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People who took the jab - How do you move forward?

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posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:21 PM
Start out by saying yes, I am in my 40's and triple vaxed/boosted. I truly truly did not want to get the shot. I held out, I fought, I stalled, I argued. My gut feeling was very much "Do not get this thing". But alas, I have a wife who teaches public school and there were people all around us getting very sick from Covid (a few died). So after it basically came down to getting vaccinated or getting divorced/fired from my job/cast away by family and friends, I finally broke down and got it. FML.

At this point, after witnessing hundreds of countless strange and unexplained sudden deaths (over 100 Euro league football players have died since 2020) I believe it is a forgone conclusion that this shot was absolutely toxic. Whether it was done for greed, incompetence, pure evil or a combination of reasons, that is open for debate.

My question - How do those of you who received the jab cope with the fact that your body is now a time bomb, creating spike proteins uncontrolled and God knows what else. How do you wrap your mind around it? I experience a range of emotions on a daily basis, especially now that the mainstream news is reporting that there are definite signs of problems, it just confirms what many of us already knew. I go from extreme anger to anxiety to fear. I think of my niece and nephew who are both under the age of 12 and vaccinated with this evil muck. My entire family is in this same boat. Some days I just hate this world and the evil within it and feel such hopelessness. It truly feels like I have a time bomb in my immune system waiting to go off at any time.

How the f*** do you manage to swallow that? And then the fact that you essentially did it to yourself. That you defied your own instincts and trusted these evil scum who have now sentenced us all to this vile existence? Every time I think of making plans or think of opening a new business or of doing anything normal, I cringe at the state the world is in. That normal is likely gone forever. That we allowed this to happen.

I guess I am just asking how people who "know" the realities are also getting on with it at this point? I am sure plenty of people still firmly have their heads buried in the dirt like an ostrich refusing to believe the truth, but for me that ship has sailed. I don't care to argue with those who wish to deny what is happening and live in an alternate reality. I would love to hear the thoughts of those who are in the same #ty, burning boat that I find myself in. Not trying to be morbid or a Debbie Downer, but I am having a hard time finding the silver lining.
edit on 3/29/23 by DiabolicEdict because: spelling

edit on 3/29/23 by DiabolicEdict because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

To help with the spike protein:

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

Think positive.

You or your nieces or family members might have gotten the placebo.

There’s definitely something very very odd and wrong with the whole C19 and resultant mass vax program.

For what reasons was it done, we’ll likely never ever know.

Where I live it’s like it never happened, no one talks about Covid or vax or anything connected to it at all anymore, why I don’t know could be complete apathy or could be denial.

All you can do is just try to keep on keeping on and don’t let it get you down.


posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Marlborough Red
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

Think positive.

You or your nieces or family members might have gotten the placebo.

There’s definitely something very very odd and wrong with the whole C19 and resultant mass vax program.

For what reasons was it done, we’ll likely never ever know.

Where I live it’s like it never happened, no one talks about Covid or vax or anything connected to it at all anymore, why I don’t know could be complete apathy or could be denial.

All you can do is just try to keep on keeping on and don’t let it get you down.


Use AK from from Dr. David R Hawkins and Dr. Diamond (Applied Kinesiology). You tube it and learn how to use it. Don't just hope you took the placebo, find out if you did or not.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

You're a victim of the conspiracy. You're not a #ing time bomb, they just convinced you that you are.

70% of the WORLD POPULATION got the jab. Do you think they consider themselves to be time bombs? You read a bunch of crap and now you're convinced of it but it isn't necessarily true. It's been a while and I don't see people falling dead yet.

Do yourself a favor and think for yourself. Greet all of the vax threads with contempt. In fact, if I were you I wouldn't even read them. This is why I'm often against them. It's people who didn't get vaxxed doom porning about a grand conspiracy that probably isn't close to what they're piping it up to be.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

How do you wrap your mind around it? I experience a range of emotions on a daily basis, especially now that the mainstream news is reporting that there are definite signs of problems, it just confirms what many of us already knew. I go from extreme anger to anxiety to fear.

Okay we are in large part Mind and what I mean by that is our body , organs , Autonomic Nervous System , Cells, Immune system all of it is wrapped up into a psychosomatic mind.

You see things on the internet you hear things on the News they send your mind into fight or flight mode , this weakens your immune system , it can make things go chaotic in your body . Yes the vaccine is not great and anyone who hasn't come to terms with that is just lying to themselves.

Maintain a good diet , Take Pro-Biotics they are excellent for your immune system , Exercise I cant stress that enough EXERCISE when you exercise your are literally Recycling the cells in your body and flushing toxins out so your body can make new healthy cells. But stop allowing your self to live in fear of the Vaccine , Rise above it and carry on. Stop worrying about things that you literally cannot do a damn thing about .

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

I, too, am vaccinated and boosted, somewhat older than you.

How do I manage?

Well, I trust my doctor. Doctors actually. My "medical team" has been with me, taking care of my needs for almost twenty years now; ever since the massive heart attack I had in my forties.

He/they tell me, based on the regular tests they have me submit to, that I am not only healthy, but that some of my health indicators are actually improving; weight and blood pressure are excellent (although I still have about 20lbs to lose to get back to my high school weight goal), and various blood components all normal.

So, do I believe the team that literally saved my life decades ago, and continues to care for me, while I feel better now than I did even five years ago when I retired....

Or do I believe a bunch of "experts" on the internet, who I have never heard of, nor ever vetted, who are trying to convince me that I'm about to die because of a shot I had months ago?

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Waiting for the usual suspects to chime in and unfortunately tell everyone that they're going to die.

The vax conspiracy is overblown garbage and watch the ones that push it. It's ALL they post about, like they're obsessed with it. Maybe they can link to some clowns on bitchute to help explain the prognosis.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: DiabolicEdict
Start out by saying yes, I am in my 40's and triple vaxed/boosted. I truly truly did not want to get the shot. I held out, I fought, I stalled, I argued. My gut feeling was very much "Do not get this thing". But alas, I have a wife who teaches public school and there were people all around us getting very sick from Covid (a few died). So after it basically came down to getting vaccinated or getting divorced/fired from my job/cast away by family and friends, I finally broke down and got it. FML.

At this point, after witnessing hundreds of countless strange and unexplained sudden deaths (over 100 Euro league football players have died since 2020) I believe it is a forgone conclusion that this shot was absolutely toxic. Whether it was done for greed, incompetence, pure evil or a combination of reasons, that is open for debate.

My question - How do those of you who received the jab cope with the fact that your body is now a time bomb, creating spike proteins uncontrolled and God knows what else. How do you wrap your mind around it? I experience a range of emotions on a daily basis, especially now that the mainstream news is reporting that there are definite signs of problems, it just confirms what many of us already knew. I go from extreme anger to anxiety to fear. I think of my niece and nephew who are both under the age of 12 and vaccinated with this evil muck. My entire family is in this same boat. Some days I just hate this world and the evil within it and feel such hopelessness. It truly feels like I have a time bomb in my immune system waiting to go off at any time.

How the f*** do you manage to swallow that? And then the fact that you essentially did it to yourself. That you defied your own instincts and trusted these evil scum who have now sentenced us all to this vile existence? Every time I think of making plans or think of opening a new business or of doing anything normal, I cringe at the state the world is in. That normal is likely gone forever. That we allowed this to happen.

I guess I am just asking how people who "know" the realities are also getting on with it at this point? I am sure plenty of people still firmly have their heads buried in the dirt like an ostrich refusing to believe the truth, but for me that ship has sailed. I don't care to argue with those who wish to deny what is happening and live in an alternate reality. I would love to hear the thoughts of those who are in the same #ty, burning boat that I find myself in. Not trying to be morbid or a Debbie Downer, but I am having a hard time finding the silver lining.

I think there are 2 key things you should do:

1. Fight it, and don't give up. We are all gonna die one day, its just a matter of when. Look up your batch toxicity on to get a better idea of how toxic your batch is. A lot of people got either saline/placebo doses or very low doses of mRNA. The amount can vary between 3 mcg to 300 mcg.

Create a protocol and stick to it. The FLCCC created a post vaccination protocol:

One of the biggest things you can do to rebuild your immune system is fasting, such as a 3 day fast. It's even better than intermittent fasting. Also checkout nattokinase for preventing those fibrous clots.

Get bloodwork done and see if you can compare it to your old blood work such as CBC with differential and immune system markers, hormones levels, etc.

Find a good doctor like one from There is also a support community for vaxx injured victims there.

Get a cardiac workup and test for d-dimer and troponin. Dr McCullough recommends anyone who got vaccinated to get a cardiac work which could include cardiac mri and ekg, etc. That way you can rule out myocarditis.

2. Get your affairs in order. There's no reason to think something bad will happen but I'd suggest getting your will in order and things like DNR, organ donor, etc. Most people who don't think they have anything to worry about should do this anyway.

No one really knows what these injections will do long term because there is no long term data but that doesn't mean you can't try to detox.

edit on 29-3-2023 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

You're a victim of the conspiracy. You're not a #ing time bomb, they just convinced you that you are.

70% of the WORLD POPULATION got the jab. Do you think they consider themselves to be time bombs? You read a bunch of crap and now you're convinced of it but it isn't necessarily true. It's been a while and I don't see people falling dead yet.

Do yourself a favor and think for yourself. Greet all of the vax threads with contempt. In fact, if I were you I wouldn't even read them. This is why I'm often against them. It's people who didn't get vaxxed doom porning about a grand conspiracy that probably isn't close to what they're piping it up to be.

You should re-read his post. He mentioned he didn't want to hear from anyone with this opinion, IE head buried in sand.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

How do you cope?

First, remind yourself that you don't know as much as you think you know... and keep what you do know in proper context and perspective.

All vaccines cause adverse effects in some people, due to genetic factors, pre-existing conditions, allergic reactions, etc. So that would account for some deaths and injuries.

It's also possible/likely there were some bad batches used, which caused deaths/injuries to the recipients, but wouldn't impact all vax patients.

There could also be problems with how the vax was administered... should it be injected into muscle instead of the blood stream or vice versa? Was it improperly aspirated or not at all?

There are medical protocols around for minimizing or avoiding adverse effects, and I'm sure someone(s) will provide that info for you.

Generally speaking, don't borrow trouble! Take reasonable precautions for reasonable risks, and then live your life.
edit on 29-3-2023 by Boadicea because: Clarity

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:30 PM
I had gotten 3x vaxxed. It was also forced for much of the same reason only I am the educator. I was gonna be put on the street by my family.

As of right now. I just try to ibe my best life and be as healthy as possible. We will all die one day. I am a bit perturbed that this was forced to an extent. I did it to myself. But do not kick myself. When it's my time, It's my time. Even if it is prematurely. BTW. Going to the site to see how to nullify this situation I have got in.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:30 PM
How do I deal with OK Don't really care one way or the other. I could be like the OP and think I'm living on borrowed time with a never-ending infestation of spike protein eating me inside out, but hey I like to live in reality and enjoy my life.

BTW what is it that I'm supposed to be dealing with here if I'm healthy as hell for 63?

edit on 29-3-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

You should re-read his post. He mentioned he didn't want to hear from anyone with this opinion, IE head buried in sand.

You are not even vaxxed so maybe follow your own advice in the OP wasn't looking for a post from the unvacced either.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

I got the poke and two years later I feel fine just like countless others. I'm not saying people aren't having issues but I'm not gonna live in fear like you described.

The truth is you have no facts just like the long term effects of the vaccine that was pushed on everyone.

Best just to ignore everyones opinion until I know for sure I'm gonna burst into flames

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:42 PM
I can understand your dread and fear, but the only solution is to think positive. I know its cliche and next to impossible. The way I see it is, free your mind and your @ss will follow. I was in a treatment facility with 25 men. They came for us to get the jab. I asked to see the waiver, full well knowing I wasnt getting the jab anyway. 3 times they made excuses why I couldnt see the waiver, but just get the shot. I tried to reason with my peer's. Why would old age homes, the incarcerated, and us treatment facilities get priority? we are a net loss to society! I was the only man to hold out and refuse, and I can tell you standing alone, with that much pressure is VERY difficult. Imagine 25 bad@ss people, looking at you and still not succumbing to the pressure. BUT, These weren't family or loved one's, so i can only imagine the pressure you faced. I imagine it was much more difficult for you. You had no choice because the loss you would have taken would be devestating. I probably wont get a liver transplant, that I need, because I didnt take the shot. Im still gonna say no. Not because the fear of the shot, but on principle and politics alone. I would rather die then say I gave in, even to save my life. thats a hard pill to swallow. But nobody will be able to say I didnt stand up for my principle's even if it cost me my life. Also Later through my own sluething, I found out what they were given, wasnt what was actually administered. What the were given was the first one pulled off the market. Imagine their horror and my relief? I felt vindicated. So all I can say to you my friend is you didnt have a choice, and there is no shame in that. Alot of people were manipulated, coerced, forced to do it at the cost of great loss. You were one of them. Free your mind, your @ss will follow. You got the placebo. you got the expired and therefore irrelevent dose. just go on like nothing happened and feel better knowing that at some point you can say.....I told you so. bless you

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: JDmOKI

Best just to ignore everyones opinion until I know for sure I'm gonna burst into flames

Having every vaccine in the books in me I found it to be pretty damn close to the least reaction of anything I have ever had. I agree with your point here in that people jump down whatever rabbit hole they want, and it is just an endless pit that pushes people towards an Illness anxiety disorder.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict
Just had a similar conversation with a family member who took the jab and is having a very hard time coming to terms with the fact.

Live your life to the fullest. Don't live in the past, move forward. Whatever you wanted to accomplish before Covid came along, keep working toward that end. Anger and bitterness will only slow you down and divert your attention from living your life and being the best you can be from this day forward.

Best wishes for a full and fulfilling life.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 06:06 PM
I also forgot to add to get right with God. I think there is more to existence than this life and your role on earth is to both gain spiritual learning and leave the place better than when you entered it.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: DiabolicEdict

How do those of you who received the jab cope with the fact that your body is now a time bomb?

I got the Moderna vaccine (a 2 parts).
The first shot I got, no side effects whatsoever.

Shot number 2 not so well.

After receiving my second shot, I got very dizzy 40 minutes later. Severe pressure in my sinuses and left ear went somewhat dimmed tunnel sounding. On the left side of my tongue, it lost taste, but had a strong metallic taste that lasted up to 5 months ago.

Best part of all this, my heart which was already enlarged had increased in size (I'm not a jogger).

I know my times coming and I'm at peace with that.

Recently I've become more conscious about my own death. I've reached out to friends out west about a get together. I have family I need to see, as it may be my last time seeing one of them. I need to see them all very soon. The next time we all meet, they'll see me, but I won't see them.

I know I know, doooooooooom.

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