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Evidence of an Ancient Advanced civilization that spanned the Globe

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posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

We know that there was megafauna that went extinct, were there a race of humans of great size to match, as they seem to have disappeared about the same time.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: turbonium1

We know that there was megafauna that went extinct, were there a race of humans of great size to match, as they seem to have disappeared about the same time.

I wasn't aware of this, so thanks for that info.

It would certainly fit in with such giants, as large sources of food would be needed, I'm sure.

So many things seem to fit in, like this one does, as well.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: bluesfreak
Harte ALWAYS ignores the stuff he can’t answer. Haven’t you noticed that yet?
He prefers to pick amd choose his weaker victims as that makes him feel better about quoting Wikipedia to the world .
I’ve been on here donkeys years and it’s his M.O .
Take a look at my posts in many recent threads and then see how many he has replied to.
Trouble is, no one here should care what he thinks - a pseudo-academic is no ‘barrier’ to get past or try to convince of anything .
His silence is often very telling.
a reply to: XipeTotex

Guess you don't see this the same way I do.
I post to lay out the facts. If someone is droning on about some crazy thing without stating any of the "facts" they think back up their belief, I don't often get involved at all.
If the poster states their evidence, and I know it to be spurious, I respond.
If I have responded multiple times to a claim and the poster persists, I stop being involved.
If a person is posting something that I realize could be true, I usually don't get involved.

Which of these describe your posts I've not replied to?


posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Harte

What about the THE EMERALD TABLETS OF THOTH THE ATLANTEAN or Tabula Smaragdina? It has the Flood in it.

I know it is “myth” but it was mentioned in the 8th century Book of Balinas the Wise on the Causes by Pseudo-Apollonius of Tyana, known as ‘Balinas’.
Newton said many of his ideas came from reading it.
Should it be the case that all the mysteries and principles set forth within the Emerald Tablet harken all the way back to the ‘First Time’, then it would not be far fetched to assume that it influenced all the early religious figureheads, including Moses, Abraham, and the earliest Hebrews.
And the hieroglyphics that describe Thoth reference a 3 points in the sky called the Triangulum Galaxy because it’s the shape of a triangle or pyramid. Hmmmm…. Interesting.
Plus this is where Diffused interstellar Bands are found which is suspected as being the creators of life.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 🤯

Sorry, I smoked that a couple of decades ago.
First, you need to realize that the Emerald Tablet (singular, not plural) is a real document (Arab tradition) that has been translated multiple times, once by Newton.
Second, you need to know that "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" was a pamphlet written by a Theosophist and Blavatski associate (known by many as "Dr." Doreal, but actually Claude Doggins from Sulfer Springs Oklahoma) in the 20th Century.

After you come to know these facts, "Thoth's" version is a bit underwhelming.


posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Harte

There is a fact that all DNA found in South America before 9,000 years ago has no relation to the current population but were related to the Clovis population. Which means something wiped out almost the entire population because South America was resettled by the current indigenous people who have no relation to the previous Clovis settlements.

If, as you say, this is a fact, can you provide evidence for it?
I'd read it if you can.


posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress

originally posted by: Harte]

Plato never had Critias say that Solon had named the priest. Names given to the priest were given in later years by commentors - both pro and con - on Plato's works.
Good to know. It's amazing how many people will argue about Atlantis that have never even read Plato.
Have you used this site?

It's helping me to learn to read it in Greek. I haven't kept up with the learning though - maybe two or three weeks out of a year. Too busy.
You gotta play around with the settings on the right side to see what I mean.


I love that PerseusTuft site. But it isn't the best way to learn Greek, especially if using the English translation, or rather MISTRANSLATION of Plato.

There are stories about floods all around the world. But it's not one flood. They are stories of different floods, different coasts, different time spans.

Hindu stories are about Dwaraka and other sunken cities.

Biblical stories of floods are about sunken cities in the Persian Gulf, sunken cities along Levant/Palestine coast and sunken cities in the Suez and Nile Delta.

Plato is Greek. Greeks colonized delta Egypt. Solon is more of a Greek priest talking about what happened to Greek sunken islands.

Therefore, Plato's story is about a GREEK sunken island IN THE AEGEAN. Around the 1800s, the British tried to steal the story to claim it as theirs. Plato was not British. But to steal Plato's story, the British INVENTED the word "Atlantis" and "Altantides" to claim the story was about the Atlantic. Those words were NEVER in the original Greek story, thus it is a 200 year old English MISTRANSLATION, repeated over and over.

In the original Greek story, the island before it sunk was called ATLAS, a Greek god. When the island sunk, it became 7 smaller islands or Atlas' daughters.

There's no Atlantic in the story. Just Atlas and his 7 daughters. The story is GREEK about a sunken island in the Aegean.

It has nothing to do with the British, Plato was not British talking about islands in the Atlantic where the British Isles were, and Plato never used the word Atlantic, nor Atlantis, nor Atlantides. The British made up those words in mistranslation to steal the Greek story from Plato.

Please note that the word "Atlantis" is the possessive of the name "Atlas." Like "of Atlas" (or Atlas'.)
Plato DID use the word "Atlantis." Translation is (the island) "of Atlas."

The Atlantic Ocean had that name before Plato wrote his dialogues. "Atlantic" is a translation of "Atlantis." Herodotus called it "Atlantis thalassa" which translates as "Atlantic Ocean" today. The words actually mean "Sea of Atlas." But not "ocean," because that word comes from the world river that surrounds all the Earth (Okeanos.) "Thalassa" was one of the terms used by Greeks to refer to the wide open sea (which today we call an "ocean.") The Greeks had more words for marine bodies than we do.


posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Harte

Critias in the dialogue is often identified as oligarch Critias, who was one of the thirty tyrants Sparta set to rule Athene in 404 BC, who were in power for eight months before the democracy was restored to Athene. Most famously Critias tells the tale of Atlantis. Hermocrates was from Syracusa, where Plato tried to create his ideal society.
Before the Fall in their Greek legend,told of a lost island of Atlantis and of a giant who contained the world in the figure of Atlas, the Titan who bears the world on his back, a perfect image of the fallen Albion with nature outside him and pressing upon him. Atlantis, according to Plato’s Critias, was settled by the Greek god Poseidon, whose eldest son was Atlas: this corresponds to the English tradition, preserved in Spenser, that Albion, the eponymous ancestor of England, was by the Romans, son of Neptune:

Yes, as I said, Atlas was a man, descended from Poseidon. Demigod, you could call him.
The Titan Atlas had nothing to do with the story.


posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: Blueskybel
Dear all,

Concerning this theory of ancient, lost, technologically advanced civilizations, I always have a question that puzzles me. How come that nowadays (our time) we find precious metals (gold, silver, uranium, ....) in veins or located at certain places so that we can mine it. Indeed, I could imagine that these past advanced civilization would have exploited these resources (as we do today) and so we would find these today spread across the entire world and not concentrated in certain locations.
I can imagine that if today, there would be a 'catastrophy' that would erase the entire population, within 100.000 years from now (let's say), the next civilization that would arise, would have difficulties to find these resources concentrated into specific locations.
Now, I'm not geologist, so maybe someone could tell me that indeed, with enough time and natural events (glaciations, volcanos eruptions, etc) diamonds, gold, uranium, ... will come back to their original state (not transformed) and (re)concentrate on specific places?
Happy to read any reply or thoughts about it.

Its one of the facts that points to no ancient advanced civilizations - they didn't use the resources necessary to build such a culture as we have today. No the materials would not reset but you'd find them in mounds and pretty much everywhere we had left cities.

The way the fringe explains this is that these cultures had 'magical' mind powers or non-standard forms of energy that did not require any conventional technology that we currently have.

If most of us died of today from 'super killer covid-alt' our places of habitation would contain vast amounts of glass, ceramic, brick, stone, mines, tunnels and precious metals, cut gems and other materials.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress

Same for tribes in Texas thru Arizona. We know the Spanish had first contact prior to Cortez because there was an expedition and the maps, names of peoples made it back to Spain. The King and Queen claimed those mapped lands. (including the rivers and canals in central Arizona made by Hohokam). On the Arizona expedition, the Spanish died as well. Smallpox. They gave the maps and info to a Catholic monk. The maps given back to Spain. When Cortez was sent to take the mapped lands, the Hohokam and all other tribes in Texas, New Mexico related genetically to Clovis were wiped out. Gone.

European contact with the Hawaiians killed off 84% of the population. It was not just the people in the Americas that were killed off. For many years the diseases of Africa and other tropical areas kept Europeans and Asians from entering them. Their die off rate to those disease was also catastrophic. The Arabs were able to enter the interior of Africa by either taking wives along the East coast and/or having children who could survive the diseases of the interior.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: Akragon

Yeah, they had spiritual iPhones and metaphysical PCs back in ancient days. Pharoah Evets Sboj and LLib Setag had spiritual iPhones and ancient pcs. And those cute little handbags prove they had gay priests back in them old days!

edit on 12-3-2022 by peaceinoutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Harte

Kinda sounds like it’s talking about the USA and whats unfolding now. A Circular time warp of sorts. Atlantis destroyed by a nuclear attack. Strange coincidences. I know that Atlantis is located at Guelb er Richât. But the stories are still similar.

Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your State in our histories; but one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valor; for these histories tell of a mighty power which was aggressing wantonly against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which you call the Columns of Heracles: the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from the islands you might pass through the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbor, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a continent. Now, in the island of Atlantis(America) there was a great and wonderful empire, which had rule over the whole island and several others, as well as over parts of the continent; and, besides these, they subjected the parts of Libya within the Columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. The vast power thus gathered into one, endeavored to subdue at one blow our country and yours, and the whole of the land which was within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind; for she was the first in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjected, and freely liberated all the others who dwelt within the limits of Heracles. But afterward there occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of rain all your warlike men in a body sunk into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared, and was sunk beneath the sea. And that is the reason why the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is such a quantity of shallow mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island.
edit on 01-12-2022 by mcsnacks77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

The eye of Horus represents the Richat Structure(Blue eye of Africa). But how does that correlate to the Egyptians?

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

I had that flash as well. groundhog day on a greater timeline. Sodom and Gomorra Falling into decadence and corruption, which creates a moral weakness, The most powerful thing on Earth is the Atlas rocket, the names of the Gods might endure.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Harte

Which is why Atlantis is what’s left of Cape Verde. Atlas holding the Two/jabal pillars/mountains apart is the key. North Africa and the Middle East were all under water at before Plato’s time. Hence why there’s a lot of sand and oil(hopefully you know how oil is produced underground).
Eye of Horus/the blue eye of Mauritania is the next evidence. And the icing on the cake the Jebel Toubkal cave is where the oldest human bones were found. Along with one very strange bone that didn’t fit. And the only way it could is if the area was once under ocean water nearby. They found a North Atlantic blue-whale bone being used as a tool. They couldn’t hunt whales. But they could have found one that was leftover after the cataclysm.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Harte

Dr. Doreal did have one thing right that he was criticized for and that’s the Egyptian kings, Priest, and royals had blue eyes, blonde or reddish hair, and a reddish skin tone. Scientist studying Hair follicles and DNA stated that last month. I never saw his pamphlet he channeled.
Yea and it was put into the Book of Secrets of Creation by Balinas which has been translated into a variety of different meanings and interpretations.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Harte
Yea and it was put into the Book of Secrets of Creation by Balinas which has been translated into a variety of different meanings and interpretations.

Except that's NOT "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean." It's the actual Arab document - the one that only has 14 lines and was never a tablet at all.


posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. I'm not doing your work for you. I look forward to your "long list of specific conditions that could never be met, even with todays technology."

I'll cut you a break though, just give me a handful and we'll call it good.

Yes, the burden of proof lay with whomever is making the claim. YOU made the claim that these ancient stone structures were made with flint and stone tools. Yet you have not proven it.

I gave you a link you did not address. I disproved your flint tool theory, which you also did not address. I led you to a GD&T material condition theory that you did not address.

You insist you will not do my work for me. You don't have to. However, as the creator of this thread it is your responsibility to perform due diligence, which includes investigating opposition to your own theory. Hence my statement that you can find examples just as easily as anyone else can. Look at Puma Punku. Some of the simple stonework can be explained with hammers and sanding stones. The really interesting stonework can not. Sharp interior angles for example. Even today we are limited in how sharp we can machine that intersection. Supposedly these people did it with a hammer and a stone chisel... Not likely.

The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar. The technical finesse and precision displayed in these stone blocks is astounding. Not even a razor blade can slide between the rocks.

No mortar.

The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry.
emphasis added
This is the GD&T I mentioned.

There is no explanation of how a culture that had no writing system and had not yet discovered the wheel could have created these structures. Science has shown that major discoveries are made in sequential linear advancements in an order of increasing technological development. In other words, you don't invent the automobile before the wheel.

life must have been quite peachy back then. no farmers or fishermen millers, bakers, beer and wine makers?, truckers to move and deliver stuff? ? just hard labor workers? or they had a covid pandemic so the whole population could just concentrate on a super spreader project for 100 yrs. or whatever time it took.
i guess with no HR dept, things would go a lot faster. i hope they were diverse enough in the work force.

i don't know how any of it was done, just that what i've read doesn't ring true to me.

posted on Mar, 17 2022 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: Harte

Science news
Ancient DNA suggests people settled South America in at least 3 waves. November 2018.

posted on Mar, 17 2022 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

Well say a cataclysm happened so that everything that’s land was underwater and everything underwater was land. How would you know there was an advanced civilization from before? Seeing as how we have explored less than 10% of the worlds oceans and some of it is not possible for us to explore. In a 100,000 years of being underwater there wouldn’t be much left to find.
The locations of precious metals and diamonds are from comets and asteroids that hit the planet long ago. These impacts created veins in the ground. The diamond mines in Arkansas are from a comet impact.
There could have been an advanced civilization and is not find anything. If they were advanced more than we are they would know to keep their population size down as to not upset the original ecosystem of the planet. Keeping there size under a million could be maintained in a relatively small area of the planet, like an island. Especially if the rest of the planet was inhabited by dinosaurs, an island would give them safety and protection. A cataclysmic event that broke the island up and sank it into the ocean with only a hundred or less surviving it.
They would then have to survive a hostile environment with nothing but what they could find and build with what was available around them.
Technology is a process of one or two thousand years once its all destroyed society then starts back at year 1.

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