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Germany is done. Kaput.

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posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
a reply to: Peeple

Greece, Italy, Spain…magic 8 ball says they want Germany to burn since they would not lift a finger to help them during the Great Recession of 2008.

There are many Italians who are anti EU and there had being anti US base protests in North Italy in the last few years now in the north of Italy.

edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

The EU minster just announced today that the sanctions arent going to end, well good luck to EU's economy.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Peeple

What? Winter is always coming unless it is winter.
Ah your still hoping that those reveries and LNG gas supplies will be enough to help Europe? it wont be changing anything differently for the consumer.

I strongly doubt anybody protests against energy.

You must have being sleeping under the rock than.
The sanctions have more impact on the ordinary Europeans than Russians.

Europe’s energy woes fuel leaders’ populist fears

Protests erupt in Germany against soaring inflation and rising energy prices
edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

Ah propaganda victories like ghost of Kiev remember that one?

edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE

Red Foreman gerade genannt, das deutsche Volk war schon immer Dumbasses, es hat sich bei der Geburt in sie eingebrannt.Gott spielt nur einen Witz über das Volk dort ...?

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Only because Trump was hoping that Europe would be getting the American LNG gas and oil supplies from the US. Long term contracts..

But the cheaper days of oil and gas will be over for Europe.

This is where economically Europe losses.
This economic crisis is going to hurt Europe a lot more due simply they have not any alternative that could help with reserves.

Look at Germany they wanted to remove nuclear power plants for the green climate agenda.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:57 PM
Spanish fuel prices fall but can’t stop most expensive August ever

Filling an average 55 litre tank with either petrol or diesel now costs around €93, which is equivalent to €16 more than a year ago for petrol, and €23 more for diesel.

I suppose unless you are ok with paying 92$ per tank or filling up your vehicle during winter and summer..

From Feb
Experts Believe The Prices Will Continue To Rise
edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: vNex92

originally posted by: Ahabstar
a reply to: Peeple

Greece, Italy, Spain…magic 8 ball says they want Germany to burn since they would not lift a finger to help them during the Great Recession of 2008.

There are many Italians who are anti EU and there had being anti US base protests in North Italy in the last few years now in the north of Italy.

Dude give it up, its got NOTHING to do with what sticks to the fan or doesn't

Italy? Mussolini? Germany? Adolf? what next franko and the Spanish?

What the EU is going to do is for once the right thing, and nothing will stop that

Were going to swim thew Russians out to the deep end and drown them

That is whats going to happen, because we know rushist infiltration, and people like you will end up in jail


posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: M5xaz

The EU minster just announced today that the sanctions arent going to end, well good luck to EU's economy.

What do you mean good luck, if the US/EU sanction together the world is back in the colonial era?

As the driving economies of China and Russia, the consumer economies? what will they run on? wet dreams and hope?

We love you guys, like Ukrainians say... were so lucky our enemies are stupid and ideologically driven

Like you?

You can striptease global economy down to the last penny, it wont be your guys who win, we already know who wins, the guys with a monster military 40x that of Russia, ain't nobody going to baby sit Chinese or Russian ships on the high seas, the maritime powers will always win, Russian and china are poor mans continental powers

basic history my guy

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Only because Trump was hoping that Europe would be getting the American LNG gas and oil supplies from the US. Long term contracts..

But the cheaper days of oil and gas will be over for Europe.

This is where economically Europe losses.
This economic crisis is going to hurt Europe a lot more due simply they have not any alternative that could help with reserves.

Look at Germany they wanted to remove nuclear power plants for the green climate agenda.

Nothing to do with that

The left were used, stills are being used psychologically to bring the out of touch out of focus west to a climax or ever man for themselves once more

The green agenda is BS and always was, mostly because they'd never support another Iraq war

You got...
yadda yadda

LOADS that Russia has been able to convince we can bring down the west and bring about multi polarity

All these exporters being anti west?


But they dont own the financial system, and if the USA was to self harm, they harm you and capitalise on your frefalling economy and fund proxy wars

And that is what you're getting, great power competition

The reality is the worlds going to rapidly fall apart and these country will be occupied like Iraq or regime change like Moscow soon the lead player in BRIC, bric IS DONE

The gloves are of, now people get to understand who built the modern world, and who gets to destroy it it

That is whats up

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE

universal income

or some type or being on the dole

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
I think perhaps its got a lot to do with the fact Germany has a large Pro Russian right & Pro Soviet tankies, and they've managed to worm in and convince or out balance Germany's common sense NatSec and foreign policy advisers to the point of self destruction

But quite the opposite - the LEFT is pro-russian and also a small group on the right.

Russia has been occupying Germany until 1991 and the occupied territory, about 1/4 of todays Germany, was known as the GDR. Now, you have on one hand a large number of citizens who were raised under soviet influence, and, on the other hand, the rest of the population (west territories) who thought, at that time, that Russia has changed (Gorbatschow) and it would make more sense to have in the future good relations with Russia (and they offered a cheap energy supply as well) than to stay enemies.
In fact, there were no major problems between Germany and Russia until 2022, Putin even speaks German, since he was a secret service agent staioned in Germany once.
The solidarity with Ukraine changed all that and Germany, partly reluctant, took part in the santions agains Russia, which Russia has replied to by reducing the gas supply to now 4% og what it used to be.

It is a situation change that could not have been forseen, at least not until the occupation of the ukrainian territories in 2014, but then, nobody reacted unfortunately, because everybody thought that it would not affect Germany and not the trade with Russia.

Well, things change and Germany is now sitting in a hole and has to work its way out. Fortunately, Germany is a rich country and money is not really a problem, but on the other hand, nobody would like Germany to empty its coffers without knowing what comes next. So, Germany is building LNG terminals, buying gas in other countries, saving energy, reactivating coal plants, and so on. These measures are accompanied by payments to lower income, persons, to students, retirees, energy companies and certain other companies as well. Employees will be state-paid about 80-100% of their wage ("Kurzarbeitergeld") when a company shuts down temporarily to reopen later (which is cheaper and more reliable than to fire and re-hire, while in the meantime, employees will get state money -Kurzarbeitergeld- anyway).

This is what the minister for economy was probably referring to - a company can shut down and will then save costs of energy and wages, while the employees get the wages from the state. Of course, there are some more costs involved for a company (he probably did not think about those) but this will have to be supported as well, and plans are drawn currently.

One also should not forget the welfare system of Germany. Welfare ("Bürgergeld", citizens money) is being paid for an indefinite time when one is unemployed and includes "pocket money" of about 500€ (=USD) monthly for an adult, less for a child, full health insurance (full means 100% costs insurance), full costs of rent, full costs of heating. Schools and universities in Germany haven been and will be free for anyone anyway, so children will not be affected when the parents have no work. The same goes to elderly people. If they won't get enough money from their pensions, they can apply to welfare and will get exactly the same benefits as an unemployed (minus their pensions, of course).

As a result, people will, in the absolute worst case, not live luxurious, but with some discipline, they can and will manage (and nobody will freeze just because he has not enough mouney). Of course, such a system will not work indefinitely with a lot of unemployed people, but it will for a couple of years, and it is very unlikely that the russian-ukrainian war will keep on raging for many years to come.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

What the EU is going to do is for once the right thing, and nothing will stop that

Your right high taxes and with the oil and gas prices that will not go down for once the EU is doing a great job hurting its ecmcony.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Russia Iran Venezuela yadda yadda

I am glad you mentioned Venezuela it seems the US have dropped their plans for regime change to put in Juan Guaido.

Juan Guaido who will keep stealing the resources from the country.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

LOADS that Russia has been able to convince we can bring down the west and bring about multi polarity

Russia and China are together within BRICS, BRICS are becoming far bigger than the G7,G20.

It took only a year for MSM to notice that China, Russia are within BRICS making deals.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: vNex92

originally posted by: Ahabstar
a reply to: Peeple

Greece, Italy, Spain…magic 8 ball says they want Germany to burn since they would not lift a finger to help them during the Great Recession of 2008.

There are many Italians who are anti EU and there had being anti US base protests in North Italy in the last few years now in the north of Italy.

That sounds like an excellent idea - but the problem is , without Germany quite a few EU countries would lie flat on their belly the next day. Germany puts up alone about 25% of the EU budget, which is more than eg. France and Italy combined. :-)

edit on 14-9-2022 by carport because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

You think like the RINO's and Hillary Clinton, etc hoping that Russia is going to fall and Russia's government be regime changed.

Just so the US could put their own puppet again. Not be challenged or the US and its "security interests" to be threaten anywhere in the world.

This conflict in Ukraine isn't about Freedom and Democracy whataboutism...

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: Peeple

Protests erupt in Germany against soaring inflation and rising energy prices

To be honest, it is quite smalle protests called up by a political left wing party (partly financed by russia actually) that gets around 5% of the votes, most of it even in the eastern territories. They are accompanied by the right wing party which can, in theory, mobilize around 15% of the voters.

These numbers might rise during the next months, I do not think it will grow significantly, though - but for now, outside of the mentioned groups, nobody has taken the streets yet. :-)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Look at Germany they wanted to remove nuclear power plants for the green climate agenda.

The funny thing is that Germany has its own (fracking) gas reserves that would last about 30 years - but neither would the supply be available very soon, nor is it politically even possible to start the process anywhere in Germany.
Germany also has enough coal to supply multiple coal energy plants - but the same applies here: wouldn't be available within a few months and mines could not be opened due to huge resistance of the population and politics. Germany has, in the past decades, preferred to keep its reserves in the ground and rather buy the resources needed elsewhere (and probably even cheaper).
But, in principle, in case of an extreme and long lasting resource problem, Germany could start digging again.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: vNex92

I suppose unless you are ok with paying 92$ per tank or filling up your vehicle during winter and summer..

LOL - my 85 litre super E10 tank fill-up costs currently 162 USD (7.20/gallon), last year it was 125 USD (5.68/gallon)- not that it would make a HUGE, earth shattering, difference. In March, it spiked at 8.33/gallon, btw :-)

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