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Freedom Convoy 2022 Livestreamer ORDERED To Remove His YouTube Videos!

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posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 10:23 AM
UPDATE: Another YT channel I follow has been targeted.

edit on 22-2-2022 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Wow, very interesting things, I hope the Trudeau regime is call out and put in a very precarious situation, after all he have the globalist behind him, taking care of the take over of Canada.

Trudeau may have forgotten that no all canada is the same.

What is he to do? freeze the native nations financial means and call them racist? troublemakers.

Maybe is still light at the end tunnel after all.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: MykeNukem

Don't mess with Magua!

Or you get the Right Hook!


posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 10:39 AM
Does not really make sense to call the content creators , First thing any sane person would say is take it up with Youtube's mother company Google lmao.

If they had something they would go to google right away , if they call you they have jack SH@#t on you .

Cops are allowed to lie , and will lie to get to their goal

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:08 AM
its amazing how stupid these people are.

The only people stupider are the ones that actually believe it.

Canadian MP commie says HONK HONK is an acronym for hail Hitler

When Trudeau is the one who literally quoted Hitler

So now freedom is white supremacy.

So many stupid people
edit on 22-2-2022 by just4fun because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2022 by just4fun because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: just4fun


Hail Hopium.

Harbour Hope.

He's Hooped. (Trudeau)

High Heels (Erin O'Toole and Trudeau)

Heaven or Hell?


edit on 2/22/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: just4fun

Confession through projection.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: just4fun

Darn is starting to look like the USA, in canada.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
Canadian YouTuber mistersunshinebaby has been instructed to REMOVE his videos depicting the truthful livestreams of the protest in Ottawa! He received a call yesterday from Government employees ordering the videos depicting the actual events of the Freedom Convoy 2022 down. How long until the Government gets YouTube to take ALL such videos down?

Wondering if Viva Frei has been contacted yet...

Calling bs on this. In Canada you need a court order to take down a video unless it breaches copyright laws.

The company hosting the video can have its own policy regarding sex or violence and so on and can take video down as they please, but a government official cannot simply order a takedown.

I'm calling bs on you.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: just4fun

Darn is starting to look like the USA, in canada.

Same people running things. It's like the cookie cutter response nowadays.

More people are seeing it for what it is.

If you question or challenge the government, you're an enemy of the state and must be dealt with accordingly. It's worldwide at this point. That's why it's so important we not cooperate with unjust BS laws, or pretend laws, in fact, it's our duty to resist them IMO.

I know many here in Canada can't believe the response by our government and MSM, after witnessing what REALLY happened with their own eyes. The more they insist on their narrative, the more it backfires.

The Emperor doesn't even have a lollipop...

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: MykeNukem
......... I gave them the benefit of the doubt, my mistake, they twisted my words, as per their standard modus operandi.


And what are you doing about them... moving on with the rest of the flock?


Not even sure what you're talking about?

I think you don't know me too well, if you think I'm "moving on" or "part of the flock".

I've worked my arse off providing raw and uncut video documentation of their lies that has reached at least a couple thousand or more people, the other stuff I'm smart enough not to post online (*hat tip to CSIS).

Turnabout is fair play, what are you doing exactly?

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
Canadian YouTuber mistersunshinebaby has been instructed to REMOVE his videos depicting the truthful livestreams of the protest in Ottawa! He received a call yesterday from Government employees ordering the videos depicting the actual events of the Freedom Convoy 2022 down. How long until the Government gets YouTube to take ALL such videos down?

Wondering if Viva Frei has been contacted yet...

Calling bs on this. In Canada you need a court order to take down a video unless it breaches copyright laws.

The company hosting the video can have its own policy regarding sex or violence and so on and can take video down as they please, but a government official cannot simply order a takedown.

I'm calling bs on you.

Very mature, but it's true. The Canadian government cannot act directly, they need a court order. Their system is based on the old British system.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Emergency. Powers. Act.

Same way they seized 50,000+ bank accounts.

And 20,000,000 from crowdfunding companies in another country (outside the reach of Canadian courts).

Fascists don't need no stinkin court order.

edit on 22-2-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: TheGreazel
Does not really make sense to call the content creators , First thing any sane person would say is take it up with Youtube's mother company Google lmao.

If they had something they would go to google right away , if they call you they have jack SH@#t on you .

Cops are allowed to lie , and will lie to get to their goal

That's why this is bs.

Government officials do not just call up people like this. They either go directly to YouTube or they get a warrant from a judge.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
I'm seeing several previous videos depicting POLICE BRUTALITY have been taken down!

The video may prejudice legal cases. The police could argue that its impossible to get a fair hearing which might lead to a miss trial rial and them getting off.

When has that ever mattered

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:18 PM
Wouldn't expect any less from a person who admires China for the way they control their citizens. He must be othe phone with Xi on a regular basis getting tips. Total db.
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

One thing is for sure, the tyrants think they have control, but at the end the masses have more numbers and eventually can cause more damage.

A Tyrant always have to watch their backs.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Emergency. Powers. Act.

OK, show me the clause that allows this?

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Tekner

It means that it's in the interest of the people who made the videos to take them down, because it makes suing the police easier.

The police can claim that the videos interfere with their right to a fair trial, because it turns opinions against them before any evidence has been heard. They can then call for a miss-trial on this grounds.

If the people who made the videos take them down then it stops the police form doing this.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: 20Eyes1974
Wouldn't expect any less from a person who admires China for the way they control their citizens. He must be othe phone with Xi on a regular basis getting tips. Total db.
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

He admires China for it's sexism, homophobia, transphobia and Islamophobia?

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