posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 06:04 AM
This visit by The President to Ukraine is going to give Putin legitamacy he didn't have prior, at least to some ill ones. Its going to create resolve
in the Motherland (something that really needed to be tested, they've lost over 100,000 in a year) that didn't exist before. The timing of the visit
and Putins withdrawl from the nuke treaty is no coincidence.
Im going out on a limb here..Putin is a Judo guy, right? Its fairly important to him as Ive found in my kindergarten research..Judo is a persuasive
art, and friendly..He incorporates that with Russian what I would call nationalism (this is where he uses Judo) which doesn't just come right out and
slap You....ongoing, he wants to demonstrate a 'throw'...the enemy has to be almost all the way inside for that to go off some martial
artists, proving ones discipline becomes part of the path, not legitimizing his path, simply saying he is using his perception of Judo as part of his
war strategy..developing strategy..the mix of civility with careless disregard for human life.
.more concerning enemy(follow the money) we are looking for a sadistic alcoholic mans man self proclaimed Judo master spy terrorist bomber that
possesses at least one nuke..US has deployed for less.And he happens to be at least the figurehead for an above board economy the size of Texas, and a
global blackmarket economy that really can't be even halfway accurately surmised..weapons, etc, etc...
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on 23-2-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: ...
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23-2-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: .....