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January 6th public hearing live

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posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

I thought the Democrats might be making this lady's Traumatic Brain Injury more than what it is. They're experts at twisting words.

edit on 6/9/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
a reply to: carewemust


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental condition caused by observing or participation in events. Survivor Guilt is a form of PTSD so is Night Terrors as a consequence of war or excessive observation of events. You could have a “nagging conscience” about a justified use of force (lethal or not) or even a preparation of use of such force.

TBI is physical in nature. You may have been knocked unconscious or had a strong concussion. Basically the brain has been sloshed up against the skull.

I get it now. This lady suffered the same injury that afflicts many football players, boxers, and WWE wrestlers.

If the Jan 6th committee thinks what occurred on that day was tremendous violence, then Republicans who say there was tremendous election fraud, are correct too.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:47 PM

Less than 20 minutes into the hearing, ranking Republican on the panel—Liz Cheney from Wyoming—revealed that, when then-President Donald Trump heard insurrectionists were calling to hang his vice president, Trump had an incredible reaction.

“Maybe our supporters have the right idea,” Trump said, according to Cheney. “Mike Pence deserves it.”

That was the message that Trump aides relayed to the Jan. 6 Committee, and it was just one of the incredible disclosures the panel made Thursday night during its first and historic hearing.


Old Trump wanted Pence to be lynched

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: Backagain

Unedited documentation of the entire interview! 

Citation required.

Thousands of hours being kept from the public. Keep that mind firmly shut though

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz

Less than 20 minutes into the hearing, ranking Republican on the panel—Liz Cheney from Wyoming—revealed that, when then-President Donald Trump heard insurrectionists were calling to hang his vice president, Trump had an incredible reaction.

“Maybe our supporters have the right idea,” Trump said, according to Cheney. “Mike Pence deserves it.”

That was the message that Trump aides relayed to the Jan. 6 Committee, and it was just one of the incredible disclosures the panel made Thursday night during its first and historic hearing.


Old Trump wanted Pence to be lynched

Thats why we are having these hearings? Trump was being a sour looser infront of his staff? I could have testified Trunp would be a sour looser the first time I watched The Apprentice. Where's the news?

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:55 PM
Over 1,000 witnesses interviewed:

Millions of documents

Millions of e-mails

And only 2 people referred to the DOJ for indictment. Both for failing to appear after being subpoenaed. Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro.

The Committee are LOSERS, just like Bob Mueller, and Adam Schiff.

The only GOOD THING is that while dumb Democrats are chasing ghosts, they are not doing anything to fix the problems Americans care about. Which means they are asking Americans to put them out of their make them extinct.

edit on 6/9/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: carewemust

In accordance to the Preamble, Ninth and Tenth Amendments then yes. We the People are the fourth and final branch with the absolute check and balance to the whole system. Just be sure you are right, because the next group of We the People might not too happy about it.

But the idea of governments being at the consent and blessing of the governed is the basis of Americanism.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:02 PM
originally posted by: peaceinoutz

“Maybe our supporters have the right idea,” Trump said, according to Cheney. “Mike Pence deserves it.”


I was lead to believe that Donald Trump was directing the protesters on January 6th. Now, according to white house staff Trump was hearing second hand what the protesters where doing and he agreed wirh them?

I'm confused now. Was he leading them or not?

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: dandandat2
originally posted by: peaceinoutz

“Maybe our supporters have the right idea,” Trump said, according to Cheney. “Mike Pence deserves it.”


I was lead to believe that Donald Trump was directing the protesters on January 6th. Now, according to white house staff Trump was hearing second hand what the protesters where doing and he agreed wirh them?

I'm confused now. Was he leading them or not?

They don’t know.
They have to check with tonight’s script writers.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

If you include all possible answers then you can be smug about being right all the time. Old Dem Trick.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz

Less than 20 minutes into the hearing, ranking Republican on the panel—Liz Cheney from Wyoming—revealed that, when then-President Donald Trump heard insurrectionists were calling to hang his vice president, Trump had an incredible reaction.

“Maybe our supporters have the right idea,” Trump said, according to Cheney. “Mike Pence deserves it.”

That was the message that Trump aides relayed to the Jan. 6 Committee, and it was just one of the incredible disclosures the panel made Thursday night during its first and historic hearing.


Old Trump wanted Pence to be lynched

Sounds about as serious as Biden saying that all republicans should go to jail!

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: shaemac

"Was like a war scene"
"Slipping in people's blood"
"Blood all over me"
"Hand to hand combat"

This lady needs to be given a dictionary......
No picture/video evidence of blood and carnage everywhere.

Only if you were standing near Ashli Babbitt when Pelosi's goon, officer Michael Byrd, murdered her in cold blood.

Right, but she was not talking about that.
I have the original video that was filming LIVE as that happened. Luckily abled to save it way back...

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Ahabstar
a reply to: shaemac

She had a Traumatic Brain Injury and has been unable to work since Jan6 despite jumping right back in that day…cause payday.

PTSD = Traumatic Brain Injury...Yes?

No. TBI would be PHYSICAL. Not mental.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: carewemust

" Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: 'A Kangaroo Court,' 'Fixed Jury,' Ignore It All "

"A self-proclaimed Democrat who disapproves of the protest on Jan. 6, 2021, constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz urged Newsmax viewers not to take the House Jan. 6 Select Committee public hearing seriously.

"This is a kangaroo court; this is a fixed jury," Dershowitz told Thursday's special coverage as it was in its early minutes. "This is a group of people who are selected with a predetermined narrative, including the two Republicans, and so nobody should take seriously any of conclusions reached by this partisan committee."

Dershowitz, a renowned lawyer and Harvard professor emeritus, said this hearing lacks constitutional due process or cross examination.

"I'm a jury lawyer, and I know that prosecutions get the last word, so I always tell the jurors when I have my opportunity before prosecution's last word: Just imagine what I would have said if I had a chance to respond.

"And I ask your viewers to imagine how different this would be if this were a balanced committee."

Dershowitz said this hearing lacks "fairness" or "due process." "

As much as I abhor his Political Leanings , he is a Top Constitutional Lawyer that is Pointing Out this is Just All a Sham.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

he is a Top Constitutional Lawyer that is Pointing Out this is Just All a Sham.

I am not a Top Constitutional Lawyer but I also know it’s just a sham run by the con artist Dems.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:18 PM
It would take considerable effort to get it up to the level of a sham. It is hovering between witch-hunt and flat out McCarthyism currently.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Backagain
a reply to: Xcathdra

So far, it has been mostly President Trump's own people, using their own words, and it isn't good. Also video of people attacking police and breaking into the Capital. Look, BLM did some terrible things, but they weren't a matter of National SECURITY. This was an attack on our Democracy. If you don't agree, please watch exactly what these people did.

This wasn't Kyle Rittenhouse going after bad people attacking him! This was people going after the VP of the U.S. with a noose chanting "hang Mike Pence" the VICE PRESIDENT, IN THE CAPITAL!

Listen to the police testimony! This was far worse than anything BLM ever did!


you're rite!

it's worse than hiroshima at ground zero!

gengis khan would have been proud!

oh the huge manatee!

what were al these capital azzwholles scared of anyway?
the place must have stunk for days. everyone filling their pants, lol.

you'd think a couple heart attacks would have dropped a few.

american democracy dodged a bullet that day.

dems are a f'n joke..

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: shaemac

"Was like a war scene"
"Slipping in people's blood"
"Blood all over me"
"Hand to hand combat"

This lady needs to be given a dictionary......
No picture/video evidence of blood and carnage everywhere.

i heard her too.

i think there was more blood in roocky 1.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

This is like the super bowl of political theater except only one side is on the field and the commercials arent entertaining.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 07:19 AM
The Democrats are desperate to stop Trump running for President again, This is just their latest offering.

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