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Covid: Reiner Fuellmich: update

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posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 03:45 AM
Many people have given up on it by now. It's going to be a never-ending story... they think. And maybe they are right. This is the point where we have to rely on people who continue where others stop. Reiner Fuellmich is one of them. The same story every time. Will it pay off in the end? One thing I know for sure: the man must have a strong character. He seems confident to me. But I just want an open discussion. The other side of the story that you (ats'ers) know so well... but that mainstream media followers know nothing about. One day we need to get to the point where MSM honestly shows the other side of mRNA vaccines. Some say this happens gradually, but I don't believe it. I really wish that Fuelmich breaks the story open.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: zandra

How much money does a lawyer make out of a class action, even if his defendants loose their case and end up having to divvy up the court costs?

Do the lawyers ever loose out, or only just the ones they can sucker-in to add money to the kitty?

edit on 16/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 05:14 AM
Look at what Fuller and the rest of us are up against. A large multinational, multicorporate belief that is using financial and other political means to gets its way. More value has been placed on what might result from this mass experimentation than what is in the benefit of the individual.

With the nature of this beast, the courts are tied up and blind to much of what is going on. India is one nation that managed to get a strong ruling against Bill Gates a while back. Seams he managed to slip back in some how?

On the legal front, unfair dismissals and vaccination damage claims seam to be the bigger ones that will swamp the system and push for change.

There was a judicial review here about the state of emergency a couple months back. The Health minister was due to talk, got a quick get out jail free card and sent home. The Police minister spoke. He was in communication with the health minister about events. He presented some conflicting information about the way covid is going. After a month with no response about this information he stopped the mandatory jabs for the police department with most of those on leave returning to work.

The way this court case went, looks like the health minister is under federal orders, along with the courts. All courts are limited to a jurisdiction, they can only act so far. With the global nature of this sickness, many of the international institutions promoted to protect, have been turned against the population.

What court, if any, has not just the capability to make a just ruling, but also the means to enforce it? This is next level Mr Evil that our current social institutions cannot handle. With the parliaments infested, a lot of political direction and will is hampered.

The loan wolf is one hope. When someone finally takes that rill pill as there life is already shattered, they know who's door to knock on. Don't expect much impact here. Common to get the wrong target if caught up in the heat of the moment.

Break away institutions is a tough, but reasonable chance. With so many professionals losing their credentials based on their vax position, new unions and associations helps with the numbers game.

If the courts do somehow break through, it's won't be one case, but many thousands that helped get it there.

Looking back at history, the Nuremberg trials did not start until after the war was won. Pfizer took a big hit when it was forced to release its documents. Stock trading got halted for a bit, still running. Still a while for it all to come out. It is a good start in taking down this castle, but not there yet.

There is a really good job of cover up and censorship going on, restricting the mass population of informed consent. As with all wars, quite common to take many years to play out. If you want to see the trials, hang on till the end. As for which side gets the noose?

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: kwakakev
Sorry: most part of your text is above my pay grade. Just want to say that all we can do is wait and see. We are the sheeple ... if we want it or not. To be honnest: I don't believe Fuellmich will reach anything. He also refers to the fact that the people must stand up. This will not happen. All I can do is giving people a link ... knowing that chances are very low this will make a difference. But than again: at least I did something ...
What striked me in your text: you first must win the war before you can start a trial. Losers don't write history. And we -the people- will not be the winners. Just enjoy life and make the best of every situation.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

How much money did Pfizer make in 2021? How much did the increase their revenue by? Oh what's that? They doubled it in one year due to the covid shots?


posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: zandra

I ain't getting paid for this, just trying to deny ignorance as best I can. Helping where you can is a great start. It has been a long time in the making, gone too far for many to turn back. If a bunch of nut jobs want to jump off a cliff, that is up to them. You don't have to follow them.

Not usually big on the Bible, but one saying that helps in times like these - dammed are those that harm the righteous, for evil shall destroy the wicked. Just hang in there as best you can, you are not alone with the momentum on our side as more are waking up, some the hard way if it has taken them this long to get it.

This insanity ain't going to last forever, but as for how and when this charade finally falls? What will be left? What will be taken? Killing everyone is a big job, while those pushing this madness will make some ground, I don't see them going all the way. Time will tell...

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 12:51 PM
The fact that Stew Peters is one of the only people talking about this, doesn't bode well.

Also Reiner Fuellmich is not involved with any criminal proceedings.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: kwakakev
Excellent summary of the mountain of legal obstacles in the way of justice. I'm not sure I trust Fuelmich, lawyers being lawyers and the system taken over as it has been by multinational interests. Even with the best of intentions I'm not holding out hope for resolution through the courts. Bottom line is certain interests have broken the law to take over and I doubt it will be legal methods that would ever lead to their dis-empowerment.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
a reply to: chr0naut

How much money did Pfizer make in 2021? How much did the increase their revenue by? Oh what's that? They doubled it in one year due to the covid shots?


Are you a communist?

Commercial entities exist to turn a profit, and ones that do are considered successful.

It is also likely that Pfizer's income will reduce as the majority of it's COMIRNATY deliveries were pre-paid under government contract (Warp Speed), and now the company has to keep delivering on those same funds.

Also, in the US, in the 4th quarter of 2015, the grocery sector of the economy also nearly doubled (44.43%, and in one quarter), and that is in a sector that should normally be expected to scale with population.

A doubling in revenue is not something evil or even particularly unusual. It is just the way business works in the very acquisitive and capital-centric economy.

edit on 16/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I doubt it will be legal methods that would ever lead to their dis-empowerment.

By itself, no. It will help mop up the mess once the dust settles.

If I had to guess how it falls, the wheels gradually break away piece by piece as it all falls apart on its way into hell. For those that have chosen a destructionist agenda, that is what they will find as their life falls apart for them as the implications of what they have done continue to spreads.

For the rest of us, stay out the way as it crashes. Hang in there until this chapter in the history of man comes to an end.

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