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“2000 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday

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posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:03 PM

"Doing the right isn’t always easy but it’s always right.

We were held in contempt of court because we refused to burn a confidential informant or our researchers.

We go to jail on Monday unless we comply."

“2000 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday

This is really unbelievable. They show corruption and they become the targets. This type of political persecution cannot continue in a free and fair society.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

Upside down world, when the heroes are persecuted.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:15 PM
it is the democrat way. Punish the truth tellers and destroy the constitution/bill of rights. no morals or integrity.
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

Upside down world, when the heroes are persecuted.

The world isn't upside down. It is the way it is.

If one is an open politically active conservative then one is hunted down until they are firmly punished for incorrect thinking by the left.

If one is a liberal, one can do no wrong, even real crimes are ignored if the crime was committed in support of politically correct leftist ideals.

That is the way the US is these days.

For example: Senior citizens have been indicted and face a possible 11 years in jail for sitting in front of an abortion clinic singing. The people who firebombed pregnancy clinics that help those who choose to keep their babies, and horribly vandalized Catholic churches haven't been touched, because the current administration agrees with their politics.

The most telling example: Jan 6 and the reaction of Democrats and how they treated everyone involved. BUT, they applauded CHAZ, a group of Democrats (BLM was voted in a DNC convention as one of them) created an independent nation (country) within the USA in the city of Seattle, and people were killed within it's "borders". The reaction of Democrats? Kamala Harris raised money for the legal support of the rioters/looters/and others participating in the activities of the summer, the burning of US cities and prominent Democrats named it the "summer of love", when a building was set fire with families inside by liberals.

This is life under the current administration. Accept it - or else - is the liberal stance. Don't agree with liberal ideology, expect to have a leftist try to get you fired from your job, expect to be socially bullied, expect to be personally destroyed, expect if you disagree in public the FBI or DOJ may be instructed by the administration to investigate and harass you.

This IS life in the US now and you darn well better get used to it and keep your mouth shut in public, if you don't agree with even the most insignificant policy or idea of the liberal left - or else!

All one can do is keep their mouth shut, their head down, and go vote in the midterms and secretly, quietly, and in private tell all your friends who don't like the way the US is operating these days to go vote and vote out the totalitarian oppressors.

Grow a pair and accept this is the way it is in the US. Don't like it, shut up for your own protection and go vote and lie to pollsters on the way out when interviewed about who you voted for to keep personally safe. Also, if polled before the election, for your own personal protection and say you are voting for the Democrat, even if you are not.

This has been life in the US for the past 2 years and the liberal left loves it and thinks conservatives deserve it from what liberals have written to me on other threads.

edit on 10/27/22 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

True patriots if they don’t reveal the source.

I spent 8 hours in jail. I was a moron and got a Duwey. It truly sucked. However, it was MY fault. How do they justify jailing people for using their 1st Amendment right? Especially, when talking about the 2020 elections.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

A little bit more to the story. This all revolves a defamation case.

In podcasts and elsewhere, True the Vote has repeatedly claimed that it directed “analysts” to hack Konnech’s servers, which the group claims were in China and thus proof of the company’s work on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party.

After Konnech sued True the Vote last month for defamation, Hoyt ordered True the Vote to turn over any Konnech data the organization still had and disclose the name of the individual who’d helped them obtain it.

The judge said he didn’t “have any confidence” in True the Vote’s version of events, in part because he said the group’s leaders haven’t submitted sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury to support them. True the Vote’s lawyers said they didn’t believe their clients needed to appear at the hearing.

In its own legal filings, True the Vote said that contrary to its prior public statements, the group had never been in possession of Konnech’s data but had simply been shown it by a source.

After nearly two hours of arguing back and forth, Akers followed the judge’s order and looked through a stack of documents in his briefcase, hunting for the name. Once he found it, he wrote it down in a yellow notepad, ripped off the page, walked across the room and handed it to Konnech’s attorney, Dean Pamphilis. Not satisfied, Pamphilis asked that Akers say the name out loud for the record. After Hoyt instructed him to comply, Akers did so.

Texas Tribune

As a side note Dinesh claimed the recall on the 2000 Mules book was for "publishing errors" but the reason Dinesh's book was recalled was because he had libelous and untrue information in it.

The initial version of the book set to be published in August did just that. D'Souza accused five nonprofit groups of acting as illegal ballot "stash houses."

When NPR contacted the five groups D'Souza had accused of involvement in election fraud, two went on the record to condemn the accusations as "trash," "lies," and "malarkey." One of those groups described the allegations as potentially "libelous."

Even True the Vote, the controversial election denial organization that executive produced the 2,000 Mules film, distanced themselves from the book. "True the Vote had no participation in this book, and has no knowledge of its contents," the group said in a statement to NPR back in September. "This includes any allegations of activities of any specific organizations made in the book. We made no such allegations."

The official release of the book also completely removes a claim that True the Vote was able to determine the supposed ballot "mules" had links to antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The film and the recalled version of the book said that True the Vote used a database from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) to make this connection.

ACLED objected to that characterization, and requested a correction from D'Souza.

"This is not the type of analysis you can use ACLED data for, and it is highly unlikely that these conclusions have any basis in fact," a spokesperson for ACLED previously told NPR. The spokesperson said every reference to ACLED in the recalled version of the book was "incorrect or misleading."


So more lies and innuendo from TTV and Dinesh that people are lapping up like truth, while claiming they are the intelligent ones. Smdh.
edit on 27-10-2022 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

You believe that the world is right-side-up because this is the undeniable state of the country right now. These are our truths. Unfortunately, these inappropriate facts are what makes the world the very up-side-down state, it is in.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: StarsInDust
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

Upside down world, when the heroes are persecuted.

Actually that's how it's always been. Our nation was an attempt to fix that.

Oh well.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

They broke the law, throw them in jail. That’s what y’all say right?

Stealing polling and election information is a no no. Hope these people rot in jail for an obvious attempt to subvert/undermine the electoral system.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:53 AM
That's how it plays, if you hitch your wagon to Dinesh...

Lay with dogs and you get fleas.

I appreciate some of D'Souza's work... and his name helped 2000 mules get some traction... but they should have been more careful about being connected to something they had no editorial oversight of. Dinesh likes to go for a bit of flash... and he tends to frame things pretty vanilla "Republicans and Democrats", and that's just not how DC actually works anymore.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:54 AM
staff edit
edit on Fri Oct 28 2022 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:56 AM
edit on 28-10-2022 by dasman888 because: Zombe whitetail deer

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Overseeall
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

They broke the law, throw them in jail. That’s what y’all say right?

Stealing polling and election information is a no no. Hope these people rot in jail for an obvious attempt to subvert/undermine the electoral system.

Yep! It's really just that simple. ANYONE who breaks the law should be punished. Even if they are democrats.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Overseeall
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

They broke the law, throw them in jail. That’s what y’all say right?

Stealing polling and election information is a no no. Hope these people rot in jail for an obvious attempt to subvert/undermine the electoral system.

Yep! It's really just that simple. ANYONE who breaks the law should be punished. Even if they are democrats.


posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

When did we become a "free and fair " society? We built this on the backs of slaves n servants.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

When did we become a "free and fair " society? We built this on the backs of slaves n servants.

wow rare form today. Busting out support for the 1619 project too. Well, I think it was yesterday, or the day before, but one of those, we decided to no longer have slaves, so they were set free. Oh what a glorious day!

And it's all thanks to you.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:40 AM
edit on 10/28/2022 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: AbstractDreamz

I am a loud and proud election denier... and I've been watching True the Vote and Catherine Englebrecht since the 2020 election, and all their claims, and all their promises... and I'm less than impressed. In fact, they've been rather shady in my seldom humble opinion. It would not surprise me if their tactics and methods have been less than scrupulous and less than lawful.

It also wouldn't surprise me if they are being held to unfair and unlawful standard by also less than scrupulous officials because, ya know, "the big lie" and "election deniers" and "threat to our democracy (barf!)" all that rot.

Both can be true. And I believe are true.

Having said that, I see no good or valid reason to compel them to reveal their source or associate by taking their liberty.

For all intents and purposes, Englebrecht et al are whistleblowers. The burden of proof is on government to prove their actions were fair and honest and legally justified in ALL matters. While I understand that lawbreakers must be held accountable, that starts with elected and un-elected officials. When government has proven their actions, and addressed Englebrecht's grievances, then -- and only then -- should they be taking any action against anyone.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Don't forget about the BLM protestors who set fire to a federal courthouse with people still inside. Not an insurrection. Insurrected

Happened in Oakland, too. NWA

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer led a violent protest at the Michigan state capitol building, not an insurrection. Whitmer insurrection

What about the women's group in 2018 that stormed the capitol? Not an insurrection. Violent Femmes

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: network dude

5 (FIVE) current US states my friend...have SLAVERY on the current ballots. Look it up. Thats why I said it. A bunch of gobbly-gook but its there. About using prisoners and state slaves.

Look it up. This week.

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