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Who Was Seth Rich? (And Why You Should Know, If You Don't)

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posted on May, 6 2023 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Mrs Darko

Bravo Mrs Darko.

And kudos, praise, and blessings to your hubbins for unleashing you upon our humble internet mental asylum.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: Mrs Darko


Is Pizzagate.. cough...

Pizza gate still a banned topic?

No. So long as the discourse remains civil and no pictures/vids that would break any laws are attached, all topics now have the green light at "ATS 2.0"

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Mrs Darko

Bravo Mrs Darko.

And kudos, praise, and blessings to your hubbins for unleashing you upon our humble internet mental asylum.

Well, I think he's just glad that I have somewhere to dump all the data I've been collecting all these years, but haven't been able to find a "worthy" place to put it out for the public - Reddit would be "pearls before swine", imo.

Thank you so much to all of you who have welcomed us into your world.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: SirHardHarry

originally posted by: matafuchs
and Michael Hastings...and Brietbart....and Danny Casolaro...amazing how people can be silenced....

Lawsuits, or the potential for lawsuits for pushing false info will do that.

You know what? I'm not worried at all - I think this world's so far off the deep end, already, that TPTB don't have the time or resources anymore to focus on "truthers" and "conspiracy theorists", for one thing, and when ppl say that, I am reminded of Orwell's quote from Nineteen Eighty-Four

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.
If that is granted, all else follows.

People seeking truth (and who aren't COINTELPRO operatives or otherwise alternatively motivated) are generally capable of not posting things that are illegal or dangerous for us or the rest of the staff, but ATS 1.0 (before us) seemed to err on the side of paranoia and take that ability away from people, full-stop.

And I'm sorry, I just don't (and can't, tbh) support that type of mindset.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: SirHardHarry

originally posted by: matafuchs
and Michael Hastings...and Brietbart....and Danny Casolaro...amazing how people can be silenced....

Lawsuits, or the potential for lawsuits for pushing false info will do that.

Oh, hey.

Those guys are all dead. Like permanently silenced.....

I'm thinking we should add another forum for "The permanently silenced/canceled", to highlight these deaths, as many seem to be afraid to even mention them, much less discuss why they were targeted and by whom.

Imo, it's spiritually and psychologically unhealthy/draining (and also promotes a sort of paranoia amongst those that wouldn't typically BE that way) to disallow certain topics from being spoken about in any social group - whether it's a couple, a family, or a platform such as ATS.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 09:35 AM
The Murder of Seth Rich , continued...
Statements by Assange

Certain statements by Assange open the possibility that Seth Rich was a source (or a believed source) for Wikileaks.

1) "It’s, I think, interesting and acceptable to speculate who our sources are. But if we’re talking about the DNC, there’s lots of consultants that have access, lots of programmers."

2) Julian Assange was interviewed for the Dutch television program Nieuwsuur by Twan Huys. Selected statements, (excerpts from a longer interview) in chronological order (omitting vocal pauses) are quoted below. A = Julian Assange; H = Twan Huys.

A: "We have a lot of material related to the . . . DNC." A: "We never discuss sources ruling them out, ruling them in, . . . ."

H: " . . . , does it matter that the source of these emails . . . is most likely from . . . , Russia . . . ?" A: "Well, that's false."

A: “Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As a 27-year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington, . . . .”

H: “That was just a robbery, I believe. Wasn’t it?” A: “No." "There’s no finding … I’m suggesting that our sources take risks.”

H: "But was he one of your sources then?" A: "We don't comment on who our sources are."[1]

H: “Then why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington?” A: “Because we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States, and that our sources face serious risks. That’s why they come to us. So we can protect their anonymity.”

H: ". . . to suggest a murder, that's basically what you are doing." A: ". . . others have suggested that. We are investigating . . . with Seth Rich. . . . there's not a conclusion yet." A: "We are concerned about it, and more importantly, a variety of WikiLeaks sources are concerned when that kind of thing happens."

Soon after that interview on Twitter Wikileaks posted "a $20,000 reward for information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich."

3) If the theory that it was a Russian hack which was the source the Wikileaks DNA emails, were confirmed, that might be used as an argument to discount Seth Rich as a Wikileaks source. However, in addition to Assange's direct denial of a Russian source, Assange argued against the Russian hack theory saying:

"Russia has been brought up . . . ." "There are claims that in the metadata (a digital trail of any changes made to a file) someone’s done a document to PDF conversion, and . . . , in some cases the language of the computer that was used for that conversion was Russian. "So . . . [that would be] circumstantial evidence that some Russian was involved or someone who wanted to make it look like a Russian was involved." "That’s not the case for the material that we released."

Wikipedia bias
As of August 15, 2016, the article in En.wikipedia ("Murder of Seth Rich") had a motion to delete template on it, delete on grounds of not being notable, although at one point it was getting 1500 daily views. It was so allegedly unnotable that a strong debate was generated there on the talk page and on the Delete Articles section, where editors essentially "voted" to Keep vs. Delete, allegedly on the grounds of non-notability. Among the arguments for deleting the article there was a repetitious reference to the talking point "conspiracy theory," though the article said nothing at all about a conspiracy theory. Also, as of August 17, 2016, the Wiki editor who started this article, was officially blocked by an administrator. His talk page said: "You have been blocked indefinitely from editing because it appears that you are not here to build an encyclopedia." As of August 21, 2016, the motion to delete was denied on grounds of no consensus, although a derogatory false comment was attached attacking some of those who argued in favor of "Keep." Soon after, the article was summarily locked down until August 27, 2016, and a request for mediation was filed.

Despite the fact that the article was not deleted, several details about the murder were deleted from the article by the same editors who advocated for deletion, leaving the article a rather short stub article. And as of August 24, 2016, there was a continuing debate and vote on the talk page of that article as to "Should this article mention the fact that WikiLeaks offered $20,000 in reward money for providing information regarding the perpetrator of this crime?" along with this template warning: "Template
s/talk notice," which warned: "This article is subject to discretionary sanctions."

On September 18, 2016, less than a month after the previous motion to delete failed, a second motion to delete was started by the same editors who tried to delete it the first time, but once again, on October 4, the motion to delete was denied, as there was "no consensus."

Later reports
In May 2017, Fox News Channel reported that the FBI knew Seth Rich had made contact with WikiLeaks. The liberal mainstream media have chosen not to cover this report, which was uncovered by Fox News.The White House declined to comment on the revelations. Rich's family and the D.C. police denied confirmation of reports. Several questions, according to some news outlets, remained unanswered up to that time.[59] Fox News retracted the report several days later. Conservative commentator on Fox News, Sean Hannity, did not retract anything he stated, noting the fact that liberals and Democrats themselves widely accepted and circulated conspiracy theories, most notably those regarding alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 09:40 AM
To wrap it up:

Because of Hannity's decision, liberal advertisers chose to pressure and bully him by pulling out their ads from his show.

References without links:

[1] Cf. ‪Twitter, @AbrahamLincthun, replying to ‪‪@Real_Assange "It is easy to account 4 a couple of intended Robbers not taking anything & running. But ur nods seem significant" ‪#SethRich 9:51 PM - 1 Jul 2017 1 Like [by Assange] -- Assange had made 3 slight nods during interview which seemed to confirm Seth Rich as Wikileaks source. [emphasis editor]

Also, there appear to be some links on the entry that are now dead - if anyone has those available, I'd be thrilled if you'd contribute them below.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555

originally posted by: Mrs Darko
BECAUSE this topic altogether was banned from ATS for some time

What caliber weapon killed Seth Rich?

Seth Rich Attended Party With 'IT Workers' The Night He Was Killed - Possible Awan Connection

FBI Now Wants 66 Years Before Releasing Information on Seth Rich They DENIED they had

FBI weapons were stolen in DC the night of Seth Rich's murder

Audio: Seymour Hersh States Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks Source

Seth Rich also shows up in other threads that search brings up.

I guess I don’t understand why we give a FF anymore.

Assange won’t give us the truth, or Hannity, or Rich’s family.

They’re the ones who could, they’re not gonna, we’re wasting our time dicking around with it.

It’s been 6-8 years now, even the full story is now a footnote to history, a minor thing that won’t matter even if we knew.

Would’ve mattered in the last 2 elections. Too late now. Assange may be, or may as well be, controlled opposition.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: stevieray

Of course the story was killed, but by who?

Did you stop talking about it?
Did the media tell you to stop talking about it?

We get told not to discuss anything that's outside of the "Official Narrative" by the media, and then Media Followers start calling anyone that does a "Conspiracy Theorist" (or as they say Alex Jones). Ever notice it's always about stores that don't add up but are used to push policies or political motives. Never do we hear about the media shoving "Conspiracy Theorist" on someone exposing a parking ticket scam, or a cover up at a fast-food business (I mean unless it's that body cut chop behind the McDonalds meat processing center. Did that ever get covered up fast).

The media pushing whatever "Official Narrative" that they are told too, and try and create an atmosphere of hate for anyone not following along.

We don't know what happened to Hannity or Seth's family that prevents them from talking, but we do know that a Secretary of State investigated and tried to conduct a drone lead air-strike on Assange while in London at the Ecuadorian Embassy. Obama was smart to shut that down, but I digress, this is the level of hate and access these people have that are trying to cover up.

The Rich Murder isn't something that should have went silent. If you weren't talking about it, then you should ask yourself why?

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 07:51 PM

I guess I don’t understand why we give a FF anymore.

Assange won’t give us the truth, or Hannity, or Rich’s family.

They’re the ones who could, they’re not gonna, we’re wasting our time dicking around with it.

It’s been 6-8 years now, even the full story is now a footnote to history, a minor thing that won’t matter even if we knew.

Would’ve mattered in the last 2 elections. Too late now. Assange may be, or may as well be, controlled opposition.

We have one coming up in less than 2 years, so yes, it's just as relevant as JFK's assassination was in the lead-up to the 1988 elections, when former CIA head George H.W. Bush was able to grab the presidency simply bc no one really knew about his (now obvious) involvement with that.

Do you think that people would've been more careful and use a lot more discernment, had they known what we know now? I think they would.

I personally DGAF if you don't care about this topic - others do, and I posted for them, not just you. Sometimes, we tend to be far too ego-centric about a forum such as this, thinking that because WE don't care, that EVERYONE doesn't too, when that's not the case at all.

I don't personally care about certain topics that are discussed here/think most UFO sighting stories are kooky/have no bearing whatsoever on the political or social atmosphere of the 21st Century ; Do I # on people's posts talking about it or try to say, "we're wasting our time dicking around with this"? Nope. I just ignore it and move on.

I highly suggest you do the same.

Also, the fact that at ATS 1.0, people could talk about Seth Rich, but had to purposely avoid certain aspects of it that ultimately lead to "banned topics" such as the P-Gate thing, means we DO need to dig these topics up again, because they were buried with A # TON of unanswered questions, and to me, that's no better than what the Chinese do with their entire internet structure (and how the populace remains woefully ignorant of the world as a whole, as a result).
edit on 07pmSun, 07 May 2023 19:54:37 -0500k2023 by Mrs Darko because: wanted to add...

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I believe it's is "PizzaGate" and Comet pizza. There was allegedly child trafficking going on there but nothing ever came from it.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: jarsue97
a reply to: TzarChasm

I believe it's is "PizzaGate" and Comet pizza. There was allegedly child trafficking going on there but nothing ever came from it.

Not really - this is the problem I have with the zeitgeist surrounding this topic: TPTB put SO MUCH PRESSURE on the site owners hosting this material at the time, that it got stuck HERE. Comet was just the TIP OF THE ICEBURG in regards to this, and Darko and I were even working on a documentary about it for a while, until the material we were just READING about (not anything that could be considered illegal, but from very reliable sources and material from the EU/UK), in and of itself, made us so sick, we both started becoming malnourished and unhealthy in general, with nightmares every single night, children's screams of pain and torment echoing in our ears as we bolted up in horror - many times, we just had to give one another a long hug, while the other cried, because it was just TOO F'ING MUCH.

The WHY is certainly far, FAR more than just old guys getting their rocks off hurting little kids. There was a long-standing, methodical program spanning 4 generations or more that we slowly unraveled during that time, and we're hoping that we can release this info on this platform (without the aspects of it that gave us those nightmares, or that could result in criminal prosecution just for having it, much less posting it) over time.
edit on 07pmSun, 07 May 2023 20:35:53 -0500k2023 by Mrs Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Mrs Darko

I guess I don’t understand why we give a FF anymore.

Assange won’t give us the truth, or Hannity, or Rich’s family.

They’re the ones who could, they’re not gonna, we’re wasting our time dicking around with it.

It’s been 6-8 years now, even the full story is now a footnote to history, a minor thing that won’t matter even if we knew.

Would’ve mattered in the last 2 elections. Too late now. Assange may be, or may as well be, controlled opposition.

We have one coming up in less than 2 years, so yes, it's just as relevant as JFK's assassination was in the lead-up to the 1988 elections, when former CIA head George H.W. Bush was able to grab the presidency simply bc no one really knew about his (now obvious) involvement with that.

Do you think that people would've been more careful and use a lot more discernment, had they known what we know now? I think they would.

I personally DGAF if you don't care about this topic - others do, and I posted for them, not just you. Sometimes, we tend to be far too ego-centric about a forum such as this, thinking that because WE don't care, that EVERYONE doesn't too, when that's not the case at all.

I don't personally care about certain topics that are discussed here/think most UFO sighting stories are kooky/have no bearing whatsoever on the political or social atmosphere of the 21st Century ; Do I # on people's posts talking about it or try to say, "we're wasting our time dicking around with this"? Nope. I just ignore it and move on.

I highly suggest you do the same.

Also, the fact that at ATS 1.0, people could talk about Seth Rich, but had to purposely avoid certain aspects of it that ultimately lead to "banned topics" such as the P-Gate thing, means we DO need to dig these topics up again, because they were buried with A # TON of unanswered questions, and to me, that's no better than what the Chinese do with their entire internet structure (and how the populace remains woefully ignorant of the world as a whole, as a result).

I think you missed my point. I was even talking to someone else but be that as it may, I was saying “why GAS if the persons with the proof will never give it up ? “. We down here don’t have anything to show, so what’s useful about us being all invested in it ?”
If you have something on Bush for JFK, or the p-gate phenomenon…. Then do something good for the world and show it. Don’t be like those other guys.
Bush hasn’t paid any price at all. We have cool stories that we go on and on about. But he got to be President and only missed a second term because of Perot splitting the GOP vote, and a couple of classic Dukakis moments. And then lived out his life for decades after that as “a great American icon”.
He suffered not a whit and rode high on the hog, just like Teddy Kennedy until his end.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: stevieray

Of course the story was killed, but by who?

Did you stop talking about it?
Did the media tell you to stop talking about it?

We get told not to discuss anything that's outside of the "Official Narrative" by the media, and then Media Followers start calling anyone that does a "Conspiracy Theorist" (or as they say Alex Jones). Ever notice it's always about stores that don't add up but are used to push policies or political motives. Never do we hear about the media shoving "Conspiracy Theorist" on someone exposing a parking ticket scam, or a cover up at a fast-food business (I mean unless it's that body cut chop behind the McDonalds meat processing center. Did that ever get covered up fast).

The media pushing whatever "Official Narrative" that they are told too, and try and create an atmosphere of hate for anyone not following along.

We don't know what happened to Hannity or Seth's family that prevents them from talking, but we do know that a Secretary of State investigated and tried to conduct a drone lead air-strike on Assange while in London at the Ecuadorian Embassy. Obama was smart to shut that down, but I digress, this is the level of hate and access these people have that are trying to cover up.

The Rich Murder isn't something that should have went silent. If you weren't talking about it, then you should ask yourself why?

Same here. I like the interesting and well developed Rich threads and have partaken often. I’m asking a philosophical question….. why keep rehashing it when we don’t have the goods, and the people who do are keeping it locked down ? We’ve said all that can be said unless somebody down here has a magical cache of proof And people like Assange who are celebrated as fabulous whistle blowers are hiding it all. It’s damned frustrating and annoying, that’s all. We’ve had what we have for 6-7 years now. The game breaker is tightly in private hands.
Oh, and I’m not suggesting that anyone do or don’t do anything ….. just don’t even care if you do.
Simply Asking what we’re going to achieve dissecting the same stuff yet again. It was fun and intriguing the first 18 times, but will #19 yield something new ?
edit on 7-5-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:23 AM
I think Seth Rich was a warning to anyone in the democratic party thinking about blowing the whistle on criminal wrongdoing.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: DeepBass
I think you’re right, but I’m still disgusted by the lack of interest in justice / revenge by those who should and can.
I’m sure it’s a tough row to hoe, a real load-a-hay.
Look at the full court press on the people with the proof, by the Biden lawyers.
But that’s not the point, not if he’s your son, or you’re the “world’s greatest whistle blower”.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Mrs Darko

He was a disillusioned leaker and was murdered for crossing the DNC and Hillary.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 03:43 PM

edit on 31-5-2023 by Seeker1910 because: (no reason given)

Sorry empty post....I was trying to respond to Dashen and Mrs. Darko but I am new at this.

edit on 31-5-2023 by Seeker1910 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 03:47 PM
Lets not pretend that ATS isn't run by the glow'n-word's.
reply to: Mrs Darko

posted on Jun, 17 2023 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: telemagenta

Don't ruin the surprise!

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