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Peak Lie

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posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 11:52 PM
We’re living through “Peak Lie”.

This thread got me thinking:

Nothing makes sense! Why?

It’s all a big fat mess that’s a house of cards built with decades and decades of lies and false truths.

This explain why nothing makes sense, contradiction is constant and more.

A small amount of revealed truth that goes against basically any “official narrative” is potentially destructive. More lies and obfuscation must take place to further conceal reality.

We’ve been getting screwed as humanity for at least 80 years in a Royal way. Just as soon as things started to get good with tech the MIC scooped it up and metered it out as a control mechanism. They’re not only ahead of the gen pop, they’re WAY ahead of the gen pop.

We could be far more free, peaceful and evolved as a society. Cured disease. Elongated life immensely. More.

Instead we got owned by the MIC and all the industries built off it.

But all the lies have become tangled. They’ve been lied upon lies to the point we have an entirely false sense of reality. “The op will be complete when everything you believe to be true is actually false” and such…

We reached peak lie.

There’s so many lies they can’t lie to cover lies any more.

What makes us feel like “wtf everything is insane!” is that it really is that crazy and we know it’s not supposed to be. Somethings not right and some of us know it. It’s a deep feeling - beyond politics and belief - you just know.

Peak Lie.

The future will get very interesting if more lies are doubled down on or truths come out.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

This should be fun, great Idea for a thread Mr. Vulcan!

edit on 17-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 12:15 AM
We live in the time of the deceiver, deceit reins the world.

Sounds like religion, but it is is just the way it is right now, lies and deception are believed more than the whole truth because people have been conditioned to believe it profits you more to believe in the lies that those who pull the strings expect us to believe in. Nice thing to say so close to the day where believing a lie about a guy with flying reindeer gets you more toys.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

Our perceived owners.

It's not going to end well.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

We cannot be enslaved from without, we can only enslave ourselves.

Which we do, willingly, in every conceivable way.

Freedom comes with the inherent price of Responsibility.

And Responsibility is a burden too frightening to bear.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 04:32 AM
"O what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" - a smart poet guy.

If only there was some sort of block chain tech for reality...effectively making censorship or subversion impossible. That would be the ticket.


posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

It’s in human nature to lie. It’s in human nature to skew reality through their own perspective lens. One persons truth is another’s falsehood.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 04:46 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

Our perceived owners.

It's not going to end well.

Perceived leaders. It will continue much like it has for decades. Only a socio cultural paradigm shift will result in any change.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 07:13 AM
Credibility is the glue holding any system together. Whether it’s God saying that this is your King, or a dictators army ruling through overwhelming force. When that mandate from God or overwhelming force is no longer believable or too weak to defend itself, the collapse occurs.

The problem with lying at this scale is that you have to continue to lie to maintain credibility. The more you lie, the more chances of being caught, if you are caught, you lose credibility. If you lose credibility, you must do or provoke something that can bolster this credibility (9/11, USS Maine, etc). It’s a feedback loop and when it hits a singularity, truth does not matter. This is where are. We don’t realize it yet as the majority of humans are decent and society hasn’t broken down fully, but the system is scrambling to do something that puts it back in a state of absolute control.

Usually this means war, genocide, and immeasurable human suffering. Whether or not Covid was released as a bioweapon is irrelevant. It has been used as one, regardless of its source.

We won’t know what is actually going on for decades, if not, centuries.


posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: VulcanWerks

We cannot be enslaved from without, we can only enslave ourselves.

Which we do, willingly, in every conceivable way.

Freedom comes with the inherent price of Responsibility.

And Responsibility is a burden too frightening to bear.

No doubt - the broader citizenry has been complicit fully.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

We cannot be enslaved from without, we can only enslave ourselves.

Which we do, willingly, in every conceivable way.

Freedom comes with the inherent price of Responsibility.

And Responsibility is a burden too frightening to bear.

I'm sorry, but this is pure nonsense. We are not choosing our enslavement - powerful people are pulling strings & controlling systems within our civilisation in such a tight & coordinated manner that we are drowning in the enslavement which is resulting from their actions. Every nation is considering further lockdowns - but nobody within the populace of those nations is choosing to be locked down, we are having that IMPOSED UPON US. We are therefore NOT choosing our enslavement, we are being controlled, we are being dominated, and they believe that 'might is right', and therefore the little people just have to shut up & take it.

I for one hope that we all learn from the French & open up a chaos bomb of rebellion against the systemic moves to lock us down & control our activities. Don a yellow vest & get out into the streets when the next march or protest takes place. At the very least these bastards should be quaking in their boots wondering if someone's coming for them. They are deceiving & are themselves being deceived, just as it is foretold in Scripture. Until the people decide that enough is enough, and start targeting the protests at the residences of those who would enslave us, then our protests are nothing other than a sideshow that they can laugh at as they watch it unfold in the study of their country manors. When the protests turn into small groups of hardened dissidents, who aim for those behind the scam instead of simply parading around in a public space, then we might start to see some changes.

There are plenty of soldiers here in the UK who know what's going on - I believe they're waiting for the time that someone coordinates a proper rebellion, a protest with some real bite, a core elite group of protestors/rebels which is ready for tip of the spear action. As a UK Paratrooper said recently "We think we're pointing our guns the wrong way".

Bring it on.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

Our perceived owners.

It's not going to end well.

Perceived leaders. It will continue much like it has for decades. Only a socio cultural paradigm shift will result in any change.

That paradigm shift where your fascist leader is the ONLY global leader remaining?

Where anyone that doesn't 100% agree with with everything the leader is immediately killed, along with their family?

Like CCP.

Yes, we always knew what you and democrats wanted.

Nice that you so freely admit it here after lying about it for so long.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: Ghostsdogood

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

Our perceived owners.

It's not going to end well.

Perceived leaders. It will continue much like it has for decades. Only a socio cultural paradigm shift will result in any change.

That paradigm shift where your fascist leader is the ONLY global leader remaining?

Where anyone that doesn't 100% agree with with everything the leader is immediately killed, along with their family?

Like CCP.

Yes, we always knew what you and democrats wanted.

Nice that you so freely admit it here after lying about it for so long.


It’s the amazing beauty of the lies. They’re so deep you can literally tell someone “this is going to be bad for your freedom/life/health/etc….. BUT, it’s a good idea and the only way” and the lemmings will follow that lie right odd the cliff.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

The group of people who have massive influence or control over the world.

And that’s not a tinfoil hat wearing statement.


Every entity needs a CEO and a board. The Earth is quite literally no different.

So, it’s those people. Passed through government and business and into your life.

It’s not right. But it is.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: SuicideKing33
"O what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" - a smart poet guy.

If only there was some sort of block chain tech for reality...effectively making censorship or subversion impossible. That would be the ticket.


That’s interesting.

How do we do it?

My first reaction is to stop looking outward for answers and look inward. Clear your mind.

I haven’t posted in the gray area much, nor am I going to share how I got here (or there?) with identifying details.

What I will say is there was a time in my life that I was a mess. I am not a mess in the same way but I’m still not dialed in. However, by most measures, I’m an extreme success.

Getting “dialed in” means we need to understand ourselves first and the rest later. The power of the evil lies in pain and in the physical world. It’s utter balderdash to think we are all supposed to feel oppression and pain for our existence.

Look inward. My OP didn’t come from outside of me - it came from deeply understanding myself and experiencing the piece of that vs. the outside world. Once I did, I understood much more than I thought I could before.

Yes this sounds wonky. Get over it. Stop looking out and look in. Start here for your journey:

You’ll be a better person, spot lies different and also understand you won’t be dead potentially ever - doesn’t matter what “god” you prefer - you’ll be around.

Own your wrongs. Heal. Own your wins - it’s not bragging if you did it (a famous baseball player once said) and literally everyone can do it.

The world is far different than it seems and anyone who reads this can do more than they’ll ever comprehend. And you not knowing the truth is what keeps “them” in power and makes “truth” so damned impactful.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: DINSTAAR
Credibility is the glue holding any system together. Whether it’s God saying that this is your King, or a dictators army ruling through overwhelming force. When that mandate from God or overwhelming force is no longer believable or too weak to defend itself, the collapse occurs.

The problem with lying at this scale is that you have to continue to lie to maintain credibility. The more you lie, the more chances of being caught, if you are caught, you lose credibility. If you lose credibility, you must do or provoke something that can bolster this credibility (9/11, USS Maine, etc). It’s a feedback loop and when it hits a singularity, truth does not matter. This is where are. We don’t realize it yet as the majority of humans are decent and society hasn’t broken down fully, but the system is scrambling to do something that puts it back in a state of absolute control.

Usually this means war, genocide, and immeasurable human suffering. Whether or not Covid was released as a bioweapon is irrelevant. It has been used as one, regardless of its source.

We won’t know what is actually going on for decades, if not, centuries.


Lovely post.

You get it.

The lack of comments here tells me we’re over target or people think this is crazy and it’s over their head.

Thank you for contributing.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks

originally posted by: DINSTAAR
Credibility is the glue holding any system together. Whether it’s God saying that this is your King, or a dictators army ruling through overwhelming force. When that mandate from God or overwhelming force is no longer believable or too weak to defend itself, the collapse occurs.

The problem with lying at this scale is that you have to continue to lie to maintain credibility. The more you lie, the more chances of being caught, if you are caught, you lose credibility. If you lose credibility, you must do or provoke something that can bolster this credibility (9/11, USS Maine, etc). It’s a feedback loop and when it hits a singularity, truth does not matter. This is where are. We don’t realize it yet as the majority of humans are decent and society hasn’t broken down fully, but the system is scrambling to do something that puts it back in a state of absolute control.

Usually this means war, genocide, and immeasurable human suffering. Whether or not Covid was released as a bioweapon is irrelevant. It has been used as one, regardless of its source.

We won’t know what is actually going on for decades, if not, centuries.


Lovely post.

You get it.

The lack of comments here tells me we’re over target or people think this is crazy and it’s over their head.

Thank you for contributing.

They understand it all right.

Cowering in their closets over the shameful behavior of the democrat party is probably a better description of why so few want to touch this subject with 10 foot pole.

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: VulcanWerks
Who is doing the lying?

Our perceived owners.

It's not going to end well.

Once again, you've captured the very essence of the issue in a single word!

The key word here is "perceived". Change that mindset in the populace and only then will we see meaningful change for liberty.

edit on 12/18/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2021 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Buddy the better part of humanity has been bent over the barrel for a hell of a lot longer than 80 years, and pretty much throughout recorded history.

As to the lies becoming more apparent, that's to do with the information age in which we exist facilitating communication on a level never before witnessed in all of recorded history.

edit on 18-12-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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