profits for the state last year to spend as parliament wishes as they get to spend it all rather than just take a lump of that profit in taxes.. the value of that portfolio increased to £15bn last year which they can also borrow against..

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