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Quiet Please

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posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

contemplating the nature, feeling the air, the sunrays, the silence, the life.

it does good, for the soul , mind and body.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
I can totally relate. Hate artificial noises, especially electrical hums that wake me in the night and I need to hunt them down.

Best sound is also in the barn... my rabbits fed and munching contentedly. Sometimes I just sit in the pens with them and listen.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 11:23 AM
Lol..great rant

My wife uses a rainfall noise to sleep.
Gives me anxiety every time.
When I lived in Florida, the annoying flat roof could leak and of course did it the night before a showing.
I had to dry the ceiling paint with a heat gun on a 3 story interior. Got out of there with anout 5 min to spare and re-coated roof after they left. It worked because they bought it.

Does circus music start playing in their idle minds, or what?
Run dun dundunddundund dun dun

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I don't live in the country, but I visit family who does often. You are absolutely right. It's not quiet; it's just a different kind of noise.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I love silence. I was just sitting here with the ats site open but not reading. Just sitting and thinking in silence.

I do this at least once a day. I think everyone should.

My mom on the other hand hates silence. Can't deal with it. I think it's because she can't control her thoughts.
I'm very good at controlling my thoughts.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

I think some people are just uneasy being alone, and noise from people or mechanical things makes them feel like they're not alone.

It's odd, but my sister is like that. If it's quiet she will turn on the radio, but it's usually to some totally mellow classical music, but never just silence. She's a brilliant person (seriously, like IQ and education wise), but she can't stand quiet. Now, in her case, she also can't stand not being around people. They don't have to be in her house or anything, but just nearby. Lots, lots and LOTS of people, like millions, or else she starts weirding out. She came out to Wyoming to visit one time (ONE time) when I was in my late teens. Wanted to go to Yellowstone (and I got stuck with driving her, my new nephew and BIL there). The minute we got out of town headed for Yellowstone she started to unravel. By fifty miles out into the boonies she was an absolute nervous wreck, a basket case. Long story, but we came up on a small "one horse" town along the way. We HAD to stop! "I can't stand it...I HAVE to see some people! These wide open expanses are making me CRAZY", was the only thing I could make out from her constant ranting and freak-out session. If I wouldn't have stopped I honestly think she would have had a nervous breakdown from lack of being around other people.

I am the exact opposite. With the exception of my wife, I'd rather be alone than with other people, and the more people there are the more agitated I get. She lives in NYC (and downtown Chicago before that). I went to visit her one time in NY. All the people nearly drove me nuts! You can't do anything without 900 people all trying to occupy the exact same space you are. I don't know how people can live like that. I know I couldn't. I mean, I don't think it's wrong or anything, to each their own, but I guess some people are just wired differently. And then there's the "noize"!! My Gawd! Just a constant roar all the time! It's not any one specific sound or noise, it's just one great big homogenous roar, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year...and twice on Sunday. It's just unreal (to me).

I have a bumper sticker on my truck which pretty much sums up my attitude about gobs of people. It says..."I Like My Dogs More Than I Like Most People".

I often chuckle to myself wondering what my sister would do if she ever came to visit us here where we are now. Growing up in Wyoming we lived on the outskirts of a small city, still rural though. Here, we are in the serious "boonies". (30 miles to the nearest gas station/convenience store). She'd REALLY freak out here! In fact, I doubt I could even make it from the airport to the house before she'd be to be on an I.V. drip of pure Thorazine mixed with crushed up Xanax and Chardonnay!

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Luckily I was raised in the very lush suburbs of Limburg NL and also the countryside there, and do at least a modicum of meditation, and have always loved to sit quietly reading books, or as a boy hunting birds (as friends) in nature with no other noises but the trees wooshing.
My wife was also a country girl, and so this concept of background noise to us is annoying.
I love music, as a drummer and composer, and she does too, but we don't really feel the need to have anything on in the background.
We too love our peace and quiet.
We are both in our mid or late 30s.
My coworkers on the other hand, I see most of them, if not all 20's, and early 30s , 'need' podcasts or music to work.
I can't stand it.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 07:36 PM
I really like the fact with the TV I put the audio on mute and program in closed caption, and read what they are's like a silent movie...only no music either.

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

and subtle sounds of nature and the world around me

That's not "quiet."

Then again, there is a difference between sound and noise.

I love the sounds of nature, they're very soothing. I can't stand complete silence. Silence has its own sound, it's true. And the only time I enjoy complete silence is when I was grieving. That silence was welcoming, possibly because it was accompanied with a comforting presence that could only be felt in true silence.

Otherwise, I need a sound; not noise (TV, chatter, traffic, etc) but a sound: a fan, crickets, breeze, birds, leaves rustling, an ambience.

TV as background noise is maddening. The human voice as background sound is maddening. True silence is maddening.

Quiet is comforting, and I require it more and more to recharge. In the morning, while driving, in the evening...
edit on 23-12-2021 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 11:09 PM
I drive my wife crazy in the car / truck(s). I never turn on the radio, and I don't talk. It's quiet. I'm much more content puting miles behind me in silence. The first thing my wife does is turn on the radio (in her car). Just can't stand not having some kind of sound going on in the background.

Now, I know not having music in the car is kind of dorkish, but that's who I am. A 200 mile journey seems like 4 hours with the radio, and to me, it seems like a flash with no radio.

I almost feel like apologizing to people for my desire of quiet. I really do feel that strongly about it. I honestly don't tihnk people really understand it. The World is a beautiful place, and it hurts me to have it clogged up with a bunch of noise that doesn't belong there. Artificial crap noise.

One night, I sat with a Shoshone Indian elder in one of the remotest parts of the Wind River moutains of Wyoming. By the fire, we sat in silence. I learned more in that moment, those hours, than I likely ever have elsewhere. The spirits were around us, for us to take or ignore. No other action would have changed that moment.

Silence truly is golden!

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 11:16 PM
The car gives off its own sound. It might be quiet, but there's a purr, a sound, a hum, an ambience.

I usually always turn on music. Hate radio because of commercials and the damned human voice selling BS, and most times I need a type of music: ambient, classical, musical scores, etc. Music is a soundscape that paints itself into my life. But thats me.

Sometimes, the hum of the car itself, mechanical vibrations, are the only sounds needed for "quiet." Like the sound of a fan...which breaks the stark silence.
edit on 23-12-2021 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2021 @ 01:45 AM
I like peace and quiet, but the only time I get any is late in the evening and early in the morning. Only sound at night is an occasional snore. Daytime's an absolute racket.

I like music but I hate all the ads on the radio, although sometimes you get a really weird one and you just have to wonder what advertisement team thought up of that. When the ads come on I think "here we go again" and daydream without crashing the car, if you get what I mean.

That said, I always feel sorry for whatever guy does that dramatic deep-voiced thing for ads.


I live in the suburbs but there's quite a lot of car noise. We're not too close to the main road though, and the sound feels familiar, so sometimes it helps me to relax at night. There's also a tree in the backyard, but sometimes I wish we lived a little closer to nature.

And there's no such thing as total silence, wherever you are. There's always the fridge humming, or the leaves rustling or the distant sound of your neighbour's cat fighting with some other cat.

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